magic eye doctor

Chapter 3251

The size of the meteorite is too large. Even if its diameter decreases at a speed visible to the naked eye, it will still be a giant when it reaches the star system where the Qingxu God Realm is located.

One of the gods from all walks of life in the Qingxu God Realm, either sleeping lightly or with their eyes closed, felt the energy fluctuations of the meteor's movement and the changes in the power of the starry sky law, and they all appeared silently in the void.

The gods who merged with the void looked at the meteors roaring towards the law barrier of the Qingxu God Realm, and silently deduced the calculations of the Heavenly Evolution Technique.

After a few breaths, the gods deduced the result, and then disappeared from the void silently, returning to all realms, only contemplating the barrier.

The meteorite that turned into a fireball traveled through the starry sky at a rapid rate, reaching the barrier of the law of Qingxu God, and then tore open the barrier of the God Realm at the cost of consuming one-third of its volume.

The huge meteorite fireball, whose size suddenly shrunk dozens of times, smashed towards the sacred tree world.

The gods from all walks of life in the God Realm closed their eyes calmly and stopped paying attention.

It was only when the meteor fireball beam entered the Qingxu God Realm that the immortal kings from all walks of life sensed the changes in the power of the law and discovered the meteor fireball flying from the sky.

Immortals from all walks of life also quietly flew into the void, all ready to go, ready to smash the meteor in mid-air if it fell.

And when it was discovered that the meteorite fireball was heading towards the sacred tree world, all the immortal kings who were waiting for the opportunity to attack also stood still and watched the specific direction of its landing point.

Because the gods and immortal kings from all walks of life in the Qingxu God Realm had the same attitude, they all turned a blind eye to the meteorite fireball flying towards the Divine Wood Realm. It flew across the sky unimpeded and hit the law power barrier of the Divine Wood Realm.

The giant ball burned through the law barrier and fell into the sacred tree realm.

The barrier that was pierced by the meteorite quickly closed up again in the blink of an eye, returning to its original appearance, as if it had never been damaged by external forces.

The meteorite fireball entered the Shenmu Realm without changing its trajectory. It broke through the law power barrier in the Shenmu Valley at an unparalleled speed, and then broke through the law barrier in a small space before falling to the ground.

The meteorite originally hit the small basin where the seeds once hid, but its trajectory shifted slightly when it broke through the enchantment between the sacred tree world and the small space.

Missing by a hair, a difference of thousands of miles. Because of a slight deviation in the trajectory, the meteorite that originally hit the small basin surrounded by the mountain peaks missed the small basin by billions of miles and hit the area outside the small basin. desert.

Even though the meteorite experienced a long period of burning and the internal star core magma was devoured, and it consumed a lot of energy by continuously passing through three layers of barriers, its diameter still exceeded tens of billions of miles when it hit the ground.

The flaming meteorite fell from a high altitude. Before it hit the ground, the sand and dust layer on the spherical surface facing it could not withstand the scorching temperature and was incinerated into liquid, and then directly evaporated.

It wasn't until nearly one-third of the meteorite's sphere hit the earth that an earth-shaking earthquake erupted.

The earthquake shook, and the layers of sand, dust and soil around the pit surged like waves and spread in all directions.

Part of the meteorite fell into the sand and water layer and continued to fall downwards. The magma and red flames on the surface of the sphere burned the sand, dust and soil layers in contact with it with a devastating force.

The dust layer and the soil layer both formed a certain resistance, which slowed down the falling speed of the meteorite. When it penetrated into the earth's crust, its speed became slower and slower.

As it continued to fall, shock waves spread radially through the strata, and the earthquakes continued.

The sand, dust and soil layers loosened by the earthquake surged like a tide. The sand and soil layers close to the landing point of the fireball also rushed towards the fireball and were melted into magma.

As more and more parts of the meteorite fall into the earth's crust, the magma circle surrounding the fire sphere becomes wider and wider, like adding a ring to a ball of fire.

After the meteorite entered the earth's crust, its falling speed was greatly reduced, but it continued to fall, smashing through the earth's crust until it finally exhausted its strength when it drilled into the mantle about four million feet deep.

When the meteorite stopped falling, about seven-tenths of it had penetrated into the ground, and three-tenths of the sphere was still above the surface, and the fire on the surface of the sphere had not been extinguished.

The sphere is surrounded by a circle of molten sand and mud magma. From a distance, it looks like a mountain of flames growing out of the magma lake. What is even more amazing is that the magma flow on the surface of the sphere still surrounds the sphere, and is not the same as the sand and mud magma in the Shenmu Realm. mix.

