magic eye doctor

Chapter 3257: Crying with grievance

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time and the void bottle did not want to disturb some god-like creatures, so they all restrained the power of useless laws, and the speed of mining was limited.

Even so, the speed at which the ancestral treasures were mined was also extraordinary. It only took them two and a half months to clear out the Chaos God Gold Mine and the God Gold Sand Mine layer mixed with meteorite fragments.

As a large amount of ore was dug away, a huge deep pit was left in the center of the small basin surrounded by mountains.

After quietly working on the three treasures that completed the mining project, seeing that Xiao Xiyue was still immersed in the memory of refining meteorites and not waking up, she quietly went to collect sand and dust outside the small basin.

When they collected sand and dust for twenty-three days in a row, their little contractor finally woke up from his slumber.

After integrating the memory sea of ​​the meteorite, Le Yun's consciousness was also terrifyingly strong. She immediately felt that she had control over her body again, and she could also clearly sense the temperature, sound, and the breath of the ancient stone mortar from the outside world.

She didn't even have time to observe the sea of ​​consciousness, and her consciousness immediately exited the sea of ​​consciousness. Then she opened her eyes and saw at a glance the vast and boundless sky with white clouds and bright and bright sunshine.

When she saw the clouds and the sunshine, Le Yun knew that the star core had swallowed up the meteorite, and she escaped from the sea of ​​misery. At the same time, she was forced to face another embarrassing reality - she had no clothes on!

Her neck was protected by a layer of soft light, keeping her bare bottom from the sun, but it still felt awkward.

She didn't need to use her brain cells to think. She could figure it out even with her toes. The thing that helped her cover it up must be the most precious ancient stone mortar.

Earthling Le Yun also wanted to face shame. She decisively chose not to think about how she would appear in the sun after the star core swallowed the meteor core.

The little loli who chose to be an ostrich knew that she was lying flat, so she got up quickly and quickly covered her body with several layers of spiritual energy as clothes.

In the ancient stone mortar collecting sand and dust, I noticed that the little contractor had woken up. He stopped working temporarily and quickly cleaned his free right hand. His beautiful hand fell on the little contractor's head in his left palm.

Finally he could rub the little contractor's head as much as he wanted. Shijiu raised his palm higher and smiled at the little guy who climbed up quickly: "Xiao Xiyue is awake?"

Having just added a few layers of spiritual "clothes" to herself and had her head touched, Le Yun pretended not to know that her face was getting hot. She raised her eyes and saw a handsome face. She smiled from the bottom of her heart: "Senior, I'm awake. !”

"I'll take Xiao Xiyue to find the storage device in the void." The little guy's smile was brighter than the sun and softer than the moonlight. Shijiu was so excited that he walked away.

Before Le Yun could check what the ancient stone mortar was doing, her eyes were filled with flowers, so she had to close her eyes first.

The ancient stone mortar flashed through the sky like a ray of light. In just a few breaths, it traveled hundreds of millions of miles and found the void bottle that was busy absorbing sand and dust.

He flew into the air and shouted at the giant blue bottle that was upside down on the ground: "Void, Xiao Xiyue is awake."

"I'm coming!" When Taikoo Shijiu said that Xiao Xiyue had woken up, Void Ping understood the purpose of Shijiu bringing Xiao Xiyue here.

He inhaled the gathered sand and dust into his belly, and then transformed into a human form with a flicker of light, soared into the air and flew to the side of Shijiu, and climbed up to the top of the little contractor's head with one hand.

After rubbing the cute little guy's head, Xukong took out the storage containers he had collected and put them in the air with a bright smile: "Xiao Xiyue is awake? Xiao Xiyue actually absorbed the memory of a star. Yuan, it’s amazing!”

Le Yun's vision changed from a trance to an endless desert, and she also knew what the Void Bottle was doing. She was so shocked that everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhibao is actually helping her dig sand? !

Ouch! A huge exclamation point flashed brightly in his mind, and Le Yun in a trance was so excited that she almost screamed like a woodchuck.

She didn't scream because the human-shaped void bottle came too quickly. When he touched her head, her ecstasy cooled down, and her scream was stuck in her throat and did not break out.

Being praised by the humanoid treasure, Le Yun felt like she was being treated as a child again, and she was so shy that she grinned.

That smile made the Iron Hearts of the two humanoid treasures soften in laughter, and their two big hands almost fought over the little guy's head.

Le Yun ignored the hands on her head and quickly grabbed the storage device in her hand. She first found a cloak to wrap herself up, and then put a spiritual boat into the air.

"Senior, I'm going to freshen up first." She said, and quickly ran into a wishful house at the bow of the spirit boat.

The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle also knew that the little one would be shy because of being exposed, and it would take some time for her to adapt, so they did not stay where they were, and went to collect sand and dust first.

After being "carried" into the meteorite by the star core, Le Yun had no control over her body, and her consciousness was blurred most of the time. She was unable to calculate time. She didn't know that it took several years for the star core to swallow up the meteorite core.

