magic eye doctor

Chapter 3221 This is too much

Planting the magical fairy rice is the task of the Calabash Baby, but it is planted by all the Lingzhi Doll Rock Dolls. The six dolls, one large and five small, work together to plow the soil, breed, sow, weed and water, etc.

When it came time to topdress the crops, they all went out to work. The six dolls rushed into the same field to work, spreading fertilizer for the divine rice in one field before going to another field.

The six dolls thought that top dressing was a normal operation, and they didn't pay much attention after finishing their work. Especially after observing for three consecutive days that there was no difference between the seedlings after top dressing and before top dressing, they didn't care even more.

However, during a routine field inspection on the morning of the fifth day, I was shocked to find that the seedlings that were ordinary yesterday turned out to be pregnant overnight - every seedling sprouted an ear!

Theoretically, the ear-formation period of divine-grade immortal rice seedlings lasts at least half a year, and some even last as long as a year. The earing process alone takes one or two months.

Who would have thought that they only fertilized the seedlings once, and the seedlings grew faster.

The children were worried that the top dressing was causing the seedlings to fail. After careful inspection of the induction, it turned out that they were judging a gentleman with a villain's heart. The seedlings were healthy, and the ears that were forming on the seedlings were also particularly healthy.

The six dolls were so overjoyed that they did not even return to the Ruyi House except for the necessary field patrols. They met together to sit on the edge of the spiritual plant field and stared at the seedlings day and night to observe their growth.

Under the eagle-eyed supervision of the children, the seedlings changed one day at a time. In just one month, they completed the ear formation period that normally takes half a year to complete, began to ear, and entered the flowering, filling, and fruiting period seven days later.

It only takes a few days for the divine rice seedlings to finish heading, and the flowering period lasts as long as 20 days.

When the flowers are harvested, the grains are filled, and the deflated grains above the ears of rice become fuller and fuller as the rice pulp slowly increases.

When the empty rice grains were half full, the monks at the end of the queue also exchanged the insects they killed for points.

The team of monks who took over the task of exterminating pests all handed over the task, and the stewards were free. Little Lolita and the Buddhist cultivator also happily went to the stewardship area together.

Most of the monk teams that redeemed their points separated into a small team and stayed at Qiangu Garden. The large team acted as planned, and a small number of teams stayed as a group.

The team that was temporarily staying in Qiangu Garden set up camp in the open space on the east side of the management area, silently waiting for the characters on the Qingbei Ranking to redeem their points.

Zhu Songqing and his teammates were also there, and their Ruyi House was not far from the management area.

The monks were not disappointed. On the morning after the last wave of teams handed over their tasks, two monks who were both famous on the Green Tablet Ranking came together.

Seeing the Buddhist cultivator and the little female cultivator who was almost half a child, the spiritual consciousness of the monks jumped into the air like the wind, and they crowded in and waited outside the Ruyi House in the management area.

A group of stewards were leisurely waiting for Xiu Xiu and Fairy Xiyue to arrive.

Under the glare of everyone, the two monks walked calmly into the stewards' room, bowed to the stewards from afar, and then came closer.

A man and a woman stood in front of a long table. One was a majestic vessel, shining brightly with the moonlight, and the other was a clear water lotus with negative energy and spirit. Both of them were out of the ordinary. When they stood shoulder to shoulder, they were exactly the perfect combination of fragrant orchid and cold wood in spring. magnificent.

Looking at the two outstanding young monks, the stewards' eyelids suddenly twitched. They knew that the two young monks went outside to kill insects in the rain on the day of the heavy rain, but they didn't know what the harvest would be.

Especially the two stewards who were facing the two young monks, looking at the innocent smile of the young female cultivator, felt like their scalps were going to explode.

I feel a little panicked, what's going on?

The steward suppressed the incomprehensible feeling and spoke to the two Xiaoxiu with a smile: "The two young Taoists went out in the rain on a rainy day, and they must have gained a lot."

Did Fairy Xiyue and Buddha go out to kill insects on the day of the heavy rain? !

The monks who were watching had shocked faces. They dared to go out to kill insects when it was raining heavily. How brave would they be?

Nanga didn't pay attention to the gazes of the surrounding consciousness, and sang the Buddha's name with a happy expression, smiling like a flower: "Thank you for your hard work, seniors, and the young monks and fellow Taoists have gained a little."

As he spoke, he took out twenty storage bags and placed them on the long table, divided them into two piles, and asked the steward to take a look.

Stewards: "..."

The Buddhist cultivator has harvested twenty storage containers. How many insect corpses in the storage containers will Fairy Xiyue have?

