magic eye doctor

Chapter 3223 Instructions

The Calabash Baby and the Five Spiritual Plant Dolls. The Rock Doll ignored a certain animal cultivator who was in a daze on the ridge of the field. They patrolled the fields on time every day and watered them at the right time.

Xuerong sat on the ridge of the field, counting the grains in the rice ears again and again in a masochistic manner. She was hit every time she counted, but she still refused to let go.

He tortured himself N times and sat there for three days and three nights before finally coming back to his senses from the state of confusion where he didn't know what night it was.

After regaining consciousness and finally having a clear mind, Xue Rong, who had not washed herself for three days, used the dust removal technique to tidy herself up and returned to Fairy Xiyue's base camp with an indescribable feeling.

Nanga saw that the animal cultivator was finally back to normal, and greeted him a little bit, and continued to cut wood to make a wooden box.

Xuerong had thousands of words in her heart, but when she saw Fairy Xiyue, she didn't know how to start. In the end, she didn't say anything. She silently walked to one side and sat down, carefully observing how the Buddhist cultivator operated.

The young fellow Taoist didn't say anything, and Nanga also understood that this man must have reached an agreement with the young fellow Taoist in advance, and that he would be brought into the secret valley by the young fellow Taoist, which also meant that they would get along with each other for a while in the future.

He was very clever and took the initiative to demonstrate to the humanoid beast cultivator the process from sawing wooden boards to making boxes and boxes.

Xuerong understood it after reading it once, and started to help make wooden supplies.

The beast cultivator didn't say goodbye, and the master didn't say a word about it either. Xuerong also took advantage of the situation and stayed as a carpenter. She must visit the divine immortal rice once a day.

Such days are comfortable and pleasant.

He spent his days leisurely in the planting fields, waiting around for many groups of monks waiting near the steward area. A certain monk disappeared without a trace as soon as he left, as if he had disappeared in the world.

The waiting team of monks became more and more anxious.

If Brother Xuerong didn't show up, they wouldn't be able to inquire about the news. Naturally, it would be impossible to stick to Brother Xuerong so that Fairy Xiyue could take him into Qianji Secret Valley.

Flash forward again, a month passed quietly, and still no monk Xuerong was seen.

The team of monks no longer wanted to believe it but had to accept the fact that the monk stayed in the Xiyue Fairy planting field.

Time waits for no one. Seeing that there was no chance to stick to Xuerong and take a shortcut, many monk teams had to integrate their teams and leave Qiangu Garden to try their luck in front of Qianji Secret Valley.

One has two.

Someone took the lead, and other teams also set off to the barrier of Qianji Secret Valley. Monks with various spiritual roots took turns to touch the barrier.

It's a pity that the barrier is selfless and has no reaction no matter what kind of spiritual root or attribute it is.

Team after team took turns to go into battle, and everyone tried their best, but they all failed one after another.

That kind of result is not what the monk team wants, but it is the fairest result. No team member enters the secret valley, and no one can be jealous of anyone, and no one can laugh at anyone.

The team of monks who returned in despair once again focused their attention on the Xuerong monk who ran to Fairy Xiyue, looking forward to his early appearance.

Little did they know that Xuerong, who was under the gaze of everyone, had no intention of saying goodbye to his master.

Le Xiao's classmate showed no signs of leaving for Qianji Secret Valley. He calmly stayed in the planting field making boxes and went out to inspect the crops every three to five days, maintaining a regular schedule.

Day and night alternate, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the days pass in peace. Half a month later, some two kinds of nine-star purple fairy rice planted by the six dolls have also passed the first stage of vegetative growth. , stepping into the second stage of reproductive growth.

After waiting until the seedlings entered the ear-forming stage, the little Loli was finally willing to put down her work and once again gave a group of children a bag of fertilizer and instructed them to topdress the seedlings.

Having learned from the past, the big and five little ones became energetic. They fertilized the seedlings at a speed as fast as a spring, and squatted and observed in the fields every day.

On the fourth day of squatting, the seedlings absorbed the nutrients of the fertilizer, and the changes in growth rate were visible to the naked eye. It only took 20 days for the young ears to develop from scratch.

After the young ears are formed, heading is the most followed, followed by flowering, grain filling and fruiting.

When the grains on the ears of Nine-Star Purple Immortal Rice are full and the rice milk in the grains has solidified halfway, the grains of the divine Immortal Rice that have been hanging on the ears of rice for several months are finally mature.

The harvest time is here, and the little Lolita takes the dolls to the fields to harvest. Buddhist cultivator Nanga and beast cultivator Xuerong want to help, but are strictly prohibited from going to the fields. The two monks can only stand on the field ridge and watch people harvesting the fairy rice.

Divine immortal rice is extremely delicate. Once the chaff is damaged, the spiritual energy will be lost quickly. When harvesting, naturally you cannot directly use your spiritual consciousness to pick it. You have to pick it one by one to avoid damaging the shell of the rice grain.

Xianmi's seedlings are twice as tall as those of Little Lolita. Each one has a stem, which is as thick as sugar cane on the earth. Lingzhi Doll and Rock Doll can be used as trees to climb.

A group of little kids worked in pairs, one was responsible for cutting the seedlings, and the other was digging out the stalks with the soil and roots and packing them.

After harvesting the seedlings from the two fields, nine-star purple fairy rice was planted in the empty rows.

Before planting, the little creatures dig a hole, put a pinch of fertilizer, cover it with a layer of soil, and then sow the seeds.

After sowing the seeds, we went back to the camp to pick the divine rice. The fairy rice is packed in the spiritual jade box, and the rice ears are also cut and placed in the spiritual wood box. The rice straw is packed into the box first, and the leaves and stems are separated when the little creature is free.

