magic eye doctor

Chapter 3238: A forgetful expression

The mountain native plant dolls and grain dolls led the new friends to visit each mountain, and even visited a seed warehouse of the same type as them.

The little creatures were small, jumping around, looking here and there, going up and down in circles. When they finished visiting the nine jade mountains, it was already half afternoon.

It was getting late, so it was no longer appropriate to go out to plant or visit the crops grown by the Grain Dolls. The little creatures returned to the cave and happily ate snacks.

Leyun packed the food seeds she brought with her, and then entered the cave. She first learned in detail how the little creatures planted them, and then handed the seeds to them.

The seeds are divided into two parts. One part is used as a seed for inheritance, that is, after sowing the seeds into the field, there is no need to interfere with it and let it grow in the natural environment, spreading the grain seeds in the most primitive way.

The other seed is to plant grain seeds, which are sown in a scientific way. Weeding is done when the grains are growing, and insects are caught when it is time to catch them. During the harvest season, they are harvested manually, and then the land is plowed and planted.

Little creatures are very smart, and they know everything at once.

Leyun first gave the rice inheritance seeds to the rice dolls according to their types, and then gave them three different planting grain seeds.

One part of the grain seeds is the immortal rice seeds collected from Wanzhen Pagoda and Qiangu Garden, and the other part is the spiritual grain grade grain seeds collected from Yunlan and Dongchen Continent.

These two grains are of high grade and have a long growth period. In order to shorten the growth period of the rice, they are grown in a scientific way with fertilizers.

The other seeds are ordinary grain seeds collected from three places: Dongchen Continent, Yunlan and Earth. When planting, do not fertilize them first and let them grow under natural conditions. If they are promoted to spiritual rice or immortal rice, they will be harvested for one season. and then cultivated in a scientific way.

The rice babies have great memories. The little fairy only said it once. They have memorized the planting method of each rice seed, and they all answered fluently when they were randomly checked.

After teaching the rice dolls about planting methods, Leyun then distributed grain seeds to the millet dolls, bean dolls, millet dolls and potato dolls. They also divided them into two parts, one as inheritance seeds and the other as planting seeds.

There is nothing special about the three methods of growing millet, millet and beans. You only need to teach the children how to grow them in the same way as crops.

The grain dolls follow the most natural way to plant grains. The distance between the plants is quite large. For fairy rice, the distance between the divine rice and the fairy rice is generally ten feet, and the distance between the fairy rice and the fairy rice is more than five feet. Therefore, the distance between the grains is quite large. The output is not high.

Planted in the same way as crops, the distance between the celestial rice and the celestial rice is kept about one foot, and the distance between the plants of the celestial rice is between five and eight feet.

The food grown by planting crops will be the rations that will be eaten in the future. Of course, the more the better, Leyun also gave the dolls a portion of fertilizer to apply when planting some fairy or spiritual rice-level food seeds to shorten the food supply. growth cycle.

Finally, the focus is on teaching new breeding methods to potato dolls.

The potato babies plant potatoes. No matter what kind of potato they are, they use the whole potato as seeds, which is very wasteful.

Large potatoes and potatoes can be cut into pieces for planting. That is, the potato seeds should be germinated first. When the buds of the large potatoes or potatoes grow small buds, the large potatoes or potatoes can then be cut into pieces. When cutting, the standard is to ensure that every piece of potato has buds. , then wrap the potato pieces with a layer of plant ash and plant them in the ground.

For sweet potatoes, you can first plant seed potatoes into the field, cultivate the seedlings, and then cut the vines into sections according to a certain size and plant them by inserting poles. This can save a lot of seed potatoes.

A group of little beings who have followed the little fairy have planted crops in the spiritual planting space for decades, and have long since learned to grow crops using scientific planting methods. This is the first time for the local little creatures in the fairy field to accept foreign planting knowledge.

In order to let the little creatures master scientific planting methods, Leyun sent Xiaowawa, Xiaoyujing and Xiaohuajing to assist the wheat dolls, millet dolls, millet dolls, potato dolls and bean dolls in planting. Chiwawa took the lotus root dolls and cotton dolls to assist the rice dolls. The children plant rice.

In order to allow the little dolls to plant as many fairy fields as possible, the Jiuxing brothers were assigned to help Daowa, and the Silver Moon and Sihuo brothers were assigned to help Maiwa and other dolls.

The puppets are responsible for plowing the fairy fields and removing weeds from the fields. The little children can do less heavy work, save their consciousness and energy, and sow more fairy fields.

After arranging the planting tasks, Leyun taught the little children how to make boxes and boxes out of spirit wood.

The newly harvested fairy food must be stored properly to preserve the aura and freshness of the fairy food. Using a spirit wood box to store the fairy food can prevent the loss of the spirit of the fairy food and make it easier to take when eating.