The stewards looked at the pretty and sweet little fairy and saw that she placed a small round disc on the table, and then added storage containers to the plate.

Storage containers appeared one after another, piled into small piles.

Her storage for bugs is storage bags. Every ten bags are connected in a string with a string, and every sixty strings of storage bags are in a small pile.

one two three four……

The monks who were watching silently helped count the storage containers. As they counted, they felt numb.

The petite and exquisite little fairy took out the storage container and sorted a hundred small piles. She retracted her little hands and smiled innocently: "These should be enough, seniors."

The stewards' eyelids twitched fiercely. The steward who was selected by the little fairy to help count the harvest asked with a dull face: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist, you only took out part of it, right?"

"Yes. I'm worried about scaring people, so I won't show them all."

"Take it all, we can bear it." The stewards stabilized themselves and openly expressed that their mental endurance was not weak.

"The seniors said this, so the juniors should be more respectful than obey." Le Yun nodded with a smile, and with a wave of her little hand, a large number of storage containers flew towards the drying tray on the table.

Storage containers fell like raindrops, and before the blink of an eye, there were three hundred more storage containers on the plate.

The stewards were silent.

The spiritual consciousness of the monks who were watching froze as if they had been struck by lightning.

Nanga was also shocked. How many insect monsters had his little Taoist friend killed?

After a while, the silent stewards looked up at the sky. Oops, the law enforcement officials in the sky told them to ask the fairies to take out all the storage containers. They really took out the harvest!

They just want to ask the law enforcement what should they do now?

Judging from the number of storage containers, the number of bugs must have reached an astonishing level, and the points redeemed must also be astronomical. They were worried that the fairy rice in Qiangu Garden was not enough to meet her needs.

The law enforcement officers in the cloud: "..." Misstep!

Seeing the unspeakable expressions on the stewards' faces, Le Yun showed an understanding smile: "Seniors, don't worry, juniors are not greedy. When exchanging fairy rice in the future, I will exchange one portion of each high-level fairy rice as grain. The main purpose of juniors is to win. High-level and low-level fairy rice. The younger generation can at most divide one-third of the points to exchange for fairy rice, and keep another part to exchange for spiritual grass in Baicao Garden, and also reserve a large amount of points to exchange for gods at Wanzhen Tower. Marrow fluid and other magical things.”

"My little Taoist friend has a seven-skilled heart." The stewards had mixed feelings. Little Fairy Xiyue was smart and enlightened. She actually guessed the future ownership of the high-level immortal rice and stated her position in advance to avoid making enemies for herself.

"The seniors have given you the prize, but the juniors are just a little clever. The juniors have other uses for keeping insect corpses for themselves. I would like to thank you seniors for your hard work."

Being praised for being smart, Le Yun laughed it off. If she wasn't smart, relying on her high points and holding all the high-level fairy rice in her arms, she would become a public enemy of all parties, and the hatred she attracted would explode every minute.

"There are a lot of storage containers, little Taoist friends. It may take half a day or a day to complete the inventory. Please wait patiently, little Taoist friends." The stewards have decided to come on stage.

"Junior, don't be in a hurry, seniors, take your time." Le Yun nodded, placed an empty drying tray on the table, took a few steps back, took out a chair, put it on the floor, sat down, and waited peacefully.

Nanga also told the stewards to "keep the insect corpses for himself" and took a chair and placed it next to the young fellow Taoist, demonstrating that he was mentally prepared to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

The stewards did not delay. One person was responsible for counting the harvest of Buddhist practice, and the other eighteen people lined up. They each took out a copy of the Four Treasures of the Study and placed them on the table. They also took a pile of storage containers and placed them in front of them and began to count.

It is absolutely unprecedented in the history of the secret realm to force the stewards of Qiangu Garden to come out collectively to count the loot for the same monk, and to force them to use the Four Treasures of the Study to keep count.

Fairy Xiyue single-handedly forced the stewards to use the most primitive method of counting, which is unprecedented and may never happen again. This will become an exception in the history of the secret realm.

The stewards were all Daluo Immortals. Although they were shocked, they accepted it well.

The monks who were waiting to see the results of Fairy Xiyue's insect hunting were all so badly beaten by Fairy Xiyue's operations that they almost collapsed.

The stewards counted the bugs in the storage containers in an orderly manner. Soon, they were surprised to find that Fairy Xiyue classified the bugs very clearly. The bugs in each pile of storage containers were of the same level. The number of bugs is also the same.

