magic eye doctor

Chapter 3255 Perfect Divine Body

The air-like soul source power had no effect on the sky above the sea of ​​consciousness, so the little Loli ignored it and started the second step of the rectification plan - condensing light points.

She pulls small light spots with the same attributes together and fuses them together. Sometimes a dozen small light spots merge into one, and sometimes several large light spots merge into one.

The combined light spots were thrown by her into the sky above the sea of ​​consciousness to act as stars.

With the continuous integration, there are more twinkling stars in the sky above the sea of ​​consciousness.

After some integration, tens of thousands of small light spots were reduced into whole pieces. Le Yun took a look, hey, there are still too many light spots in the sky!

So, she performed the second fusion again.

After the second round of integration, there were only less than a hundred stars left in the sky above the sea of ​​​​consciousness. There were stars with a single color, but also stars with several colors mixed together.

"That's right!" Looking at her results, Le Yun was extremely pleased and gave herself a thumbs up. Look, she is very capable!

She was admiring her masterpiece, and the three treasures that Little Contract opened to the sea and starry sky were also stunned.

"Self-taught without a teacher, what kind of genius is this!" Void Bottle completely convinced his little contractor.

"It can be seen that people are different." Taikoo Shijiu sighed with emotion. Xiao Xiyue's attributes are unique in all worlds, and so is her understanding.

"Same feeling." Time History Book happily agreed.

He has had dozens, if not hundreds, of contractors in his life, and many of them are people with extraordinary understanding. However, no matter how smart or talented those contractors are, none of them can open up the sea of ​​consciousness without any teacher at such a level of cultivation. starry sky.

Among the previous contractors, the lowest one only started to open up his own sea of ​​consciousness and starry sky after he reached the level of Celestial Immortal, and each of them spent more than a hundred years to succeed.

Unlike this young contractor, who spent only half a year planning the Soul Sea and opening up the Consciousness Sea and Starry Sky without any foundation or guidance from high-level immortals.

Now that the little guy has opened up the sea of ​​consciousness and the starry sky, is it still far away from the next step of evolving the starry sky of the sea of ​​consciousness into the starry sky of laws?

The answer is yes.

The little contractor is so outstanding. The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle are so relieved, and I am full of infinite expectations for traveling with Xiao Xiyue to the world.

Unable to share her happiness with her friends for the time being, Le Yun admired her masterpiece for a while, finally remembered where she was, and quickly studied her physical condition.

However, when she wanted to look at herself, she discovered that her consciousness seemed to be sealed in her body, and she could not leave the shell and wander around alone as before.

Divine consciousness cannot be released externally, so naturally it is impossible to see what oneself looks like from the perspective of God.

Unable to control her body and unable to project her spiritual consciousness, Le Yun felt like she had become a little trapped beast, forced to be a quiet beautiful girl.

She also gave up her plan to appreciate what she looked like in the magma, turned her gaze, and stared at her sea of ​​consciousness again.

The originally chaotic and unclear sea of ​​consciousness has undergone some "world-opening" rectification. The sea and the sky are clearly distinct, and the sky is high and the sea is vast, and there is nothing that needs to be rectified.

The vast and powerless sea of ​​consciousness is also calm, the golden lotus of merit floats on the surface of the spiritual sea water, and there are some small light spots and a huge sphere deep in the liquid soul source power.

The giant sphere seemed to have compressed the mist, turning it into a chaotic mass of gas, but its breath was consistent with the origin of the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Le Yun had an intuition that the sphere would be of great use in the future. Her consciousness transcended the chaotic sphere and continued to sneak deeper into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​consciousness, there is an even larger and huge light group. Its light is star-colored, with a soft luster, crystal clear purity.

Le Yun recognized the identity of the star-colored light group—it was the vast mysterious power that poured into the sea of ​​consciousness when she first came into contact with the meteorite.

The sphere condensed with mysterious power was thousands of times larger than the sea of ​​consciousness before she was carried by the star core toward the meteorite. The huge light group occupied three-fifths of the current seafloor area of ​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

The light group stayed quietly at the bottom of the sea of ​​consciousness, as stable as Mount Tai, giving people an unshakable feeling.

Le Yun, who had known the nature of the light group's power for a long time, was not dissuaded. Her consciousness slowly dived to the bottom of the sea, then attached to the light group, and began to integrate the power of the light group.

The light group at the bottom of the sea is the power of consciousness that was condensed by the meteorite planet after countless years before it was destroyed. It is also the memory of the planet's origin. It is generally called the memory sea or the memory source.

The power of divine consciousness in the planet's sea of ​​memory is one of the purest powers of heaven and earth.

As soon as Le Yun's consciousness came into contact with the meteorite's original consciousness light group, her consciousness was impacted by a majestic force, and her consciousness was almost defeated.

Fortunately, the sea of ​​consciousness is hers.

The original consciousness of the meteor is in her sea of ​​consciousness. As the master of the sea of ​​consciousness, Le Yun immediately mobilized the power of her own consciousness and concentrated on integrating the original consciousness of the meteor.

Since you choose to integrate the power of the meteorite's consciousness, you must naturally accept the meteorite's original memory.

