magic eye doctor

Chapter 3256 Little Surprise

Mr. Xuan studied hard with the heart of a primary school student, and naturally succeeded. He memorized the key points dictated by the master, and when the master asked questions, he answered fluently without resorting to inferences. After all, he made no mistakes.

Qingwu saw the young disciple's hard work and was very satisfied. He now taught the young disciple to practice the formula according to the formula. The second step was to let the young disciple practice according to the formula.

Mr. Xuan was dumbfounded when he was instructed by his master to practice. He was asked to memorize the contents of the formula and he knew how to practice it? Who knows where to start!

The number one rising star in the Chinese ancient martial arts world on Earth has now followed in the footsteps of the kind of children that some parents have painstakingly cultivated, who only know how to score high marks in exams and have no practical ability, and have become a high-scoring imbecile.

Qingwu looked at his young disciple's confused eyes. He was startled for a moment, and then he reflected on himself. Did he teach the exercises in the wrong order?

Taking into account the actual situation of the young disciple, in order to prevent senior monks from spying on the divine objects in the young disciple's sea of ​​consciousness, he put the practice of practicing the cultivation method of covering the sea of ​​consciousness and memory at the top of the list when teaching the young disciple.

He remembered that he only started to practice the secret method of covering the sea of ​​consciousness and memory after he was promoted to Spirit Immortal. At that time, he only knew a little about it.

Nowadays, the young disciple has just cultivated his cultivation in the virtual realm and is secretly learning high-level immortal skills. It is really difficult to ask the young disciple to understand the skills that even the immortals find difficult to learn.

After some self-reflection, Qingwu felt that he was too demanding and a little eager for success, so he immediately corrected his teaching methods: "The exercises I just taught you are the secret methods of covering the sea of ​​consciousness. This secret method of cultivation is very important to the current situation." It is indeed difficult for you to understand. You should first remember what the teacher taught you, and then slowly study and understand it after you become an immortal.

Now I will teach you another set of cultivation techniques, which are the basic techniques for daily practice. Once you have learned the most basic cultivation techniques and have a certain foundation, it will be easier to learn other techniques and secrets. "

"Disciple, please follow Master's arrangements." The confused Master Xuan was quite happy to hear that he could not practice a certain set of exercises.

Qingwu started his second round of teaching career. This time he chose the most basic training methods that are most suitable for monks with water and wood spiritual roots.

His young disciple did not disappoint him. He memorized the formulas of the exercises he dictated perfectly. He spent another three months practicing the exercise routes and learned the basic exercises.

The so-called basic exercises are actually the first level of cultivation exercises.

After teaching the young disciples the most basic cultivation techniques, Qingwu then gradually taught the second and third levels of techniques from shallow to deep, from low to high.

Mr. Xuan did not disappoint him. Although his speed was a little slow, he reached the fourth level of the technique smoothly.

When Qingwu taught the fifth-level exercises and asked his disciples to practice the exercises, his disciples once again showed a confused expression.

Qingwu: "..." This fifth level is not difficult. The first five levels are all techniques below the immortal level, not beyond the level!

But looking at the little disciple's confused eyes, it was clear that he was confused, which made him almost have a misunderstanding, thinking that practicing the technique was extremely difficult and profound.

What can Qingwu do?

Disciples are the seedlings chosen by themselves to inherit the inheritance. As a master, I teach you patiently.

Qingwu convinced himself, and explained every word and sentence of the secret of the technique to the young disciples in detail, word for word.

Mr. Xuan listened to the lecture as if he was drinking and thirsty.

The master and the apprentice, one teaching and the other listening, ignore the others, and the scene is quite harmonious.

Qingwu explained the first-level exercises in detail, and then asked his disciples to practice according to the instructions. Unfortunately, his disciple failed again.

Now it's Master Qingwu's turn to be confused. Can he still learn from this?

The little disciple doesn’t look like a fool. Why is it that even though he explained it in such detail, the little disciple still doesn’t know how to do it?

It is impossible to give up. Qingwu adjusted his mentality and then reflected on whether he had made any mistakes. He checked himself and recalled his original cultivation experience. That's right!

Even if I am right, that is why the young disciple has misunderstood.

Qingwu was very patient and asked the disciple to repeat what he said. He found that the young disciple had a good memory and remembered it clearly.

The young disciple has memorized every word he said, but he just can't combine the formula with the exercises. Is there a problem with the exercises, or is it a problem with the young disciple?

Qingwu felt that the main reason was the cultivation level of the young disciple. The cultivation level of the young disciple was too low, and he was not yet at the level of practicing the fifth-level exercises.

He is a very open-minded person. If it is the disciple's cultivation that is holding him back, it doesn't matter. He does not necessarily have to start practicing the exercises now. It is the same as learning the key to the secret method first.

The open-minded Qingwu comforted himself, skipped the step of letting the young disciples learn how to run the exercises on the spot, and continued to teach the sixth-level cultivation techniques and secrets.

Don’t practice the exercises on the spot. As for the memorization of memorization, Mr. Xuan has no problem learning it. Even if many formulas or words are unfamiliar and difficult to understand, it doesn’t matter if you can recognize the words or not, just write them down and you’re done!

The optimistic Mr. Xuan was immersed in Master's written teaching methods. Not only was he at ease, but he also lived up to his expectations and lived up to Master's teachings.