The spirit wood box contains the seeds of fairy food.

The little creatures were very interested in learning new skills and quickly learned a new craft.

Le Yun placed several drying trays in the cave. Two drying trays were filled with spiritual wood, two drying trays were piled with spiritual wood boxes, and the other two drying trays were empty.

The grain dolls and the five native spirit plant dolls were given storage containers each containing a small amount of bamboo barrels containing fairy grains and spirit wood boxes.

The emperor did not want hungry soldiers, so he arranged the task of planting dolls. Naturally, he could not let them work hungry. With a wave of his hand, Le Xiao took out a hundred boxes of spiritual meals, put them in a storage bag and put them in the cave as a reserve. Food, when the little creatures are tired from working, they can come back and have a meal to replenish their strength.

Then take out a few boxes of spiritual meals for dinner, and implement a meal-sharing system, with two bowls for each doll, one bowl of rice, and one bowl of spiritual meal.

The Five Grain Babies and Bamboo Babies, who had always only eaten raw rice, felt like they had been lifted up when they ate steamed rice and spiritual meal for the first time.

The little creatures are busy working.

The little creatures who were busy cooking had no time to talk. It was not until they had finished eating all the food in their bowls and cleaned the bowls that they had time to chat.

After chattering for a while, the grain dolls, the bamboo dolls, the tea dolls, the mushroom dolls, and the pepper dolls ran to the stone nest on the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, took out all the rations they had saved, put them in the spirit wood box and gave them to the little fairy.

"This is your ration. Keep it yourselves. You gave me the ration. What should you do if you are hungry and want to eat fairy rice?" Le Yun looked at thousands of boxes of fairy rice and was completely confused.

"Several kinds of food we grow will be harvested soon, and we won't be hungry." The dolls handed the boxes to the fairy and ignored them, happily running to play with their friends.

"..." The little ones were so down-to-earth that Le Yun didn't know what to say. She put it away first after thinking about it. When she was free to make a spiritual meal, she would steam several pots of fairy rice and brew several pots of fairy rice for the little ones. rice wine.

The little creatures were thinking about planting tomorrow, played for a while and then went to bed.

The little guys sleep in a row like rows of garlic. They lie down on the ground and fall asleep instantly.

"?" Le Yun was stunned for a moment. The good sleep quality of the little babies would make an insomniac angry every minute!

The little creatures slept peacefully. She didn't have time to sleep. She took the puppet into a drying pan and sawed the spirit wood to make a wooden box.

A group of little children had a good night's sleep and woke up in unison at dawn in the east.

The cute little creatures packed themselves up, ran to the fairy spring eye pool to drink water, took the puppet guards, and set off to work in a hurry. The dolls in Xiantian Treasure Land, whether they are grain dolls or plant dolls, are extremely fast. Even the slowest gold-type doll is several times faster than the little lolita.

The light and wind dolls are the kings of speed, and their speed is unmatched.

Light and wind dolls are good at speed. In the past, when the dolls went out to farm, the light or wind dolls would carry other companions away.

This time was no exception. Members of each planting team entered the wishful house given by the fairy, and were led away by the light or wind dolls who were going in the same direction.

The light or wind dolls left the island with their friends, and the troops were divided into two groups, heading south and north, interpreting what Yanbeiyannan is.

They were fast and reached their destination in less than half an hour.

The rice doll planting team arrived at the planting area and went to the fields with the puppets to tidy up the fairy fields and sow seeds.

The dolls who went north arrived at the vacant fairy field area, and then they were grouped according to the type of fairy food they planted, and went to different areas to plant their own food.

The little creature left as soon as he said it, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Le Yun, who was left behind, packed up the leftover materials for making wooden boxes and set off.

She followed the scent, passed through the garden-like grassland in the center of the island, and crossed several small peaks with different heights, and arrived at a quartz sandstone peak forest landform.

The quartz sandstone landforms develop differently due to the different mineral composition, hardness and cementation degree of the sandstone. The quartz sandstone landforms on the small island are similar to the forest landforms of Tenno Peak in Shonan Province, China.

The quartz sandstone peak forest landform is characterized by a layered layer structure, and the bee pillars have a layered feel. The small pieces of quartz sandstone peak forest on the island should have been transported from elsewhere. There are more than a dozen tall and steep peak pillars rising from the ground. , well-proportioned.

Plant leaf debris or soil dust particles were deposited in some places between the peak pillars. Many plant seeds fell into the rock gaps and took root tenaciously in the rock gaps on the mountain wall.

Among the plants that take root on the bee posts, there is a plant with hair-like leaves. Their roots are in the shape of a ball. The big ones are as big as the mouth of a bowl, the small ones are as big as fists, or the mouths of small cups are as big as the mouth of a small cup, and some are even just the size of a finger. big.

