magic eye doctor

Chapter 3231 Mother and son reunited

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan practiced wholeheartedly in the Enlightenment Tower, while Calabash Boy and a group of little children happily planted food. After the little fairy entered the Secret Valley, he successively handed over the tasks of nine-star purple-grade fairy rice and divine grade fairy rice.

As the little fairy expected, the stewards tried their best to persuade him to continue planting, and Calabash Boy followed the fairy's instructions and put forward the conditions for the planting task.

The stewards unanimously agreed. They knew from the law enforcement the yield and growth period of Xiyue Fairy's spiritual planting dolls planting divine grade fairy rice and nine-star purple grade fairy rice.

Divine grade fairy rice and nine-star purple fairy rice are precious, especially divine grade fairy rice. Other planting teams basically have no hope. The only one who can count on it is Xi Yuexian's spiritual planting doll team.

As long as the magical fairy rice grown by the Lingzhi dolls is enough for the various forces in the Security City of the Secret Realm of the Associate Director, each of the forces will get ten or eight kilograms. Not to mention that a group of dolls rented a field and handed over the fairy rice, but they did not hand over the food. The Immortal Lord of the Palace would not have any objections either.

Calabash Boy negotiated terms with the steward, accepted the task and returned to the planting field, where he continued to happily work as a plantation gardener with a group of little creatures.

And the little Loli who became the shopkeeper was busy on her way. On the second anniversary of entering the secret valley, she finally saw the bamboo in the Qingxu God Realm.

She has been wandering outside the safe city of Sword Valley for several years and has seen tens of thousands of tree species, but no bamboo.

The ancient trees in the God Realm are more than 200 feet tall. Considering the size of the earth, the height of the trees is generally about 300 meters to 1,300 meters. It is not unimaginable for a tree to grow to 1,500 or 600 meters.

Le Yun thought that even if the bamboos in the divine world were not as tall as trees, they would still be too far away, sometimes three to four hundred meters.

The facts were contrary to her suspicions.

In the bamboo forest in the secret valley, the tallest bamboo does not exceed 200 meters. The height of the bamboo is between 100 meters and 150 meters. The diameter is even more exaggerated than the bamboo in the Yunlan Spirit World. A bamboo with a diameter of about 20 meters is normal.

It was summer when the little Loli passed through the bamboo forest. After the bamboo shoot season, she was not in a hurry to collect, and stepped on the field first.

The bamboo forest is composed of more than a dozen species of bamboo and grows mixed with other trees. It is classified as a mixed forest. It covers an extremely vast area, with a length of more than 200 million miles from east to west and a width of 13,000 miles from north to south.

The bamboo forest is rich in plant resources, and there are many bamboo locusts and bamboo rats in the forest.

Bamboo locusts and bamboo rats are both monsters. Bamboo locusts are smaller in size, and their body is thicker than the little loli's waist and shorter than her. The insect is about one meter long.

While studying the bamboo forest, Le Yun also discovered the bamboo rabbits that are common in the bamboo forests of Dongchen Continent. The varieties of bamboo rabbits are larger and fatter than those in Dongchen.

That discovery also made her extremely happy. She stepped across the land boundary and started hunting mode with the Jiu Xing Jiu brothers, hunting bamboo locusts, bamboo rats and bamboo rabbits. She also dug rare spiritual grass and collected old bamboo or last year's new bamboo.

Last year's new bamboo has fresh branches and leaves, suitable for use as a food reserve for iron-eating beasts.

She did not arrange for the blue-armored or gold-armored puppets to work. The secret valley is a world of trees. The big-fingered puppets would easily anger the tree demons if they moved in the forest.

There are bamboo locusts and bamboo rats that are good at digging holes in the bamboo forest. The risk factor is too high, and the spiritual plant dolls and rock dolls are too weak. Little Loli did not arrange for them to work, so she summoned little gray gray and spiritual monkeys to help collect.

The rhinoceros monkey performed well during the test and was recognized by Little Huihui and Little Fox. He was also able to be promoted from a temporary worker to a regular employee.

Little Loli sent him to manage a plantation obtained from the secret realm of the ancient city ruins. The little monkey managed the plantation very well.

The Lingxi Monkey and the Little Black Monkey have higher cultivation levels and have a certain ability to protect themselves, so they are assigned to work.

Little Huihui and Lingxi Little Monkey followed the little sister and the puppet to collect spiritual herbs and mushrooms. They also found all the bamboo fruits or rice.

There are no bamboo species that have entered the flowering period in the bamboo forest in recent decades, and there are no large and strong bamboos. There are only a few bamboos that occasionally bloom or bear fruit in some places.

Bamboo is also a spiritual tree. Many bamboos do not bloom and reproduce by producing bamboo fruits.

The little loli hunted from west to south, entering the starting area in the south. The season has also entered mid-autumn, which is also the time when bamboo nests grow.

At this time, the collection by herself, the nine puppets, Xiao Huihui and the Lingxi Monkey was obviously not enough. Due to the shortage of manpower, the little Loli had to send the Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls to go out.

