magic eye doctor

Chapter 3244 Mysterious Treasure

The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle turned into human forms to mine the mineral deposits for the little contractors. The history book of time stood still. He had a hunch that this time there must be a place for him to be useful. The time has not yet come.

The rare star-core divine gold ore has not been dug yet. The ancient stone mortar and void bottle can be used by themselves, so they did not bring time history books to help.

Everyone knows the principle of using good materials on the cutting edge. The nature of history books is special. Carrying history books to work on weekdays is a waste of the power of history books. Waiting for the critical period to use history books can make the best use of them.

The placers in the basin are very thick mixed sedimentary rock sand layers formed by deposited mineral fragments and clay minerals.

The ancient stone mortar hit the ground once, and the depth of the ore layer rupture was about 100,000 feet. He smashed a layer of ore, and the void bottle removed a layer.

The ancient stone mortar and the Void Bottle cleaned several layers of sand deposits, focusing on excavating the sand deposits in the central area of ​​​​the basin, and initially defined the area as a block with a diameter of 100 million miles wide.

I continued to dig down to a depth of about 300,000 feet, and finally dug out the sacred mine that the little Loli had been dreaming about - the fragments of the meteorite!

According to the analysis of the treasure brilliance above the basin, the basin is equivalent to a cornucopia, collecting thousands of meteorite fragments.

The basin is like a super magnet, which once attracted the mineral fragments of the planet that wandered in the universe after being destroyed, thus forming a huge crater.

There are more planet fragments buried deep in the ground in the basin crater than there are in the crater in the Fluttering Light Secret Area, and the types are also richer.

Le Yun saw the brilliance of the treasure from a long way away, and spent several years to find the location of the brilliance of the treasure. She had one purpose: hoping to find a large enough piece of star core mineral to serve as the carrier of the conifer spiritual plant space. .

The conifer spiritual planting space is a flat space. If there is a star core that can carry it, and it is spread out over the surface of the star core, a planet-shaped spiritual planting space can be transformed from a flat plane to a three-dimensional space.

Little Loli decided to keep the conifer spiritual planting space as her own private garden, but this did not affect her desire to upgrade the flat spiritual planting space into a three-dimensional planet-shaped spiritual planting space.

She raises a group of little creatures, and the planet-shaped spiritual plant space is the perfect home for the little creatures.

After digging up pieces of meteorite mineral, Le Yun couldn't sit still. She followed the ancient stone mortar like a little bee to study the mineral composition of the fragments.

The little contractor watched from the air, but did not hinder him and the Void Bottle from mining. The stone mortar was still worried about accidentally hurting her, so he picked her up and placed her in his mortar.

The mortar pit of the stone mortar is a very safe harbor. Even if the stone mortar bounces up and hits the ground, it will not be affected at all if you stay in it.

Le Yun stayed in the safe area, watching the stone mortar and the void bottle dig out pieces of meteorite fragments one after another. Whenever there were rare divine gold materials that she didn't have on hand, she quickly put them away.

In order to make it easier for the stone mortar and the void bottle to throw certain divine gold materials to her, she put some storage bags on top of bamboo baskets or pots and buckets, and then placed them in a drying tray.

The Void Bottle and the Ancient Stone Mortar also doted on their little contractor. Whenever she asked what kind of divine gold material she wanted, she would immediately throw it into the storage bag in the little magic weapon.

The meteorite's mineral fragments are scattered in a circle with a diameter of about 100 million miles in the central area of ​​the basin.

The speed at which Zhibao mines minerals is something that he and his puppet army cannot catch up with even if they ride on a rocket. With Zhibao helping him dig out mineral deposits, Le Xiaoxiao is not in a hurry at all.

I was very interested in these two treasures and mined them day and night.

As the depth continues to increase, the fragments of the meteorite become denser and denser, and the size of the fragments becomes larger and larger. Every once in a while, a large piece of sacred gold mine with a length of three to five thousand feet can be dug, and then a huge mine that is ten thousand feet or even tens of thousands of feet long can be dug. also appeared one after another.

When the excavation reached more than 700,000 feet, a giant piece of star core ore was dug out, which was the purest sky-blue divine gold.

When she found the giant mine, Le Yun was so excited that she almost jumped up. From the analysis of the brilliance radiating from the blue divine gold in the sky, it contained divine crystals inside!

The stone mortar turned into a humanoid shape, and it took half a day with the Void Bottle to clean out the entire piece of Sky Water Blue Divine Gold. It is one hundred and thirty miles long, cylindrical in shape, with a maximum diameter of about eighty-five miles, and the narrowest section has a diameter of More than sixty miles.

The Void Bottle first swallowed the Tianshui Blue God Gold Pillar Ore in its entirety and stored it in its stomach, waiting to spit it out when the little contractor needed it.

Following the Tianshui Divine Gold, more than a dozen pieces of meteorite mineral flakes with a length and width of more than fifty miles were unearthed. They were all Divine Gold with a relatively mixed composition and did not have pure attributes.

When the digging reached a depth of 1.2 million feet, Zhibao once again found fragments of a giant meteorite.

It took eleven days for the two treasures to clear out the entire meteorite. It was the star core of a small planet, with an oblong shape and a diameter of more than 100,000 miles.

Seeing the giant star core fragment, Le Yun couldn't help but be happy. If he didn't have a better star core fragment, he would choose this star core to be the carrier of the conifer spiritual planting space!

The Void Bottle once again took the Star Core Mine into its belly.