Qingwu also discovered that the young disciple's learning ability was good, and once again confirmed his point of view. The young disciple was unable to integrate the secrets and running skills. It was not a problem with the skills or the young disciple. It was indeed the young disciple's current problem. The state of mind is not yet time to learn that step.

This also shows that there is nothing wrong with his teaching methods and the sequence of teaching exercises.

Anyway, the young disciple has a super talent of integrating with the exercises as soon as he hears the secrets. Qingwu doesn't force it and implements the teaching method of teaching the secrets of various exercises first.

Mr. Xuan started a learning career where he struggled with various secrets every day. When Mr. Xuan was immersed in learning and couldn't extricate himself, classmates from Le Xiao were also forced to share the birth and death of the meteorite because of the fusion of the original memory of the meteorite.

The information in the original memory sea of ​​the meteorite was too huge. Le Yunrong devoted her whole body and mind to the power of the consciousness of the meteorite, and she was truly deaf to what was happening outside the window.

In the process of integrating her heart and soul into the memory sea of ​​the meteorite, her star core was also swallowing the power of the meteor star core silently.

The size of the meteorite was shrinking every day, and the flames that had been burning continuously on the surface were slowly weakening. By the third year after the meteorite landed, it was extinguished, and the temperature of the magma was also slowly cooling.

In the fourth year after the meteorite landed, the giant meteorite ball turned into a small ball with a diameter of less than 50 million miles. Viewed from the air, only a huge crater was exposed in the endless desert, and a dark-colored object was stuck in the big crater. , a small ball that still smells of fire.

The size of the ball is still decreasing.

In the fifth year after the meteorite landed, the originally huge meteorite fireball turned into a small ball with a diameter of about 200,000 miles. The side of the small ball facing the sky was pitted and the rock mass was dark and dark.

The star core that coexisted with the human host devoured the meteorite to less than one ten-thousandth of the total, and finally fell into contented silence.

The star core that coexists with the human race is a good star core with a conscience. Before he fell silent, he did not directly leave the host alone, but protected the host and left the interior of the meteor star core.

The star core, which knows how to do good deeds, will bring the host out of the meteorite and send it to the natural world where it will become completely silent.

Le Yun was brought up into the air and her consciousness was still immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness. She had no idea about her external situation and just fell from the air towards the ground.

I don’t know where Xiao Contract is, but the three treasures know it. The ancient stone mortar quickly flew out of Xiao Xiyue’s sea of ​​consciousness and turned into a human form to catch Xiao Xiyue.

He was worried that Xiao Xiyue would come back to her senses and become embarrassed, so he attached a layer of white light to the little contractor's body as a clothes, and flew her to the edge of the pit with her.

The Void Bottle also withdrew the magical power attached to Xiao Xiyue's hair and flew to the top of the pit to see the strange things.

In the huge sinkhole, there is a small ball lying alone. This picture looks weird.

The Void Bottle admired it for a few times, then flew down and transferred the small ball in the pit into his stomach. Xiao Xiyue's fragments of the origin of life star actually left part of the meteorite core. It must be Xiao Xiyue's intention. I have to help Xiao Xiyue put things away.

The ancient stone mortar saw that the Void Bottle had put away the small ball of meteorite core, and urged: "Broken Bottle, stop dawdling, and help Xiao Xiyue dig for ore."

"Hey, I can save it." The Void Bottle jumped to the top of the big pit. When he looked again, he saw that the broken stone had turned into light and ran away, so he quickly dodged the bottle.

The ancient stone mortars and void bottles that disappeared from the giant pit in the desert appeared one after another in the center of the small basin surrounded by mountains in the blink of an eye.

They moved again and entered the underground cave where Xiao Xiyue dug seeds.

Entering the underground cave, the Time History Book appeared silently, turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the large pit left after digging out the divine crystal pillar containing the seeds, quickly cutting through the surrounding chaotic divine gold.

The Chaos Divine Gold ore layer in the small basin strata is very thick, and it is pure Divine Gold without impurities. However, even Divine Gold of the same material has subtle differences.

The difference lies in the presence or absence of the breath of life.

Probably because of the seeds, the layer of Chaos God Gold surrounding the Chaos God Crystal Pillar that hides a certain seed also incorporates the power of the Law of the Great Dao, and has the breath of life. It belongs to the Life Chaos God Gold, and is completely different from the Chaos God Gold. Farewell, it is a priceless divine object in all realms.

The history book of time turned into countless rays of light cutting into divine gold. In an instant, the light in the pit was intertwined, making it dazzling.

Shijiu didn't try to fight for his life. He placed the little contractor in the palm of his hand and protected it with one hand. He stood in the corner of the cave where Zu Bao Qing Pagoda was once placed and gathered his divine power with one hand to cut the stone wall of the cave.

With a wave of his hand, a huge piece of divine gold flew out.

The void bottle enlarged several times and was about to receive the divine gold dug out by Shi Gu. Unexpectedly, Po Shitou collected the divine gold himself and did not throw it to him.

Void Bottle: "..." He made a mistake, he forgot that there is void space even when broken rocks!

He didn't give the stone-breaking room any room to use, and quickly jumped aside to dig for divine gold.

The void bottle has good eyesight, and the ancient stone mortar didn't say anything and quickly cut the divine gold. He hoped to give Xiao Xiyue a little surprise.

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