magic eye doctor

Chapter 3247 Empathy

Although the Star Tree may not necessarily be able to bear fruits that can become planets, it is the only divine tree in the universe that can bear fruits of planets. Its status has always been second only to the Divine Tree of Life, and its revered status is worshiped by all the trees in the universe.

Le Yun had a bold guess. The seeds in the Nine Color Divine Lotus were most likely the seeds of the Star Divine Tree, which inherited half of the mantle of the Divine Tree of Life.

Unfortunately, there is no simple and quick way to verify the identity of a seed. If you want to know what kind of sacred tree it is, you can only plant the seed and wait for it to take root, sprout, bloom and bear fruit.

Planting seeds is a matter of the future. The most important thing now is how to place the seeds. We must quickly move the seeds to a new place to solve the crisis of replenishing water.

There was no direct evidence to prove the identity of the seed, so any speculation would be in vain. Le Yun threw the stubble aside, found a large barrel made of spirit wood, put it in the magic weapon, and poured the spirit liquid into the barrel. and fairy spring water.

I estimated that the amount of water was about the same, so I jumped from the stone mortar to the seeds. I circled around for a while and then stretched out my hands to hold the seeds.

The seeds were too precious, and Leyun didn't dare to take them lightly, for fear that something might go wrong if she used her spiritual consciousness to carry them, so she could rest assured when she carried them by herself.

When her hands carefully touched the shell of the seed, the shriveled seed shell suddenly shone with a layer of beautiful light.

In an instant, just like a modern neon light box being turned on, the surface of the entire seed glowed brightly.

At the same time, the brilliant rays of light flowed down Le Yun's fingertips towards her arms, filling her whole body with lightning speed.

Along with the rays of light, there is also a huge force, which flows along the scalp and enters the sea of ​​​​consciousness like an electric current.

The power came so fast that Le Yun had no time to react. At that time, she only felt that her brain was slightly electrocuted when it came into contact with micro-current.

Unknown power poured into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​​​consciousness shook.

Le Yun was in a trance for a while. After a while, her consciousness became clear, and she instantly felt that she had turned into a seed!

If I think clearly, I am definitely not a species. There is only one possibility - empathy!

She had no intention of exploring the seed's experience. The seed took the initiative to convey its experience to her and let her experience it.

Huo Ran understood that he had empathy with Zi Zi, and Le Yun did not panic and calmly accepted her new identity.

As a seed, it naturally does not know its origin and has no sense of time. The seed buried deep in the soil follows the laws of nature and absorbs the nutrients it needs.

After who knows how long, the seeds have accumulated enough energy, the embryos have matured, broken shells and sprouted.

The seed germ that emerged from the soil and darkness saw the warm sunshine and gentle rain for the first time, and slowly grew under the moisture of the sun and rain.

Le Yun's thinking is very clear. She cannot see what the seedlings that grow from the seeds look like for the time being, but she can tell that the spiritual energy absorbed from the earth and air is the energy of Hongmeng.

Moreover, the Hongmeng Qi is extremely rich and pure.

The seedlings grew very, very slowly, so slowly that even Le Yun, who had her own thinking ability, could not calculate how many years had passed.

Leyun's feelings are becoming clearer and clearer. She can sense Xiaomiao's emotions. Xiaomiao likes the gentle drizzle and the morning sunshine. Every leaf is happy every morning and when it drizzles.

Leyun couldn't see Xiaomiao, and naturally she didn't know the environment around Xiaomiao. She couldn't break away from Xiaomiao, so she just let Xiaomiao grow up naturally.

Xiaomiao grew up carefree in an environment that did not know the time.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but one morning when the sun first came, when Le Yun was looking at the sky as before, she suddenly found that her field of vision had become extraordinarily broad!

She can now see "herself" and her surroundings.

The tree is a towering giant tree!

The big tree is surrounded by a sea of ​​forest, and the forest stretches as far as the eye can see. However, the surrounding trees are obviously shorter than the giant tree, much shorter. The tallest tree in the forest is less than the first branch of the big tree.

The tree body of the giant tree is cyan, as thick as a mountain, upright, the bark is smooth, scale-free and hairless, and the branches are in a ring-shaped whorled shape. The number of branches in each section is the same, nine.

The branches emerging from the main pole are node-shaped, quite like giant bamboos. The branches have secondary branches, and the secondary branches are also ring-shaped, with five branches in each node.

The secondary branches are branched again, and there are many branches. The top of each branch has leaf buds like lotus buds, and the leaf buds on the top of the main stem are like a huge lotus.

The leaves of the giant tree are like a round fan, with green leaves on the surface and a slightly lighter color on the back, which is light green. The leaves are also hairless, and the front and back sides are as smooth as a mirror.

Le Yun, who transformed into a big tree, couldn't help but be confused when she saw "herself". So what, she couldn't tell whether the tree was the divine tree of life or the tree of stars? !

There are legends about the Divine Tree of Life and the Star Tree in the world, but there are no detailed records. The description of the Divine Tree of Life is just one sentence - "The brilliance of the Divine Tree is as bright as the stars" and "It takes hundreds of millions of years to complete."

