magic eye doctor

Chapter 3222 Secret

The dizzy stewards tried hard not to lose their composure. Worried that their calculations were wrong, everyone calculated it again.

That's right!

They remember that the detailed accounts are clear at a glance, and the total calculated for each sub-item is correct, so the final result cannot be wrong.

The numbers are fine, but the problem is naturally a certain little fairy.

Her mobility was incredible, and the number of locusts she killed was astronomical.

The stewards felt that their... vision was too narrow.

Why do they think that no one can break the previous record of eight million points?

How come they believed a certain little fairy who said "it's hard to earn points" and agreed with her when she said "it's too stressful to earn millions of points".

What’s stressful?

Complete nonsense.

It may be difficult for others to earn points, but for Little Fairy Xiyue, earning points is as easy as eating and drinking. Where does the pressure come from?

The little fairy is a duplicitous master.

While complaining bitterly, the stewards copied out a detailed list again, and then copied a detailed detailed list for the parties concerned to read by themselves.

Classmate Le Xiao waved his little hand: "You don't need to show it to the juniors. The seniors have the appearance of gold, jade, flaming eyes, and clear eyes. You are here to check it, and the calculated results will not be wrong."

The little fairy is quite good at life and speaks nicely, but the stewards still don't want to talk. In fact, her operations are always unexpected.

I didn’t want to talk anymore, but I still couldn’t hold it back: “What method did my little fellow Taoist use to capture so many insect monsters?”

The stewards finally asked about the key points, and Le Yun answered all questions: "Oh, senior, are you asking this? The junior is an alchemist. It is not difficult for the alchemist to make some elixirs to cure insects. This is what the junior does." Yeah, I made some elixirs and intercepted a few waves of insect swarms on the way."

Not to mention that the stewards wanted to know the reason, the monks sitting in Qiangu Garden waiting for the barrier also wanted to know the reason. When they heard Fairy Xiyue’s answer, they were collectively stunned, that’s it?

"That's it?" The stewards also looked weird.

If it were so simple, how could the historical points record be only over 8 million!

The secret realm has been opened tens of thousands of times. How many times has there been no alchemy master? Didn't the alchemy masters in the past think of using elixirs to deal with insect monsters?

the answer is negative.

It's not that I haven't thought about or tried to use elixirs to kill insect monsters, but the elixirs have no effect, and sometimes they fail to kill the insects and end up accidentally killing myself.

The elixir is ineffective against insect monsters, and over time, no one will do thankless things anymore.

Now, the little fairy said that it was an insect monster that was killed with elixir. How could the stewards not be suspicious.

"That's it. If you don't believe me, seniors, you can take some bugs and take a look. Most bugs still have a faint smell of elixir left on them."

The stewards did not look for the bugs, and then asked: "The little Taoist friend said that he can move freely among the locusts by relying on a certain smell. Is that smell also a medicine?"

"That's not it."

"It's not a pill, but something special?"

"Seniors, it's better not to ask about this. I'm worried that if I tell the seniors, the seniors will want to vomit."

"If it doesn't involve some secrets, we are willing to hear the details. If my little Taoist friends dare to use it, we won't feel sick upon hearing it."

"Seniors are willing to listen, and juniors know everything. It's not a secret. The smell is actually a mixture of insect saliva and insect urine and feces."

"?!" The stewards were silent.

The monks who were waiting for the barrier were also stunned. Is it that simple?

Some people couldn't sit still and asked: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, can you mix insect saliva and insect urine and feces together, then apply it on your clothes, and then you can move freely among the insects?"

"Of course it's not that simple." Le Yun didn't hide it: "If you want to move freely among the insects, collect the insect saliva and urine, add a small amount of water to mix, then put the clothes in to soak for more than three days, and use a Apply the mixture without adding water all over the body.

If anyone can ensure that he can hold his breath without revealing any flaws, that's enough.

If you can't completely isolate your own breath, you have to drink another portion of insect saliva.

After drinking insect saliva, it is no problem to blend in with the insect swarm and pretend to be an insect. You can hide from the insect swarm within a certain period of time, but you may not be able to hide from the insect leader.

If you want to hide it from the insect leader, you must be brave enough to precipitate the mixture of insect saliva and insect urine and feces, filter out a portion of the liquid, and then drink it. After more than an hour, you can take action. "


Before the little Loli finished speaking, some monks retched. When she said that she wanted to drink a mixture of insect urine and feces, the monks retched one after another.

The expressions of the stewards also became extremely unnatural, and they looked at a certain little fairy with strange eyes.