Based on intuition, she guessed that the minimum time she stayed in the meteorite was more than three years, which also meant that she had not bathed for three years!

It was quite an uncomfortable feeling.

The first thing Le Yun did when she got back to Ruyi House was to take out the washing tools and take a quick bath. After tidying up, she was in the mood to study herself.

The first thing is to look inside the core space. As expected, the star core space may have entered the process of self-evolution after swallowing the meteor core, and her consciousness could not enter the space.

The star core space has cut off contact with the outside world. As expected, Le Yun has nothing to worry about. Anyway, the star core space evolves and grows without affecting its original area.

The little fox, Xiao Huihui and the rhinoceros monkey are all big babies and can take care of themselves.

Le Yun also gave herself a thumbs up. Fortunately, she had the foresight to store the storage items she wore in the void bottle. Otherwise, if they were all stored in the star core space, she would not be able to take them out, and she would have to be naked. The body is suffering!

The spiritual consciousness could not enter the star core space, so it turned to look inside the Dantian.

Dantian also expanded!

The current Dantian is 513 times larger than the original area.

The Dantian was enlarged because she had no control over her body and did not absorb the energy of heaven and earth from the outside to fill it when the star core swallowed the meteorite. The original energy only covered a small area less than ten feet wide.

The huge Dantian was empty, like a vast plain, and the little bit of Yuan Power it had was no different.

The piece of Chaos God's gold mine that little Loli once threw into her Dantian for nourishment is lying quietly at the bottom of her Dantian, as if it were a small pebble that fell in her Dantian, inconspicuous at all.

The area of ​​Dantian is as wide as an open field, with a huge light group suspended above the center. The light group is surrounded by a layer of soft white mist-like Qi. The light group with a protective layer of white Qi seems to be a A small white sun.

Under the light ball, there is a miniature version of Le Yun and a soft small light ball facing each other. The golden humanoid Nascent Soul body is sitting cross-legged in the air with its eyes closed and meditating, with a small flame lying on top of its head.

Opposite the humanoid Nascent Soul is a small light group only as big as a bowl, which exudes a bright and soft light like moonlight.

The humanoid Yuanying body and the small light group are bathed in the light of the small white sun above, looking peaceful and gentle.

Le Yun was stunned. What happened during the time when she lost control of her body? Not only did her area of ​​​​consciousness increase dramatically, even her Dantian also experienced drastic changes!

By the way, who will tell her why her pubic area still layers automatically? !

In the past, the small light cluster that should be the star core was on the same level as her Nascent Soul Body, but now the star core light cluster jumped to the upper level.

Le Yun naturally also knew what the small light group facing her Nascent Soul Body was. It was a power group that blended the aura of the earth and the chaotic auras of the three realms of Dongchen, Yunlan, and Qingxu God Realm.

Don't look at the light group that is mixed with the power of the four realms. It is a product of compression, and the power it contains is not small. If the power of the light group is diluted, it will be enough to fill three of her current Dantian areas. Large Dantian space.

The small light power blended with the spiritual energy of the four worlds is another trump card of Le Yun. It is equivalent to a warehouse of reserved spiritual power sources. She will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Although she didn't know why the dantian was divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower, Le Yun ignored it and turned her eyes to the sacred mineral in the dantian.

The ball of Chaos Divine Ore has become smaller, its volume is only one-third of the volume when she put it in.

No one needs to explain this. Le Yun also guessed the reason. It must be that when the star core devoured the meteorite, it took up too much space and had to be forged.

The sacred ore forged by the star core is the essence of the essence.

Similarly, the widening of the Dantian must also be the work of the Star Core.

The size of the star core continued to increase as it devoured the meteorite star core. In order to have a suitable place to stay, the star core had to help open up the Dantian space, thus creating the current Dantian.

If the suspended star core cluster with a huge light cluster were allowed to fall to the ground, it would occupy approximately four-fifths of the Dantian area.

Le Yun felt very surprised that there was a star core that could swallow a meteorite hidden in her Dantian!

Such a big meteorite. After the star core swallowed the meteorite, her body didn't explode. Isn't it amazing?

Feeling the magical music, his consciousness circled the star core light group dozens of times, satisfying his curiosity. His consciousness withdrew from his Dantian and studied the difference in his body after being calcined by magma.

Observing her hands and feet, she was shocked. Before she knew it, she had actually completed the step of casting a golden body as a fairy, and her mortal body was promoted to a perfect golden body in one fell swoop.

Which kind person helped her get a golden body?

Excited Le Yun looked at herself up and down, looking around, her eyes fixed. Her body had become a perfect golden body, but the length of her bones seemed to be a little shorter!

I checked it carefully again and measured my height. It turned out to be 158 centimeters!

After enduring the pain of purgatory, not only did my height not grow, but I returned to the height before liberation!

The grievances came to her head like a tide, Le Yun's mouth tightened, and she cried "Wow".

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