Tufts of grass cling to the cliffs of the peak pillars, with long leaves hanging in the air, like the kind of Buddha dust in the hands of monks or Taoists.

The plant's filamentous leaves can be up to a thousand feet long, and can be as short as hundreds or dozens of feet. The leaves are as thin as hair and as green as jade. Whenever the wind blows, thousands of filaments sway with the wind, which is incomparable. Silky smooth.

Le Yun stood in the air, looking at the ball-shaped filaments on the stone wall of the peak pillar, and her eyes were so happy that they formed a line: "Oh, you can't find this place without wearing iron shoes, it takes no effort at all!

Developed! Developed! I made a lot of money this time! "

Do you know what kind of plant Silk Grass is?

It is also a rare divine plant in the God Realm - Thousand Thread Grass.

The leaves of Thousand Threads Grass are as thin as a human hair. A grass can have as few as a thousand leaves or as many as ten thousand leaves. It is truly Thousand Threads.

In addition to its real name, Thousand Thread Grass, it is also called Thousand Thread Grass, Thousand Thread Grass, and because the leaves can grow up to a thousand feet long, it is also called Thousand Foot Grass.

Thousand Silk Grass is a magical divine plant that can repair the bodies and meridians and spiritual roots of powerful people who continue to be canonized as saints and gods.

For example, if the powerful body of the Immortal God-level is difficult to recover after being damaged, or if the spiritual roots and meridians are damaged or broken, or part of it is missing, and it is impossible to reconnect the meridians, spiritual roots or restore the body with the existing means, then The elixir refined from Thousand Silk Grass can regenerate tissues in the defective parts of the body, thereby replenishing the entire body.

Using it as the main medicine, you can also refine another miraculous elixir - the Forgettable Pill. If a living being is troubled by certain memories or experiences and is in extreme pain, taking the Forgettable Pill can wash away certain memories and make you feel better. People forget the past and start a new life.

For this reason, Thousand Silk Grass is also nicknamed "Forgetting Grass", "Forgetting Silk" and "Ruthless Silk".

Leyun is also looking for it. She took the medicine prepared by Jiuzizhu and still failed to grow taller. If she wants to grow taller, her only hope is "Qiansicao".

Thousand Silk Grass has the function of regenerating body tissue. It can restore the regeneration ability of body tissue at the level of a god. In theory, it is only a trivial matter to make the bones of a flesh-and-blood body like her grow again.

Thousand Silk Grass also has other functions. For example, it can neutralize the medicinal properties of some powerful divine plants. With its addition, the medicinal properties of the originally violent divine pills will become very mild.

It can also improve the quality of the elixir and increase the success rate. Generally speaking, when Qiansi grass is added to the elixir, the success rate increases from 55% to 99%.

At the same time, Thousand Silk Grass can also be added when refining the weapon. Thousand Silk Grass can improve or fuse materials, making some materials that are difficult to fuse with other materials more tolerant, and can also make the finished product more flexible. sex.

Not only that, it also has another miraculous function: if Thousand Silk Grass is added when refining the weapon, the probability of the high-level magic weapon being refined to give birth to a weapon spirit is as high as 90%.

Because Thousand Silk Grass has miraculous functions, gods and immortals are also flocking to it.

Unfortunately, Thousand Silk Grass is rare and hard to come by. Finding it is even more difficult than finding the traces of the God-conferring God.

To be honest, Le Yun, who was described by the little fox as God's daughter, had no hope of finding Qiansi Cao even though she knew she was extremely lucky.

Who would have thought that just by taking a trip to the Qianji Secret Valley, not only would I find the legendary Xiantian, but there would actually be Qiansi Grass in the secret area of ​​the Xiantian!

At this moment, Le Yun believed that she was God's little daughter again. She was so excited that she wandered between the peak pillars to check the number of Thousand Silk Grasses.

After observation, there are a total of nineteen bee pillars in a quartz sandstone peak forest landform. Among them, six peak pillars have Thousand Silk Grass growing on them. The oldest one is more than 100 million years old, and the youngest seedling is less than one year old, about 100 million years old. The size of a newborn baby is half a finger.

The smell of Thousand Silk Grass is a natural grass smell, and there is a hint of human hair smell in it, which of course refers to the natural smell of hair.

The natural smell of human hair is very light. Even if the hair is cut, most people will not be able to smell the faint smell emanating from the hair.

The oldest Thousand Silk Grass between the stone walls of the peak pillars, the color of the silk has turned into dark green, and the leaves will not be cut and will not emit odor.

The leaves of the newly born Thousand Silk Grass are tender green and exude a faint smell of sky.

There are several Thousand Silk Grass stems growing out of the silk balls, with a bud on the top that looks like the artichoke that European nobles like to eat.

The flower buds of Thousand Silk Grass are still in the growth stage, and they are far away from the day they bloom.

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