magic eye doctor

Chapter 3250

Theoretically speaking, Le Yun does not object to her star core swallowing the falling star core, provided that safety is guaranteed.

This time the disaster of the meteorite was due to the birth of the seed, so she would naturally bear it on her behalf. If the star core swallowed up the star core of the falling star, it would not only solve her problems, but also expand the space of the star core, the best of both worlds.

The problem is that the meteorite is too big. How many years will it take for the star core to swallow it?

Leyun's brain was spinning at high speed, calculating the feasibility of the star core swallowing the meteorite.

She was still thinking, but Xinghe was impatient, and the birthmark on her arm was almost burning, which meant that it acted on its own without her consent.

Xinghe couldn't wait to replenish his energy, what else could Leyun do?

There is no other choice but to follow it.

"Okay, okay! Swallow it, swallow it! Just let me get ready. Also, can you leave me some star core of the meteorite?" Le Yun silently passed her thoughts to the star core imprint.

The star core is so excited, naturally it can swallow the meteorite.

To be fair, she never worried that she would die because of this. She and the star core were one, breathing the same fate. If she died, the star core would inevitably disintegrate again.

If the star core disintegrates again, there is a high probability that the last core star core will completely disappear.

If her Death Star core is destroyed, there is no way the Star Core could dig its own grave.

So, the star core will definitely protect her life while swallowing the meteorite.

Out of confidence in the power of the star core, Le Yun no longer hesitated after transmitting her consciousness to the star core, and immediately touched the storage device she was wearing.

At the same time, he told the treasure: "Three seniors, there is a complete huge meteorite in the void flying towards here, and it is predicted to arrive within one stick of incense.

The natural calamity comes from the seeds dug out by the younger generation, and the younger generation will experience the calamity on their behalf.

It is currently impossible to predict how long this catastrophe will last. The younger generation is confident that he will not die. The process may not be pleasant, and it may also take a period of training after the catastrophe. Please keep the three seniors away, preferably hundreds of millions of miles away, to avoid being harmed. spread. "

"Meteor catastrophe?" The ancient stone mortar looked at the void bottle. Xiao Xiyue sensed a meteorite coming, but she didn't even notice the broken bottle. Has the bottle's ability deteriorated?

The Void Bottle also immediately looked into the void, and after about five breaths, he shouted urgently: "No, the meteor is a star belonging to the universe, and it is extremely large. At present, it has burned almost half of the star core on the way to its fall.

According to its flying speed, it will burn part of the star core again on the way here, and when it reaches this world, it will still be about the same size as the star core of the Middle Thousand World. "

"I return to Xiaoxiyue's sea of ​​consciousness!" The ancient stone mortar turned into light and disappeared from the place, and then returned to the golden lotus of merit in the contractor's sea of ​​consciousness.

The Time History Book and the Void Bottle also turned into light and penetrated into the little contractor's eyebrows, and returned to the Golden Lotus of Merit the next moment.

The two companions came back, and Shi Jiu immediately said his plan: "Even if Xiao Xiyue is protected by another rare treasure, such a disaster cannot be taken lightly. I will protect Xiao Xiyue's bones, blood, meridians, and spiritual roots. If there is an opportunity, I can help her rebuild her body.

Vukong protects Xiao Xiyue’s hair, not even a hair is missing. If Xiao Xiyue’s hair is damaged, I will never be done with you.

Time protects Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness and the law fish and golden lotus of merit in the sea of ​​consciousness. "

"You look like you are ignorant?" The weapon spirit of the Void Bottle rolled his eyes. What does it mean to break a stone? He can't protect Xiao Xiyue's hair with his own strength. How can he show off to others?

The ancient stone mortar stopped arguing with the void bottle.

Shijiu Shishu also calmly accepted Shi Jiu's arrangement. Shi Gu's arrangement was the best match and maximized the advantages of the three of them.

The three treasures chose to return to their own sea of ​​consciousness, and Le Yun no longer advised them to stay away. If they can become the ancestral treasures, they are naturally not afraid of falling stars, and they must have the ability to protect themselves.

She quickly took off her storage device and placed it in a natural gourd magic weapon, then sent it into the sea of ​​consciousness and gave it to the Void Bottle Gang for safekeeping.

The star core is one with her, and if the star core swallows the meteorite, it must be in close contact, which means that she will 100% be carried by the star core into the embrace of the meteorite.

The temperature of the meteorite was so high. Her clothes, storage and other items could not withstand the high temperature. She had to make plans in advance to prevent the storage from melting.

Based on past experience, the star core will inevitably take control of her body sovereignty in the process of swallowing the meteorite, and she has no self-control.

After the star core swallows the meteorite, it may take some time to advance. During this period, she cannot retrieve items from the star core space.

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket, so Le Yun decisively handed over a storage container to the Void Bottle Gang for storage in case of emergency.

The Void Bottle, entrusted with the important task by the little contractor, turned the storage container into the space of his stomach, and patted his belly toward the stone mortar to express his happiness.

Shijiu: "..." Broken Bottle has been sleeping for too long, and his brain is a little dull!

The History of Time pretended that he was blind and did not see the small movements of the void.

After saving another copy of the storage device, Le Yun quickly released the spirit boat, then entered the Ruyi House, took off all the protective robes and defensive magic weapons she wore, and sent them all to the star core space for storage.

