magic eye doctor

Chapter 3241 The Big Secret

After entering the barrier, Le Yun once again endured the pain of her soul leaving her body. She had only one thought in her mind: next time she finds some invisible secret place, look at her more and see that she is a dog!

Then, before she had time to think of anything else, she passed out gloriously again without exception.

The little Loli fainted, and the three treasures in her consciousness sea were nowhere to be found. None of them were spared, and they were all so dizzy that the sky and the earth were spinning so hard that they could not tell the north, south, east, and west.

When Leyun regained consciousness, the only thing she could hear was a "buzzing" sound. There was a buzzing in her head and a buzzing in her ears.

His eyes were temporarily blind and he couldn't see anything. When he moved a little, a strong feeling of nausea surged into his throat, but he wanted to vomit but couldn't.

Finish the calf!

This time it’s all grown up!

The feeling of discomfort made Le Yun want to cry without tears. This was a serious concussion! Moreover, the sequelae of the teleportation were countless times more serious than last time.

The intense discomfort prevented her from thinking any more or reacting in any other way. She also had no time to explore the position in which she landed. She took out a handful of pills from the pill bottle and immediately adjusted her breathing to heal her injuries.

Fortunately for her, at least she still had elixirs to heal her injuries. However, because the three treasures in her sea of ​​consciousness were weapons, she couldn't use elixirs to heal her injuries like the human race, so she could only hold on.

The three treasures were already dizzy due to the dizzy feeling. When the feeling of their souls being torn apart stopped, they lay directly in the golden lotus magic weapon.

If it is possible to vomit, the weapon spirits will definitely vomit until the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

Unfortunately, they are weapons and weapon spirits, and it is impossible to vomit.

The three treasures lay there for a long time, still weak.

Void Vase vomited feebly: "Taikoo, you're not always stable. Why are you so severely affected this time? You're so dizzy that you can't even get up? And you, Time, aren't you supposed to be immune to external forces? Really? How come you fainted and turned into a dog?"

The voice of Time History Book was dull: "You misunderstood. When I was free, I was not affected by external objects. But now that I have formed a contract with the little guy, I will naturally be affected by the power of the little guy's soul.

But you, you are the product of the power of space laws. It is unreasonable for you to be so dizzy after entering certain space passages. "

The ancient stone mortar didn't want to pay attention to the void bottle, and the bowl body that was lying on its side slowly straightened up, and then let the pestle, which had rolled to the side, fly back into the bowl body, and just stayed there quietly.

"Because I have a contract with the little guy, I am more strongly influenced by the little guy's soul than you are." The weapon spirit of the Void Bottle rolled his eyes.

He finally took a breath, sensed the outside world, and felt numb: "Why did the little guy come to such a desolate place? She will be disappointed this time."

"Not necessarily." Taikoo Shijiu sensed it and held the opposite opinion.

Shi Jiu cherished the words like gold, and Void Bottle sensed it again, but found nothing, and asked Shi Shishu: "Shi Shi, what good things are there?"

"The secret must not be leaked. Anyway, it should be useful for you this time." The history of time remains mysterious.

Void Bottle: "..." Both of them are mysterious! Forget it, don’t tell me if you don’t want to, it will be revealed sooner or later anyway.

The three treasures lay quietly, waiting for the little contractor to regain his strength.

They waited for two days and two nights for their little contractor to recover from the sequelae of the teleportation.

After recovering from a state of trance in which he was indifferent to the outside world, he had the music of perception. When he opened his eyes, he saw the empty void and a golden plate hanging in the air.

Very good, last time I landed in a five-body prostrate position, this time I finally changed the way, and became the "flat sand falling goose landing on the ground" way of lying in the magic weapon.

Although the position of facing the loess and facing the sky is not much different from the posture of facing the loess and the back of the sky, she personally prefers the lying down position.

Landing like a geese on the flat sand, at least it won't cause a black nose or a swollen face, and it can save some face.

If you always hit the ground on your face every time you hit the ground, if you hit it a few times, your nose will be flattened or become a big nose, which will be painful to your eyes just thinking about it.

Le Yun stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat from her face, then turned over and sat up, and then studied the condition of the new map.

You don't know it by looking at it, but after looking at it, you can't help but be dumbfounded. The secret realm in the fairy spring lake is actually a desert with no grass growing!

The missionary passage into the barrier is inside the stone wall of a mountain peak. The stone wall is steep and smooth as a knife, and the invisible large vortex looks like a painting painted on the wall.

The top and bottom of the stone wall are all exposed rocks. The top is about 50,000 feet from the top of the mountain, and the bottom is about 200,000 feet from the surface.

The peak where the teleportation channel is located is connected with other peaks and extends into the distance. They should have been huge peaks in the past, but now there is no vegetation and no life. The rocks have been eroded by the wind and broken into powder and fine sand layer by layer.

The rock powder and fine sand formed a thick layer on the ground through the action of the wind, forming the endless desert today.

Gray-white sand or rock dust covers the earth, making it impossible to see what kind of prosperous world there once was under the sand.

It hasn't rained in the desert for who knows how long. There is no trace of moisture in the rocks and sand, and there are no traces of rain even on the surface of the sand.

