magic eye doctor

Chapter 3252 Scared

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time and the void bottle clearly arranged the little contractor, and they put their money into action without stopping.

This was very painful for the little Loli. When she regained her consciousness, she felt that her head was about to explode, and her body seemed to be thrown into a steel-making furnace and being stretched in all directions. At the same time, countless knives and saws were slashing and sawing on the body. The pain was indescribable.

Le Yun, who had just regained consciousness, did not last more than two seconds. Her consciousness became blurred, and then she had no memory. Then when she finally became conscious again, she still could not last more than two seconds.

The ancient stone mortar and the history book of time know where the limits of the little contractor are. One molds the body of the little contractor step by step, and the other continuously attracts soul power into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the little contractor.

Void has less time to do. He often observes how much magma has been absorbed from the core of the star, and calculates how long it will take for the fragments of the origin of life star to swallow up the entire meteorite.

Based on his observations, it would take at least four years for the Little Contractor's star core fragments to fuse with the meteorite's star core, and it would take about eight months for the ancient stone mortar to mold Xiao Xiyue's body.

This also means that his little contractors will have to endure the pain of purgatory for at least eight months.

The Void Bottle feels a little sorry for the little contractor. His little Xiyue is still a little monk, so she has to endure the pain of breaking bones and melting tendons that is comparable to the lightning tribulation of a god. It is really not easy!

It was not easy to feel pity for the little contractor, so Void Bottle naturally took notice of it. He used his divine power to explore the interior of the meteorite, looking for decent artifacts, and prepared to find them to coax Xiao Xiyue.

Not to mention, there are many divine treasures hidden inside the core and mantle of the meteorite.

Void Vase was delighted to find a natural treasure that had slipped through the net, and quickly pulled it out, then transferred it to his stomach and hid it safely.

At first, he only collected good things at the level of divine objects. Later, he also collected treasures at the level of immortals and spiritual objects.

Treasure hunting can not only kill time but also collect resources for Xiao Xiyue. It is a good way to eliminate punishment. Void Bottle GOU brings the joy of treasure hunting.

Unfortunately, the treasures hidden in the mantle and crust of the meteorite were limited, and they were all quickly searched. The void bottle was idle again, so boring that it counted Xiao Xiyue's hair.

While leisurely spending time in the Void Bottle, Mr. Le Xiao woke up and fainted, fainted and woke up again in the purgatory-like pain, enduring endless pain over and over again.

Pain makes people grow.

As the sea of ​​​​consciousness continues to expand and the number of body bones is recast increases, people's endurance is gradually improved, and Le Yun's sober time is getting longer and longer.

From a few seconds to more than ten seconds, then to tens of seconds, gradually, the time of being conscious exceeded one minute, two minutes... and then became able to last up to five minutes.

At the same time, in addition to staying awake longer and longer, he also slowly began to have the ability to think independently.

When she could stay awake for ten minutes, she instinctively cultivated her consciousness!

As the technique of cultivating her spiritual consciousness started to work, her sea of ​​consciousness turned into a small black hole, frantically absorbing the soul source power in the star core soul sea.

At first, Shishu Shu helped control the output of the soul source power of the Star Core Soul Sea. Later, he found that his limited control would hinder the speed of the young contractor's ability to absorb the soul source power, so he simply let it go.

But Le Yun herself didn't know it. She was still reincarnating between sentience and non-sense. Her consciousness was still running the technique even when she was not aware. Therefore, even if her instinctive consciousness passed out, the sea of ​​consciousness was still there. Absorb the soul source power in the star core soul sea.

The History of Time, the Void Bottle, and the Ancient Stone Mortar were also surprised when they discovered the strangeness of the little contractor. It seems that this situation of the soul/body still cultivating independently after the body consciousness stops moving is an ability only the gods and gods have. Xiao Xiyue He actually has such a powerful instinct!

The weapon spirit of the Void Bottle was very happy: "Time, I don't think you need your help to drag the soul sea into Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness, she can refine it by herself!"

"There is no problem for Xiao Xiyue to absorb all the soul power with her own ability, but she does not have the ability to fuse the special substances and law power that make up the soul sea for the time being. When the soul power of the star core soul sea is gone, Void Ru will The star core soul sea is compressed, and I will drag back the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness."

The history of time is quite peaceful. Xiao Xiyue can absorb the soul source power of the Star Core Soul Sea without his help. Isn't this great?

"Okay." Vukong had no objection and happily observed how Xiao Xiyue practiced instinctively.

When Le Yun regained consciousness, the only thing she felt was severe pain, and her brain felt like an inflated balloon was about to burst. She wanted to find out what the force was that ran through her sea of ​​consciousness when she came into contact with the meteorite, and she suddenly found herself Unable to use divine consciousness!

Although you obviously can't use your own spiritual consciousness, you have your own consciousness and the ability to think independently. This is amazing!

Because she cannot use her spiritual consciousness, she naturally cannot see what she looks like from a God's perspective. She has no control over her body, and cannot perform actions such as turning her head sideways.

She felt like a stone statue. She could only look straight ahead. All she could see was colored magma, and her only sensation was still pain.

Le Yun, who only has his own instinctive awareness, is very confused.

Confused, her instinct prompted her to keep running the method of cultivating her spiritual consciousness. The sea of ​​consciousness was racing against time to absorb the soul source power of the star core soul sea.