The sacred tree is radiant. Is this brilliance the whole body, or does the leaves shine?

It takes hundreds of millions of years for the fruit to mature. This popular saying means that it takes 100 million years for its fruit to mature.

There is no specific description of what the Divine Tree of Life looks like, what its branches and leaves look like, and what its flowers look like.

As for the star tree, the description is simpler - "only the star tree is the most similar to the mother tree."

That’s it, I’m asking you how to tell the difference.

Without a specific description, even if Le Yun saw the giant tree, she would not be able to tell whether it was a tree of life or a tree of stars. She could only wait for it to bloom and bear fruit.

Judging from the buds on the top of the giant tree, the day when it will bear fruit is far away. It will be a long process waiting for it to bloom and bear fruit.

Le Yun herself could not escape from the giant tree, and could only accompany it to grow. She witnessed the surrounding trees dying one after another, and new small trees growing into towering trees.

I also witnessed that many big trees appeared out of nowhere and grew taller than other trees. Then one day the tree was struck by lightning, and one day the tree gained the ability to walk.

All the trees that could move freely ran around the giant tree and surrounded the giant tree in the center like guards.

Those trees also "fight" in order to get the position closest to the giant tree. They collide with each other, slap each other with their branches, or attack each other with fire, thunder, frost, etc.

Whenever they fight fiercely, the giant tree will stretch out a branch and give each of the fighting trees a blow.

The branches of the giant tree can be extended infinitely, and it can knock away the fighting tree just by waving its hand in the wind.

The trees that were blown away would fly far away before landing, and they would come back after a while.

Even if one tree was whipped away by the giant tree, the other trees did not learn a lesson and continued to fight happily. Every time they fought, the trees were whipped away by the giant tree.

As a bystander, Le Yun discovered that all the trees that could move had the experience of being knocked away in fights, and they refused to change despite repeated admonitions.

After watching the big tree being beaten many times, she suddenly realized that the relationship between the giant tree and the moving tree is that of parents and naughty children!

The big trees that are fighting are naughty children, and the giant trees are the parents. The big trees fight and get kicked away, just like the children who fight and get beaten by their parents. The children remember to eat but not to be beaten.

The big trees are constantly growing while fighting each other, and the giant trees are also growing stronger.

Days passed by, and I don’t know how many years had passed. Gradually, the forest became turbulent. Various natural disasters often occurred in the forest. Disasters such as drought, floods, sky fires, insect plagues, etc. came one after another.

During natural disasters, many trees died one after another, including some large trees that could move. There were also other large trees that gained the ability to move after experiencing disasters.

Those disasters are inconspicuous in the eyes of giant trees. Whenever a flood comes, the giant trees will turn on the siphon mode to absorb a huge amount of water. When a drought comes, the stored water will be sent into the soil through the root system, supporting the forest. trees.

However, the sky fire, sky thunder, etc. actually bypassed the giant tree and never struck it.

When an insect disaster comes, the insects cannot reach the giant tree.

The forest ages and is reborn over time, over and over again.

During the long wait, Le Yun also made a new discovery: the leaves of the giant tree are not in a fixed round shape, but can actually change!

At first, the leaves of the giant tree were round like a round fan, then they became heart-shaped like taro leaves, and after a while they became oblong like a banana.

After a while, it becomes an oval shape, after a while it becomes a willow leaf shape, and after a while it becomes a ribbon shape.

After a while, the leaves become short round rectangles, or sword-shaped, or egg-shaped, obovate, inverted heart-shaped, spoon-shaped, fan-shaped, violin-shaped, palm-shaped...

The leaves of the giant tree change every once in a while. In order to calculate how long "each period" is, Le Yun tries to calculate the number of days in terms of day and night.

Initially, her plan went smoothly.

But the plan changed. When she calculated that it would take about a thousand years, the forest ushered in the day and night!

The days and nights are very long, and it is impossible to calculate the number of days. Le Yun wants to calculate the number of days by heartbeats, but the giant tree has no heartbeats.

The plan to count the days was aborted.

After the extreme day and night, the forest ushered in normal sunrise and sunset.

Le Yun recalculated again. However, every time she felt that she was about to calculate a cycle, she would fall asleep inexplicably in the middle of the calculation.

She had to start over.

But whenever she was about to calculate the time of a cycle, she would always fall asleep suddenly, even if she had no intention of falling asleep.

After several times, she found the reason. It was not that she fell asleep suddenly, but that the giant tree took a nap!

Giant trees also often take naps and even go dormant.

When the giant tree takes a nap or sleeps, Le Yun's consciousness also "sleeps".

Knowing the reason, she gave up counting time and let the giant tree grow naturally. She was both an authority and a bystander, witnessing the changes in the forest.

One day after an unknown number of years, a flower bud finally sprouted from the bud on the top of one of the main branches of the giant tree.

Le Yun was so excited that she almost danced. Oh, it’s finally the flowering season of the giant tree! I believe the day of results is not far away!

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