The dug stalks are stored first and the soil is removed later.

The leaves, stems and roots of the divine immortal rice and high-grade immortal rice are all useful. Le Yun arranges each part of the grass clearly and teaches the little creatures how to handle and collect them.

Nanjia and Xuerong didn't have the opportunity to go to the fields to pick the divine rice seedlings. Fortunately, the little creature generously allowed them to participate in the work of picking grains, and they were able to fulfill their long-cherished wish.

After picking the divine rice grains, Le Xiao students selected the plumpest and most vital grains as seeds and gave them to Calabash Baby for safekeeping.

After finishing the work, I calculated the yield and found that the yield of the divine immortal rice certainly lived up to my expectations. On average, each field harvested thirty-nine kilograms of immortal rice!

Buddha Nanga's soul suffered a critical hit value of 10,000 points!

According to the planting mission records of Qiangu Garden, the average yield of divine rice from one field is about two to three kilograms, and the historical record is four kilograms and a half cents.

Growers plant divine immortal rice and deduct the weight of the seeds provided by Qiangu Garden when turning in tasks. A field is turned in with a harvest of nine taels, and the remaining immortal rice is counted as two taels for points.

Although only nine taels of immortal rice are required to be handed over, the task of planting divine immortal rice is still not popular because it is too difficult to grow. With luck, after one planting round, there is still a few taels of surplus in addition to the part that is due.

If you are unlucky, after one round of planting, the harvested Immortal Grain may be just enough for the seeds and tasks required. There are even cases where the rice harvested after one round of hard work is not enough to cover the weight of the seeds.

Because there were too many painful lessons, the Divine Immortal Rice mission is the most unpopular mission in Qiangu Garden. It is said that there was a tragic record of no one accepting the mission during the entire period when the secret realm was open.

When others grow divine rice, a field that can yield two to three kilograms is considered a high yield. Fairy Xiyue grows divine rice, and the yield reaches dozens of kilograms!

Comparing people with others will make them angry, and comparing lives with others will make people sick.

Nanjia and Xuerong, who had suffered a critical blow, kept their eyes open for three days and three nights. After finally catching their breath, they stared at the two kinds of nine-star purple fairy rice that were solidifying.

Living up to expectations, one and a half months later, two kinds of nine-star purple fairy rice were also mature.

The Buddhist cultivators and the animal cultivators were once again strictly prohibited from going to the fields. The two cultivators could only watch and were filled with resentment as they watched the little creatures harvesting the seedlings.

The children cut the seedlings, dug out the stalks, and turned over the soil in each ridge to plant divine rice.

A batch of divine fairy rice was sown, and a group of children happily followed the fairy back to the camp to pick rice.

Jiuxing Ziji's fairy rice is also a valuable product that needs to be handled with care. Fortunately, you don't have to pick it directly one by one. You can use your hands to rub the grains off the ears.

After threshing the rice grains of two kinds of Nine Star Purple Immortal Rice, when calculating the yield, it was found that the yield of each spiritual field exceeded 400 kilograms, which was three times more than the yield grown by others.

Nanga, who suffered a severe blow, silently recited sutras for a whole day and night.

Monk Xuerong ran silently to the ridge of the Lingtian field to enjoy the scenery all night.

After harvesting divine grade immortal rice and two kinds of nine-star purple immortal rice, the trip to Qian Ji Secret Valley was also on the way.

Classmate Le Xiao took the little creatures into retreat to teach them face-to-face instructions, imparting the knowledge and secrets on how to plant divine grade and nine-star immortal rice, and taught them which types of crops should be fertilized at which time.

He also gave the little creatures a few bags of fertilizer, placed three drying trays in the Ruyi House, and left a large number of wooden boxes for the little creatures to contain fairy rice and spiritual plants, as well as some spiritual wood.

After giving the instructions, he whispered to Calabash Boy: "When the time limit for planting a round of divine rice and nine-star purple fairy rice is up, you go and hand in the task, and then switch to other mid-level fairy rice varieties.

If the stewards ask you to plant divine grade or nine-star purple-level fairy rice again, you can negotiate terms with them and ask the rented fields to choose some kind of mid-level fairy rice to fulfill the task.

If they don't agree, you must not agree. If they agree, calculate the time according to the normal growth period of fairy rice. Plant four more rounds of divine grade fairy rice, and plant eight more rounds of nine-star purple fairy rice. When the age is up, you will hand in the task. , and no matter what conditions the stewards promised, they could no longer agree to continue planting divine products and nine-star purple immortal rice. "

"Why?" Calabash's eyes were confused.

"Everything has a certain number. The number of missions to plant divine grade immortal rice for Qiangu Garden cannot exceed five, and the number of missions to plant nine-star purple grade immortal rice cannot exceed nine."

"Then after handing in the task, can we still plant it ourselves?"

"Of course you can. You are my dolls, and you are helping me work. You can plant whatever you want, as many times as you want, without restrictions.

If the stewards insist on asking you to grow divine rice or nine-star immortal rice, you only need to tell them that everything has a certain destiny, and they will understand the meaning and will not force you to do something difficult. "

"I understand." After hearing what the little fairy said, Calabash Boy was enlightened and enlightened.

After giving some warning to the Calabash Baby and the five little ones, Leyun gave each doll a storage bag of fried golden shells, and a storage container of spiritual meals for them to make teeth at their leisure.

There were snacks and spiritual meals, and a group of children were so happy that they almost lost their way.

The wrong chapter was uploaded yesterday. It has been corrected.

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