magic eye doctor

Chapter 3224 The Will of the Tree Spirit

The little Loli arranged the group of dolls clearly and solved her worries. After another day of rest, she set off to Qianji Secret Valley the next day.

She used another lotus-shaped magic weapon to lead the Buddhist cultivators and animal cultivators out of the planting field. The golden lotus magic weapon placed in the central area of ​​the planting field opened the defensive barrier.

If Qian Guyuan or someone wants to attack the little dolls, the Golden Lotus magic weapon is the last resort and support for the little dolls. As long as they stay in the magic weapon, there is nothing Daluo Jinxian can do.

Leaving behind a back-up to protect the little creatures, Le Xiao walked out of the spirit gathering array with confidence. Then, she jumped into her magic weapon and placed it on the shoulder of her Buddhist friend.

Nanga and Xuerong flew by themselves and walked out of the boundary of Qiangu Garden.

Just after leaving the safe barrier of Qiangu Garden, the little Loli drove the magic weapon into the air. After the Buddhist cultivator and the beast cultivator entered the magic weapon, they rushed to the Qianji Secret Valley.

Little Lolita and the little creatures arrived at Qiangu Garden later than the professional planting teams of other monk teams. Her planting field was more than 100,000 miles away from the administrative area.

They exited the Qiangu Garden barrier from the section directly facing the planting field, and did not pass through the administrative area, so naturally they were not discovered by other monk teams.

When the light of the magic weapon swept across the canyon plain and arrived at the entrance barrier of Qianji Secret Valley, the team of monks who could not enter the secret valley themselves but still watched with determination also discovered it.

The team of monks who stayed in the safety zone of Qiangu Garden discovered the traces of Fairy Xiyue and rushed out of Qiangu Garden and ran towards Qianji Secret Valley.

Le Yun flew to the secret valley, left the magic weapon barrier and floated in front of the secret valley barrier. She shrunk the lotus magic weapon, added a few seals, and stuffed it into the bow of the spirit boat hidden in her sleeves.

After hiding the two monks who were carrying them, they also sealed their cuffs. As if they didn't notice the team of monks coming from Qiangu Garden, they walked into the barrier at the entrance of the Secret Valley without looking back.

Under the direct gaze of tens of thousands of monks, the little female cultivator stepped into the vortex-shaped barrier of the secret valley, and the barrier burst out with dazzling brilliance.

The light was so bright that it almost blinded the monk's eyes.

The running monk was forced to close his eyes. Even so, he could still feel the strong light. The shining light seemed to penetrate his eyelids and reach directly into his eyes.

The flickering light lasted for half a cup of tea before disappearing.

Without the dazzling light, the monks tried to open their eyes. The little female cultivator had disappeared, and the barrier at the entrance of the secret valley was still silent, as if everything they saw was illusion.

If they hadn't witnessed the little female cultivator walking into the barrier at the entrance to the secret valley, the monks of all races would have doubted their own eyes and thought they were hallucinating.

The little female cultivator had just entered the barrier of the Secret Valley, and the barrier might not have been closed yet. The team of monks rushed to the front of the barrier at the entrance of the Secret Valley, and they rushed towards the barrier one after another.

However, the vortex that the young female cultivator had walked into easily was now indestructible. No one could make any waves in it, let alone shake it.

The huge vortex stood quietly, making it difficult for the monks to cross the thunder pool.

The monks of all races who were blocked were angry and resentful, and wished they could tear down the vortex barrier.

It's a pity that they have no intention and no ability. With their little strength, they want to tear down the barrier condensed by the power of natural laws, just like a mayfly shaking a tree or a mantis' arm blocking a car.

Unwilling to return without success again, the monks stood guard in front of the secret realm, queuing up to touch the barrier at different times, trying once every hour, and tried again and again.

The monks tried and failed again and again. They stayed on guard for five or six days in a row and tested every period of the twelve hours a day, but there was still no effect.

Even if they are no longer willing to accept the reality, each team of monks can no longer deceive themselves and others. Facts have proved that they have no chance with the Secret Valley!

Inexplicably, everyone also felt resentment in their hearts. Brother Xiyue knew that she was destined to the Secret Valley, so why didn't he take them along?

If monk Xiyue entered the secret valley alone, they would naturally have nothing to say, but she brought two monks with her.

She can actually take people into the secret valley, so why not take them with her?

If they enter the secret valley, they will definitely not let her take them along for free, but will give her a share of the harvest to repay the favor and settle the cause and effect.