As if he knew what they were thinking, Nanga asked in time: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, did you... drink that kind of thing before you went to catch the insect leader?"

"Yes, but I caught the locusts quietly and cut out the filth from their stomachs, not collected it from the ground.

Let me explain again, the method I mentioned is only for the wave of locusts that just passed, and it does not mean that it is effective for all Zerg.

Even if they are the same locusts, because their food is different, their sensitivity may not be the same. This method may not work for other locust swarms. "

"Little fellow Taoist, you are a true warrior!"

Nanga sincerely admired the little fellow Taoist. The filth taken out from the stomachs of locusts was also filth. He dared to swallow the filth and get into the insect swarm. His courage was unparalleled by others.

The Buddha said, "If I don't go to hell, who will?" As a disciple of Buddhism, he has the consciousness to sacrifice his body and go to hell, but if he is allowed to eat the filth of locusts, he would rather choose to go to hell.

"Little Fairy Xiyue is such a brave man!" The stewards were also filled with admiration. The little fairy was really willing to go out of her way, and they thought they couldn't do it themselves.

Some of the monks who were watching were still retching, and those who were not retching were in indescribably complicated moods.

Sensing that the surrounding atmosphere had become weird, Le Yun's face was not red and she was out of breath. She was not lying. She applied a mixture of insect saliva and urine and feces on her body. After taking it, the liquid of the mixture could deceive the insect swarm and the insect leader, and it was real. .

The special liquid she drank was a product made by extracting juice from the corpses of larvae and mixing it with certain plant medicinal juices.

She was talking about dissecting the dirt from the insect's belly, but she didn't specify whether it was insect saliva or insect urine.

So, what other people think about it is their business.

Although she was given ambiguous answers, the little Loli acted like no one else, her face still full of sunshine and her smile bright.

Her words also succeeded in greatly reducing the monks' enthusiasm for her redeeming points.

The little fairy was too honest and the stewards couldn't dig deeper. They took her identity card and helped her record the harvest and points of the first round of pest control tasks.

Even if she keeps the insect corpses for herself and gets a half discount when redeeming points, the number is still an astronomical figure that is beyond the reach of others.

After recording the information, the steward with complicated eyes handed the leaf back to the little fairy. Le Yun happily put away her identity tag, took back the two drying trays, threw the chair back into the storage container, bowed to the stewards politely, and left calmly.

Nanga put away his seat and stepped forward to follow the little fellow Taoist.

As soon as the two of them took steps, a white-robed monk floated up from the grass, flew to the outside of the stewards' Ruyi house, and stood quietly.

Seeing the little fairy with a light fur coat approaching, Xuerong bowed to the Buddha as a monk and greeted the little female cultivator with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, I haven't seen you for only a few months, but my Taoist friend is already famous among thousands of people." Valley Garden.”

"My reputation is hard-earned, and I guess it's a mixed blessing." Le Yun chuckled leisurely and walked out of the stewards' room.

"A true heart is not afraid of a slanted shadow."

"That makes sense. I'm a person who always does things according to my heart. I only act with a clear conscience. I never care about other people's eyes."

Le Yun didn't care what the monk team would think of her in the future. Knowing the purpose of the monk Xuerong's visit, she went straight to the topic: "The several kinds of fairy rice planted by my little creatures are in the most important growth stage. I will stay and observe the fairy rice." To grow, you need to wait a few months before going to the Secret Valley, please be patient with fellow Taoist Xuerong."

"Don't be in a hurry. I wonder if I can be lucky enough to visit Taoist Xiyue's planting field?"

"Of course it's okay, but if you fellow Taoist goes there, you might be caught helping."

"No problem, I just like planting." There is no conflict between whether you are suitable for planting and whether you like planting.

Le Yun nodded with a smile and walked towards the planting field.

Xuerong followed up and walked on the other side of the little fairy. She and Buddha Xiu lined up on either side of the little fairy, making them the best guardians.

Monk Xuerong successfully joined Fairy Xiyue, making other monks jealous.

Many teams immediately held meetings to discuss action plans.

Xuerong and Nanjia were both in the late Mahayana stage of Dzogchen. They were fast and the music was fast. It only took them a cup of tea to return to the planting field.

Little Loli also had a jade slip that could be used to enter and exit the spirit gathering array. With the jade slip, she led two monks into the spirit gathering array in the planting field.

Xuerong looked at the fairy rice seedlings, most of which were mixed species, and was extremely surprised. How could fairy rice be grown like this?