In this way, counting is much more convenient. You only need to count the number of bugs in a storage container, and then multiply by the number of storage containers to calculate the total number of insects in a string of storage containers.

The second step is to count the number of storage containers in a pile and multiply it by the total number of insects in the storage container. The product is the total number of insects in the storage container.

Now that there is a convenient method, the stewards naturally choose the easiest way to count the insects. They each randomly checked a few storage containers in each string of storage containers before decisively accounting.

After each pile of storage containers is counted, it is sent to the little monk's empty disk, and a pile of storage containers is transferred from another disk to the table, and then the calculation is performed.

The manager who calculated the results for the Buddhist practice had calculated the results in advance, and also took out the Four Treasures of the Study and wrote down the number of insects at each level, and asked the person involved to check the number in person.

Nanga looked at the detailed list listed by the steward and nodded to confirm that there was nothing wrong.

After checking the number of bugs, multiply the number of bugs by the points value of each insect demon level to get the total number of points, and then fold it in half to get the number of points the monk deserves.

The steward took over the Buddhist cultivator's identity card and recorded the harvest from the hunting mission and the points redeemed.

Buddha also achieved amazing results. He hunted nearly 815 million locusts on the day of heavy rain, and cooperated with others to hunt 210,000 locusts.

With this record, he is enough to be proud of the others.

If it hadn't been for Fairy Xiyue who came out of nowhere, Fu Xiu would definitely be the first person in this year's standings. Now that Fairy Xiyue's storage container is there, his achievements are overshadowed.

The steward registered the points, left detailed records in the notes, returned the identity tag and the storage container containing the insect corpses to the Buddhist cultivator, and then joined in calculating the results of the battle for Fairy Xiyue.

The spiritual consciousness of the monks in the sky also saw the number of insects listed on the paper when the steward and the Buddhist cultivator were checking the number, and they were hit hard again.

Not to mention Fairy Xiyue, the mere presence of Buddhist cultivators was enough to kill their entire team.

It also means that if they want to exchange for any heavenly material or earthly treasure, they must collect points as quickly as possible and get there before Buddha Xiu and Xiyue Fairy can get what they want.

If Buddha Cultivator and Fairy Xiyue take action first, they will not get the good things, and they will have no choice but to take advantage of the good news and return disappointed.

The hearts of all the monks were almost broken, and they had to hold on to their spirits to wait for the final result so that they could adjust their itineraries and plans in a timely manner.

The young monk classified the bugs neatly, but the stewards carried out spot checks on each string of storage containers in line with the principle of "one should fulfill one's duties in one's position and be responsible for one's duties."

The stewards were hard at work, and the little Loli sat for a while, took out a storage bag containing fried clams and a cloth bag with shells, and had some time to crack the clams.

She conveniently packed a bag of shells for her Buddhist friend. While cracking the shells, she used her spiritual consciousness to get ingredients to prepare fertilizer, without wasting any time.

It is a pleasant thing to be with the little Taoist friends. It not only makes people feel happy, but also provides delicious food every now and then. Nanjia happily holds the cloth bag and eats shells, and throws the empty shells into the bag where the little Taoist friends collect shells.

The stewards who were busy doing calculations raised their heads and looked at the two young monks with dark eyes. They were so busy that they had some time to spare. Fortunately, these two were eating snacks leisurely!

People in the world have different sorrows, which they can accept, but while they are busy like this, two young monks eating snacks in front of them is too much.

The two young monks were so immersed in knocking clams that they didn't notice their resentful eyes, and the stewards continued to work without sleep or food.

After slowly munching on fried clams for about half an hour, Le Xiaoxiao felt thirsty, so he threw the bag into the storage container, drank water from a gourd, and took out a basin of snacks to share with the monks.

The little fellow Taoist took out a pot of deep-fried mutated golden cicadas that were fried to a brilliant golden color, and Nanga was once again in for a treat.

Stewards: "..." First the shells and then the fried golden cicadas, it's getting more and more excessive!

The person involved didn't realize there was anything wrong with eating snacks at all, and he was having fun eating them.

After killing a pot of mutated golden cicada, the little Loli was full of energy and worked diligently to prepare fertilizer. The prepared fertilizer was fermented in the star core space and several spiritual plant spaces.

The stewards just wanted to send away a certain little fairy who was loved and hated quickly. They worked conscientiously and spent a whole morning finally counting all the storage containers.

They didn't care to take a breath and kept working hard, integrating the nineteen detailed lists and tallying the total points.

When the total number of points that Fairy Xiyue could be exchanged for was calculated, the stewards felt dizzy. The number was too scary!

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