It can be imagined how huge the memory of a planet belonging to the world is. When the overwhelming memory of the meteorite came, Le Yun's memory was submerged in the torrent of power. Le Yun is like a small fish, wandering in the memory sea of ​​the meteorite, passively experiencing the meteorite's life course from birth to destruction.

The life of a meteorite is extremely extraordinary. It was a small planet when it was first born. It continued to evolve, growing from a small world to a thousand worlds, and finally grew into a large world.

During the growth process of the planet, it also experienced the process of life coming from nothing. Each period experienced annihilation and then was reborn again.

Before the death of a certain star, even if the planet experienced the great destruction of life species during the catastrophe, it still stubbornly survived, regrouped, and once again gave birth to all life and all things.

The last catastrophe that the meteor experienced before its destruction was not a catastrophe that belonged to a certain star, but a disaster for the entire starry sky - the star field where it was located collapsed!

A star field collapsed and countless stars perished. Even the meteor that was once the world's meteorite was no exception. It was not spared and fell as the starry sky collapsed.

The meteorite that gave birth to a vast world was huge in size. It was thrown out of a certain starry sky by the aftermath of the star field's collapse and entered the boundless temple.

The meteorite wandering in the universe was pulled by an unknown force before exploding and flew towards the Qingxu God Realm, and finally fell into the Divine Tree Realm.

In the memory sea of ​​the meteorite, in addition to the planet's original consciousness, there is also the power of laws.

When Le Yun fuses the memory of the meteor, she is also integrating the power of the law. It is relatively easy to fuse the original power of the consciousness of the meteor, but it is not easy to fuse the power of the law.

Integrating the law power in the memory sea of ​​the meteorite is a long fusion process.

Since she had no control over her body, Le Yun simply stopped caring about the process of the star core devouring the meteorite, and focused on integrating the meteorite's memory sea.

She was so immersed in the power of the consciousness and the power of the fusion law that she completely ignored the pain during the casting.

The little contractor found a powerful new resource of his own, and Time History Book and Void also felt at ease.

The ancient stone mortar once again cast the little contractor's body in an orderly manner, casting it again and melting it, melting it and casting it, and casting it and melting it again.

When he cast Xiao Xiyue's body for three hundred and forty times, the speed at which Xiao Xiyue's body absorbed the natural divine materials began to slow down.

When Shijiu completed the body casting for Xiao Xiyue for the 359th time, the various functions of her body and bones were saturated with natural divine materials.

The little guy's body bones no longer absorb the natural divine material, and the ancient stone mortar no longer continues to mold Xiao Xiyue's body, and some of the abilities of Xiao Xiyue's body are sealed with divine power.

After undergoing 359 body castings under natural conditions, Xiao Xiyue's body surpassed the prototype of the divine body and reached the standard of the perfect divine body.

The Taikoo Shijiu also had confidence in his masterpiece and took back the power to protect Xiao Xiyue's body, allowing her newly forged divine body to accept the test of the natural environment.

Without external protection, his flesh and blood body was exposed to the hot magma.

However, the hot magma rushed over and splashed all over the human race's body and face. There was no smoke or sizzling sound, just as if the human body was splashed with ordinary water instead of lava, and there was no splash at all.

The human body submerged in high-temperature magma is safe and sound!

"Perfect divine body, Stone, this time I am convinced by you!"

"When it comes to the ability to cast one's body, Shi Shi is the strongest in ancient times."

The history book of time and the void bottle witnessed the birth of a divine body, and the spirit of the weapon happily caressed it.

"This is because Xiao Xiyue has a good foundation. If she is a human race, it would be good if the cast body can achieve one percent of the effect of Xiao Xiyue's god-melting body." The ancient stone mortar was not complacent.

The Time History Book and the Void Bottle swung the golden lotus of merit to the golden lotus in the stone mortar, and the three of them gathered together to discuss the techniques of casting the divine body while watching Xiao Xiyue merge with the memory sea of ​​the meteorite.

Taikoo Shijiu observed for a few more days and saw that Xiao Xiyue's divine body was unharmed in the magma. He was completely relieved and removed the power protecting Xiao Xiyue's meridians.

The little Loli was concentrating on integrating the power of the meteorite's spiritual consciousness. She had no idea that her flesh and blood body was bathing in the meteorite's magma. While integrating the power of the law, she realized and entered a state of total selflessness.

Le Xiaoluoli has managed to survive, but Young Master Xuan in the Enlightenment Tower is in dire straits.

The young disciple's sea of ​​consciousness was too weak, so Qing Wu intermittently transmitted the spiritual knowledge inheritance to the young disciple. It took him as long as a year and a half to complete the transmission of the spiritual consciousness inheritance, and then dictated the key points of the practice.

The inheritance from the master is mysterious and profound, and the words are even more obscure and difficult to understand. Xuan Shaomo, a newbie in cultivating immortality, has a hard time not only understanding but also remembering.

When the master dictated the secrets, Master Xuan felt as if he was drowning in a sea of ​​smoke.

As for the key points of the exercises, he was a monk with a height of two feet - he couldn't figure it out, but Mr. Xuan had his own advantages. He was not a person who liked to get into trouble, so he didn't bother to understand, and he memorized the content first.

Understanding is something that comes later. As long as you remember every word Master said, it will not be too late to study it slowly in the future.

Therefore, Mr. Xuan used the energy he had in primary school to memorize things by rote.

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