magic eye doctor

Chapter 3253 Apprenticeship

The beasts in Ruyi House were chattering to each other, and Young Master Xuan Yan on the tuanfu was so oppressed by the invisible force that he couldn't even lift his fingers.

Xuan Shaoyan has experienced the pressure of the sixth level of the Enlightenment Tower, and has improved both physically and spiritually. Theoretically speaking, he will not fall to his knees as soon as he enters the seventh level.

But in fact, they knelt down as soon as they met each other, and they were so suppressed by invisible forces that they couldn't even straighten their waists after they knelt down.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan wanted to straighten his back countless times, but his body was squeezed by invisible forces from all directions, and he couldn't even use the slightest bit of strength.

It was like there were countless Taishan mountains pressing down on their heads, forcing their necks to become unable to straighten and their heads to sink little by little.

Young Master Yan Shaoxuan gritted his teeth and resisted the invisible force. Whenever his spine bent a little, they straightened it up again, determined not to let themselves bow.

The two of them, Young Master Yan, had experienced a spiritual test in Yaoguang Palace, and another ordeal in Sword Valley. His body, bones and soul were stronger than Young Master Xuan. Even if he was forced to his knees by invisible forces, he could still hold on. live.

Mr. Xuan's body was not as strong as Mr. Yan's. He held on tightly to prevent himself from bowing his head. As a result, he lost sight of the other and bent his waist little by little.

When his waist was almost bent into a bow, Mr. Xuan used his hands as support to support his body, still holding his spine straight.

His will was firm and unyielding, but his strength did not allow him to do so. He only persisted for about twenty seconds, and his hands supporting his body began to tremble like an electric shock.

A few seconds later, there was a "click" sound in one of his arms.

The clear and crisp sound of bone cracking came from the radius bone of Mr. Xuan's right hand. The radius bone of his right hand cracked because it could not withstand the pressure.

Young Master Xuan heard the sound of bone cracking but felt no pain.

A few seconds later, there was a crisp clicking sound from the ulna of his right arm.

Mr. Xuan still felt no pain, but then he felt warm liquid gush out from the corners of his nose and eyes, and tasted a salty taste in his mouth.

After a while, Mr. Xuan felt warm liquid gushing out of the corners of his mouth and ears, and the salty smell in his mouth was the strongest.

Mr. Xuan also knew that he was bleeding from all his orifices. He had no time to think about whether it would cause shock due to excessive blood loss. He concentrated on fighting against the force pressing on his head.

He had an intuition that he could not bend his spine no matter what.

If he bows his head and gives in this time, he will give in more and more times in the future, and he doesn't want to give in!

Young Master Xuan was unwilling to give in, and tried his best to hold on to the invisible force, holding his neck tightly and not bowing his head.

Haohuan's mountain-like power came down like waves, one after another. The radius and ulna of Xuan Shao's left hand were also fractured one after another, and then his arm was completely fractured under the huge pressure.

Both arms were completely fractured, and his body had no support. His body was forced to become shorter, hunched over like an old man.

Even though his body was as stooped as a curled up shrimp due to the pressure of invisible forces, Mr. Xuan always kept his spine straight and refused to bow his head.

Soon, his silver teeth were bitten into pieces.

He also couldn't tell the taste of the blood, whether it was salty or sweet, or whether the blood was warm or cold, and his vision was blurry.

Mr. Xuan's thinking was also slowed down. He only relied on his willpower to hold on and refused to compromise. As time passed by, his brain became more and more confused.

Just when he was in a trance, someone silently appeared in front of him.

The man was not flesh and blood, but in the state of a spirit body. He was about one foot tall, wearing a white robe and a forehead smear that reached up to his eyebrows. His waist-length hair was hanging freely on his back.

He has a handsome face, and his pair of phoenix eyes are the most expressive. Even in his soul state, his eyes seem to fill the night sky with bright stars.

Young Master Xuan seemed to have seen a figure. He tried to look again but saw nothing. He heard a voice that was too vague and unreal - "Why don't you lower your head?"

Mr. Xuan, who was in a trance, opened his mouth full of blood and smiled: "I... Hua... Huaxia... children... sons and daughters... Yan... Yanhuang... sons... descendants, no... ... No matter when and where... the head... the head can be broken, but the spine... the spine cannot be bent!"

The handsome soul standing in the beam of light looked at the little monk who was almost lying on the ground, still holding his neck and raising his head. There were stars twinkling in his lowered phoenix eyes.

He raised his eyes to look at the light cast down, blocked all the coercive force, and sat cross-legged lightly opposite the young monk.

