magic eye doctor

Chapter 3248 Empathy

Le Yun was excited because the giant tree was growing flower buds, and she had hope in her heart. From then on, she regarded observing the growth of flower buds every day as a top priority.

It takes a certain amount of time for the flowers of a plant to grow from flower buds to flower buds. Giant trees are not ordinary trees. The growth of flower buds takes as long as the growth of trees.

There was no way to measure time anyway, so Leyun didn't do any useless work. She just watched it every day, watching its little flower buds grow up little by little.

During the growth of the flower buds, they experienced two minor freezing periods. Except for the big trees that can walk, less than half of the other trees in the forest did not survive.

The walking trees went dormant during the Little Ice Age.

The giant trees also went dormant, and the flower buds temporarily stopped growing.

Every time the mini-freeze period ends, the seeds left by the trees once again break out of the ground. The dead trees turn into nutrients, turning the empty land into a new forest again.

The walking trees and giant trees also woke up from their slumber, and the small flower buds on the branches became energetic again and began to grow again.

After a long time, the small flower buds of the giant tree grew into flower buds. After waiting for a long, long time, the flower buds that had accumulated enough strength finally bloomed in the wind.

The quietly blooming flowers are like roses, with green sepals, golden petals, and red stamens. The golden flowers are like little suns, dazzling and stunning.

Just like when it grew up, the flowers remained in full bloom after they bloomed. During this period, the forest suffered various natural disasters, even a Little Ice Age, and several extreme days and nights, but it still bloomed undefeated.

After a long, long time, a small fruit grew from the flower.

Seeing the fruit in the stamens, Le Yun almost cried with joy. Finally, the giant tree had grown its fruit, and she would know the identity of the tree in a little while!

The fruit grows as slowly as the flower buds, experiencing the destruction and rebirth of the forest, the ice age, and the long polar night and day.

After many twists and turns, the petals gradually wither. When the last petal falls off, the fruit grows to the size of a human rice bowl.

The fruit is like the fruit of the tung tree, with a tender green color all over.

Looking at the growing music of the fruit, she couldn't see through the fruit at all. She didn't know whether it was a god-like fruit that could be eaten, or a magical fruit that could grow into a planet.

After another long wait, the fruit grew into a giant fruit. However, when it was about to mature, the fruit gained a layer of golden light overnight.

After a while, one day, a black hole opened in the sky. The fruit broke away from the mother tree without any wind and flew towards the black hole like a meteor.

"Ah ah ah! Come back, come back, come back!" Watching the fruit fly towards the black hole, Le Yun went crazy. The fruit she had guarded for hundreds of millions of years actually ran away!

The fruit didn't understand her mood at all and flew towards the black hole without looking back.

Many big moving trees also flew up.

The big tree followed the fruit and flew into the black hole, and the black hole slowly closed again.

Le Yun wanted to cry but had no tears. She had waited for so long and finally waited for the fruit to ripen, but it ran away!

It doesn't matter if the fruit escapes. Can you let her know what kind of fruit it is? Is it the kind of planet fruit that can grow into a planet?

Not knowing the type of fruit, her waiting and watching were all in vain. At that time, Le Yun had a feeling that she would not rest in peace if she died.

Even though she was angry and anxious, she did not die.

The fruit ran away, but Leyun couldn't run away, and she still couldn't live without the big tree.

Since she couldn't leave, she accepted it calmly. Anyway, she was just spending her days with the big tree, and would leave when the big tree was willing to let her go.

She was in a good mood and lived peacefully watching the sunrise and sunset with the big tree.

Where giant trees grow, there are various natural disasters every once in a while.

Before the giant tree blossoms and bears fruit, natural disasters such as fire, thunder, and hail will generally not befall the giant tree. Once it bears fruit, natural disasters will also befall it, without exception.

Le Yun wondered, did the giant tree have some power in the past to cover its own aura, so the thunder and fire could not detect it?

When the giant tree bears fruit, its ability to mask the breath disappears, so every natural disaster falls on it without exception?

Fortunately, various natural disasters did not cause any major damage to the giant tree. At most, it lost some twigs and leaves. It has experienced various natural disasters and has grown stronger.

The days spent with the giant tree were generally peaceful, and Le Yun also successfully waited until the giant tree bloomed and bore fruit again, and the results were exactly the same as the first time - the fruits flew away when they were ripe!

After two experiences, Le Xiaololi has become more Buddhist.

She accompanied the giant tree through the forest changes, the Little Ice Age, the extreme day and night, and watched the giant tree bear fruit and fly away again and again.

And she slowly discovered that every time the giant tree bore fruit, the level of natural disasters gradually increased.

At first, the sky fire and lightning struck the giant tree. At most, some of its twigs were broken, or some bark was scraped off, or the young branches and leaves were scorched, which was not harmful at all.

As the level of Sky Fire and Sky Thunder increased, the damage caused to the giant tree also gradually increased, ranging from minor injuries to skin trauma, to the level of straining muscles and bones.

