magic eye doctor

Chapter 3230 Level 5

The little fairy killed the Broken Mountain Dragon, and the Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls hugged the little fairy's thighs and chattered for a while, and once again swept away resources at a rapid pace.

They had super confidence in the little fairy, believing that the little fairy could protect them and not be affected by the fact that the ginseng baby was being chased by the big demon.

After sweeping up all the sustainable development resources in the jungle, the little Loli stopped searching for land, sent a group of dolls into the spiritual plant space, and drove the magic weapon on their way.

The Secret Valley has entered the midwinter season, and the frost is getting heavier and heavier. The forest has been frozen for longer and longer, making it no longer suitable for collecting.

At the same time, Buddhist cultivator Nanga and beast cultivator Xuerong also rushed to their destinations day and night.

The Buddhist cultivator's magic weapon is of a high level and his flying speed is fast, so his journey is smooth. However, the beast cultivator is not so lucky. From time to time, he is chased and intercepted by various monsters.

The seasons in Qianji Valley are not obvious, and the four seasons are as warm as spring, while the four seasons in the Secret Valley are more distinct. Therefore, even if Nanga does not have wood spirit roots, he cannot distinguish the seasons from the subtle changes in the trees, but he can also distinguish the seasons from climate changes.

There is no snow in the middle of winter in the Secret Valley, but the mountains are covered with frost. When viewed from a high altitude, the ground is covered in snow, which is not much different from the scenery after snow.

There is also frost in early spring in the Psychedelic Forest, so it is not easy to distinguish winter from early spring. The frost lasts for nearly four months before it ends.

Without the frost, everything begins to recover.

After the temperature rises, the grass and trees change very quickly. It only takes just over a month for the plants to sprout, grow new branches and leaves, and develop flower buds, and then the vast forest becomes colorful and full of flowers.

It was during the blooming season that Nanga arrived at his destination - a place where the idol tree is said to grow.

There is nothing strange about the place where the legendary idol tree is located. It is a hilly area in a highland, with countless peaks rising from the ground as dense as bamboo shoots. Although they are uneven, they are orderly.

Like the beautiful and rugged peaks surrounded by thousands of cranes, the vitality of heaven and earth is lingering with the mist. In the misty clouds and smoke, the peaks are shadowy and shadowy, like a dream.

The hills and rocks are beautiful, and the scenery is unique.

Not to mention that others would not believe the authenticity of the local god statue trees. Even Nanga himself, who had come all the way here, had doubts in his heart. Was there really a god statue tree here?

He suspected that his predecessors had remembered the wrong direction.

He did not doubt that he was in the wrong direction. After all, he was equipped with a variety of sophisticated Sinan instruments and astrological instruments. He constantly adjusted his route based on the astrological instruments and stars along the way, and it was impossible to deviate from the direction.

Regardless of whether there is a statue tree in the hills or not, since we are here, we naturally have to explore it.

Nanga descended from high altitude with the magic weapon and flew toward the hills from a height of about 20,000 feet above the ground.

He was not attacked by monsters along the way, but when he reached his destination and headed towards the hills, he encountered road sweepers - groups of monsters jumped out from the highlands and on the ground and attacked him.

In order to explore the hills, Nanga had no choice but to break through, just like breaking into the test tower.

His journey through the barrier was very arduous, and it took him three months to fight his way out of the siege of monsters and reach the high ground.

This is not over yet. He has only reached the edge of the hills and has not yet entered the hilly area.

There are more monsters in the hills. There is a territory every 50,000 miles, which is occupied by different monsters. Only by defeating the monster that rules each territory can you enter the next area.

According to the winner-takes-all rule, if the invader wins, he can naturally collect the resources of the territory at will. If he loses, he may pay the price with his life.

Nanga was forced to break through, and every time he defeated the dominant beast of a territory, he searched through the land with rich spiritual energy, collected some of the most precious resources, and then continued to advance into the hills.

He passed through one level after another, passed one mountain after another, and did not break into the middle area of ​​the hills until spring came again.

The peaks surrounded by the hills are mainly strange, dangerous and steep, and there are many caves, deep valleys, and strange scenery.

Mountain peaks are stacked on top of each other, and clouds and mist cover the sky. When one is among the mountains, it is difficult to distinguish north from south.

As one enters the middle part of the hills, the level of the monsters increases, and the territory occupied by the corresponding monsters becomes wider, with each territory being about 200,000 miles away.

The time it took Nanga to break through the barrier was getting longer and longer.

The Buddhist cultivator is already looking for his goal, while the animal cultivator is still on his way.

The little Loli is also working towards her goal day and night.

And Young Master Xuan, who had been cultivating at the Enlightenment Pagoda in the Three Pagodas Garden for five years, also decided to change places.

There are no years of cultivation, and they don't have much sense of time when they stay in the Enlightenment Tower. If the beasts hadn't used hourglasses to measure time, they might have thought that only one or two days had passed after they came back to their senses after being in meditation for a month or two.

Xuan Shaoyan doesn't care much about time, he only cares about the results and process of cultivation.

Since the beginning of formal training, the two young masters have worked hard to capture the wisps of heaven and earth energy that little Loli mentioned. Their spiritual consciousness chases the heaven and earth energy every day, and they play out the story of him chasing it and escaping.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the Awareness Tower is very strong, and the spiritual consciousness can see the white gas-like vitality flowing around, but it cannot catch it.

The two young men battled wits and courage with the vitality of heaven and earth, but their cultivation level did not increase, but their spiritual awareness did increase. When they finally captured a trace of the vitality of heaven and earth, it was already a year after entering the tower.