A group of dolls put on fairy robes, fairy and divine defensive magic weapons, and each had a leaf flying machine. Those who could not fly in the air could easily shuttle through the bamboo forest.

The little Lolita collects with a group of helpers, and is always vigilant. Once a monster is detected, she immediately uses magic weapons to protect the collection area, and then drives away the monster.

She knows the monsters well, so she won't chase them. If they can't be driven away, she will let them become reserve food.

The Yinxing brothers helped their master take care of the little creatures while collecting them.

A collection brigade is advancing steadily, covering more than 100,000 miles every day.

While the little Lolita was busy collecting resources in the bamboo forest, the Buddhist cultivator was still wandering around Qiu Fu, and the animal cultivator who had been running around for two years also found his destination.

His target point was a swamp.

The swamp area located in the forest is about a million miles wide. There are also hills, small forests and grasslands in the swamp area. Most of the area is swamps and ponds.

The swamp surrounding a small area of ​​hills and forests is a poisonous swamp. Some places look like wetlands, with mud underneath. There are a large number of scorpions, leeches, locusts and poisonous toads lurking in the mud swamps and ponds.

There is no grass growing for several miles between the edge of the poisonous swamp and the junction of the forest and sea. The top of the swamp is covered with poisonous mist all year round, and poisonous flies are everywhere in the poisonous mist and in the swamp.

It was already dusk when Xuerong found the poisonous swamp. The poisonous mist above the swamp was as thick as black smoke. The black smoke swayed up and down, left and right. When the poisonous smoke in some areas became thinner, the poisonous flies could be faintly seen.

Leeches, scorpions and other poisonous insects lurking in the mud of swamps and ponds did not appear.

Flying day and night, Xuerong's consciousness was consumed a lot. She stopped above the forest and looked at the swamp for a while, then landed in the woods from the air, and then moved into a Ruyi House, using the Earth Escape Technique to escape to the earth to rest.

The fog in the Poison Swamp is poisonous and often seeps into the rain or wind and damages the surrounding vegetation or monsters. Poisonous insects such as poisonous toads and leeches will also prey on various monsters. Monsters are rarely seen around the swamp.

The trees near the poisonous swamp are basically ordinary spiritual trees. Only the poisonous tree demons will occasionally go to live near the poisonous swamp in order to absorb the poisonous gas.

Xuerong, who was hiding in the earth, thought he could sleep peacefully at night, but his plan couldn't keep up with the change. In the middle of the night, when he was meditating and practicing, he had an inexplicable heart palpitations.

Then he sensed danger.

Xuerong immediately drove away in the Ruyi House, and then ran as fast as possible in the opposite direction of Du Zhi. She also left the Ruyi House during the run, and ran with her Earth Escape Technique.

The Ruyiwu's defense and speed are both too poor. It is not suitable for fending off enemies or being used as a flying tool. Running with the Ruyiwu will only slow down your own speed.

In the soil layer of the earth, a monster beast found that its prey had escaped and pursued it relentlessly.

Xuerong fled dozens of miles away, then emerged from the soil, activated her clothes and a defensive magic weapon, and summoned a cup of eight-spindle silver-gold hammer.

As soon as he was ready to face the enemy, the monster that attacked him emerged from the ground.

It was a toad monster, about one foot long, with black and yellow skin covered with bumps, a pair of green eyes, and the webbed legs were also green.

The toad came out of the ground and rushed toward a ball of golden light. One of its forelimbs hit the golden barrier first, making a muffled "bang" sound.

The magic weapon knot trembled but was not broken.

The toad's attack failed, and its figure suddenly grew in size, turning into a giant toad more than ten feet long, opening its bloody mouth to bite the golden barrier.

Xuerong didn't dare to let the toad swallow her into its stomach, so she dodged and swung the sledgehammer to hit the toad's big head.

The toad's mouth brushed the golden ball of light as it passed by, and its saliva coated the golden ball of light. The golden barrier made a sizzling sound and smoke came out. Toad saliva is also highly toxic and corrosive.

The area where the barrier was stained by the toad's saliva was corroded away by a thin layer, and then filled with new power, corroded again, and filled with power again.

Toad didn't dare to bear the human's weapons, so he moved away and launched another attack.

Xuerong swung the sledgehammer to force the toad back, took the opportunity to shake off the liquid stuck to the defensive barrier, and attacked again with the hammer.

One person and one toad fight together, you advance and I retreat, you come and I go, the light group and light flash in the dark forest, and the sound of bang bang is endless.

After fighting for half a stick of incense, there was still no winner.

Xue Rong was worried that there would be another monster attacking at night, so she saw the right moment and threw a talisman into the toad's mouth when it opened its mouth. Then she stepped up the attack, forcing the toad to have no time to deal with what was in its mouth.

He attacked a few times and quickly escaped into the forest.

As soon as the toad jumped up to give chase, something blossomed in its belly, and a huge force surged through its belly. Then, its body blossomed like fireworks.

With the banging sound, the broken limbs of the toad that were blown apart flew in all directions, and at the same time, several air currents also jumped up and hit the surrounding trees.

The trees were rattled by the impact.