On several occasions, the main branches of the giant tree were chopped off, and the bark was torn apart by the power of lightning. There was even an experience where the tree was burned completely black by sky fire. There have been several major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Every time there are earthquakes, landslides and landslides, the forest is torn into thousands of ravines. Deep pits or abyss often appear around giant trees, and their root systems are often exposed.

The roots of the giant tree firmly grasped the surrounding soil and rocks, and it could not stand even if the landslides and the ground cracked.

When a volcano erupts in the distance, a large amount of magma turns into a river and flows into the forest, burning the forest. Giant trees are not spared and are scorched.

However, giant trees are very strong and will not die as long as their roots are still there. After being burned by fire, they will sprout new branches and sprouts.

As natural disasters become more and more serious, the recovery period of the giant tree is also getting longer and longer, but it stands strong against the wind and frost, and it still blooms and bears fruit no matter how severe the natural disaster is.

After the giant tree experienced countless hardships and bore countless fruits, the place where the giant tree grew faced a drastic change - the coming of the Ice Age.

What we experienced before was the Little Ice Age. The forest was covered with ice and snow, and the ice layer was at most level with the trees in the forest. At the same time, the period of ice cover was not long.

After the Little Ice Age ended, some trees in the forest couldn't stand the tight congestion and died, but a large number of seeds survived. When the ground thawed, the seeds sprouted quickly.

When the Ice Age came, the ice layer on the ground accumulated to the first layer of branches of the giant trees, and as time went by, the ice layer became thicker and thicker.

The giant tree went dormant.

Le Yun, who originally slept with the giant tree, was "frozen" and woke up several times. Every time she woke up, she found that the ice layer had risen again and the temperature was even lower.

The height of the ice layer continued to rise, crossing the first layer of branches, crossing the second layer of branches, and continuing upward until the ice and snow covered the third layer of branches of the giant tree.

The vitality of the giant tree is also losing bit by bit.

After another long wait, the ice and snow finally began to melt.

The ice layer was too thick. When the ice and snow melted, the original forest turned into a vast ocean, and the giant trees were soaked in the cold snow water. The coldness made Le Yun's consciousness tremble.

The vitality of the giant tree disappeared faster.

Fortunately, the water level was slowly falling. When the water level dropped to half the waist of the giant tree, it froze. The water was still bitingly cold ice water.

Le Yun also clearly sensed that the vitality of the giant tree was severely damaged. She even wondered whether the giant tree had its foundation damaged due to the drastic changes in the Ice Age. Knowing that her life span was not long, she tried her best to cultivate the last seed. Then disappeared.

The last seed produced by the giant tree also inherited the memory of the mother tree, and for some reason ended up in the sacred tree world of Qingxu God Realm, where it fell asleep deep in the ground.

As for her, because she dug out the seeds and let them see the light of day, the seeds passed on her mother's memories to her?

Le Yun had had that thought in her consciousness, and she experienced the life course of the giant tree more carefully.

She wanted to share weal and woe with the giant tree, but her consciousness did not last long, and she was soon frozen by the cold chill, and her perception was interrupted.

I don’t know how long it took, but Le Yun’s consciousness came back and she felt that the surrounding water had become warmer. The water temperature was equivalent to the temperature of the river in summer.

The water temperature has risen, but there is still ocean around it and it has not turned back to land.

Le Yun speculated that the place where the giant trees grew has evolved into an ocean, and this is indeed the case. Slowly, aquatic plants and microorganisms appeared in the water, then mayflies, and then marine life.

The forest has evolved into an ocean, and the giant tree has extremely strong adaptability. It still stands tenaciously, absorbing water aura and nutrients.

After unremitting efforts, the giant tree recovered from its injuries, adapted to life in the water, accumulated enough energy, and bloomed and bore fruit again.

The giant tree bears its first fruit in the water. When it is about to mature, it is also wrapped in golden light. When it matures, the black hole appears on time and sucks it away again.

Le Yun: "..."

She thought that after the giant tree experienced a life-and-death disaster, the first fruit it would bear for the rest of its life was the fruit she dug in the sacred tree world. Obviously, this fruit was not the one she sympathized with. !

After the giant tree successfully produced the first fruit in the ocean, natural disasters also came as expected, such as fire and thunder from the sky, hail fell at regular intervals, and there were also tsunamis, undersea volcanoes, and undersea earthquakes.

During submarine earthquakes, volcanoes often erupt, and magma also flows into giant trees.

Le Yun witnessed the giant tree's calamity again and again, being struck by fire and lightning, being boiled by submarine volcano magma, and being impacted by sediments brought by submarine earthquakes.

The giant tree has experienced disasters one after another and has produced fruits one after another.

A long time passed, and the ocean also ushered in an ice age.

The second ice age was more severe than the first. All the water in the ocean turned into ice. The ice layer increased day by day and completely submerged the giant trees.

Le Yun once again came up with a guess: After this catastrophe, the seed of empathy with her should be born, right?

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