magic eye doctor

Chapter 3225 Advice

The will of the tree spirit returned to the trees, and Le Yun once again looked into the distance. The appearance of the endless forest remained unchanged, but it had infinite vitality, and the vitality of heaven and earth was extremely pure.

This is a good thing. The will of the tree spirit has driven away the darkness, the trees have regained their vitality and purity, and the forest is no longer in danger of extinction.

Although one of her golden lotuses of merit almost disappeared, Le Yun still has no regrets. Saving people is like hanging a pot to save the world, and saving trees is also like hanging a pot to save the world.

Doctors save lives and help people, but no one stipulates that the objects of rescue must be limited to people.

Having done a good deed, Le Yun was in a happy mood. She packed up her tools and supplies. When she saw the finger-sized mini Golden Lotus of Merit, she thought about it and put it into the sea of ​​consciousness to nourish it.

And he simply did not stop and sent the merit lotus that had consumed part of its merit power in the Sword Valley into the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the three treasures found the small golden lotus of merit and the half-sized lotus of merit that fell into the sea of ​​​​consciousness. They all looked at each other. This little contractor of theirs really has the heart of a Bodhisattva!

Then she was filled with joy. It was precisely because the little contractor was kind and saved people and saved the world that she had accumulated so much merit. A benevolent person is invincible!

After putting away the incense burner and the long table, Le Yun performed the dust removal technique on herself several times, drank some water, and then took out the spirit boat hidden in her sleeve.

The golden lotus magic weapon placed on the bow of the spirit boat had a stable barrier, but the Buddhist cultivators and animal cultivators inside also fainted and were still in a comatose state.

Le Yun put the spirit boat on her shoulder, took out the golden lotus magic weapon and placed it on the ground, closed the defensive barrier, and poked the human acupuncture points of the Buddhist cultivator and the animal cultivator respectively.

The bodies and souls of the Buddhist cultivator and the animal cultivator were all fine, they just fell into a coma.

Within a moment, the two monks who had been pinched faintly woke up.

The eyes of the two monks who had just woken up were confused for a moment, but they became clear after a moment. They sat up and immediately investigated the surrounding situation.

They saw the continuous forest and hills, the large vortex formed by the power of law, and the little fairy Xiyue.

It seemed that they had entered the secret valley. Nanjia and Xuerong breathed a sigh of relief, straightened their clothes, and then looked at the little fellow Taoist, feeling quite embarrassed.

Nanga clasped his palms together and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for waiting for a long time. It's a sin!"

Xuerong also apologized in embarrassment: "It's extremely rude to keep my fellow Taoist waiting for so long."

"Fellow Daoist Nanga Xuerong is so polite. I also fainted and just woke up not long ago." Le Yun smiled and reassured the two monks: "Are you two okay?"

"Very good." The two monks moved and sat upright.

The two monks were not curious about what happened during the teleportation process, and Le Yun gave a friendly suggestion: "I would like to give some advice to the two Taoist friends. In the secret realm, the two Taoist friends should not touch any living trees except for the dead trees.

If you need a certain kind of spiritual tree, cut off a branch no more than three feet long and take it away. If you want to take live plants away, you can only dig up seedlings less than one foot long. There is a limit of one tree of each variety, and you can bring up to nine seedlings. Leave the secret realm.

When collecting spiritual plant and fairy grass, you should pick three out of ten based on one mile vertically and horizontally. When collecting spiritual tree seeds, you can only collect up to one-third of the amount.

Once the two Taoist friends find what they want, it is best to leave immediately. If their wishes are not fulfilled, they must not stay for a long time. They should not stay in the secret valley for more than three years, so as to ensure safety. "

"Fellow Taoist, is there any explanation for this?" Nanga Surong.

"The secret of heaven must not be leaked. Advice is just advice, and the details depend on the two Taoist friends. I have no specific purpose in entering the secret valley. I can find whatever chance I can find. In order not to follow the Tao, I will set off after a day. The two Taoist friends can rely on The mind chooses the direction.”

The little Taoist friend said it was a secret from heaven, so Nanjia Xuerong didn't ask any more questions and sincerely thanked him.

Nanga got up and went to sit down more than a hundred feet away, sensing with his heart.

Xuerong took out a Si Nan Yi, determined the direction, put away the small magic weapon for determining the direction, said goodbye to the little fellow Taoist, nodded in the direction of the Buddhist cultivator, released the aircraft and flew high into the sky, heading south.

The beast cultivator flew from the sky about 40,000 feet high from the treetops. The figure of the aircraft went further and further away. In just a few breaths, it turned into a small dot and disappeared from people's sight.

Nanga sat quietly for half an hour and then stood up to say goodbye.

He was like a flying crane, climbed to the sky, summoned the golden lotus magic weapon, placed a wish-fulfilling house in the magic weapon, and placed a time-keeping hourglass in the wish-fulfilling room. He set off when he was ready.

The Buddhist monk chose the east and merged into the sky within a few ups and downs.

The Buddha and the beasts each had their own purposes in practicing in the secret valley, and they were destined to go their separate ways. Le Yun felt no sadness in her heart and sat quietly on the top of the hill to practice.

The forest surrounding the hilltop is a vast expanse of blue, and the leaves make rustling sounds from time to time. The leaves reflect the sunlight and create a shimmering white porridge.

From the ancient trees in the forest, little white figures with humanoid shapes and unclear facial features emerged. The figures were very small, the taller ones were two or three inches tall, and the smaller ones were about one inch tall.

The little white people were jumping around in the woods, jumping and playing happily. Some even climbed to the top of the trees, jumping from one tree to another, visiting each other.