As more and more soul power enters the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the space in the sea of ​​​​consciousness becomes stretched, the rich soul power forcefully squeezes the boundary of the sea of ​​​​consciousness outward and widens it.

The area of ​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness has expanded, and its ability to absorb the soul source power has also increased. The soul source power in the star core soul sea has turned into a soul river and poured into a certain black hole.

The vast amount of soul power fills up the space of the Consciousness Sea, and will expand the territory again, forcing the boundaries of the Consciousness Sea to move outward.

The sea of ​​consciousness of the human race expanded again and again, turning into a huge sea of ​​souls.

The ancient stone mortar was busy casting bones for Little Contract. When the eighty-first casting was completed, his little Xiyue had the prototype of a divine body. Moreover, the various functions of Xiao Xiyue's body and bones have not yet reached their limits. Its ability to absorb matter and fuse laws is not only not saturated, but has actually been enhanced.

Taishi Shijiu was extremely happy and continued to mold the little guy's body.

The body-building process continued, and Le Xiaololi was forced to continue to endure purgatory-like pain.

The speed at which her star core devoured magma has not slowed down. The size of the meteorite is shrinking little by little, and the sphere that was originally higher than the surface of the earth is also getting smaller little by little.

The magma on the surface of the sphere where the meteorite is in contact with the air still shows no sign of cooling. The red magma flows like a river and is blazing with flames.

When the little Loli was suffering in the meteorite magma, the third round of insect tide in Qianji Valley also arrived as scheduled.

The monks of all races who entered the secret realm and wanted to earn points rushed to Qiangu Garden at the beginning of the thirty-first year after the secret realm was opened, waiting to kill the insects.

At the end of the ninth month of the thirty-first year when the secret realm was opened, the third round of insect wave army arrived in front of the entrance and exit barrier of Qian Ji Secret Valley.

The third wave of insects turned out to be the scorpion tribe!

Scorpions and snakes have always been representatives of poisons. The lowest level of the scorpion army in the third round of insect tide is also level three. The big leader is an insect demon of level five, and the minor leaders are all level four.

The monks of all races who rushed to Qiangu Garden originally thought that the level of the third round of insect waves would be lower than that of the second round of insect waves, but unexpectedly they still started at the third level.

How else to do this task?

Most of the teams went out of the safe zone to kill insects, but the strength was very different and the results were very little. After working hard for half a month or a month, they were forced to give up the task and go to other cities.

Only a few of Miu Miu's strongest teams stayed in Qiangu Garden, leaving early and returning late, working hard to kill insects.

Beast Cultivator Xuerong was doing other tasks and did not go to Qiangu Garden to participate in the third round of insecticide mission. Nanjia rushed to Qianji Valley as scheduled.

Nanga didn't team up with anyone. In order to practice his musical skills, he killed insects single-handedly.

The third round of the insect wave lasted for a full year. Unable to capture a certain secret valley for a long time, the Scorpion Clan army was unwilling to withdraw.

Nanjia handed over the task and went to find the little creatures of his little Taoist friends. He stayed in the little creatures' planting fields for a month and then left Qianji Valley.

While the monks of all races were traveling around the cities to earn points and give them away as immortal points, Young Master Xuan, who was practicing in the Enlightenment Tower, was working hard to accumulate the vitality of heaven and earth and cultivate his spiritual consciousness.

They turned a deaf ear to what was happening outside the window and stayed on the sixth floor of the Enlightenment Tower for several years. When nine months had passed since the third round of insect infestation in Qianji Valley, the two young men decided to explore the seventh floor.

The two of them had stayed on the sixth level for several years, and had adapted to the pressure of their spiritual consciousness. They could sit in the tuanfu for half a day, and they could no longer absorb much energy from heaven and earth during cultivation.

Experience shows that if you stay on the sixth floor and practice, you won't make much progress, so it's time to leave the sixth floor and climb to a higher level.

One morning, Young Master Yan Shaoxuan packed up his clothes, walked out of the tuanfu quietly, walked out of the hall on the sixth floor, went up the stairs, and quietly walked into the seventh floor tower.

The two young masters have chosen the location as a training place. They first place the Ruyi House where the friends live outside the tuanfu, and then make preparations themselves.

Having learned from the past, Young Master Yan Xuan did not dare to enter Tuanfu rashly.

The two young men practiced outside the light beam for three days and adapted to the new environment before setting foot on Tuanfu.

The pressure in the light beam on the seventh floor of the Perception Tower is equivalent to the pressure of a monk in the catastrophe period, and the level will be adjusted as the monk's training time and strength in Tuanfu increases.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were both young monks at the Void Refining Level. Even though they were fully prepared, as soon as they stepped on the tuanfu, they were immediately crushed to their knees by the sudden pressure.

"Kneel down, kneel down, kneel down!"

"I really knelt down this time!"

The Mahayana beasts and humanoid beasts who were staying in the Ruyi House immediately began to howl and scream when they saw their brothers being forced to their knees by the pressure.

"Ah, I was thinking of giving it a try later, but I'm scared!"

"Me too."

"I don't dare to test it myself."

"It looks so scary!"

The three beasts in the Ruyi House were in different places, holding jade slips in their hands, chattering to each other.

Three Mahayana beasts: "..." How can you be so timid? When the brothers come out, the little beasts must be taken to be trained by the pressure of the calamity transformation.

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