Xue Rong took shelter behind the trees, waited for the random wind to disappear, then turned back to the original place, picked up a few available body parts of the demon corpse, swept up the other flesh and blood, and dug several holes on the spot. buried.

After cleaning the battlefield, Xuerong retreated into the jungle, and then spent the night under a root of an ancient tree.

No more monsters came to disturb me in the second half of the night.

After a night's rest, Xuerong's fatigue from the rush was gone. She waited until the sun rose before flying out of the forest, crossing the barren land from high altitude and heading straight to the swamp.

He rushed into the black mist and was instantly surrounded by a large number of poisonous flies.

The Poison Fly is also a first-level monster. It is much smaller than other monsters. Its body is about a foot long, and it has sharp mouthparts and venom.

Poison flies are gregarious poisonous insects, small in size but large in number.

Hundreds of millions of poisonous flies rushed in, and within a moment they surrounded the humans who broke into the poisonous smoke.

Xuerong was not timid.

He was already prepared to throw the fire charm.

The fire talisman was also mixed with a thunderstorm talisman, and the fire talisman exploded to form a raging fire. The flames exploded from time to time, and flame balls flew into the sky.

The poisonous flies were killed and injured countless times in the flames.

Xuerong used the fire talisman to clear the way and pushed forward all the way.

The poison flies broke off batch after batch, unable to stop the human race and withdrew from the battlefield.

Leeches, poisonous scorpions, locusts, and poisonous toads, beasts with the ability to fly, flew into the air one after another to hunt the hunters.

No matter what kind of monster it is, Xuerong will throw the talisman when he should throw it, and the magic weapon when he should throw it. Leeches will kill leeches, and scorpions will kill scorpions. No matter what type of monster, no monster can stop him from entering the swamp.

The human race's talismans and talisman treasures appeared one after another, killing the monsters and beasts until they were bloody.

The corpse of the monster fell to the ground and was quickly devoured by the monster.

From sunrise to sunset, from moonrise to moonset, groups of monsters and beasts besieged the crowd one after another, but they were still unable to stop him.

After three days and three nights of bloody fighting, Xuerong fought his way through the swamp and reached a piece of land in the swamp, where he was surrounded by poisonous bees coming from the forest.

A hero cannot fight with four hands, Xuerong will not fight the poisonous bees alone, and still greets them with fire talisman and thunder explosive talisman.

The poisonous bees were unable to withstand the power of the fire talisman, and a large number of bee soldiers were damaged and forced to give up.

The bee swarm retreated, and the monster beasts were temporarily gone.

Xuerong flew to the inner perimeter of the swamp with his magic weapon, and soon the poisonous flies, poisonous scorpions and toads came back, and he also started killing again.

Four days and four nights later, Xuerong stepped into the mountains of corpses and seas of blood from the poisonous insects, entered the swamp, and found a mountain peak about two thousand feet high.

The terrain at the foot of the mountain is slightly higher, with woods and grasslands. There is a cave halfway up the mountain, and the entrance of the cave is sealed.

When the snowy face was still more than ten thousand feet away from the mountain peak, light flashed slightly at the entrance of the mountain peak, and a white bear appeared.

The bear has no body, he is a soul.

The bear stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the magical light group in the sky. His eyes, which were clearly not flesh and blood, showed surprise, and then surprise.

"You...are you from the White Bear clan?" Soul Bear's voice trembled.

"Mother, I am Xuerong! I'm here to take you home!" Xuerong couldn't restrain her excitement when she saw the bear soul at the door of the cave. She desperately knocked away the poisonous toad blocking the road in front of her and ran towards the hill.

The momentum of the human race surged, and the murderous intent was strong, which also shocked the toads and leeches. A group of monsters and beasts were unwilling to let the human race break out of the encirclement.

Xuerong increased the speed of the magic weapon to the extreme, streaking through the void like lightning and arriving in front of the cave.

The soul bear looked at the running humanoid monk and was filled with surprise: "Xue Rong, are you Xue Rong?"

Xuerong jumped out of the magic weapon and rushed towards her mother: "Mom, I am Xuerong!"

The humanoid monk stepped out of the magic weapon, and the soul bear also had a wonderful sense of soul connection. It caught the monk who was coming towards him, hugged him in his arms, and stroked his head with his big palm.

"Xue Rong, my son, you have grown so big!"

Xuerong hugged her mother's soul body, full of attachment: "Mother, I am already five hundred years old."

"The cubs of the Snow Bear tribe have a long cub period. You are only about five hundred years old and are still young. Now that Xuerong is here, go into the cave with your mother and talk slowly."

The soul bear stroked the cub's head, and held the humanoid cub's hand with its big paws towards the cave.

Xuerong obediently let her mother hold her hand, and followed her mother through the magical defense barrier and into the cave.

The original body of the cave was also a cave dug by some kind of nine beasts. Before the soul bear transformed into a soul body, it wandered to a small island in the swamp and occupied the cave as a place to live.

Soul Bear slightly modified the cave. It is more than twenty feet long and more than ten feet wide, which is considered wide. There is only one jade bed in the cave.

Xuerong looked at the cave where her mother had lived for nearly 100,000 years, feeling very sad. Her mother had suffered!

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