Although the little white man is small, he is as fast as the wind. He can jump hundreds of feet in one jump and jump dozens of feet in the air. His jumping ability is incredible.

Many little white people ran to the top of the ancient wood that surrounded the hilltop, jumped up and down the mountain wall, climbed along the mountain wall to the top of the mountain, and lay on the edge of the platform looking at the humans curiously. Hearing the strange noise, Le Yun opened her eyes, and then saw the small heads protruding from the edge of the platform.

Those little white people are tree spirits, which are spirits condensed from the will power of trees.

The tree spirit actually ran to the top of the hill to see the strange thing. This was really brave.

To be honest, if the tree spirits were creatures like spiritual plant dolls, Le Yun would really want to kidnap a few of them. Those tree spirits with their little mushroom-like heads are so cute!

The tree spirit noticed that the human race looked like that, so he retracted his head shyly, and after a while he poked his head out to look at the human race secretly. His movements were similar to those of a human child, who was both curious and shy about new creatures.

In order not to scare the tree spirit in human form, Le Yun meditated with her eyes closed, and instead used her spiritual consciousness to appreciate the tree spirit.

The tree spirit is the pure will power of trees. It is impossible to tell which tree spirit is the tree spirit of the tree that has been promoted to a monster beast, and which is the tree spirit of the unenlightened tree.

You can't tell the difference between dryads and ordinary tree spirits. It's interesting to just watch a group of mini-human tree spirits interacting.

The tree spirits chattered endlessly, and tree spirits kept coming from a distance, climbed up the hill, and lined up at the edge of the platform.

Some bold tree spirits climbed onto the platform and ran towards the human race in a jumping manner, first circling a few feet away, and then kept getting closer.

The tree spirit quickly came to the human race, circled around her a few times, and quietly stretched out its little hands or feet to touch the human race's clothes and sleeves.

They especially liked human hair, and each one would reach out their little hands to touch it.

The scent of human beings made the tree spirits feel friendly. Each of the little white figures became bolder and bolder. Not satisfied with touching their hair, they took advantage of it and used their hair as grass, playing a game of hide and seek.

Some tree spirits like to be quiet. They hide in their hair and poke their little heads out from time to time to watch the fun.

Le Yun, who had become a tool: "..." She just wanted to ask a question, could she beat these special naughty children?

The tree spirit didn't know that he was jumping repeatedly on the edge of being beaten, having a great time.

The tree spirits played for a while, and they all got into the human race's hair and got together. In order to compete for position, you squeezed me and I squeezed you, which was very lively.

The tree spirits crowded together, quarreled and made a fuss for a long time. After further negotiation, they formed a circle one by one, like penguins hugging each other for warmth. He just fell asleep standing there.

"?" Le Yun's mind is filled with questions about black people. Is this okay?

The tree spirits lying on the edge of the platform saw that their companions were all hidden in the human race's hair, and they were also tempted. One by one, they climbed up the platform and moved towards the human race.

The tree spirits that arrived first also burrowed into the human race's hair. When no more tree spirits could be squeezed into the hair, the tree spirits that arrived later came next to the human race, one after another.

Le Yun: "..." I feel like I have become a lullaby!

Being able to let the tree spirits sleep peacefully means that these elves feel safe. If they feel the slightest bit of malice from themselves, let alone approaching, they will not show up at all.

With the tree spirit so close to her, Leyun accepted her fate and continued to be a hypnotic mascot.

The little Loli who stayed at the top of the mountain became the lullaby of the tree spirit. Xuerong, who was heading south, traveled tens of thousands of miles, slowed down, and took out the Simon Instrument to calibrate the direction.

Keep going, getting more and more frightened as you go.

The forest is so peaceful!

This forest in the Secret Valley has a terrifying name - Skeleton Forest.

The Skeleton Forest is not the real name of the forest. It was originally called the "Psychedelic Forest". The reason why it is called the Psychedelic Forest is because the forest is endless and there are many trees with psychedelic properties that often make the creatures who enter the forest lose their direction and consciousness.

The forest is full of ancient trees and is a world of wood monsters, with all kinds of tree monsters and vine monsters emerging in endlessly.

Others describe the danger as a life of nine deaths, but the creatures that enter the psychedelic forest often suffer a life of a thousand deaths. Since the opening of the secret realm, countless monks have been buried.

Because too many monks died in the psychedelic forest, it was later named "Skeleton Forest".

The seniors of the Immortal Sect who survived entering the secret valley before, as well as the seniors who were the only ones who narrowly escaped the last time they entered the secret realm, have all described the psychedelic forest in detail.

According to the descriptions of the seniors, only the hilltop where the entrance and exit of the Secret Valley is located is a safe zone. Once you leave the hilltop, you are walking on the edge of hell and will be attacked by trees at any time.

Moreover, the Secret Valley has a height limit. No matter which race of creatures it is, it can only fly in the void within 50,000 feet from the ground. If the flying height exceeds 50,000 feet, it will be difficult to move.

Xuerong had already been prepared to be attacked. However, he had not been attacked by trees or vines along the way. The vast forest looked like the most ordinary forest, without any evil spirit.

This is very wrong!

Xuerong lowered the flying altitude and observed as he walked. The more he observed, the more frightened he became.

The countless tree demons and vine demons in the forest had no reaction to his arrival, even if occasionally a vine demon waved its branches with the intention of attacking, but then retracted.

There's something wrong with the psychedelic forest!

Xuerong didn't know the reason why the tree demons and vine demons did not attack outsiders, but returned to fly again at a height of more than 40,000 feet above the ground.

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