magic eye doctor

Chapter 3243 Figure it out

The little contractor took a few short steps and ran a few hundred steps, but the distance was still as far as one step. Shi Jiu felt tired for the little guy when he saw it. He stretched out his long arm to pick up the little contractor and put it in the crook of his arm. Holding inside.

The little guy is tiny and as light as a feather.

Shijiu walked with the little contractor, acting as a flying machine.

The Void Bottle is so annoying, the broken stone is obviously a stone, how come the brain is so easy to use!

Le Yun, who was held in the arms of the human ancestor as if she were a child, had a look of embarrassment on her face. She...she was no longer a child!

Thinking about it again, she is only over 200 years old, which is less than a fraction of Zhibao's age. In Zhibao's eyes, she is just a child.

So Le Yun stayed calmly and stretched out her little hand to hold Shi Jiu's shoulder, calling back the nearby puppets and puppet beasts.

The little contractor recalled the puppets and puppet beasts in an area, and the stone mortar changed places.

His speed is as fast as the speed of light, and he can travel more than a hundred miles in a flash.

Not to be outdone, Xukong walked beside the stone mortar, one of his big hands crawling onto the little contractor's head, stroking his hair happily.

Shi Jiu was too lazy to argue with Broken Bottle, and carried the little contractor around twice, asking the little contractor to take back all the puppets and beasts, lift his feet and walk into the air, waiting for the Void Bottle to show off its skills.

It was time for him to show off his power. Xue Kong stretched out his hands, and the next moment the sand and dust surged, condensing into two huge earth dragons and swarming towards his palms.

The huge sand and dust dragon slipped into the palm of the humanoid ancestor and made no sound again, just like a drop of water falling into the sea without even a trace of ripples.

The palms of the humanoid ancestral treasure are like two black holes, swallowing up sand and dust crazily.

Shijiu felt too slow when he saw it: "Void, don't you think this is very slow? With your sand-absorbing speed, it will take at least a year and a half to clear out the sand in this area."

"Hey, aren't I showing Xiao Xiyue how to suck sand with the humanoid form? I will change the way of sucking sand right away." Xukong was not satisfied with the speed of the humanoid form moving sand, so he agreed.

He said to change the way, he changed the way, and returned to its original shape again, with the mouth of the bottle facing the ground, and then the body of the bottle expanded.

The body of the blue bottle grew rapidly, swelling tens of thousands times in the blink of an eye, covering tens of thousands of miles of sand and dust, and was still expanding in all directions.

Leyun's mouth opened into an O, big enough to hold an apple.

The broken bottle was still the way to go. The stone mortar took the little contractor up, walked in the air, and walked towards the distance.

Looking down from a high altitude, the ground could no longer be seen, only a giant bottle turned upside down.

The stone mortar was so fast that it traveled tens of millions of miles in just a few breaths and appeared above the dusty ground not covered by the void bottle.

Le Yun took a bird's eye view below and suddenly found that the entire sand was moving, and the soft sand and dust were rushing like a river, rushing towards the direction of the bottle.

The speed of the surging sand and dust is very, very fast, menacing and unstoppable.

Shi Jiu had nothing to do and stood in the air for a while, then took the little contractor to walk in the air and circle around the void bottle.

The void bottle enlarged to a size of about 30 million miles in diameter, and he designated the sand within 100 million miles as the target for absorption.

In just half an hour, the void bottle absorbed all the sand and dust within a hundred million miles. Below the soft sand and dust was a layer of dry and hard soil.

The main component of the soil layer is a mixture of natural soil and plant mineral debris, mixed with some weathered rock dust and naturally occurring fine dust that generally floats in the air.

The soil layer lacks water and is hardened and solidified, but there are no traces of lithification.

If the soil layer is lithified and undergoes precipitation and evolution over a long period of time, it will become sedimentary rock after qualitative change.

The void bottle sucked away the sand and dust, ignoring the dry and hard soil layer. It changed the place again and turned on the siphon mode to absorb the sand and dust layer.

His rainbow power is so powerful that it only takes half an hour to clear the dust layer within a hundred million miles.

Le Yun was shocked. Ouch, Zu Bao was so powerful, she was a little flustered!

The little contractor was very excited, but Shijiu was very calm. After walking around for a few times, he no longer accompanied the Void Bottle to run around. Instead, he carried the little Contractor to the area where the sand layer had been absorbed by the Void Bottle.

He walked to the top of the soil layer without the sand and dust layer, raised one foot and stamped it towards the earth.

Shijiu's foot turned into a giant sole in the air and fell heavily.

With that stomp on the ground, the vast earth seemed to have experienced a magnitude 12 earthquake. The ground trembled and buzzed. At the same time, the soil layers cracked and became loose and shattered.

Cracks spread in all directions from where the giant palm landed, and soon the hard soil layer within a radius of more than five million miles broke apart and turned into loose and fine soil like a layer of sand and dust.

Le Yun, who was placed in the crook of Shi Jiu's arm, did not feel the tremor caused by the earthquake. When she saw the consequences of Shi Jiu's kick, she screamed in surprise: "Wow, senior is so powerful!" "That's not true! What's the matter? In my original form, I could easily shatter the soil in the entire area." Shi Jiu stretched out his hand to rub the little contractor's head: "The strength of the Void Bottle is not limited to this. He can shatter the entire small area in one breath. The sand is sucked into the stomach.”

