magic eye doctor

Chapter 3249 The calamity of seeds

Le Yun wanted to share the suffering with the giant tree, but apart from suffering in the ice with the giant tree for a period of time, her consciousness froze unknowingly later on.

This time, her consciousness was not awakened by the cold. When she regained consciousness, the Ice Age was coming to an end.

The ice has almost melted.

The giant trees are not soaked in ice water. The melted ice water flows in one direction, and the land under the sea is slowly rising upwards.

Because the giant tree was not harmed by the ice water, Le Yun's consciousness did not have intermittent "dormant" periods due to the influence of external forces, so she silently measured the time.

After about 300,000 years of evolution, the original seabed once again turned into land.

At first, the land was desolate, and it was not until much later that low plants slowly appeared. After a long period of natural evolution, some low plants also evolved into trees.

The once desolate land has turned into a forest again. Nature perfectly demonstrates what it means to "change with the passage of time and the vicissitudes of life".

The giant tree that always stayed in place was extremely happy. After a period of recuperation, it regained its vitality, accumulated energy again, and blossomed and bore fruit.

When the giant tree bore its first flower buds after the catastrophe, Le Yun had an idea - the teeth of reincarnation had begun again!

As expected, the first fruit from the big tree ripened and flew away, and then disaster came.

The giant tree once again started the life course of fighting against various disasters, and Le Yun also experienced the various hardships that the giant tree had experienced.

After experiencing thousands of disasters, a catastrophe struck again - this time it was not an ice age, but a meteorite disaster.

Countless meteorites flew from the sky, and huge fireballs smashed into the giant trees.

The giant tree blocked countless waves of meteorites. First, the secondary branches on the main branches were broken, then the main branches were broken one after another, and then the main trunk was broken off. The injuries it suffered became heavier each time.

The branches of the big tree are shaped like human hands and feet, and the broken branches are shaped like broken feet and broken arms. The pain is heartbreaking.

Leyun felt the same as the tree. Every time a branch was broken, her consciousness also felt pain. When the main trunk was broken by a meteorite, her consciousness was so painful that she lost consciousness, and her consciousness was also interrupted.

When she woke up from ignorance again, she found that only a small section of the giant tree's roots remained, and the surrounding area of ​​the tree had been burned by meteorites into a barren land.

The nutritious spiritual soil formed by the leaf debris accumulated in the forest has been burned away by the flames of the meteorite. The upper layer of soil on the surface has also been lost by the high temperature, and the exposed ground is as dry and hard as rock.

The surface of the earth has no nutrients that can be absorbed. Fortunately, the roots of the giant trees have already penetrated deep into the ground. They rely on those roots to absorb water and nourish the remaining giant trees.

The remnant tree went through a long recovery period and sprouted new buds again.

The new shoots grew vigorously and grew into a giant tree that stood tall and tall.

Like a reborn giant tree, it still maintains infinite enthusiasm and persists in blooming and bearing fruit, even if it brings endless disasters after bearing the first fruit.

Reincarnation begins again.

In similar reincarnations, the giant tree has experienced countless catastrophes of life and death. Some were burned to pieces by sky fire, and the earth collapsed, burying it deep in the ground.

There were also landslides and ground cracks, and floods swept it away, leaving only a few stumps of it; there were also earthquakes during the Great Ice Age, and it was swept away by ice and magma flows into the sea and almost drowned.

There was another volcanic eruption, and a river of hot magma flowed over the place where it grew, burning it until only a few roots were left thickly buried in the ground...

No matter how seriously injured the giant tree was, as long as it did not die completely, even if there was only one root system left, it still survived tenaciously and never changed its original intention.

After experiencing countless catastrophes, it may have realized something. After once again experiencing the catastrophe of life and death in which only the roots were burned by the sky fire, when it repaired itself again, it no longer grew after growing new shoots, but instead Some strength is accumulated.

When it had gathered enough strength, the giant tree turned itself into a seed and buried it deep in the ground.

But despite this, I don’t know how many years later, natural disaster struck again.

The place where the seeds were buried was subject to constant floods, droughts, and earthquakes, and fire and meteorites from the sky often visited. Every natural disaster always turned the world upside down, leaving the mountains, rivers and land in ruins.

Seeds buried deep in the ground are often dug out to withstand the baptism of natural disasters.

After being forced to endure countless unintentional disasters, the seeds gathered soil and ores to wrap themselves up and hid deeper in the earth.

But it still did not escape the disaster, and an even greater disaster came - the world where the seed was located collapsed!

The world collapsed, and the place where the seed was hiding was also shattered by the impact of the devastating force. It flew into the void with a star core fragment. On the way, the star core fragment encountered a cosmic storm and broke again, and then its consciousness was also interrupted.

After the seed's consciousness was interrupted, Leyun's consciousness was separated from the seed and returned to her own body.

Empathy ends.

After experiencing the life of a seed, Leyun was almost numb. She thought the seed was the last fruit produced by a giant tree after experiencing life and death. Because it inherited the memory of the mother tree, she also experienced it. , didn’t expect that to be its own experience.