Even though the vitality of heaven and earth they captured for the first time was ten times thinner than little Lolita's hair, the two young masters were extremely happy and worked hard to refine it.

It is not easy to capture the vitality of heaven and earth, but it is even harder to refine it.

It took Yan Shao two and a half months to refine the vitality of heaven and earth, which was thinner than a hair, and store it in Dantian, and then he continued to work hard to capture the vitality of heaven and earth.

Mr. Xuan captured the vitality of heaven and earth before Mr. Yan, but it took him nearly a week longer than Mr. Yan to refine it.

When a trace of the vitality of heaven and earth is refined, the benefits are obvious - they can sense the vitality of heaven and earth more clearly and absorb spiritual energy faster during practice.

When GOU realized the benefits of refining the vitality of heaven and earth, the only idea of ​​the two young masters was to "capture the vitality of heaven and earth."

Every time he captures a trace of the vitality of heaven and earth and refines it, he also refines his stored spiritual power again, so that the spiritual power accumulated in his Dantian becomes more and more pure.

After four years of hard work, the spiritual power in Xuan Shaoyan's dantian was compressed to the extreme. He felt that no matter how much he practiced, his spiritual consciousness was not increasing, and there was no point in practicing on the fourth level, so he decided to go to the fifth level.

During the years they worked hard to refine the vitality of heaven and earth, monks entered the Enlightenment Tower to practice one after another. The fourth level also had monks entering, and the number grew to more than a hundred.

Xuan Shaoyan communicated with the communication talisman, reached an agreement, tidied up, put the Ruyi Room where the friends were staying in his sleeves, and left Tuanfu.

The two quietly walked around other tuanfu, floated out of the training hall, and climbed the stairs again.

Climb up the stairs to the fifth floor, pass through the golden screen door, and have an unobstructed view of the hall.

The hall on the fifth floor is as wide as the fourth floor, with more tufts. There are also monks in the training hall, all in human form, about two hundred in total.

Most of the monks in the hall had already fallen into trance, and no one knew there were new arrivals. The monks who had fallen into trance opened their eyes and took a quick look, then continued to meditate with their eyes closed.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao gently floated into the hall, went away from the main door and chose two tufts next to each other as a temporary "settlement".

There was no special reaction when walking into the beam. When the two young men put down the Ruyi House and stepped on the tuanfu, there was an invisible pressure.

The invisible force was so strong that it felt like countless mountains falling from the sky, pressing down on his head and shoulders.

Come to think of it, there is nothing more so-called than Mount Tai.

The feeling of power was very similar to the feeling they had when they faced the powerful Mahayana warriors in the Golden Lion City in the Yunlan Realm, which made people feel uneasy.

Young Master Xuan Yan once received a tip from Little Loli and knew that with each level of the Enlightenment Tower, the pressure they may encounter will increase by one level. Even if they were mentally prepared, they did not expect the invisible pressure on the fifth level. It's so heavy!

Mr. Xuan was so oppressed that his legs became weak and he almost fell down. He bit the tip of his tongue hard and let the pain stimulate his mind to stay awake and prevent himself from turning into a soft-footed shrimp.

Young Master Yan was not doing well either. Under the pressure of the hood, it was difficult to breathe. He straightened his neck forcefully to prevent himself from lowering his head.

The two young men just froze, keeping one foot on the tuanfu and one foot still outside.

The beasts and beasts staying in Ruyi House were shocked when they saw their brother's appearance. What's going on?

Yuanda and Long-eared Bear respectively got out of the Ruyi House and entered Tuanfu. When they were oppressed by invisible forces, they understood the reason.

The two Mahayana beasts quietly retreated to the Ruyi House.

Shui Dun saw the long-eared bear coming back and asked hurriedly: "Brother Xiong, what's going on in Tuanpuri?"

"It's nothing, it's just pressure." The long-eared bear said calmly: "In order to temper the will of the monks, there is pressure from the power of divine consciousness above each tuanfu in the training tower. The pressure here is approximately equivalent to that of a peak monk in the late stage of divine transformation. The momentum is coercive, but it’s not too strong, guys, you can hold on.”

"Oh, that's it, then it's okay." Shui Dun rolled his eyes and had an idea. When his friends got used to it, he would try it too!

When Yuanda returned to Ruyi House, he was also asked why by Ying Sheng and Bai Yin, and he gave a similar explanation.

Baiyin Yingsheng is gearing up and eager to try. The pressure of spiritual consciousness is conducive to the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. From now on, they should also go to Tuanfu to practice.

The three humanoid beasts planned to receive spiritual training in the future. Young Master Yan and Xuan Shao, who was being "tempered" by the pressure of divine consciousness, held on with their necks stiffened and refused to retreat.

They resisted the pressure and stood for a full cup of tea, then moved their other foot into the tuanfu and sat down slowly.

The pressure brought by the invisible force was too heavy, and they were unable to perform two tasks at once. They were temporarily unable to operate their cultivation techniques, so they had to bear it with all their strength and some kind of force.

The two young men only carried it hard for about half an hour before they couldn't hold it anymore. When they felt that their heads were about to explode and their consciousness became increasingly blurred, they did not stop being stubborn and slowly climbed out of the tuanfu and returned to Ruyi House to adjust their breath.

Brother, it takes time to adjust one's breath. Shui Dun and Baiyin Ying Sheng seem to have a telepathic connection, running up and down to endure the pressure of spiritual consciousness.

They were higher in cultivation than their brother, and they stayed under the pressure for two hours. When the brother recovered and went into battle, they gave way and returned to the Ruyi House.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao sat on the tuanfu again and endured the training. He also lasted only about half an hour and was forced to take a rest. He adjusted his breathing before going again, and the cycle started over and over again.

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