magic eye doctor

Chapter 3254

Respecting teachers and teaching is a family rule of the Xuan family. Young Master Xuan listened respectfully to his master's teachings, and was greatly relieved to learn that there was a secret method to cover up memory and sea of ​​consciousness.

Who doesn't have a secret yet? If a high-level immortal sees through it in a single meeting, just thinking about it will make people angry to the point of collapse.

Young Master Xuan feels that everything can be put aside, but the technique of covering up memories must be ranked first. He must first learn the secret technique before practicing other techniques.

He thought to himself, adjusted his posture again, sat upright, and waited for the master to teach him the skills.

Qingwu also knew the weight of his inheritance. Without his own protection, the young disciple's cultivation would not be able to withstand the impact of the inheritance of spiritual knowledge.

Therefore, without further delay, the proper thing is to pass on the inheritance to the young disciples as soon as possible.

Qingwu didn't give any long lectures or teach any skills or formulas. He raised his right hand and pointed his index finger on the young disciple's forehead to teach the inheritance of divine consciousness records.

Young Master Xuan thought he was mentally prepared, and he was not nervous when the master pointed his finger on his forehead. Unexpectedly, the next moment a force surged into the sea of ​​​​consciousness like a vast sea.

In an instant, that sub-force filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and huge power continued to pour into the sea of ​​consciousness, which was about to burst.

The pain as if his head was about to explode came, and Mr. Xuan's consciousness became blurred.

Qingwu sighed, this disciple is too weak!

The inheritance he penetrated into the young disciple's sea of ​​consciousness was less than one-thousandth of the inheritance, and the young disciple's sea of ​​consciousness could not bear it.

He was not disappointed with his disciples, but worried.

Qingwu helps the young disciples stabilize the sea of ​​consciousness, and then transfers the inheritance bit by bit.

When Young Master Xuan regained consciousness, he still felt like his head was about to explode. He knew in his heart that he was receiving an inheritance, so he kept himself awake and worked hard to digest the new knowledge.

He tried hard, but he didn't have the strength to do so. He couldn't hold on for long, and his consciousness blurred again when he felt the sting of needles coming from his brain.

Seeing the pain on the young disciple's face, Qingwu temporarily stopped transmitting the inheritance and waited for the disciple's sea of ​​consciousness to stabilize before continuing.

He slowly conveyed the inheritance of spiritual consciousness. Whenever the young disciple's sea of ​​consciousness was about to collapse, he helped stabilize it and then continued the inheritance.

Because the inheritance was still flowing into the sea of ​​consciousness, Mr. Xuan repeatedly cycled between confusion and clarity.

When Young Master Xuan was receiving the inheritance of spiritual consciousness, the neighboring Young Master Yan had no idea about it. Young Master Yan cycled between receiving the baptism of pressure and returning to Ruyi House to rest every day.

Neither Mr. Xuan nor Mr. Yan has any free time to care about what the little Loli is doing, or even much energy to care about how long it will take for the secret realm to end.

As for the little Lolita who was in the core of the meteor star, she had no time to care about external affairs, and her consciousness also alternated between awake and blurry.

Fortunately, as the number of body castings increases, the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness becomes larger and larger, and the time the little Loli wakes up becomes longer and longer.

When the ancient stone mortar completed the 203rd body casting for the little contractor, his little Xiyue sucked out the star core soul sea with her own consciousness.

Witnessing with my own eyes how the little contractor sucked up three treasures from a star-core soul sea, I felt both gratified and extremely complicated.

This little contractor of theirs is simply too powerful. He actually absorbed a small sea of ​​souls by instinct without being able to use his spiritual consciousness! There is such a powerful little contractor, I ask you if you are happy?

The History of Time, the Void Bottle and the Ancient Stone Mortar were very happy, but at the same time they were a little stressed. The contractor was so good, and as a weapon, he must not be used as a decoration.

The ancient stone mortar needed to cast the body for the small contract. The actions of the Time History Book and the Void Vase secretly rubbed the meteorite core magma and the scattered star power in the mantle and crust into the star core soul sea that had lost its soul source power. .

The History of Time silently introduced a little bit of the power of the stars into the sea of ​​consciousness of the little contractor, and then Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness started working again, absorbing the power of the stars in the sea of ​​souls.

The Time History Book and the Void Vase, who worked hard to pull resources for the little contractor, retired after their success, hiding their merit and fame.

Time History Book waited until Xiao Xiyue absorbed all the power of the stars in the Star Core Soul Sea, compressed the soul sea, and dragged it into Xiao Xiyue's sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness of the human race has become a real sea, a vast and boundless sea. Because there is no organization and planning, part of the soul source power has turned into fog. The soul power fog is mixed with some light spots and fills the top of the sea of ​​consciousness. , making the sea of ​​consciousness like a chaotic and unopened world.

After the little Loli allowed her instinct to absorb all the soul power of the Soul Sea and the power of the stars, she experienced countless blurs and awakenings of consciousness. One day, when her consciousness returned to clarity after experiencing blur again, she suddenly discovered that she could use the magic power. Got it!

The moment she felt that she could use her spiritual consciousness, Le Yun immediately checked her sea of ​​consciousness. When she successfully looked inside, she saw a vast sea of ​​consciousness that was as wide as the night sky, and her spiritual consciousness was stunned.

She just couldn't use her consciousness for a period of time. Why did the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly turn into a vast ocean?

Where did the soul power that was as much as the sea water come from?

The confused Le Yun had a hundred thousand questions in her mind that she wanted to ask, but she didn't know who to ask. She stared blankly at a vast ocean that was as chaotic as the night sky, unable to regain her senses for a long time.

It wasn't until countless stars of light flashed out of the darkness that she suddenly came back to her senses. She didn't care about anything else and immediately studied those light spots.

There are too many light spots in the sea of ​​consciousness!

Those light spots are colorful and twinkling, as dense as the stars on the sky.

After staring at the light spots for a long time, Le Yun discovered that many of the light spots had the same color and the same attributes, only differing in size.

After studying the properties of the light spots, I looked at my own sea of ​​consciousness, and the more I looked at it, the more I didn’t like it—the sea of ​​consciousness was too confusing!


Get it sorted!

Le Yun, who had a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, could not stay still for a moment and decisively took action to rectify her consciousness.

The first step is to compress the soul power like mist.

The soul power that floats like mist is the main reason for the chaos and confusion in the sea of ​​consciousness space. If the soul power mist is compressed into a liquid, the space of the sea of ​​consciousness can be restored to clarity.

Compressing the soul power mist is a big project.

The little loli was in a hurry and couldn't eat hot tofu, so she took it step by step. First, she gathered a part of the soul power mist and compressed it into a liquid, and then gathered some soul power mist and compressed it again.

The soul source power in the sea of ​​consciousness is very strong, but Le Yun has not yet integrated the external soul source power with her own divine consciousness power, so the only thing she can use is her own divine consciousness power.

Whenever her spiritual consciousness power is almost exhausted, she fuses some of the soul source power in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then compresses the soul power mist.

So again and again.

As the little Loli worked hard day and night, the mist of soul power floating in her sea of ​​consciousness became thinner and thinner, and finally there was only a small amount of gaseous soul power above the liquid soul power.

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