magic eye doctor

Chapter 3245 Sacred Tree Seed

The word "ancestral" means origin. It is easy to imagine how high the status of a magic weapon called "ancestral treasure" is.

In terms of level, a fairy who canonize a god is known as a god after receiving the title of god, which is the same level as the heavenly artifact in the magic weapon. Being a god is not the end of the immortal's path to immortality. Becoming an ancestor is the ultimate pursuit of the immortal.

After the immortals canonize gods, they are called gods, and if they canonize ancestors, they are ancestors, or they are called gods.

The ancestral treasure-level magic weapon itself has the power to destroy the world. Excluding the consequences of a fierce battle with the ancestral treasure/ancestor of the same level, either one party will be defeated or both will die. The only power that can destroy the ancestral treasure without much effort comes from the universe. The majesty of heaven and earth and the power of laws.

The ancestral treasure in the cave was destroyed and only some fragments remained. One can imagine how powerful the power of the law that once descended on the small basin was.

Because the broken piece resisted the power from the outside world, the inheritance tower remained intact... Oh, no, the inheritance tower was not unscathed!

The inheritance tower was also damaged. A small section of the spire was missing. There were several concave pits on the top of the tower. The uppermost window eaves on one side were also chipped away by some force.

On the back side of the tower, there is a scar that is about five feet wide and nine feet deep. The scar is drawn from the top of the tower along the body of the tower to the bottom. The deep mark is straight and smooth, which shows that it is done in one go.

Judging from the traces, it should be a scar caused by the power of the law of light in the mighty power of heaven and earth.

The damage to the inheritance tower proves that it has also withstood the destruction of external forces. Fortunately, those wounds are equivalent to skin wounds for humans and have not damaged the roots. It still stands proudly, firmly protecting what it protects on its wings. Under the wings.

After observing the fragments in the cave, Le Yun went straight to the inheritance tower. No matter why the inheritance tower came here before, she found it. As long as she could take it away, it would belong to her from now on.

If there's a reason why you can't move it, of course leave it as it is.

The inheritance tower covers an area of ​​800 miles and is hundreds of miles away from people. When the young contractor ran towards the green tower, the three treasures were not moved.

As long as the magic weapon reaches the immortal level, it still has spirituality even if it does not give birth to a weapon spirit, let alone a magic weapon of the ancestral treasure level. The Qing Pagoda does not give birth to a weapon spirit, but it is a spiritual treasure.

Because they were with Xiao Xiyue, the Qing Pagoda did not exclude them from entering the cave, but it did not mean that they would be welcomed to approach the tower.

The ancient stone mortar, void bottle and time history book are also ancestral treasures themselves, so they can naturally sense the Qingta's attitude towards them, and their landing points are kept at a safe distance from the Qingta.

The three treasures watched the little contractor rush to the Qingta, so they could wait for her good news in a leisurely manner.

They are not worried that the little contractor will be rejected. With Xiao Xiyue's luck and friendly aura, any spiritual ownerless treasure will be happy to follow her.

Just like when the three of them sensed the appearance of the little contractor, they also took the initiative to show up and were willing to start a journey with Xiao Xiyue.

The inheritance tower stood majestically. Leyun moved several times before moving to the front of the tower. Then she walked up to the top of the tower, cut her finger, and dripped three drops of blood on the broken part of the tower.

The inheritance tower absorbed the blood, and the tower shook. The huge tower continued to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The tower body continued to shrink in circles. In less than ten breaths, a huge tower turned into a small tower less than one foot high.

The small tower flew up and turned into a three-inch-tall mini tower when it fell into the hands of the human race.

Reaching out to catch the flying blue light, Le Yun watched it turn into a mini tower, beaming with joy, oh, the tower is so considerate, isn't it!

She did not study the tower and the inheritance collected in the tower. She stuffed it into her sleeve first, and then looked at the foothold of the inheritance tower.

The inheritance tower left, and the ground it covered revealed a large pit about a hundred miles in diameter, with a black mud ball "lying" in the pit.

The mud ball in the pit is really a mud ball, and the mud is genuine pure mud.

The mud ball is not a solid ball. The mud wall of the ball is about five miles thick. From the brilliance of the treasure revealed in the mud ball, it is inferred that the seeds of plants are stored in the mud ball!

After confirming that the inheritance tower protected plant seeds, Le Yun suddenly realized that she could probably guess where the deserted secret place was now!

If the speculation is correct, the deserted secret place is the most mysterious core of the Shenmu Realm, the ancestral land of ten thousand trees and the holy land that the wood beasts most yearn for - the Shenmu Valley.

Shenmu Valley is the core treasure of the Shenmu Realm. It is said that no one knows where it is in the Shenmu Realm. Outside creatures cannot find it and cannot enter it. The Wood Clan themselves also do not know where it is individually.

In the sacred tree world, only the tree ancestors of the ancestors know where the sacred tree valley is. They know but will not tell.

Unexpectedly, the Shenmu Valley, which was supposed to be the most prosperous place for thousands of trees in the Shenmu Realm, has now turned into a desert with no grass growing.

Why is Shenmu Valley so deserted?

The answer is nothing more than two words - Qi Shu!

Monks have a certain amount of Qi and are exposed to seven disasters and eight disasters. After surviving them, things will change again. Each planet also has a certain amount of Qi, and it also has to go through calamities. Whenever the Qi is up, disaster will come.

Shenmu Valley is the ancestral land of ten thousand trees and the belief of grass and trees. It will naturally go through tribulations. The current Shenmu Valley is the result of the catastrophe.

