magic eye doctor

Chapter 3239 Leaving the Valley

The Thousand Silk Grass grows freely on the bee pillar cliffs, and is full of vitality.

Le Yun couldn't help but feel happy as she shuttled between the peak pillars. She secretly counted how many Thousand Silk Grass plants there were on which peak pillars, which ones could be harvested from, and which plants were easiest to harvest.

After wandering around for a while, I finally returned to the stone wall of a peak pillar with the most Thousand Silk Grasses. I first used the dust removal technique to wash the "face" of the nearby plants.

After cleaning off the dust on the Thousand Silk Grass, he took out a drying tray and put it in the air, then took out a dozen spiritual marrow jade boxes and mutton-fat jade boxes and lined them up.

Everything was ready, Bisi picked up a Thousand Silk Grass that had lived for hundreds of millions of years in one hand, took an emerald knife in his hand, and slashed it.

The jade knife slashed down, cutting off about two-thirds of the total length of the Thousand Silk Grass. When the Thousand Silk Grass was cut, a fresh fragrance of green grass came out.

Le Yun quickly tied a handful of silk grass into knots, and then condensed a bunch of magical fire to burn the fractures of the grass leaves.

When the Thousand Silk Grass was cut, green gelatinous juice oozed from the fracture. When roasted by the magic fire, the gelatinous juice solidified, sealing the fracture and blocking the loss of the medicinal properties and aroma of the Thousand Silk Grass.

Thousand Thread Grass has strong self-healing power. The wound on the silk grass leaf connected to the root does not require manual treatment. Its juice solidifies and seals the wound.

The roots and leaves of Thousand Silk Grass have the same effect, so when collecting Thousand Silk Grass, you don’t need to dig up the roots, just cut the leaves directly. Thousand Silk Grass will still grow again after its leaves are cut off.

After sealing the broken ends of the Thousand Silk Grass and placing it in the jade box, Le Yun moved towards the second ball of Silk Grass. After cutting off a handful, she tied them up and sealed the wound with magic fire.

People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants, so you can't be too greedy.

Faced with the Thousand Silk Grass that he dreamed of, Mr. Le Xiao was not greedy. He only cut off two-thirds of the length of the leaves, leaving one-third of the length for it to absorb the sun, rain and dew.

There is no danger in the Xiantian Treasure Land, and there are no outsiders trying to compete with her for sacred plants. The little loli happily harvests the leaves of Thousand Silk Grass.

She did not touch the leaves of the few Thousand Silk Grass plants that were about to bloom, but cut a portion of the leaves from the Silk Grass Ball that could be used to cut the leaves, and then dug up the plants to be used as seeds.

The dug plants are used as seeds for breeding future generations, so they must be carefully selected. Several plants of each age group were dug up, including ones that are hundreds of millions of years old, some that are thousands of years old, and some that are less than 1000 years old. There are also new seedlings that are a hundred years old.

After collecting the plants, Leyun also found some seeds that had not successfully landed in the woods or stone crevices around the peak pillar with Thousand Silk Grass.

Thousand Silk Grass has strict requirements on the growth environment. It likes to grow in the gaps between the stone walls of steep and tall mountain peaks. The stone walls are preferably facing the southeast or east. At the same time, it likes a half-shade and half-sun environment, which means it can get the sun but is fully protected. The sun is shining.

The root system of Thousand Silk Grass is extremely developed. Its leaves can grow to a thousand feet, and the root system can extend thousands of feet. The root system is like a spider web densely attached to the stone wall, firmly grasping the rock crevices, no matter how fierce the wind is. Even the heavy rain could not remove it from the stone wall.

Moreover, it tolerates dryness but not waterlogging. It grows luxuriantly on dry stone walls with little water. It has half the chance of survival if it falls on a steep slope. However, if it falls on flat ground, even if it successfully germinates, its roots will be flooded during the rainy season. It will rot in four or three days.

The method of dispersing seeds of Thousand Silkworms is similar to that of dandelion. Its seeds are pointed at both ends and round in the middle, with long spider-like hairs on the top. When the seeds are mature and the wind blows, the seeds will fly like dandelion seeds. Parachute takes off for a long voyage.

The seeds of Thousand Silk Grass are blown in all directions by the wind. If they are attached to the cracks in the stone wall where debris is trapped, they will take root and germinate. If they land in an inappropriate place, they will either disappear or disappear.

Le Yun found a dozen seeds from the crevices of rocks or the folds of trees that were protected from rain. She hid them properly and kept them. Then she continued to wander around, looking for rare fairy grass plants.

Although the islands in the lake are small and the peaks are also small peaks, there are many rare immortal grasses and sacred plants that are difficult to find in all walks of life.

The little Loli wandered around the island for five days, searching every corner, and then went to the big island in the center of Xianquan Lake Island and the surrounding small islands.

She drilled here and there, and it took her a full forty days to visit every island in the fairy spring lake, collect dozens of barrels of fairy spring, and leave the fairy spring lake with satisfaction to step on the boundary of the fairy field treasure land.