Thinking about all the hardships Seed had gone through in his life, she almost wanted to curse the country. Too miserable, isn’t it?

Having empathized with the seed, Le Yun felt the pain of the seed and felt particularly sorry for it. She carefully picked up the seed and put it into the barrel.

After placing the seeds firmly, he gently stroked the shell and comforted in a soft voice: "I think I understand what you mean. You are worried that if you are born again, the disaster will come again, right?

I actually found you from the depths of the earth. We are destined to be destined. No one can stop me from letting you see the light of day again. If there must be some disaster when you are born, then let it happen. I will stand in your way.

Don't worry, I can handle it, and you can rest in peace. I hope to see you blossom and bear fruit one day in the future. "

When she accompanied the giant tree through his life, Le Yun could never see the appearance of the fruit produced by the giant tree. After the empathy was over, she understood the reason. It was not that she could not see through the fruit, but that the seeds did not want her to see the reality of the fruit. look.

As for the reason, it should be that Zizi doesn't want her to know his identity.

But now, she no longer had to wait to see the fruit of the seed, she already knew the identity of the seed.

After talking to the seeds, Leyun sent the barrel into the nine-story altar area of ​​the star core space. Then she looked at the stone mortar and asked: "Senior, from the time I came into contact with the seeds to the time I took the seeds and put them in the barrel, a total of How long has it been?"

Taikoo Shijiu looked at the history book of time: "This question is more appropriate to ask about time."

The time history book did not wait for the little contractor to ask himself, and immediately took the initiative to tell the time: "According to the time of this world, it lasted a total of one year, three months, two days and five hours."

Vukong responded and asked: "Xiao Xiyue, you stood still after your hand touched the seed. What have you experienced in more than a year?"

"When I came into contact with Seed, Seed took the initiative to empathize with me, and I accompanied Seed through the course of his life." Le Yun did not hide anything, and told Zhibao about her empathy with Seed.

After a lifetime journey with seeds, one year and three months is not a long time.

"It is rare to have empathy with plant seeds, and it is of great benefit to the soul." Void stretched out his hand to rub the little contractor's head.

Xiao Xiyue fell asleep standing up after touching the seeds. They also guessed that the little guy might have had some chance to protect her, and it turned out to be the case.

The seeds that can be so carefully protected cannot be ordinary wood. The seeds empathize with Xiao Xiyue and are of great benefit to her soul.

The ancient stone mortar and the history book of time also smiled happily.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, senior, let's go first..." Le Yun was about to say to go back to the ground to take a look, but her heart suddenly palpitated, and a sense of crisis surged into her heart!

Almost instantly, I knew in my heart that the inevitable disaster was coming for the seed to be born!

Le Yun immediately jumped onto the magic weapon on Shijiu's shoulder, put away the nine-color sacred lotus, and hurriedly urged: "Senior, send me to the ground quickly, there are urgent matters!"

"Okay." Taikoo Shijiu didn't ask what urgent matter it was and took action immediately.

He did not return to the ground through the dug tunnel by flying, but directly returned to the ground from the depths of the earth using the teleportation technique.

The Time History Book, the Void Bottle, and the Stone Mortar returned to the ground almost at the same time.

More than a year has passed, and the basin is still the same as before. The huge pit dug in the middle of the basin has not changed at all, and the Chaos Divine Gold is shining in the sun.

It was around mid-morning, the light wasn't too dazzling, and the temperature wasn't too high.

After the three treasures landed, they looked at the sky and found nothing unusual.

Being carried back to the ground, Le Yun's heart palpitations became more intense, and she looked to the northwest with almost no thought.

When she looked into the void, she saw nothing at first, but her eyes were in a trance for a moment, and then she looked through the endless void and saw a huge fireball flying towards the sacred tree world.

The fireball was a fallen star flying from the sky, or a complete falling star before it exploded.

The seeds have just been born, and the catastrophe has come, very quickly!

Even though Le Yun's eyes were still very, very far away from the fireball, she knew that it was extremely large and flying extremely fast.

She had a magical feeling, feeling that the fireball would reach the Qingxu God Realm in just one and a half sticks of incense!

At the same time, the star core birthmark on her arm also became hot. It even developed a strange force and wanted to pull her to fly into the big fireball in the sky.

"..." Le Yun understood the meaning of the star core space and almost wanted to scream. It actually swallowed the meteorite flying from the sky!

She knew that the star core in her star core space was an extremely old star core, and various signs indicated that it might be one of the earliest star cores of the origin of life in the universe.

The star core in the star core space is very strong. This is an undoubted fact. However, the meteorite flying from the sky is a complete star core, which is many times larger than it.

One's own star core wants to swallow a meteorite from the sky, just like a snake wants to swallow an elephant.

How can the core of such a large meteorite be swallowed up? Le Yun looked up into the void, looked at the burning fireball, and assessed the feasibility of the star core swallowing the meteorite.

Dear little cuties, it’s New Year’s Eve again. On this festive occasion, I wish you all a happy family and all the best!

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