magic eye doctor

Chapter 3242 Manifesting Human Form

Chapter 3242 Manifesting Human Form

The Time History Book, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Bottle have their own thoughts. They communicate in unique ways and cannot affect the contractors.

Little Loli didn't know what she was doing with the three treasures in her sea of ​​consciousness. She was heading in the direction of her goal wholeheartedly.

As the saying goes, "you cry when you see a house." When you look at Qi, you can see the light in the distance. In fact, the distance between the two is really far away.

Following the light to find some treasure, Mr. Le Xiao flew day and night in his spirit boat. It took him three years and two months to finally find the place.

The closer you are to the target point, the richer the light you see and the more colorful the colors.

The light source comes from a basin surrounded by mountain peaks. The rich and gorgeous brilliance of strange treasures seeps out from the strata and is reflected in the sky, covering the sky above the basin like clouds.

Seen from a distance, the rich treasure's brilliance reaches up to the sky and down to the earth, like a huge light pillar standing between heaven and earth.

Standing in the sky beyond the mountains, Le Yun looked ahead. She was shocked when she looked at the pillar of Baoguang that towered above the sky.

The area covered by the treasure's brilliance is too wide!

With her inner eye, she could not tell how wide the treasure buried underground was. The huge treasure pillar of light gave people a great sense of oppression.

Even if Le Yun doesn't have a phobia of giant objects, she still has some heart palpitations and a sense of awe of the unknown when facing the huge sky-shaping pillar.

The colors of the treasure's brilliance are gorgeous and complex.

At present, Le Yun is 100% sure that there are rich sacred minerals hidden in the basin. In addition, there should be some rare objects of heavenly material and earthly treasure level.

The treasures in the basin are shining brightly, definitely more dazzling, brighter and more splendid than the underground treasures she dug in the Great Lakes Bay in the ancient dragon tribe's secret realm.

The little fox was not suitable to see the light. She had no partner with whom she could discuss or share her joy. Le Yun touched her little heart that was beating wildly and flew forward on the spirit boat.

The peaks surrounding the basin containing the treasure are also weathering, and the exposed rocks are full of vicissitudes of life. The height of the peaks above the surface of the dusty ground is less than 25,000 feet.

The sand surface in the basin surrounded by mountains is not consistent with the sand surface outside the mountain peaks. The surface in the basin is about five thousand feet higher.

The sandy ground in the basin was also flat and traceless, as if it had been smoothed by someone, and it was as if time had frozen at a certain moment, so silent that no wind could be heard.

The spirit boat crossed the bare weathered peaks and flat basins, flew forward, and gradually approached the center area where the treasure's brilliance was strongest.

In order to survey the area of ​​the basin, Le Yun drove the spirit boat day and night, crossing the basin and reaching the other side.

The other side of the basin is also surrounded by mountain peaks.

When we arrived at the edge of the basin, we flew around the basin along the mountain peaks, then flew several times from south to north, and from east to west, and finally successfully surveyed the area of ​​the basin.

The basin is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the terrain is oblate. The longest length from east to west is 93,000 miles, and the widest width from north to south is 908,000 miles. The main body of the mountain peaks surrounding the mountains are sedimentary rocks.

The peaks surrounding the basin are extremely regular, with the peaks embracing inwards, like people holding hands to form a circle, firmly protecting the central basin.

There are naturally mountain cols among the interlocking peaks, and the pass between each mountain ridge is more than 10,000 feet above the surface of the basin.

In terms of treasure glory, the underground area with a diameter of approximately 500 million miles in the center of the basin is rich in divine gold ore. This width is only a prediction, and the actual underground mineral deposits may be wider.

After surveying the area of ​​the basin, Le Yun flew into the central area of ​​the basin in a spirit boat and summoned all the blue-armored puppets, gold- and silver-armored puppets, and puppet beasts to start the excavation work.

She herself would not be idle, and used all the hurricane sweeps and augers to absorb the sand and dust.

One person leads an army of puppets, sweeping away the dust day and night.

The three treasures lying flat in the sea of ​​​​consciousness just watched their little contractors devote themselves to the great project of collecting sand and dust, helplessly silent.

After three days of silence, Taikoo Shijiu felt heartbroken as he watched the white, tender and delicate little contractor turn into a dusty little native.

Shijiu could no longer remain silent and took the initiative to speak out: "Xiao Xiyue, why are you collecting sand?"

Le Yun, who was busy collecting sand and dust and had no time to look at herself, became disgraced. When she heard the voice of the treasure, she was stunned and realized: "Senior, there is a treasure underground. I am digging for it. Sand is also a good thing. It will come in handy in the future.

I have a spiritual plant space. Every time the area of ​​the space increases, a large amount of soil is needed to fill it. Anyway, I have to dig for treasures, so I take the opportunity to collect the sand and dust to be prepared. "

"It's a good habit to prepare for a rainy day. Just Xiao Xiyue, have you forgotten that you are a person with an ancestral treasure. There is no need to dig out sand and dust yourself. Just let the Void Bottle come. ”

When the ancient stone mortar mentioned him, the void bottle was caught off guard, and the tool spirit was confused: "..." Breaking the stone and letting him work? !

"Ah?" Le Yun was so shocked that her beautiful almond-shaped eyes widened: "Senior Shijiu, what do you mean by senior Shijiu, can you ask senior Vukong... to help dig sand?"