The monks' reluctance turned into jealousy towards the Xiyue monk who entered the Secret Valley. They angrily withdrew the team, returned to Qiangu Garden with anger that had nowhere to express, and left Qianji Valley one after another in the teleportation array.

The little Loli who entered the barrier at the entrance to the secret valley didn't know that she had incurred a lot of hatred because she brought two people with her instead of bringing along all the monks who wanted to enter the secret realm. She had fainted.

The rules of the secret valley barrier were so powerful that she felt a huge pulling force as soon as she entered the barrier, as if it was trying to pull her soul out.

In a violent spin, her mind went blank, and then she knew nothing.

Little Loli lost consciousness, and Nanga and Xuerong, who were hidden in her sleeves, were not much better. The two of them stayed in the magic weapon and could only see the sleeve walls of Lingzhou and Taoist Xiyue.

They couldn't see what was outside their sleeves. At a certain moment, a bright light seemed to flash across their eyes, followed by a dull pain in the brain, and their consciousness was interrupted.

Le Yun, who was stunned by the power of the barrier, naturally didn't know where she was transported. When she regained consciousness, she opened her eyes and saw a soft golden light, and then she felt pain.

The pain is intense.

Le Yun tried to move, but felt that all the bones in her body seemed to be falling apart, and her head felt like it had been hit with a hammer, causing waves of dull pain.

She moved her eyes again, and a blue-grey rock appeared in her field of vision. She didn't need anyone to tell her that she landed in a posture of prostrate to the ground.

This posture is indeed unsightly, but this is not the time to worry about whether the landing posture is beautiful or not. After all, as long as it does not fall into a box, you are lucky.

"It's so hard for me!" Feeling pain all over her body, Le Yun reluctantly climbed up and sat up with her hands on the ground. She looked around again, scouting the environment to see if she had reached her destination or if something went wrong on the way.

Oh, she should have reached her goal!

The place where it landed was a small hilltop. The top of the mountain was flattened by manpower and turned into a large terrace about five thousand feet wide. In the center stood a large vortex formed by the power of law.

The vortex-shaped teleportation barrier stood there quietly like a mirror. The light spread out and was as dazzling as a small sun.

It should be night, and there is darkness in the distance. The light radiation range of the large vortex on the top of the mountain exceeds more than a hundred miles. It is a beacon in the dark night.

The hilltop is not high, surrounded by forests, and the lush forest sea stretches as far as the eye can see.

Le Yun looked around, looked around the hilltop, and cast her eyes into the distance. In the distance to the southeast, there was a white giant!

The giant has his feet in the forest and the stars above his head. He stands in the sky and the earth like an ancient god from the ancient times. He is majestic and out of reach.

Seeing the giant in the distance, Le Yun was so frightened that she jumped up and screamed: "The will of the tree spirit?"

That giant is not a terrifying creature. He is the will of the tree spirit that represents purity and life force—that is, the image condensed by the will power of all spiritual and intelligent trees.

To put it more simply, the will of the tree spirit is the manifestation of the spiritual power of the tree. The giant condensed from the will of the trees heard the voice of the human race. The head holding the star moved slightly, and then the huge body slowly shrank, and soon turned into a little giant ten thousand feet tall.

The little giant raised one foot and moved forward.

He only took one step, crossing an unknown distance of thousands of miles, and stood silently in the forest less than ten thousand feet away from the top of the hill.

The little giant stood quietly again. His facial features were blurry, but he could feel that he was looking at the people on the top of the mountain.

Seeing the giant condensed by the will of the tree spirit walking nearby, Le Yun blinked in confusion. What was the will of the tree spirit looking for her for?

The will of the tree spirit is an image condensed by the willpower of countless trees, representing the will of the entire forest.

Unless there are special circumstances, the will of the tree is with the tree itself.

Now, the will of countless trees has condensed into human form, and they have actively approached foreign creatures. It is so puzzling.

Le Yun's puzzled eyes fell on the giant formed by the condensed will of the tree spirit, and her pupils suddenly shrank. The humanoid giant was actually entangled with strands of dark power!

Those dark forces penetrate very deeply, as if they are part of the willpower of the trees.

This time Le Yun understood that the tree spirit's will was contaminated by the dark power, and the purpose of his manifestation was to ask for help.

If the dark power is allowed to grow, it will corrode the will of the tree spirit, causing the will of the tree spirit to completely lose control.

Once the will of the tree spirit loses control, it may cause the death of the forest and cause mass extinction of species.

The intelligent and spiritual trees do not want to become extinct. They unite as one and gather their will power to form a human form and seek help from outside humans.