When I passed by the divine rice field and saw the seedlings with rice ears on their heads, I was shocked: "This is the divine immortal rice. It has grown in less than three years?!"

Nanjia glanced at the little fairy who was walking slowly with her little hands behind her back: "The fairy rice originally entered the ear-bearing stage a few months ago. Fellow Daoist Xiyue applied fertilizer once, and they grew like this in just over a month. .”

Xuerong looked at Fairy Xiyue in shock, her mind filled with confusion.

When the little creatures guarding the field ridge saw the little fairy coming, they jumped up and hugged the little fairy's thigh.

"Little fairy, we have counted, and each ear of the divine rice seedlings has produced thirty-six grains."

"Great little fairy!"

Xuerong was so shocked when he heard the dolls say that each plant produced thirty-six grains of grain, that his jaw was dislocated. He felt no pain and raised his hand to straighten it out.

"Three...thirty-six?" he stuttered.

"Yes, the crops we planted produced thirty-six grains." The little creatures were very proud. It is said that the divine rice usually produced two to five grains, with a maximum of seven or eight grains.

Xuerong refused to leave and stood outside the field, staring at a seedling and counting its grain.

He counted once, counted again, and counted four times in a row, smiling like a madman: "Thirty-six, really thirty-six!"

Nanga: "..."

Don't ask him how he feels.

When I asked, there was only one word - a capital word "confused"!

When did divine rice become so productive?

Nanga had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what to say to suit the occasion. He felt that no matter how difficult things were, they would become different when he came to Little Daoist Xiyue.

A certain animal cultivator turned into a fool in a second. Le Yun smiled and played with the doll: "Thank you for your hard work, little cutie. I will reward you with a spiritual meal when I get home."

Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll actually ran to count rice grains, this operation is very awesome!

God-level fairy rice is relatively delicate, and the distance between plants is generally one foot, which means that one seedling will occupy a site with a diameter of five feet.

When planting the divine fairy rice, the little creatures kept the distance between the grass plants unchanged, widened the distance between the rows, and mixed another kind of fairy rice between the rows, and also mixed in a spiritual plant sporadically.

The distance between seedlings is large, and the number of seedlings that can be planted in one field is limited.

Although there are not many rice seedlings, it is still a laborious task to count the rice ears and grains of each plant one by one.

Lingzhi Doll Yanwawa did not feel it was hard. Instead, she was proud of herself as hardworking as a little bee and enjoyed it.

"Okay, okay, let's remember!" The little creatures jumped three feet high with excitement.

"You work hard, and every time you plant a batch of fairy rice, you will be rewarded with a spiritual meal." If the little creatures have fighting spirit, of course they need to be rewarded, so that they can have the motivation to keep working hard.


"More real than pearls."

"Ouch -" the little creatures were so excited that they ran to the fields. They have spiritual food to eat. What are they waiting for? Hurry up and patrol the fields!

The little creatures ran away, and Le Yun continued walking with her little hands on her back, leading the new animal cultivators to visit the planting fields managed by the little creatures.

Xuerong's mood calmed down a little, and she followed Fairy Xiyue with a complicated expression on her face, her heart filled with knots and mixed feelings.

Nanga can hold on, his heart is surging, and there is no leakage on the surface.

Little Loli took the two monks and walked twice to the place where the magic weapon was placed as a camp, and closed the defensive barrier of the magic weapon first.

Xuerong entered the magic weapon, but after sitting down, her brain was still confused. Tell me, why can the divine rice produce so many grains?

As far as he knows, Shenpinxian's rice ears usually produce less than ten grains, and the final grains usually only grow into three or five grains, and the rest are deflated grains.

The divine rice grown by their sect can produce up to three grains on a plant, and it is normal for a plant to produce two grains. Sometimes a seedling will have one fully grown grain and one half-deflated grain, and many times half of the seedlings will only bear two grains. A grain of grain.

Some heavenly palaces that are good at planting can grow more than five rice seedlings, and no more than ten at most.

It is unheard of for one seedling of divine immortal rice to produce thirty-six grains.

Xuerong had a lot of questions and didn't know where to start.

Even if he asks, the little loli may not reveal the secret.

Not wanting to reveal the secret of cultivating the divine rice, Le Xiaoxiao pretended to be dumbfounded, pretending not to notice the expression on Monk Xuerong's hesitant and shy expression.

She calmly moved out the spirit wood, and then focused on making the spirit wood boxes and boxes.

Nanga also worked quietly.

Xue Rong stayed there for a while, and with the permission of her master, she ran to observe the divine rice seedlings and squatted on the field ridge to keep watch.

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