magic eye doctor

Chapter 3232: Being thrown out of the secret valley

The cave was too shabby, Xuerong's eyes were a little sore, and she controlled her emotions not to show them.

The magic weapon that protects the cave is of high level. Several monsters in the poisonous swamp have been trying to kill the creatures that invade their territory. They have been attacking the cave for nearly a hundred thousand people, but they have not been able to overcome the magic weapon defense.

Only with magic weapon protection can the soul bear gain a foothold on the swamp island.

After entering a safe place, Soul Bear took his cub and sat on the jade bed to talk.

Mother and son finally meet each other. No matter how sad they were in the past, joy overwhelms all emotions at this moment.

When he entered the secret realm, the cub was still an egg. When he saw it again, the cub had grown into a strong bear cub. As a mother, the soul bear was happy but also sad that she could not accompany the cub to grow up.

The soul bear was eager to know the cub's growth process, so he grabbed the cub and asked him to tell him about his birth experience.

Xuerong told her mother about her growth history, detailing everything from birth to entering the secret realm for hundreds of years. It took her seven days and six nights to finish the story.

The soul bear was still satisfied after hearing this, and did not ask for details. Considering that the cub was taken into a secret realm and time was precious, he had to leave as soon as possible to let the cub rest for a few days.

Xuerong didn't ask her mother how she survived these one hundred thousand years for the time being. She slept peacefully for three days, regained her energy, and took her mother out of the swamp.

The poisonous gas and mist in the poisonous swamp are very unfriendly to soul-body creatures. The soul bear has been practicing for a hundred thousand years, and the soul is still the soul power of the Mahayana realm.

She also tried to leave the Poison Swamp countless times, but unfortunately they all ended in failure.

The soul bear put away the jade bed that had been with him for many years, summoned the magic weapon, and entered the cub's wishful house.

Xuerong opened the defensive array of Ruyi House, built another Ruyi House, stuffed it into her sleeves, entered the magic weapon again, and left the hill.

When the humanoid monk came in, swarms of poisonous flies, poisonous toads, leeches, and locusts failed to stop him. When he was about to leave, the monster beasts intercepted and killed him again.

This time, monster beasts from all races came out in full force, and all those that could fly took to the sky and condensed into a thick wall. Monster beasts that could not fly also appeared, crowding the grass and pools.

There are also a large number of beasts crawling to the desolate areas on the edge of the Poison Swamp.

Xuerong fought all the way into the poisonous swamp. When she left, she didn't have the unrealistic idea of ​​the monster giving way. She still forced her way into the poisonous swamp in the same ferocious way.

In order for him to enter the secret realm and bring back his mother safely, the elders had been preparing for a hundred thousand years and prepared countless talismans and talismans against the poisonous swamp monsters. Even when faced with the monsters coming out in full force, he did not give up at all.

Xuerong used talismans to clear the way, pushing and pulling all the way, killing through the walls of monsters one after another, advancing her battle line step by step.

Even if he is trapped in a tight siege, or some monsters control monsters of a lower level to commit suicide, he has magic weapons to protect him, and there will be no danger every time.

It took Xuerong twenty-two days and two-thirds of the reserved strategic resources to finally break out of the horde of monsters and break out of the siege.

The several groups of monster beasts that occupied the poisonous swamp paid a heavy price in losing nearly half of the high-level monsters, but they still failed to retain the humanoid monks, which also destroyed the majesty of the monster group.

Although he successfully left the Poison Swamp, Xuerong was extremely exhausted from not sleeping for twenty-two days. After staying away from the Poison Swamp, he sneaked into the forest and found a safe place, retreating into the earth to repair deeply.

This time he was lucky, no trace of the monster was found, and no sneak attack occurred.

After hiding in the earth for several days, Xuerong regained her strength, dug out of the soil, and then closed the defense of Ruyi House, allowing her mother to move freely.

The soul bear didn't want to stay in Ruyi House, so he stayed with the cub and collected spiritual herbs together.

The purpose of Xue Rong entering the Secret Valley was to pick up her mother. She was very satisfied that her wish was fulfilled. She had no plans to explore other areas of the Secret Valley. She took her mother towards the entrance and exit barrier of the Secret Valley, collecting some while on the way. resource.

The soul bear is a creature with a soul body. It is fast and does not hold back the cub. When attacked by monsters, she can help defend the enemy and reduce the pressure on the cub.

Mother and son walking together are more calm than walking alone.

The soul bear also remembered the instructions of the cub and obeyed the instructions of a certain little fairy when collecting. He would pick three times out of ten and not cut down the trees in the bush.

The ancient trees in the psychedelic forest are everywhere, and there are many high-level fairy trees and sacred trees. The mother and son controlled themselves not to cut down, but they could not control their hands. Whenever they saw high-level fairy trees and sacred trees, they would cut off a few branches and see seedlings. It is also necessary to dig out one or two plants.

The mother-son team kept going, and in the blink of an eye the three-year deadline came, and they were still far away from the entrance to the secret valley.

Another year passed in a flash.

Mother and son are still collecting in the forest.

As time entered her fifth year in the Secret Valley, Xuerong occasionally felt a little flustered. Whenever she wanted to leave, she hesitated because the tree demons would not attack and the resources in the forest were readily available.

As soon as he hesitated, he hesitated for a year without making a choice, because even if he occasionally felt flustered, he did not encounter any danger, the dryads were never aggressive, and he gradually lost himself.

