magic eye doctor

Chapter 3246 Guess

The locations where the little Loli struck were at several nodes of the cross section. When the nodes were destroyed and the cracks intertwined, destroying the structure of the divine crystal mine, it would naturally break like glass.

The green divine crystals fell off, forming a waterfall of sparkling crystals. As they fell, they were caught by a drying plate thrown by the little Lolita.

After the large piece of divine crystal was shattered, the cross-section of the divine crystal pillar revealed a pit about twenty feet wide, with a lotus about nine feet wide stuck diagonally in the pit.

The petals of the lotus are closed, the outermost petals are green, the flowers have no calyx, and the petals grow directly from a green lotus seed.

That lotus is the nine-color sacred lotus, the ancestral treasure raised in nature.

There are nine colors in the Nine-Color Divine Lotus. The order of petal colors is not static, but varies. The first layer of petals may be cyan, white or red, etc.

The order of the colors of the lotus petals depends on the location of the lotus petals during its growth and the type of aura it absorbs. If it grows in a place where metal is the main component, the first layer of petals will generally be golden.

The first layer of petals of the nine-color divine lotus in the divine crystal pillar is green, which only means that the place where it was born is probably an ancient forest, where the aura of water and wood is rich.

The little contractor punched out a sacred lotus and was completely convinced by the three treasures. The creatures with the eyes of heaven and earth were really powerful. It was thought that no divine object could hide from her eyes!

The divine objects of heaven and earth cannot be hidden from her, and similarly, the evil and obscure objects cannot escape their form in front of her.

pretty good!

Xiao Xiyue's eyes can see the truth of all things. In this way, she will not be like some creatures who are unable to see certain truths and become dusty in their Taoist hearts, thus losing their true nature and making big mistakes and ruining all their previous efforts.

Some of his former contractors were betrayed by Taoist companions, brothers, or fellow apprentices because they could not distinguish between true and false intentions. They were so severely hit that their Taoist hearts collapsed. Some of them ruined their journey to immortality, and some even lost their wealth. Among those who are alive, there are also those who have fallen into demons.

This little contractor is so good, the treasures feel that they can lie down this time.

After smashing a layer of divine crystals and finding the nine-color divine lotus, Le Yun beamed, and the deepest-hidden mysterious divine object was revealed!

This treasure hunt is really a bit laborious. The process of digging for treasure is like peeling off a potato, one layer after another.

In fact, the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus is not the ultimate treasure. The real treasures are still in the Divine Lotus. With the emergence of the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus, the strange objects hidden in the Divine Lotus will naturally appear soon.

Le Yun was filled with joy, she had obtained another magic weapon for self-protection!

She had decided to leave the nine-color divine lotus she found in the secret realm of the ancient dragon clan as a protective object for Dan Baobao. Naturally, the nine-color divine lotus she found this time was a gentleman who kept it for her own use.

As for my brother Huanxinpai and brother Meiren, it is still uncertain whether they are willing to go to the unknown world. Even if they are willing, the day when they will venture into other worlds is still far away. There is time to find the most suitable protective treasures for them.

The happy little Loli waved her fist again and smashed the cross section of the divine crystal pillar. With a series of shattering clattering sounds, the divine crystal that imprisoned the divine lotus was shattered into pieces.

Soon, the entire body of the sacred lotus appeared completely.

Le Yun quickly cleaned up the fragments of the divine crystal, put away the drying tray containing the divine crystal nuggets, then carefully took out the lotus flower from the divine crystal pillar and placed it on the ground, then cut her finger and dripped blood on the lotus seed.

The little contractor took away the divine lotus, and Void silently put away the two divine crystal pillars.

The sacred lotus absorbed nine drops of blood before it was satisfied. Its size shrank to the size of an ordinary lotus, and its petals bloomed in layers. The colors were green, green, black, blue, white, gold, red, yellow, and purple.

A circle of red stamens in the lotus is surrounded by golden lotus pods, and golden lotus seeds are hidden in the lotus pods.

There is a huge ball with a diameter of about a million miles on the golden lotus platform. The ball is made of rare chaotic divine crystals, and the divine crystals are integrated into one body.

The divine crystal sphere was too big. Le Yun stared blankly: "..." How can we do this?

She took a breath, turned her head, and asked for help with a grimace: "Senior Shi Gu, I'm in a little trouble, and I need your help again. Could you please help me cut open this big ball?"

"No problem, how to cut it?" Shijiu happily walked to the little contractor's side.

"First make a cut from the waistline of the ball and circle around the ball. The depth is about 499,995 feet. Then make another cut from here to divide the upper half of the sphere into two halves. " Leyun made two gestures towards the ball.

"Okay." Shijiu lifted the little contractor and put it in the magic weapon on his shoulder, then flew into the divine lotus space, walked to the big divine crystal ball, calculated the position, and placed the pages of the history book on the surface of the divine crystal. .

Then, he took off and ran in circles around the divine crystal ball.

The history of time passed through the divine crystal like light, leaving a thin crack, but not a single bit of divine crystal powder was splashed out during the entire process.

As a hands-off shopkeeper, Le Yun was good and stayed in the golden lotus magic weapon and was a good baby.

When the ancient stone mortar flew up so fast, her eyes turned white, causing her head to feel dizzy again. She quickly closed her eyes and didn't look outside.

