magic eye doctor

Chapter 3240 Save your money

Buddha was healing his wounds, and the stewards were paying attention to him silently.

The Buddhist cultivator sat there for a whole day.

At sunset, Nanga also came out of his trance again. After adjusting his breath, he regained his vitality, his headache disappeared, his eyesight returned to its original state, and he felt a hundred times more energetic.

After two insect tides, the exposed soil of Qianji Valley has become wider. The boundary between the entrance and exit of the Secret Valley and Qiangu Garden is bare, and almost no blue can be seen.

After looking at the canyon for a few times, Nanga felt calm and flew towards Qiangu Garden with his magic weapon.

The stewards saw that after a day of healing, there was nothing wrong with the Buddha, so they stopped paying attention. If the Buddha's condition was not good, they would not turn a blind eye and would "pick up" the person.

Nanjia was thinking about the little fellow Taoist, and bypassed the easternmost area of ​​Qiangu Garden, arriving at the area about the Lingtian area where little fellow Taoist Xiyue rented, then put away the magic weapon and walked into the barrier.

After returning to Qiangu Garden safely, Nanga went straight to the spirit gathering array in the spiritual field rented by fellow Taoist to look for his pet beasts and creatures.

When the Yan Dolls, Lingzhi Dolls heard the Buddha's voice, they ran over and looked at each other in the spirit gathering array.

Calabash Baby came out of the spirit gathering array and talked to the Buddhist cultivator.

Nanga saw a group of little creatures poking their heads and guessed the result: "The little fellow Taoist is still in the secret valley and hasn't come back yet?"

"Yes, our little fairy hasn't come back yet. Master, if you have something to ask the little fairy, come back when our little fairy comes back." Calabash Baby and the little creatures were not curious about why the animal cultivators and Buddhist cultivators came to see the little fairy as soon as they came out of the secret valley.

"My little Taoist friend has deep blessings. He must have had a great opportunity, so he didn't come out. Can the young monk wait for my little Taoist friend here in Xiantian?"

"Master, please come in." Calabash Baby did not refuse Buddhist practice.

Nanjia followed his kindness and got into the barrier. While walking towards the camp of the little creatures, he admired the crops and spiritual plants planted by the little creatures.

The little creatures of Xiyue Fairy are indeed good at planting. The crops in the spiritual field grow so well. Some are just emerging, some are growing, some are blooming and heading, or some are about to be harvested. There are crops in every stage.

He saw the divine immortal rice again. The ears of the divine immortal rice seedlings were all heavy, and every grain was plump and strong.

Nanga counted several ears of rice with his spiritual consciousness. Good guy, there are thirty-six grains growing on each ear of rice!

Looking at the fields full of fairy rice, Nanjia felt hungry. He silently withdrew his gaze, crossed the field ridge with the little creatures, and entered the magic weapon barrier left by fellow Taoist Xiyue.

As a guest, Nanga was very conscious. After sitting down, he filled several large baskets with the spiritual fruits he collected in the secret valley and gave them to the little creatures as snacks.

The Calabash Baby and the other dolls were not polite, accepted the spiritual fruit with a smile, and also took out a spiritual meal to greet the Buddhist cultivators.

The cute little creatures like Buddhist practice very much, and they even took the initiative to explain: "The little fairy left a lot of spiritual food. We don't know how many years the little fairy will stay in the secret valley. We have to save food and can only eat one thing at a time." ."

You are lucky enough to have spiritual food to eat. Nanjia was very satisfied: "My little Taoist friends, this is a good idea. You have to save spiritual food. You have worked hard in planting. The young monk found a lot of spiritual treasure mushrooms in the secret valley, and also caught a few. Just a pheasant, when the little fairy comes back, ask her to make mushroom and chicken soup for you."

"Okay, chicken stewed with mushrooms is the best."

“The fried mushroom slices with chicken thighs are also delicious.”

"Stir-fried winter bamboo shoots and mushrooms are the most delicious."

When the little kids heard that the Buddhist cultivator was going to give the little fairy food, their favorability towards him jumped up a few notches.

"Little fairy has time to make a spiritual meal. You can have one of each. The mushrooms here are enough for the little monk." Gunanjia smiled and agreed with the suggestions of the little creatures. He thought, no matter what ingredients are used with mushrooms to make a spiritual meal , all delicious!

He is not a vegetarian and also likes to eat vegetarian food. His favorite is dishes made with mushrooms and other meat ingredients.

As a human who loves to eat mushrooms, Nanga has something in common with the little creatures.

During the dinner together, the Buddhist cultivator successfully chatted with the little creatures again, and also took root in the little creatures' camp, becoming their helper for free.

However, due to his spiritual roots, he can only help with harvesting or plowing the soil. At other times, there is no place for his hero to be used.

Two months after the Buddhist cultivator left the Secret Valley, the little Loli wandering around the Immortal Treasure Land also successfully measured the width of the Immortal Treasure Realm.

The Xiantian Treasure Land is 3.6 billion miles across and is in the shape of a square. The Xiantian District in the center is a circular pattern with a diameter of 900 million miles.

The forest, which is more than a billion miles wide, surrounds the fairyland and protects the fairyland. Even if someone enters the forest of the fairyland treasure land, he may not be able to successfully pass through the forest and enter the fairyland area.

Xiantian is bounded by Xianquan Lake in the center, with dry fields to the north and paddy fields to the south.

There are also vertical and horizontal channels in the dry field area. The water inlet of Xiantian is not automatic and has gates, which need to be opened manually to release water for irrigation.