"Juniors understand that this is the God Realm after all. The seniors don't want certain creatures to notice their whereabouts. They keep a low profile to avoid extraneous matters." Le Yun understands the concerns of the treasures. She has never thought of using the treasures, and she doesn't want to let the gods know their whereabouts. A certain creature is aware of the existence of the treasure.

"Xiao Xiyue is so smart!" Shi Jiu said with a look of relief on his face. This contractor is virtuous and smart. He is not the type who likes to seek death. In the future, he will be able to enjoy the fun of traveling.

Le Yun, who was praised again, felt as if she was being coaxed like a child by an ancient stone mortar!

It takes some time for the Void Bottle to absorb all the sand and dust. The stone mortar slowly moves around, stomping here and there, shattering the soil layer of the Void Bottle that has absorbed all the sand.

For the first time, Le Yun became an idler. Not only did she not have to work by herself, but she was also protected from the rain and didn't even get a speck of dust.

It feels so good to be covered by someone!

Finally, I have the reliable music of the treasure tree, and I happily enjoy the beautiful life of being loved by the treasure.

The Void Bottle, which was making little fuss, circled around the basin, and was busy until it was dark, emptying all the sand and dust in the entire basin.

After the sand is cleared, the thickness of the sand and dust layer in the basin can be calculated. The thickness of the sand and dust layer covering the soil layer reaches 270,000 feet!

Sand and dust are the product of rock weathering. A layer of sand and dust more than 200,000 feet thick has accumulated in the basin. It is conceivable that the desertification must be very old.

The void bottle had just emptied the sand and dust layer, and found that the stone mortar had shattered the soil layer. He was so angry that he cursed, and the broken stone didn't even give him a moment to breathe. What a big deal!

Po Shitou had the protective card of Little Contract, but he was too embarrassed to settle the score with Shi Jiu in front of the little Contractor.

After cursing secretly, Void Vase accepted his defeat and threw himself into the big project of sucking up the soil without stopping. He decided that when the work was over, he would have to spit out stones and dust on his face.

The stone mortar wandered around until midnight, stamping the hard soil layer loose, and then took the little contractor to watch the area where the void bottle cleared away the soil.

The shattered soil layer was moved away, revealing the mineral layer underneath!

The mines are fragmented placers, with many types and various colors mixed together. Looking at it, the earth is colorful, which is really beautiful.

The purity of the placer ore is very high, with only a small amount of impurities in the minerals, most of which are pure ores, and they are all Shenjin-level Shenjin mineral materials.

The placers are stuck together and the ore layer is very hard.

Le Yun studied the composition of the mineral materials and was stunned.

The divine gold mineral materials in the basin are of higher quality than the mineral deposits under the sand layer of the bay in the ancient dragon clan secrets and the divine gold minerals under the dragon blood pool in the dragon breeding hall!

The high quality is the most amazing, and the most important thing is that there is a trace of star power in every ore.

Mines are treasures born from nature. The spiritual properties absorbed by ores or rocks determine the properties of the mines. The divine gold mines that contain the power of stars are naturally caused by absorbing the star core power of certain fallen planets.

The divine gold mines in the basin all have the power of stars, which means that fragments of the destroyed star cores once fell into the basin. The sand in the basin was radiated by the power of the star cores and turned into ore.

Shijiu checked the ore, calculated the depth of the ore layer, took the little contractor to the center of the basin, and let the little guy play in the air. He restored the shape of the weapon and smashed the divine gold layer with the body of the mortar.

The ancient stone mortar turned into a giant mortar, jumped up from the ground and then landed. Every time it hit the ground, there were three major earthquakes, and the layers of the divine gold mine also collapsed layer by layer.

Every time He struck the earth, the mineral deposits within a radius of seven to eight million miles disintegrated.

The Void Bottle was still absorbing soil, and Le Yun also went into battle personally, controlling the cone drill and hurricane sweep to absorb the ore.

The void bottle diligently sucked in the soil. When he moved all the soil layers in the basin into his stomach, he looked back and saw, good guy, the stone mortar has given him a new job!

The Void Bottle, who had been clearly arranged, rushed to the ancient stone mortar in anger, took a mouthful of sand ore, and then spat the stone mortar in the face.

Then he yelled: "Broken rocks, do you still have any morals? Look at what you have done! You give me all the work, but you can't let me breathe?"

The stone mortar, which was sprayed with mineral sand, was not angry: "I don't want to find a job for you, but Xiao Xiyue has to go back to grow food after digging the mines, so hurry up and get down to business so as not to delay Xiao Xiyue's affairs.

Look at you, you are making such a fuss after doing so little work, is that ridiculous? If you want to be lazy, just rest. Don't block my way. I'll ask Xiao Xiyue to collect the ore by herself. "

"Broken stone, why am I making a fuss? I just want you to slow down and give me some time to breathe. Forget it, you are like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, and can't listen to what others say. What the hell!" Gone alive."

The weapon spirit of the Void Bottle was so angry that it rolled its eyes at the ancient stone mortar, turned and ran to the side, and once again absorbed the ore that was shattered into pieces by the stone mortar.

He suspected that Stone Crusher was targeting him, but he had no evidence!

The void bottle thought that he had not offended the stone mortar, so why did that broken stone always bury him?

The void bottle went to work conscientiously again, and the spirit of the stone mortar turned into a flower with a smile. Hum, he still can't handle a broken bottle?

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