It's a pity that a certain space has become a desert, and no living beings can appreciate such wonders.

The shock wave of the meteorite embedded in the earth gradually weakened after it stopped moving, and the amplitude of the earthquake also became smaller accordingly. It still took several days for the aftermath of the earthquake to completely end.

The earth calmed down, but the temperature on the surface of the meteorite was still very high. The magma was rolling and rolling, and the fire was burning.

In the star core of the meteorite, the human race protected by the treasure fell into a coma. The star core with the same fate as her happily swallowed the magma and the power of law.

The three treasures that stay in the sea of ​​consciousness of the little contractor protect people quietly.

As for Le Yun, the only thing she felt when she regained consciousness was pain, and then her consciousness faded into darkness within three seconds.

She fainted from the pain, and then woke up again. After regaining consciousness, the only thing she felt was pain, and then the pain caused her consciousness to be interrupted.

She went back and forth between fainting from pain and waking up from pain. The first time she woke up was not only measured in seconds, but also in single digits. She didn't know how long it took. The time she spent awake became slightly longer, and the single digits began with 1. Double digits.

Regardless of whether the waking hours remained in single digits or double digits, Leyun had no other sensations except pain, and had no strength or time to perceive anything else.

She was tortured in the magma of the star core.

However, Taikoo Shijiu secretly observed that after the little contractor was awake for twenty breaths, he also acted quietly - he gradually reduced the thickness of the law power layer attached to the little contractor, making the little contractor thinner and thinner. The contractor's body slowly adapted to the high temperature of the magma.

The so-called adaptation period lasted for half a year.

However, Le Xiaololi had no idea that her consciousness was going back and forth between waking and being comatose, and her only perception was that the pain was getting stronger and stronger.

The ancient stone mortar was always paying attention to Xiao Xiyue's changes. Feeling that her body had adapted to the high temperature deep in the star core, he directly withdrew the last layer of law power covering Xiao Xiyue's body, only protecting her bones and meridians. , spiritual roots and head tissue.

How can human flesh and blood withstand the hot star core magma?

The flesh and blood of the human race was incinerated by the magma in a blink of an eye, leaving nothing but bones, tendons, blood vessels and other tissues protected by the power of the law.

At the moment when the flesh and blood was melted away, Le Yun's unconscious consciousness was awakened by the severe pain, and then her consciousness only lasted for one and a half seconds and was interrupted again.

Time History Book and Void Bottle witnessed the operation of the ancient stone mortar with their own eyes, and the two ancestral treasures' weapon spirits wiped tears for Xiao Xiyue with great sympathy. Breaking the stone is too harsh!

Broken Stone actually let the star core magma melt Xiao Xiyue's body. One day when the little guy learns the truth, will she settle the score with Broken Stone?

The Time History Book and the Void Vase continued to vomit and did not stop them.

Shi Gu let the star core magma melt Xiao Xiyue's body in order to reshape her body. This approach may seem ruthless and cruel, but it is beneficial to Xiao Xiyue but not harmful.

Inside the star core, the power of laws of various systems and the most essential substances in the universe are gathered together. It is the most perfect natural divine material in the universe. The body cast from it will be the most perfect true body in the world.

The gods and ancestors also cherish the most perfect natural divine materials deep in the star core, but not every living being can take the perfect divine materials deep in the star core for their own use, including the gods and ancestors.

Even if gods at the level of gods and ancestors master the laws of the great road, they can only use about one-tenth of the amount of perfect divine materials deep in the star core.

The body of the God Ancestor, which is fused with some of the most perfect divine materials of the star core, can be called an indestructible divine body. As long as the divine body is not completely destroyed, and the treasures of heaven and earth are found and then fused, the divine body can repair itself and reappear. brilliant.

Creatures that are not at the level of the ancestors of gods, even if they enter the magma deep in the star core and survive, will not be able to fuse perfect natural divine materials.

Xiao Xiyue's spiritual root attributes are special. Her body and bones can be fused with perfect natural materials, but her strength is too low. Without external help, she must at least reach the Daluo Golden Immortal level before she can enter the star core core magma to fuse with natural materials. Divine material.

Moreover, if it were the Void Bottle and Time History Book, they would not be able to perfectly let Xiao Xiyue fuse the natural divine materials in the star core.

An ancient stone mortar is fine!

The ancient stone mortar itself is a rock. He has mastered the laws of the earth. It is easy to control the power of magma and can accurately control the amount.

Time History Book and Void Vase also sincerely wished Xiao Xiyue well, so naturally they didn't try to take Shi Gu's job.

After Xiao Xiyue's flesh and blood were incinerated, the ancient stone mortar slowly allowed her bones, meridians, and spiritual roots to be roasted by the magma. It doesn't burn when roasted.