And just when he forgot about it, one day when he found several high-level fairy trees again, the mother and son were so excited that they were about to go out of the magic weapon to dig out the seedlings, but the magic weapon was suddenly thrown high into the sky by a strong force.

His magic weapon suddenly lost contact with him and he lost control and jumped high into the sky. Xuerong was filled with fear and screamed: "Ah-"

The soul bear also sensed some kind of power that could easily crush her soul. He couldn't resist at all, and his soul body was also immobilized, unable to even move. The next moment, the mother and son felt that they were being pulled by some force, and then their vision turned black, and their consciousness was blocked by some force.

The unconscious mother and son did not know that they were wrapped in a ball of white light and flying through the air as fast as light.

About half an hour later, the white light wrapped in a magic weapon flew to the barrier at the entrance to the secret valley and threw it into the golden vortex.

The golden light flew into the golden whirlpool and disappeared in an instant.

After Qianji Valley was invaded by a wave of insects, the plants were overeaten by locusts. Even though five years had passed since the first wave of insects, only some areas of the vast canyon had plants growing.

Fortunately, the canyon has a mild climate and abundant rainfall. There is no vegetation and the exposed canyon surface will not weather into sand.

The insect wave has just passed five years ago, and there are still several years before the next wave of insect wave. There are only planting teams of various ethnic groups in Qiangu Garden. There are not many people around, and it is quiet and peaceful.

The planting team is busy planting fairy rice and pays little attention to other things.

At nearly noon that day, when the law enforcement officers and stewards were inspecting Qiangu Garden as usual and preparing to close their eyes and rest their minds, the entrance and exit barriers of Qianji Secret Valley suddenly lit up.

The golden vortex burst out with dazzling brilliance without warning. The burst of brilliance flashed like lightning and radiated hundreds of miles away.

The law enforcement officers in the clouds in the sky and the stewards in Qiangu Garden were slightly startled when they sensed the brilliance, and looked straight towards the secret valley.

The large vortex of light at the entrance to the secret valley was flowing, gorgeous and brilliant, and then a golden light group ejected from the large vortex.

The brilliance of the big whirlpool subsided in an instant and became silent again.

The golden light cluster took dozens of miles to reach the ground like a shooting star. It rolled a few times before it stabilized.

The light group kept spinning while flying, and it was difficult to see what it was. When it stopped, the law enforcement officers in the air and the stewards of Qiangu Garden "see" the truth clearly.

There is a humanoid monk and a soul bear in the golden light group.

The stewards were all immortals with extraordinary memories. They also recognized the humanoid monk as a monk from the Snow Bear Clan named "Xue Rong", and he was also one of the two lucky monks who was lucky enough to be brought into Qianji Secret Valley by Fairy Xiyue.

Monk Xuerong was the first person to come out of Qianji Secret Valley.

The law enforcement officers and stewards silently paid attention to the monks and souls in the magic weapon light group.

The magic weapon light group lay quietly in the sun. The soul bear and the humanoid monk inside lay upright and motionless. After a full incense stick, the soul bear moved.

When the soul bear became conscious, she felt the pain of being burned in her soul. She took a moment to calm down, and immediately floated up. She didn't care to think about what happened, and first checked on her cub.

The cub is fine, but his spiritual consciousness was consumed too much and he was temporarily comatose.

The cub was fine, and everything else was no problem. The soul bear was also in a mood to look around. The first thing that caught his eye was the bare land, and then the huge defensive barrier at the foot of the mountain.

The soul bear's movements slowed down, and he turned his head and neck again, and then saw the vast plains and the golden vortex between the two giant mountains.

It was all so familiar.

The soul bear glanced in the air, then at the cub, then silently got into the wishful house in the cub's sleeve, took the initiative to avoid the wishful house, and then poked the cub on the back of the neck.

The sleeping humanoid monk was poked, as if he had been boiled with ice on a hot day, stimulating him so much that he trembled and woke up.

Xue Rong, who woke up slowly, sat up in a daze, stretched out her hand to massage her head, which was still hurting.

Then, he heard the message from his mother's soul: "Xue Rong, we came out of the Secret Valley and are now outside the Qianji Secret Valley Teleportation Formation."

Xuerong was excited again, and even the pain felt a little weaker. She hurriedly looked around and looked around. When she saw the familiar Qiangu Garden barrier, she was overjoyed.

Oops, I’m back alive!

At the moment when the magic weapon lost control, he felt like death was coming. Now that he and his mother were not dead, this was an unexpected joy. While feeling emotional, Xuerong also understood that he and his mother had been expelled from the Secret Valley!

Don't ask him how he knows.

There is only one way to enter the Qianji Secret Valley, and there are two ways to leave the Secret Valley. One is to wait until the secret realm is opened and closed, and use the secret realm key to take the person out. The other is to leave through the teleportation channel.

At the end of the secret realm, the creatures brought out of the secret valley by the secret realm key will not appear in Qianji Valley, but will land in the Bluestone Square before entering the secret realm.

He and his mother did not leave the Secret Valley through the teleportation channel on their own, nor were they taken away from the Secret Valley by the key. The only explanation was that they were thrown out of the barrier by the Secret Valley.

Throwing it out is a shameful thing, but compared to walking out of Qian Ji Secret Valley alive, shame is nothing.

Regarding her experience of being expelled from the Secret Valley, Xuerong accepted it well, cheered up and flew to Qiangu Garden with her magic weapon.

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