While the little Lolita was visiting the island in the fairy spring lake, the grain dolls and the spirit plant dolls worked day and night to plant the fairy grain seeds as soon as possible.

A group of little creatures worked day and night for a full month and a half, sowing all the inheritance seeds, and then continued to plant crops in a scientific way.

The bean dolls, millet dolls, potato dolls, and potato dolls received fewer new seeds. After planting the crops they were responsible for, they went to help the wheat dolls, and then went with the wheat dolls to help the rice dolls plant.

The little creatures have been busy for half a year, planting all the seeds that the fairy gave them to plant, and then returned to the fairy spring eye island to rest.

A group of friends returned to the cave but did not see the little fairy and did not go to look for her. They had a spiritual meal together and worked on the ground to make wooden boxes.

The puppets did not rest. They continued to clear the weeds in the fairy field and harvest the spiritual grass.

The little creatures had rested for less than a month. Some of the fairy grains they had grown before were at harvest time, and they were harvested in the fields again.

The puppets also help with the harvest, but they cannot enter the fairy fields where the crops are grown, and they need to be carried by the dolls.

The puppets can enter and leave idle fairy fields at will, and whenever grain seeds are sown in a fairy field, they can no longer step into it, even if it is a fairy field they have just helped plow.

A group of dolls brought the puppets into the fairy field. They harvested ears of grain, millet, or dug potatoes. The puppets helped collect rice, wheat and other stalks and seedlings, and loosened the soil.

The harvestable grains are harvested, and then the seeds are sown. The little creatures go back to rest together. Whenever a grain is mature or needs top dressing, they go to work in the fairy field, and so on.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and three years fly by.

Xuan Shaoyan, who practiced at the Three Pagodas Garden Enlightenment Pagoda, after ten years of training, finally adapted to the pressure of spiritual consciousness above the tuanfu. Not only could he practice on the tuanfu, but he could also persist for a day.

The two young men, who had been hit hard again and again, managed to survive. The energy of heaven and earth condensed in their Dantian also grew to the size of a grain of rice, and their cultivation reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

The true energy has been compressed to the extreme, and it's time to advance.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan are well prepared and officially pass the test.

They did countless rehearsals, and it only took them one day and one night to successfully break through the barrier, cross the Nascent Soul stage, and enter the ranks of Void Refining monks.

In the God Realm, mortal immortals are the lowest level of monks, and those below are naturally not worth mentioning. Therefore, there is no thunder catastrophe for the two young masters to advance to the Void Refining Realm.

The two young masters, who had not been struck by thunder after being promoted, were confused.

The two confused young men stayed on the fifth floor for another half a year, consolidated their cultivation, and climbed to the sixth floor of the tower with full confidence.

The pressure level of the sixth-floor tower has been upgraded, which is equivalent to the pressure of a monk in the Hedao stage.

Xuan Shaoyan, who came full of confidence, was hit hard by reality. Once again he was forced to accept the fact that he was a weakling, and he had no choice but to accept the pressure and training.

As for going back to the fifth floor or something, that's impossible!

They also want to lose face.

Unable to retreat, they could only bite the bullet and face the difficulties. The two young men once again started a hard life of training in Tuanfu and Ruyi's house. Compared with Yan Shaoxuan, who was forced to grind his own way, Nanga was much more active. He took the initiative to challenge the lord beasts in the hills. After defeating the opponent, he went to search the territory and remembered the territory he failed to enter the first time. After searching an area, go back and challenge again.

Human cultivators have an indomitable spirit, and the demon beast lords are annoyed by being challenged several times. Some of the beast lords simply give up their territory temporarily after being challenged two or three times, allowing the humans to search for resources and leave before returning.

Nanga, who was walking slowly, explored the territory of monsters one after another, and continued to advance towards the center of the inner circle.

The closer he gets to the central area, the slower his marching speed becomes.

After another two years of hard work, at the beginning of the winter of the fourteenth year after entering the Secret Valley, Nanga's footprints covered the valleys and peaks within the hills.

After searching through the last stream with the richest aura, the legendary sacred tree was still nowhere to be seen. Nanga faced a mountain stream with stone peaks that were very similar to the place where the sacred tree was found according to previous records, with a sad expression on his face.

If you can't find the idol tree, you won't be able to see the person you want to see.

The mountain stream and the stone peaks were silent as they didn't understand the human race's mood.

After standing in silence for a long time, Nanjia clasped his hands toward the mountain and recited the Buddha's name, and sighed sadly: "Meetings and separations are all caused by fate, and there are causes for the origin and destruction of fate. It was the young monk who forced me!"

If you don't get what you want, either the fate is gone, or the fate has not arrived and you can't force it.

Nanga recited the Buddha's name again, summoned the golden lotus magic weapon, walked into the magic weapon, quietly rose to the sky, and headed towards the entrance and exit barrier of the secret valley.