The ancient stone mortars and void bottles continued to mine, and many meteorite fragments were unearthed one after another, all with a diameter of less than 50,000 miles. As they dug deeper, more and more pieces of pure divine gold ore were found.

When more than 1.7 million were dug, the mineral seam turned into a Chaos God Gold mineral seam, which was smaller in area and less than 10 million miles in width.

The metal of the Chaos God is extremely hard, and the stone mortar decisively carries the history book of time to work.

The history book of time still remains in the form of pages. He acted as a cutting machine and was used by the stone mortar as a knife to cut the gold ore of the God of Chaos.

The little Loli came up with a bad idea. She asked them to dig a patio in the middle and then dig a mine when they reached the bottom, digging from bottom to top.

The Supreme Treasure dotes on his little contractor and relies on her. Shi Jiu opened a sky window less than 10,000 feet long from the middle of the Shenjin Mine, and dug all the way down to a depth of 1.3 million feet before reaching the bottom, but he dug an underground cave.

As the book of light cut off a piece of divine gold, a small hole was suddenly revealed, and a brilliant glow burst out from the hole.

The void bottle, stone mortar and time history book remained calm as usual.

Le Yun, who was sitting on Shijiu's shoulder, was so excited that she clapped her hands and said, "I dug it, I dug it! I finally found the mysterious treasure. It's not easy!"

"Xiao Xiyue knows there is a mysterious treasure underground?" Void Bottle was in a good mood and turned into a human form.

"I know! This basin is a cornucopia, rich in treasures. Oh my luck, I can't stop it. I'm going to make a fortune again." Looking at the gorgeous brilliance, Le Yun beamed with joy.

The light coming out of the small cave entrance is a beautiful colorful glow. From the brilliance of the treasure, it is inferred that there is an ancestral-level magic weapon in the cave.

"My little Xiyue naturally has the best luck." Shijiu stretched out his hand to rub the little contractor's little head, and urged Shi Shishu again: "Shijiu, the time has come for you to show off your skills. Hurry up and show your strength to us. Appreciate the mysterious treasure Xiao Xiyue said."

History of Time: "..." This ancient stone became enlightened when it met Xiao Xiyue!

He didn't shirk, and turned into a ray of light and drew a circle on the stone wall of the Chaos God's gold ore. The next moment, a huge stone fell into the underground cave.

A large amount of rays of light also burst out.

The glow is so brilliant that it makes people blind.

The little Loli covered her eyes.

The three treasures were not affected by the brilliance, and floated through the dug gap and jumped into the underground cave.

In the air, Void conveniently collected the piece of sacred gold mine that had been chiseled away by the History of Time, and then floated lightly on the ground of the cave.

The underground cave is a circular cave with a diameter of thousands of miles. The top is in the shape of a sky dome, and a tower-shaped magic weapon stands almost in the center.

The Magic Treasure Pagoda is entirely blue and has nine floors in total. The base of the blue tower occupies an area of ​​about 800 miles wide. There is a sapphire plaque hanging on the lintel of the main entrance with three characters - Heritage Pagoda.

There are also some bronze-colored magical mineral flakes scattered in the cave. Those mineral flakes still emit a faint light, and divine forbidden runes can be seen on some fragments.

The green tower glows with colorful rays of light, and its brilliance is as brilliant as the morning glow.

Feeling the stone mortar fall to the ground, Le Yun also opened her eyes, and saw the blue pagoda at a glance, and screamed like a woodchuck: "Ah ah ah, it's developed, it's developed!"

The little contractor screamed with excitement, and the human-shaped stone mortar, the void and the spirit of the time history book were also infected and felt a sense of joy.

"Don't worry, the baby belongs to my little Xiyue. No one can take it away." Shi Jiu rubbed the little contractor's head again. This contractor was so small and cute that he couldn't help but touch it!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Le Yun nodded as fast as a chicken pecking at rice. She jumped up happily and flew to the blue pagoda. Her beautiful almond eyes turned into star eyes.

"Ouch, it turns out that the inheritance tower from Five Pagoda Peak is here!"

There are five pagodas in the Five Pagoda Peak. Two pagodas are missing, causing the Five Pagoda Peak to become the Three Pagoda Garden. Who would have thought that the elusive inheritance pagoda is hidden somewhere in the sacred tree world.

Don't ask little Loli how she is sure that the cyan tower is the missing inheritance tower on Wu Pagoda Peak.

If you ask, just look at the plaques. The characters on the plaques on the gates of the three pagodas in the Three Pagodas Garden and the characters on the plaques on the blue pagoda in the cave are from the same powerful hand.

The inheritance tower of the Five Pagoda Peak was born, which also means that the whereabouts of the only reincarnation tower are unknown.

Looking and looking, staring at the green pagoda again and again, Leyun looked up and down the inheritance tower, using the precious light to deduce the value of the inheritance in the tower, and what treasures the tower protected.

There are objects hidden under the inheritance tower base. The ancestral treasure-level tower standing there is actually protecting something under the base.

The objects that the Heritage Tower can fully protect must not be ordinary objects.

Through Baoguang's analysis, the objects under the inheritance tower have the breath of life and vitality. Le Yun can't guess what kind of treasure they are.

After studying the inheritance tower and the treasure light, his eyes turned to the sparkling magic fragments in the cave.

The light of the scattered magic weapon fragments is also rays of light, indicating that it was once an ancestral treasure level fairy treasure.

Visual inspection revealed that the broken ancestral treasure was a protective magic weapon located on the outer layer of the inheritance tower. It was the first layer of defense to protect something, and then it shattered into pieces. It must have suffered a devastating blow.

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