The effect is obvious, because after closing the eyes, the vision is not affected by foreign objects, and the sense of shaking is gone.

The stone mortar made a circle around the big divine crystal ball, and then returned to the starting position. Then he turned the page of time and flew upwards, flying along the sphere from one side to the other.

He turned half a circle and succeeded in making a crack in the middle of the sphere, dividing half of the sphere into two halves. Because the diameter of the divine crystal ball is too large, after the upper half of the sphere was split into two, the spherical shell remained the same and did not move. It seemed that the big ball was still a whole.

Shijiu made two cuts, took back the pages of the book of time, and stood aside.

The void turned into a bottle and moved away the two pieces of the sphere.

The upper half of the shell of the divine crystal ball was removed, leaving only the remaining half of the ball. There was a cavity about nine feet wide in the middle of the ball, and there was a plant seed in the cavity.

The plant seeds are like lotus seeds, with a green outer membrane. The seeds have been left in a dark place for too long and are severely deprived of water. The whole seeds have shriveled up and become wrinkled.

The size of the seed is smaller than the diameter of the cavity. It is oblong in shape, about seven feet in diameter and eight feet high.

Because the depth of the knife was calculated just right, and the ancient mortar responsible for cutting had a very high degree of control over the numbers, the pages of the Time Book cut off the wall layer of the divine crystal without damaging the seeds.

The seeds were shriveled and wrinkled, as dry as if they could burn if set on fire, but its vitality could still be sensed.

The radius of the divine crystal sphere is more than 400,000 miles. The stone mortar can see the seeds in the hole, but the little loli cannot see that far.

Shijiu carried the little contractor and flew into the hollow of the divine crystal sphere. The void and the history books of time also followed him like a shadow, accompanying the little contractor to see the strange things.

When she saw a certain treasure that revealed the true face of Lushan, Le Yun's eyes were shocked at first, then turned into consternation, then full of surprise, and then she turned into contemplation.

Why a seed? !

It is obvious that the brilliance above the basin is the brilliance of divine objects. The brilliance of the treasures seen when digging out the Nine Color Divine Lotus and the Divine Crystal Sphere is also the glow of rays of light that can only be found in divine objects such as magic weapons.

Although there are also plants and trees in the glow, the light of things is 100% the brilliance of magic weapons that were born and raised in the earth.

On this point, Le Yun dared to bet her head. Her eyes did not mistake the light of Wuhua, and it was impossible for her to mistake it, but why was it actually a seed?

To be honest, she thought there was a natural wood-attributed treasure sealed in the divine crystal ball!

The seed is not a magic weapon, nor is it the seed of an ordinary sacred plant. It emits a colorful glow that other sacred tree seeds do not have.

After scanning the seeds with her eyes, no corresponding information appeared in her brain. Le Yun currently doesn't know what kind of plant seeds the seeds are.

Treasures that have no information in their minds must be left over from ancient times, or even more distant times.

She had never seen the ancestral treasures from the ancient times before, but when she saw the ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle for the first time in Sword Valley, she recognized their origins at a glance.

There is no information about the seed in my brain now, and I don't know the origin of the seed, which means that the seed is of a higher level and has a greater origin than the three treasures.

Looking at the shriveled seeds, Le Yun had an inexplicable intuition that perhaps the desertification of Shenmu Valley had a certain connection with the seeds in the Nine Color Divine Lotus!

She even came up with a rather absurd speculation: the sacred tree seeds in the mud balls protected by the inheritance tower were actually hidden in that position specifically to cover up the life breath of the seeds in the nine-color sacred lotus!

Otherwise, why do we have to hide the seeds in the basin's strata?

The Shenmu Valley is so vast, where can’t seeds be hidden? Pick any giant mountain and it would be safer to hide the seeds deep in the ground beneath the mountain than in the basin.

Besides, the seeds don’t have to be hidden in the Divine Tree Valley. They can be hidden in other places in the Divine Tree Realm.

Just like the seed mountains in the Fairyland Treasure Land of Qianji Secret Valley, they are very safe. The seeds preserved in the four plant seed mountains are like newly picked seeds that year.

The shriveled seeds can make the sacred tree world use sacred tree seeds as substitutes, and the naturally raised nine-color sacred lotus as a protective shell. One can imagine how lofty its status is.

What tree or seed in the universe can make all trees protect it unconditionally?

After careful analysis and peeling back layers of cocoons, the truth is ready to come out.

In the universe, there are only two kinds of trees that Wanmu can protect unconditionally - the Divine Tree of Life and the Star Tree.

The Divine Tree of Life is the Divine Tree of Creation, the mother of all stars and all things. If its seeds do not evolve into a planet, but fall into a certain world, it is said to be the ten thousand trees of a certain world, and it will also be the way of heaven in a certain world. Gather your strength to protect it.

Star Tree is the daughter of the Divine Tree of Life, and she is also the daughter who has inherited half of the mantle of the Divine Tree of Creation.

The reason why the Star Tree is described in this way is because it is the only sacred tree besides the Divine Tree of Life that can produce fruits that can grow into a planet.

The probability of a star tree bearing a planet fruit is extremely rare. Only one tree out of 100 million sacred trees is lucky enough to bear a fruit that becomes a planet.

Therefore, most of the star sacred trees may not be able to produce a planet fruit in their final life. Only a few sacred trees are lucky enough to produce a planet fruit core.

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