"Of course." Taikoo Shijiu answered matter-of-factly: "The Void Bottle is the magic weapon contracted by Xiao Xiyue. As the owner of the contract, isn't it normal for Xiao Xiyue to use the magic weapon when necessary?" It is normal to use the magic weapon, but the Void Bottle It’s Zu Bao! Using ancestral treasures to dig sand, if someone finds out one day, they still don’t know how to accuse themselves. Le Yun thinks about that scene, and her skin feels cold for no apparent reason. What people say is terrible!

She rubbed her little hands together weakly: " feels like it would be detrimental to Zubao's dignity to let Zu Bao help suck the sand.'s better to dig it yourself."

The little contractor loved the ancestral treasure so much that the ancient Shijiu was so moved that he could no longer stay there. He left the sea of ​​consciousness and floated in front of the little contractor.

Then he took human form.

In a flash of soft treasure brilliance, a nine-foot-tall man appeared in the sky. His waist-length ink-colored hair was casually scattered behind his head, and a golden-purple forehead bandage was tied between his eyebrows. He was wearing intertwined clothes. A blue robe with countless divine patterns.

He has a handsome face, and a pair of beautiful and lively red phoenix eyes are the finishing touch. The pupils of the phoenix eyes are dark blue, with a faint golden light shining.

His beauty is indescribable. His face is as bright as the bright moon, but his charm is hidden inside. He is rich and graceful, like a jade tree orchid. You can already smell its fragrance before you get close to him.

When she felt a light flickering in front of her eyes, Le Yun Dingqing saw a man who was too handsome to be true. She also smelled his unique and ancient fragrance.

With the weapon spirit, Zu Bao can naturally transform into a human form and walk at any time.

Le Yun was not shocked by Zu Bao's human form. When she raised her head and saw Zu Bao's human-shaped face, her eyes were filled with wonder. The human form of the ancient stone mortar was so beautiful!

Shijiu has tried his best to compress his height, but the body is a weapon, or an ancestor treasure level weapon. The height of nine feet is the limit, and it can no longer be compressed.

With a body of nine feet tall, he is still a giant to a small contractor.

Shijiu squatted down and looked at the little contractor at eye level. A hand as beautiful as white jade quietly stretched out to the top of the little contractor's head, gently rubbing the little head that he had always wanted to touch.

The little contractor has a small head, smooth hair, and feels super good to the touch!

Finally touching the little contractor's head, Shi Jiu had a satisfied smile in his eyes: "Xiao Xiyue, my name is Shi Gu. This is the first time we have officially met. Hello, Xiao Xiyue!"

"Senior...Senior!" Le Yun was dazzled by the smile of the humanoid ancestral treasure, and she also reacted. She screamed with excitement: "Wow, senior is so handsome! Senior is so handsome that it breaks the sky!"

"Handsome, you mean handsome, right? I am very happy to be praised by Xiao Xiyue for being handsome. My little Xiyue is the cutest child in the world." Shi Jiu smiled brightly.

Le Yun, who was praised for being cute, said: "..." It's okay to praise her for being cute. Can you please stop touching your head?

Just as she was about to protest, white light flashed in front of her eyes again.

The Void Vase took the initiative to appear, and he also took the form of a human. He hit the stone mortar hard and failed to knock it away, so he had to squat down next to the stone mortar.

"Xiao Xiyue, I am Void!"

His big hands also climbed to the little contractor's little head, and he happily rubbed the small and cute little head.

The void bottle appeared so quickly that Le Yun was blinded, and it wasn't until he squatted down that he could see his appearance clearly.

The humanoid image of the Void Bottle is also a little giant nine feet tall, wearing a sky blue robe with divine patterns, and his blue pupils are like the sea under the sun, so blue that it is dazzling and charming.

He is also a handsome man. His beauty is different from the restrained beauty of a stone mortar, but is as blazing and dazzling as the scorching sun, with a sense of ethereal mystery.

"Wow, another handsome and charming man!" Le Yun was so excited that a deer was pounding in her heart, as if she was about to suffer a concussion.

Zu Bao’s human form is so handsome!

Whether it is a stone mortar or a void bottle, their appearance is of a level that is stunning all over the world. It is indistinguishable from Dongchen's jade spirit. No matter which one is pulled out, they can kill the beauty list of all worlds.

Also receiving praise from the little contractor, Void Vase showed a smile that captivated all sentient beings: "My little Xiyue is the cutest in the world!"

Being praised for being cute again made Le Yun embarrassed. Because of her altitude, it seemed that she was destined to have something to do with being cute.

Shi Jiu pushed away the Void Vase figure: "Broken bottle, you are not going to help Xiao Xiyue with her worries. Why are you running out? If you are not working, don't bother Xiao Xiyue."

"When did I say I won't work? Xiao Xiyue's business is our business." Void Vase would not let Shi Jiu take the credit, and expressed his position righteously: "Xiao Xiyue, this kind of sand digger This work is for men, you go aside and rest, and leave the rest to me."

"Senior, do you keep your human form when digging sand, or do you need to return to your original shape?" Le Yun tilted her little head with a curious look on her face.

The little contractor was fragrant, soft, and extremely cute. The little contractor wanted to see his magical power, and Void Vase suddenly said with pride, "Anything is fine. Xiao Xiyue takes the puppet back and lets see how I move the sand."

"Okay. I'll work hard later, Senior Void." Zu Bao volunteered to show off his power, and Le Yun was so happy that she recalled her puppet army.

(End of this chapter)

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