Others may not be able to solve the problem of the tree spirit's will, but Le Yun can, and her power of merit can eliminate the dark forces that penetrate the tree spirit's willpower.

Huo Ran understood the purpose of the will of the tree spirit, and Le Yun could not stand idly by and made a promise to the will of the tree spirit standing far away: "Senior tree spirits, I know what you mean. You are here to pollute the shadow of your will." When the dark power comes, I will help you get rid of the dark power."

The Tree Spirit Will Giant raised his head slightly.

Her guess was correct. Without saying a word, Le Yun quickly picked off the various magic weapons she wore, especially the magic weapons that attacked the power of the soul. She also put away the cloak she had been using to conceal her aura.

After removing the defensive magic weapon, he ran to the southeast and placed a long desk with a lotus pattern and an upturned head. A green incense burner was placed in front of the desk.

After washing her hands and face with clean spring water, Le Yun took out a stick of incense, lit it, bowed in all directions, and placed the incense in the incense burner.

Then he took out a golden lotus of merit from the natural gourd magic weapon, put it on a wooden plate and placed it in the middle of the long case.

She stepped back ninety feet, sat on her knees facing the steering wheel of the long desk, and recited scriptures.

The golden lotus of merit glows with dazzling golden light in the sound of scriptures.

The humanoid tree spirit took another step forward, crossed the distance of thousands of feet, and stood at the top of the hill. He stretched his arms to the long table and held up the golden lotus of merit.

The giant retracted his hand and fused the golden lotus of merit into his body to serve as his heart.

The light of the Golden Lotus of Merit is also integrated into the will power of the tree spirit. Those dark forces mixed in the will power of the tree spirit are swallowed up as soon as they meet the power of merit.

The dark energy mixed in the pure willpower of the trees disappeared little by little, and the purified willpower of the trees became purer and purer.

At the same time, in the dark night, wisps of dark air rose silently from the vast land and many ancient trees.

The dark energy left the ground and trees and slowly disappeared.

The dark and unlucky ancient trees were dispelled, and their vitality was restored bit by bit.

The voice of the human chanting was full of peaceful power, and the giant incarnated by the will of the tree spirit quickly merged with the surrounding light.

As the will of the tree spirit continues to absorb the power of the Golden Lotus of Merit, the size of the Golden Lotus of Merit is also getting smaller bit by bit.

Le Yun ignored the shrinking Golden Lotus of Merit and quietly chanted the sutra over and over again, lighting a new stick of incense every time the incense in the incense burner burned out.

After changing the incense eleven times and reciting the sutra seventy-five times, it was dawn!

When the morning light shines on the earth, everything that has been sleeping all night comes alive and glows with vitality.

The golden lotus of merit that was regarded as the heart by the will of the tree spirit shrunk dozens of times, leaving only a ball on the finger, turning into a mini lotus.

The giant formed by the will of the tree spirit absorbed a large amount of pure merit power, and also successfully purified away the mixed dark powers.

The will of the tree spirit, which has exhausted all its gloomy power, manifested itself again when the morning light illuminated the earth.

There is no darkness in the human body, the willpower of the tree spirit is as pure and soft as moonlight, and the giant becomes like a crystal man, exuding a clear light.

The giant slowly raised his hand and took out the golden lotus of merit that was embedded in his body and used it as his heart. He seemed to be shy and uneasy because he had absorbed a lot of merit power. He hesitated for a moment before stretching out his arms and holding the little Small meritorious lotus objects return to their original owners.

The golden lotus of merit as big as a finger lies on the wooden plate, looking particularly weak and helpless.

The tree spirit stood quietly for a while, raising one arm and pointing in a direction.

Le Yun, who stood up, saw the giant's gesture and understood: "Thank you, senior tree spirits, for showing the way! Senior tree spirits, please rest assured that I will not destroy the forest here. I have collected the necessary resources here and will Some seeds are taken to be sown elsewhere.

I also brought two monks in, and I will tell them not to cut trees. If they are too greedy, the senior tree spirits will not be merciful and will deal with them according to the previous rules. "

The tree spirit nodded imperceptibly without turning around. He took a step back and returned to the area where he originally stood.

His condensed body grew again, growing ten thousand feet in length every second. In just a few breaths, the little giant once again turned into a giant who stood tall and tall.

The giant lay down slowly.

The Will of the Tree Spirit lay down on his back with his head facing north and his feet facing south. His body was still growing. No one knew how long his body was. He couldn't see his head at this end and his feet at that end.

The will of the tree spirit lying down quickly turned into light, integrating with the forest, the earth, and the sky.

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