Presumably there was a tree ancestor of the Wood clan who had a premonition of the impending disaster. To prevent accidents, he collected some of the seeds of the sacred trees and grasses in the sacred tree valley and hid them to preserve a bloodline inheritance for the sacred trees.

The seeds hidden deep in the strata of the small basin are the remaining species of the sacred trees in the Divine Tree Valley after the Great Tribulation. They bear the task of reproduction and are of great significance and preciousness.

The responsibility of the inheritance tower is to protect the inheritance, and the seeds of the sacred tree are also part of the inheritance. It is reasonable for the inheritance tower to protect the plant seeds of the sacred tree.

The plant seeds of Shenmu Valley are of great significance and do not disgrace the identity of the inheritance tower.

The plant seeds are well protected, Leyun can sense their breath of life, and the mud balls also exude the brilliance of special treasures with the breath of plant life and vitality.

The ancient stone mortar, the void bottle, and the history book of time looked over at the small tower when it was off the ground. Seeing the mud ball protected by the tower, the humanoid ancestral treasure showed a meaningful smile. The history of time book has a small transparent binding.

Guessing where the secret place was from the plant seeds protected by the inheritance tower, Le Yun didn't think about anything else. She turned into light and jumped down, landed on the ground, stretched her head to see if there was any gap between the mud ball and the big pit.

There is no gap between the mud ball and the big pit!

The floor of the cave is still made of Chaos Divine Gold, and the mud ball is wrapped by some kind of force and pressed into the pit, fitting perfectly into the pit, as if it grew out of the Divine Gold.

If there are no cracks, you won't be able to get out the mud ball, so you need to cut it slowly.

Digging for treasures is something she is good at. Le Yun happily called out to her best little helper: "Senior Taigu, Senior Void, Senior Time, there are treasures underneath, come and help me dig mines!"

The humanoid ancestral treasure and a book page floated to the little contractor's side. The ancient stone mortar even touched the little contractor's head indulgently: "Where to start digging?"

"First dig along the center of the mud ball, dig out the mud ball and then decide on the next step." Le Yun did not use the stone mortar to carry herself, she jumped into the lotus magic weapon placed on the stone mortar's shoulder and sat obediently.

The ancient stone mortar nodded happily; "Okay, dig out this mud dumpling first."

Also in human form, the little contractor was close to the stone but not to himself. Vukong was a bit jealous and glared at Shi Jiu several times resentfully.

Shijiu pretended not to see Void's eyes, and used the history book of time as a knife to cut the divine gold.

Jealousy in the void turned into jealousy, but he was unambiguous in his work. He put away the cut divine gold and began to mine it himself.

The stone mortar and Void dug along one edge of the mud ball, dug to the bottom of the mud ball, and then cut a circular groove around it to free the mud ball.

The void manifests its original form and transfers a big mud ball into its own space to store it.

After moving away the mud ball, Le Yun observed the brilliance of the treasure seeping out from the ground, and waved her little hand to draw a circle in a place: "Dig this place, keeping the width of about nine thousand feet."

The inheritance tower and plant seeds are not the most precious treasures deep in the basin's strata. The most mysterious treasures are still waiting for their opportunity deeper in the strata.

Now that he is here and has started the excavation work, he must find out the secrets he needs to know clearly, and then determine the next plan.

Le Yun, who has a spirit of reluctance to part with the contract, is determined to see the most mysterious treasure with her own eyes, and is determined not to do anything stupid halfway.

Shijiu, who dotes on the little contractor, will carry out the little contractor's words without hesitation.

He first dug a square groove around the area designated by the little contractor, and then dug down the ore in circles. The cut ore was thrown into the little contractor's storage bag.

Void no longer needs to pick up ores, he transforms into a human form and digs the divine gold mine by himself.

It was hollowed out on all sides and the square pillars became isolated islands.

When the height of the square pillar reached a height of 190,000 feet, the little Loli asked the treasure to cut the square pillar from the bottom, and then carried it to the cave for the second cutting.

The second time I cut, I turned around and cut from the original bottom to the original top. I cut off a layer of Chaos Divine Gold that was less than a thousand feet thick. Inside was the green Divine Crystal of Life!

The stone mortar and the void slowly peeled off the divine gold from the surface of the divine crystal pillar.

The Divine Crystal Pillar of Life is 150,000 feet long.

Peeling out the life crystal pillar, Le Yun pointed to a location as the cutting point and asked the ancient stone mortar to cut off the pillar.

The stone mortar waved the history book of time and scratched it all down, and a divine crystal pillar was broken into two pieces.

Le Yun jumped to the ground, then flew to a broken section of the life crystal pillar, wrapped her small fist with spiritual power, and punched it in one place.

Ancestors: "..." The little contractor is a bit violent!

Take another look, ah, the little contractor is so cute when he waves his fist!

The treasures happily watched Little Contract smashing the divine crystal pillars with his small fists, and even counted them with great interest.

One punch, two punches... eleven punches!

When they counted to eleven, the spot where the little contractor's fist hit began to crack. She punched twice more, and then waved her fist in a failed position.

The little contractor changed four positions in a row, changing places whenever the beaten position cracked, and then started beating the fifth position.

The treasures counted to nineteen, and the place where the little contractor's fist was hit broke into pieces.

The sound of cracking seemed to open a mechanism, and the four places that had been hit before also made "chacha" sounds.

Then, the ever-growing cracks opened together, and with a harsh "crash" sound, large pieces of the divine crystal were shattered like a broken mirror.

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