When the invisible force that was pressing him suddenly disappeared, Mr. Xuan's tense nerves suddenly relaxed. He could no longer hold on and fainted.

When he fainted, he lay down on the tuanfu in a prostrate position.

The handsome spirit man sitting cross-legged did not lend a helping hand to the young monk, but quietly waited for the young monk to wake up.

Baiyin Yingsheng and Yuanda who stayed in Ruyi House had no idea what Brother Xuan had gone through. What they saw was Brother Xuan just kneeling down. In their eyes, Brother Xuan of theirs could withstand the pressure. , it has not reached the limit yet.

Young Master Yan, who was next to Mr. Xuan, could not hold on for about half a cup of tea longer than Mr. Xuan. While carrying the pressure, he also sent a ray of spiritual consciousness to the long-eared bear.

The long-eared bear received the message from his spiritual consciousness, immediately rushed out of the Ruyi House, pulled Brother Yan out of the tuanpu, and took him back to the Ruyi House to regulate his breathing.

Young Master Yan, who was dragged from the tuanfu into the Ruyi House, subconsciously forgot to care about Young Master Xuan's situation and immediately threw himself into practicing.

Long-eared Bear, Yuan Er and Shui Dun also subconsciously ignored Brother Xuan.

Similarly, Baiyin Yingsheng and Yuanda, who were following their contractors in a training area, did not think of paying attention to Brother Yan, and completely forgot about the biography and communication.

Mr. Xuan fell into a coma for three days and three nights before he woke up. When he woke up from his daze, he shivered a few times because of the heartbreaking pain in his arm before he could figure out what was going on.

The pain stimulated the limbs and bones, and the brain became awake.

When his consciousness returned, Mr. Xuan also found himself lying on his stomach in a doggy style. For a moment, he forgot about the pain in his arms and subconsciously put his hands on the ground to get up.

As he shook his hands, heart-wrenching pain surged into his mind one after another.

Young Master Xuan broke into a cold sweat from the pain, and he didn't know where he got the strength. He straightened his waist and sat up. Then he saw the man in white robe sitting in front of him, and lightning seemed to flash across his brain.

He remembered, he seemed to have seen someone coming in front of him!

Mr. Xuan stared at the white-robed man, his mouth wide open in surprise, and he stuttered: "You...who are you?" The soul man was extremely calm: "I am a ray of soul."

"Ah? Soul?" Xuan Shao just woke up from a coma, his brain was not very bright yet, and he couldn't turn around for a while, so he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

There was a hint of narrowness in the eyes of the handsome soul man: "Yes, it is a wisp of soul, which is also called a ghost in some places."

"Ah, ghost!" Mr. Xuan screamed, jumped up, then opened his eyes wide and stared at the handsome man in white robes.

This person who is said to be a divine soul is obviously exactly the same as the real person!

He glanced at the white-robed man for a few times, then looked at his Ruyi House, and then looked at Young Master Yan next to him. He felt that his Beast Beast and Young Master Yan seemed to be unable to see the white-robed man. He looked surprised and said: "Senior, others People...can't see you?"

The little monk's eyes were rolling, and the soul man said calmly: "I have no connection with them, so naturally they can't see me."

Only you can see it? Young Master Xuan was shocked and slowly went down again. He accidentally touched his broken hand and grimaced in pain.

The soul man glanced at the young monk's hand, frowned slightly, stretched out his long arm, grabbed the young monk's arm and stroked it, then connected the young monk's broken bones.

After connecting the broken bone of one arm, he grabbed the young monk's other arm and reset the broken bones one by one. He took back his hand and told the young monk: "I am only a ray of soul left behind by the main body, and there is no healing." The elixir, if you have the elixir yourself, quickly find it and take it, don’t miss the business.”

The man in white robe picked up his broken arm with one stroke. Young Master Xuan was completely confused and immediately followed what he said.

When he took out the Bone Renewal Pill that Little Loli gave him and ate it, he realized what he was doing and was stunned. He had no time to think about it and meditate to repair the bone injury.

Little Lolita's elixir was very effective. Mr. Xuan meditated for a week, and the fracture in his arm healed as before. Even he himself couldn't tell where the fracture was.

After recovering from his injuries, Mr. Xuan's thinking ability returned to normal. He quickly performed a dust removal technique on himself, straightened his clothes, saluted the man in white robes, and announced his family name: "Senior Xuanyuan Chenbei, please be at peace, senior."

The soul man nodded and did not let anyone get up: "You should know the meaning of my appearance."

"Yes!" Mr. Xuan knelt respectfully: "The existence of the senior represents an inheritance. You are here because the junior meets certain conditions you have set."