The sand is smooth and soft.

Not only was there no trace of life in the entire place, there was not even a breath of wind!

The secret world is like being temporarily suspended, and the picture is frozen at a certain moment.

The desolate land was so quiet that it was shocking.


Finally, just when Le Yun was doubting her life, the pile of sand and dust accumulated on a gentle slope of the rock collapsed, and the sand and dust rolled downwards.

Dust and sand are flying without wind. The fine sand and dust that was splashed into the air only floated in a small area, and did not even last long before slowly settling downwards.

There is no wind, no sound, no living things in the desert, and the sound of falling sand and dust becomes the only sound of nature.

Le Yun looked at the sand and dust on the landslide in silence for a long time, then flew up to high altitude to watch, then released the spirit boat and drove the spirit boat towards the hinterland of the desert facing the teleportation channel.

Behind the mountain peaks is also an endless desert, where the breath of living creatures and the light that represents the vitality and destiny of living creatures cannot be found.

This is a place where people have no idea which direction to go.

Through the aura technique, Le Yun discovered that there was a halo in the hinterland of the desert facing the mission passage.

The color of the halo is very weak, and the generations are far apart. The color of the halo is bright and rich. Some of the halo is exactly the same as the color of some divine gold she dug in the ancient dragon clan's secret realm.

Visual inspection shows that the Shenjin deposits in the distance are very rich.

After coming here and discovering something, Le Yun naturally would not turn around and leave. She had to go and see what the mineral deposit looked like. If she could dig it, she could dig it. If it was hidden too deep and it couldn't be dug, it wouldn't be too late to leave.

The spirit boat flies high in the sky.

The terrain of the desert is very flat, and there are endless plains all the way forward. After millions of miles of sailing, there is not even a single sand dune, let alone any trace of rivers and lakes.

There is no evidence that there were any living creatures or plants in the desert, and Le Yun did not do useless work and focused on flying.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the three treasures were silent.

Void Bottle asked: "Bro Shu Broke Mortar, is the direction the little guy went in the direction you said was a secret?"

History of Time: "You actually guessed it and asked questions knowingly."

"I'm just curious. This little guy is only a few hundred years old. How can he be so good at treasure hunting?" Void Bottle expressed the doubts that he had always been puzzled by.

"There is a kind of divine eye in the world that can see through all things."

"Are you talking about the pupils of heaven and earth?"

"Yes. It's the Eye of Heaven and Earth, the divine eye that has only appeared four times so far."

"Poshu, what do you mean by the eyes of heaven and earth? Does this have anything to do with the little guy?"

"Broken bottle, you are a weapon. Even if you are affected by the power of teleportation space, you will at most be fainted. You should not lose your IQ."

"Poshijiu, who are you so weird about?" Void Ping said unconvincingly, suddenly shocked, and screamed: "Time, are you saying that the Heaven and Earth Pupil has appeared again? This little contractor of ours is The fifth one who has the eyes of heaven and earth?"

Time History Book: "..." The Void Bottle is sometimes unreliable, but it's not stupid at all.

Ancient Stone Mortar: "Broken bottle, are you surprised?"

The Void was shaken and stopped arguing with Shijiu. He asked seriously: "Time, are you sure?"

"I wasn't sure before, but I'm sure this time." The pages of the History of Time book were turning, and the sound of the pages was like heavenly music.

Void in the Void was surprised: "You are the book of time, and you are born to know everything. Is there anything you are not sure about?"

"Why not?" The History of Time turned the pages faintly: "I am the Book of Time. Yes, it is just that the Book of Time was born at the same time as the world when this side of time and space was born. It does not mean that it is the only Book of Time in the entire universe. .

There are three thousand worlds in just one space-time. This universe is endless. Some worlds were born earlier than this world. As for things that happened in the distant star that is the origin of life, I will naturally have no way of knowing until I go there. . "

"So, our contractor was not born in this big world, but on some origin life star in the unknown big world?"


"This is a great thing." The Void Bottle Spirit was pleasantly surprised.

"It's a great thing." The history book of time revealed a big secret and was equally happy. They are treasures, but they are also restricted by rules. If they don't have the opportunity, they can't travel through the time and space barrier to roam the universe at will.

Those who possess the pupils of heaven and earth are the darlings of all worlds. Contractors with pupils of heaven and earth carry them through time and space, and they will not be excluded by the laws of other time and space.

"No wonder I suddenly woke up from my deep sleep. When the little one entered the Sword Valley, I felt something in my heart and felt that she was destined." Void Bottle suddenly realized.

He had been sleeping with the Time History Book and the Ancient Stone Mortar for a long time, but suddenly woke up one day. A few years later, the little contractor entered the Sword Valley.

At this moment, Void Ping thought of the little contractor who climbed the mountain and snatched the first lease of the stone mortar. He was extremely proud. Oh, he was so smart that he actually got a huge opportunity.

The weapon spirit of the ancient stone mortar also remembered how the Void bottle formed a contract with the young contractor, and was so angry that he wanted to break the Void bottle. If the bottle was broken, it would be considered as stealing his first contract!

He decided that in the future, whenever the little contractor needs to use the treasure, he must let the broken bottle do the work!

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