The bones, meridians and spiritual roots of the human race were softened and melted in the magma that was fused with the power of the law, and the trace impurities mixed in it disappeared silently, leaving only the essence.

The stone mortar then introduced the essence of the magma and blended it into Xiao Xiyue's muscles, meridians and spiritual roots, making them stronger and stronger bit by bit, and recast them into shape.

After casting the sinews, meridians and spiritual roots, the flesh and blood were recast.

After recasting Xiao Xiyue's flesh and blood, the ancient stone mortar did not stop. Once again, Xiao Xiyue's flesh, blood, muscles, bones, etc. were melted away one after another, and then recast.

He continued to recast Xiao Xiyue's body, allowing Xiao Xiyue's muscles, meridians, and spiritual roots to continue to be refined, absorbing more perfect natural materials, and becoming stronger and stronger.

As the person involved, the little Loli didn't know that her body was changing without her knowledge. She woke up from the pain and fainted again, woke up and fainted, fainted and woke up again.

After Shijiu recast the body of the little contractor eleven times, the History of Time also took action. He also introduced the star power and soul power hidden in the magma into Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness little by little.

The core area of ​​the star core of the meteorite gathers all the laws, and the soul power is also a kind of law power. Every life star that has given birth to a living body has a soul sea deep in the star core.

The power in the soul sea is the purest soul power.

Xiao Xiyue's fragments of the Origin of Life Star are currently absorbing magical energy such as the laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, lightning, light, darkness, and the laws of chaos. They have not yet absorbed the law power of the Soul Sea.

Previously, Shi Shishu had concerns, worrying that Xiao Xiyue's spiritual consciousness was too strong and her body was not strong enough, which would cause the body to be overwhelmed, so she did not channel the power of the soul law to Xiao Xiyue.

Shijiu recasts Xiao Xiyue's body and bones. The body is no longer a weakness, and naturally the power of the soul sea can enter Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness.

Time History Book introduced part of the soul power into the sea of ​​consciousness. He felt that the soul sea in the star core was too far away, so he simply asked the Void Bottle to move it to Xiao Xiyue's side.

The Void Bottle mastered the laws of space, and with less than one thousandth of its power, it was able to protect Xiao Xiyue's hair without leaking.

Moving objects through the air was not a problem for him. Because the soul sea of ​​the star core was a special object, he spent some effort to pull it over.

The meteorite consumed a lot of law power when it moved in the universe, and most of the power of the soul sea was lost. Even so, the soul power in the remaining soul sea is also amazing.

The Void Bottle dragged the soul consciousness nearby and murmured to the History of Time: "Time, I'm thinking that this soul sea is a bit small, so it should be possible to move it into Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness as a whole."

Shi Shishu was silent for a long time: "Pingzi, if Xiao Xiyue is a Daluo Immortal now, what you said is absolutely fine, but she is not even a mortal immortal now. Even if I can move the soul sea in, Xiao Xi Yue's body can't bear it either."

"No?" The weapon spirit of the Void Bottle pondered: "How about when Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness can no longer store any soul power, I will take the star core soul sea into my belly?"

"Please be careful, the Star Core Soul Sea will collapse when it enters your space."

"What should I do if it can't be moved into my belly? Is it possible to just let it go to waste?"

"This is not necessarily true. If Shi Gu can forge the prototype of a perfect divine body for Xiao Xiyue, even if Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness cannot completely absorb the power of the star core soul sea, I can still compress the star core soul sea, and then Move into Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness, and let Xiao Xiyue merge on her own in the future."

"Time, if Xiao Xiyue has the prototype of a perfect divine body, her sea of ​​consciousness can accommodate the star core soul sea, you can make preparations.

Xiao Xiyue herself is a perfect law body, and has a strong ability to integrate the power and matter of various laws. Currently, just because her cultivation level is too low, I have concerns and have slowed down the speed of molding her body.

Judging from the current situation, after casting Xiao Xiyue's body nineteen times, her body and bones will be equivalent to the level of a Daluo Immortal. After casting bones eighty-one times, she can reach the prototype of a perfect divine body.

Xiao Xiyue's strength is too low. After casting the perfect prototype of the divine body for her, I will help her seal some of the abilities of the divine body to avoid being noticed by some creatures and attracting prying eyes. "

"Great kindness! I will first guide Xiao Xiyue's soul power to expand the sea of ​​consciousness. You, Void Kong, will also contribute some power to isolate the star core soul sea first."


In just a few words, the three treasures decided on a plan they had discussed together for the grand event, and acted separately.

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