When the star core swallows the meteorite, her defensive magic weapon cannot be activated, otherwise the star core cannot swallow the external energy.

After being prepared, Le Yun wore regular clothes and handed over the sovereignty to Xinghe.

The next moment, she flew up!

She didn't fly by herself, but her body was controlled by the star core and turned into a beam of light and flew towards the sky.

Only the music of free spiritual consciousness is blind! Her eyes were blinded by flying too fast and she became blind.

The advantage of being blind is that you can't see anything and naturally feel less scared.

The little Loli's body turned into a stream of light, rushed into the sky, passed through the barrier of the Divine Tree Realm, entered the void of the Qingxu Divine Realm, then passed through the barrier of the Divine Realm, and entered the temple.

That light was so fast that even the gods of the Qingxu God Realm didn't notice its flight path. It was already far away from the God Realm.

The light wrapped around the little Loli traveled across the void at an unparalleled speed, getting closer and closer to the meteorite that turned into a big fireball.

When it was less than a hundred million miles away, a ray of light accelerated again and rushed towards the fireball without hesitation.

Due to the speed when being taken away, Le Yun's consciousness was numb and she couldn't "see" anything. Naturally, she didn't know how far away she was from the meteorite.

At a certain moment, her consciousness was burned by the hot energy. The originally rigid consciousness revived and she "saw" a huge fireball.

The meteor is imminent!

The heat wave of red energy emitted by the big fire ball hit her face. Le Yun felt like flames burned her face, and her clothes turned into flames.

In fact, her perception was correct, and her clothes turned into flames.

Her clothes were on fire, but the surface of her skin was protected by a protective layer of fluid, and her hair was unscathed.

The human race's clothes turned to ashes in an instant, and they threw themselves at the fireball in their most primitive form. In an instant, they threw themselves into the magma flames on the surface of the fireball.

When she was about to touch the red magma, Le Yun felt that her soul was on fire, her brain suddenly hurt, and then she knew nothing.

When she lost consciousness, her body dug into the red magma and continued to drill deeper into the core of the meteorite.

As the star core led people forward, it also greedily devoured energy, and massive amounts of magma surged toward the human race.

Because the star core's devouring ability is so powerful, the energy attracted forms a huge funnel shape on the right side of the little Loli, with the tip of the funnel connected to the person's arm.

The ancestral treasures staying in the sea of ​​consciousness of the little contractor, while performing their respective duties, also silently "looked at" the other treasure of the little contractor.

Seeing the speed at which a certain treasure devoured energy, the Void Bottle was shocked. This treasure of the little contractor was so fierce!

He is a space system weapon and can also swallow the magma of meteorites, but he thinks that his speed is not as fast as the little contractor's certain treasure.

There is a heaven beyond the sky, this is the truth.

Void Bottle sincerely asks for advice: "Time, is this rare treasure of Xiao Xiyue the core fragment of the Origin of Life Star?"

"You are asking even though you know clearly." The history book was as quiet as a servant.

"..." The Void Bottle was silent and disrespectful. It turned out to be the core fragment of the Origin Life Star!

A certain treasure of Xiao Xiyue is the core fragment of the Origin of Life Star. It is older than a certain divine world, so it can silently penetrate the boundaries of a certain small space and the boundaries of the divine world.

Because a certain treasure is the core fragment of the Origin Star, it can not only swallow the magma of the meteorite, but also the energy of the law.

At this moment, Void Ping realized that no wonder Xiao Xiyue dared to endure a calamity on behalf of a certain seed and was confident that she would not die.

"Time, what is that seed?" Void Bottle thought of a certain seed.

"It can't be said." The History of Time was determined not to reveal the secret: "In this universe, unless Xiao Xiyue personally tells the name of the seed, even I can't mention it."

"Understood." The Void Bottle was clear at first glance, and he never mentioned the name of the seed.

The ancient stone mortar did not say a word, but wholeheartedly protected Xiao Xiyue's bones, meridians, tendons and spiritual roots. As for Xiao Xiyue's Dantian, it was the site of the core fragments of the Origin Star, and there was no need for him to worry about it.

The three treasures quietly watched as the core fragment of the Origin of Life Star absorbed the magma and various energies of the meteorite, and calculated how long it would take for it to enter the depths of the earth's core.

The magma of the huge fireball continues to disappear, and its size is also shrinking rapidly.

The light of the star core enveloped a person, and it only took about half a stick of incense to penetrate into the magma deep in the core of the meteorite.

The magma on the surface of the meteorite is red, and the magma in the core of the meteorite is colored. There are all kinds of colors, and each maintains its original color and does not mix with each other.

The depths of the meteorite's core are like a sea of ​​color, colorful and dreamlike.

Drilling deep into the core of the meteorite, the star core swallowed up the magma and some magical law energy with all its strength, and the immeasurable amount of magma surged to the side of the human race to disappear.

At the same time, because the surface of the meteorite was burning and the interior was swallowed up by unknown objects, its size shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. On average, its diameter decreased by about a million miles in one breath.

Happy New Year, friends! Xiangsi wishes everyone a happy New Year. I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Dragon, everything goes smoothly, abundant wealth, happiness and health~

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