The golden lotus magic weapon turned into golden light and moved quickly, crossing the highlands and hills in less than an hour.

The golden lotus magic weapon left the highlands and hills behind, and flew further and further away. Nanga, who was sitting in the golden lotus, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes while silently reciting Buddhist scriptures, and never looked back.

The magic weapon flew through the air like a golden shadow, traveling hundreds of thousands of miles away.

There were monsters on the ground who saw the golden light in the sky and were unable to intercept it.

Buddha's journey to his destination was smooth, and his return was also smooth. Although he was intercepted by flying monsters in mid-air several times, he was beaten to death by Buddha.

The golden lotus magic weapon traveled day and night, sailing at high altitude for eight and a half months, and returned to the hilltop where the entrance and exit of the secret valley are located.

The forest surrounding the hilltop is green and as calm as the sea. The golden vortex on the top of the mountain floats quietly in the sky, shining brightly without burning the eyes.

It was mid-afternoon, the sun had turned to the west, and the shadow of the mountain peak was stretched a bit.

Nanga let the golden lotus land on the summit platform and chanted sutras quietly.

Fifteen long marks were drawn on the paper he recorded the time, representing the passage of fifteen years.

Fellow Taoist Xiyue once recommended that the stay in the Secret Valley should not exceed three years, but the length of his stay was five times the length of stay recommended by fellow Taoist Xiyue.

In the past fifteen years, the forest, which made the seniors who had seen the dangers of the psychedelic forest talk about it, was surprisingly quiet. No high-level or low-level dryads showed up, let alone pursued him.

This is an unsolved mystery.

Nanga was not prepared to explore the mysteries, nor was he greedy. He did not seize the time to collect resources crazily before leaving the secret valley like some people did.

He meditated quietly and chanted sutras.

Time passed slowly, and the shadow of the mountain peak became longer and longer. Finally, as the sun set in the west, the light around the mountain peak became darker and darker, and the golden color of the vortex became brighter and brighter.

When the last light of nature faded away, the sky became dim, and stars gradually shone in the vast forest.

The golden light on the small mountain peak is as bright as the golden sun.

Nanga meditated all night in the golden light of the barrier, and listened to the sound of forest waves all night long. At dawn in the east, he leisurely stood up and tidied up his appearance.

I used the dust removal technique on myself, and I also used the dust removal technique on the magic weapon. I sat down again and took out the fresh fruits picked in the forest for dinner.

While eating the spiritual fruit, what I was thinking about was the spiritual meal made by fellow Taoist Xiyue.

He didn’t have much food to store, and he hadn’t eaten for fifteen years. He really missed the taste of spiritual meals, especially the taste of the spiritual meals prepared by fellow Taoist Xiyue!

It has been fifteen years, and I don’t know if fellow Taoist Xiyue has left the Secret Valley.

Nanjia thought of his little Taoist friend, and felt a little warm in his heart. He ate a few spiritual fruits, cleaned his mouth, waited until the sun rose, and flew into the golden vortex with the golden lotus magic weapon without any hesitation.

When the magic weapon crashed into the vortex, the light of the golden vortex flickered, then became calm as before, and there were no more golden lotuses and Buddhist cultivators on the hilltop.

The Qianji Secret Valley is peaceful and peaceful, and the Qianji Valley outside the secret valley is equally peaceful.

After the second round of insect waves, the monk teams from all races went their separate ways. There were only stewards and monks planting immortal rice in Qiangu Garden.

The planting monks buried themselves in planting crops and ignored the outside world.

The stewards often paid attention to the secret valley barrier. As dusk approached on this day, the golden vortex at the entrance and exit of Qianji Secret Valley once again burst out with strong light.

In the dazzling brilliance, a ball of golden light bounced out of the vortex and flew into the air.

The big vortex spit out a ball of golden light and then gathered all the brilliance. The ball of light that was thrown into the air landed with a bang after flying about five hundred feet.

The light group stood still as soon as it hit the ground.

The twelve law enforcers in the high-altitude clouds looked down at the Buddha who was in meditation in the light group and were very surprised. The Buddha didn't look injured, but he was clearly in a coma!

There was no movement in the light group coming out of the secret valley for a long time, and the stewards were also quite puzzled. They released their spiritual consciousness and took a closer look. It seems that the Buddhists are not practicing meditation? !

The stewards waited quietly for the results.

The wait lasted all night.

When the sun of a new day climbed to the top of the mountain and filled the Qianji Valley with its faint golden glow, the Buddhist cultivator who had been comatose all night finally woke up.

As soon as he gained consciousness, Nanga felt a splitting headache.

The severe headache made his vision blurred. He could vaguely see the large whirlpool entering the Secret Valley from Qianji Valley and the crack between the two mountains, and judged that he had left the Secret Valley.

After returning to Qianji Valley safely, Nanjia felt at ease, and without caring about anything else, he took out an elixir bottle, poured in an elixir, swallowed it, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

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