The upland areas mainly grow upland rice, millet, broomcorn millet, beans, potatoes and other crops. There are also a few areas where cotton, melons, shepherds and other vegetables are grown.

The paddy fields are vast and mainly grow water-loving rice, wild rice, lotus root and other aquatic plants. Little Loli also found traces of water chestnut, water leek, water shield and other plants in the paddy field area.

The soil in Xiantian District includes gray spiritual soil, as well as gold, brown, earthy yellow, black, cyan, red-black and purple-gold.

Xiantian District is dotted with large and small fairy spring lakes and mountain peak forests. There are rare fairy grass and fairy plants in each forest peak.

Immortal fields, mountain peaks, lakes, canals and forests form a natural formation. As long as certain formation points are not destroyed, the entire formation can run on its own and continue to thrive.

The grain dolls and the spiritual plant dolls worked very hard to preserve the grain. The fairy fields they planted were more than 100,000 miles long from south to north.

When new grain seeds were obtained, a group of children expanded the planting area. The fairyland with crops stretched from south to north for a million miles.

Le Yun, who came back from the land boundary, saw the expanding fairyland. She circled curiously to check the planting situation. The more she looked at it, the more excited she became, and her heart was beating wildly.

The little creatures are too...too diligent!

She suspected that the little creatures had planted all the seeds that could be planted for ten seasons at once!

With a racing heart, Le Yun turned around without seeing the little creatures, and ran back to the small island of Xianquan Eye in the center of the Xianquan Lake.

Before the harvest or top dressing period, the little creatures returned to the cave to rest.

When a group of cute little dolls saw the little fairy coming back, they swarmed up to her and carried her back to the cave in Jade Mountain.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, and so do the Wugu Dolls. The Wugu Dolls who were so skinny and skinny from illness have recovered and are all looking fresh and healthy.

Le Yun, surrounded by the little children, happily enjoyed the spiritual fruits fed by the little creatures and listened to them describe their planting experience and harvest.

The grain dolls were very excited. They planted according to the scientific method taught by the little fairy. The growth cycle of various fairy grains was shortened by half, and some cycles were even only two-fifths of the original growth cycle.

Of the fairy grains grown by the little creatures in a scientific way, only the three divine fairy rice with an original growth cycle of twelve years have not yet been harvested. The other fairy grains have all been harvested once or five times.

The most frequently harvested crops are jicama, rutama and beans, which have a growth cycle of only one year.

The grain varieties that used to be ordinary grains have all been upgraded. Most of the lowest and best quality high-grade spiritual rice has been promoted to low-grade fairy rice, and several varieties of grain have been promoted to mid-grade fairy rice.

The most important thing is the grains grown according to scientific methods. Whether they are divine or fairy products, the yield of all varieties has increased several times.

The little creatures are so tired that their feet are soft when planting crops and their hands are so tired when harvesting. Whenever they see the food taken back, they smile sourly.

A group of dolls shouted loudly, and with a wave of their little hands, boxes containing food flew out in pieces, forming a mountain on the ground.

Le Yun put away the boxes on the floor, spread out several stoves, cooked a pot of mushroom soup for the little creatures, heated up a few cages of dumplings, and cooked two stewed camel beasts, rewarding them with delicious food for their hard work.

The little creatures who knew for the first time that wheat rice could also be used to make "dumplings" were as happy as flowers. After a hearty meal, they sat around in a group as if they had been given blood to discuss expanding the area for planting grains.

They rearranged the reserved grain seeds, calculated the ratio of fertilizer to sown area, and calculated how many seasons they could plant before the fairy left.

After calculation, the little creatures felt that the fertilizer was not enough, so they ran to the little fairy and hugged their thighs, begging her to prepare more fertilizer.

Le Yun: "..." The conscience of heaven and earth, she rewarded the little creatures as a reward for their hard work, not as an indirect hint that they should continue to expand the planting area.

What should you do if there is a group of such motivated children?

She was not Zhou Papi, so Le Yun tactfully said that the area for growing grains was already wide enough. To increase the area for planting would be a lot of work and not a way to maintain good health.

It's a pity that the little kids only care about food, and no one can listen to advice.

A group of little creatures had their own ideas. Le Xiaoxiao had no choice but to hand over all the homemade fertilizer he had accumulated in recent years to them and let them arrange it themselves.

After giving the little creatures a meal, Le Xiaoxiao rested with them and told them about her schedule. She was going to explore the unknown place in the center of the fairy spring.

I heard that the little fairy was going to explore a magical place, and none of the little creatures who were thinking about which grain varieties to expand were busy. Even Chihuahua and other children only asked the little fairy about how long it would take to go there, and then nothing happened. Interested.

Since she decided to go to an unknown place, she naturally had to make arrangements. Le Yun left enough storage containers and bamboo barrels for food, spiritual wood boxes, jade boxes containing rare spiritual plants, and some vegetable seeds for the little creatures. .

The little creatures carefully collected the things left by the little fairy, rested for a day, distributed the fertilizer, took the seeds, and went to work in the fields.

The little creatures left in a hurry, but Leyun was so depressed that her charm actually dropped, losing to food!

After thinking about it again, I was relieved. Her meat was very fragrant, but the little creatures couldn't eat her. In the eyes of the little creatures, the grains and ingredients for spiritual meals were naturally more attractive than her.

After comforting herself, the little Loli entered the seed mountain, took some seeds from each plant seed mountain, sorted them, flew to the center of the fairy spring, and walked into the barrier.

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