"I have left three inheritances, which are stored in three places respectively. This inheritance is one of them. I am a ray of soul separated from the original deity. I have been separated from the deity for too long. I don't know whether the deity has died, let alone Have you found suitable successors for the other two inheritances? In that case, are you willing to become a disciple?"

"Senior, this junior has something unclear. I need to ask senior for instructions before I dare to give you an answer." Mr. Xuan was not stunned by the big cake falling from the sky, but he was particularly sober.

"You said."

"The junior would like to ask, if the junior worships the senior as his teacher and inherits the legacy of the senior, and one day meets two other people who have also inherited the legacy of the senior, if we each have our own ambitions and have different opinions on how to behave, and they If you can’t tolerate me, how should the juniors deal with it?”

"How will you handle it one day?"

"If we have different paths, we should not conspire with each other. I have my own principles. I will never collude with him just because he is from the same sect. If he wants to kill me, I will never sit back and let him die."

"You've already said that we don't agree with each other, so why bother."

"The juniors don't want to kill each other, but things in the world are unpredictable. If you don't fear ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. That's why the juniors have such concerns."

"It's understandable that you have concerns. But is there anything else you want to ask?"

"No more." Mr. Xuan bowed to the ground respectfully: "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

The soul man was sitting upright, waiting for the little monk to kowtow nine times, then stretched out his hand to help him up, his phoenix eyes were shining brightly: "You are my disciple, remember, your master's name is Qingwu, your real name is Mu Xizi, born Located in the Cangjiang Realm among the Cangming Five Realms in the west of the Qingxu Divine Realm.

I was born in a small place, my parents died young, and I have no blood brothers or sisters. By chance, I picked up a cultivation method and embarked on the path of cultivating immortals. I followed the path of becoming an immortal. All in all, there is no mess left for you.

My teacher is the water-wood wind fairy root, and I have one more wind spirit root than you. The wind spirit root and the water-wood spiritual root do not conflict with each other. This inheritance is naturally consistent with yours. "

Mr. Xuan stood on the side of the master and responded respectfully: "Yes, I have remembered it! Master, if I go to the God Realm one day, where should I go to find your true deity?"

"You don't have to search deliberately. If I am still here, I must have become a god. You can't find any traces even if you want to search. And if you appear in the God Realm, I will sense your presence and meet you when you should.

If the deity has passed away and you cannot find it even if you want to, you can go to the Qianshui District of Cangjiang Realm and the Qimu Realm of Cangwu Realm among the five realms of Cangming.

I used to like these two areas the most. There are several caves in these two areas. I am not sure whether the caves were given to others or found by others, so I will not tell you the specific address. If I leave you If the thing is destined to you, it will have its own resonance when you go to the two realms. If there is no destiny, it may not be a good thing if you find the clue. "

"The disciple understands."

"Your cultivation is too weak. It may take you many years to understand the inheritance of being a teacher. Sit down and let the teacher teach you the inheritance."

"Disciple, obey the master's orders!" Mr. Xuan knelt down again, kowtowed, and then moved to sit cross-legged in front of the master.

Qingwu quietly looked at the appearance of his successor and smiled: "You have an amazing friend. The soul protection amulet she gave you is very powerful. The inheritance of my master is the inheritance of spiritual consciousness. If it is taught to you directly like this, It will cause serious damage.

You should put away the soul protection talisman in your sea of ​​consciousness first, and then I will pass on the inheritance of your spiritual consciousness skills as a teacher. "

"Master has a sharp eye and can tell at a glance that the talisman of my disciple's consciousness is not drawn by my disciple." Young Master Xuan felt proud and transferred the soul of the talisman to a storage container.

"I was already an Immortal Lord when I sealed this inheritance as a master. Even if the soul is inferior to me, it is only a trivial matter to see through the sea of ​​consciousness of a young monk like you.

You should be careful in the future and don't have any unnecessary thoughts when meeting high-level immortals. Most high-level immortals can read your mind and can also read your memory at a glance.

In front of high-level immortals, little monks have no secrets. "

Young Master Xuan was frightened: "Master, can any immortal be able to see my memory?"

"That's not true. Only Da Luo Immortal can see through the memory of a young monk like you at a glance. Immortals below Da Luo Immortal can silently and truthlessly attack the opponent when they are at least five levels higher than the opponent and when the opponent has no defense. Check the other person’s memory.”

Qingwu explained and gave one more instruction: "You just need to develop good habits. No matter what kind of immortal you are in front of, don't think too much and keep your heart close. Immortal Daluo can't easily read your memory. As a teacher, There are techniques in the inheritance to cover up memory and sea of ​​consciousness, if you practice it during your lifetime, you will be free from worries."

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