magic eye doctor

Chapter 3258 Planting Trees

Don't ask Leyun why she feels aggrieved. Even if you ask her, she won't be able to answer.

Anyway, for no apparent reason, I felt so wronged that I wanted to cry, and then the tears started flowing down my face.

The little Lolita, whose heart was filled with a sense of grievance, cried so much that her face was filled with tears, her heart ached, and her cries were so sad and miserable that she couldn't bear to hear them.

She was the only one in Ruyi House, and her crying was particularly loud.

The person who was crying and crying until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dim suddenly stopped.

"Why should I cry?" After coming back to consciousness from crying to pieces, Le Yun's mind was confused. She, a straight girl, actually cried?

Why is she crying?

Le Yun was confused. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that she felt bad after a while.

Just because she found out that she had become a little shorter, she started crying?

Something is wrong!

Le Yun felt something was wrong, so she quickly used the dust removal technique to clean the tears on her face, soaked her face with cold water, wiped away the water stains, and took out a mask mirror to look at her face.

The face that appeared in the mirror had a familiar shape, but the skin was more delicate and fair than before, and it was also glowing!

The shimmer on the skin is a natural phenomenon that can only be seen in the immortal body.

The face is still the same, but the temperament is completely different. Anyone who looks at this face now will find it extremely beautiful! The ultimate perfection!

Damn it! Staring at the mirror, Le Yun wanted to squat in the corner with her head in her hands and draw circles.

Probably because she has a good foundation and is young, this chance coincidence created a perfect golden body, which also fixed her bone age and appearance.

From now on, as long as she doesn't deliberately change the contours of her face and cover up her skin, her face will always look the same, ageless.

In the past, because of her tender face, she looked like a child, so her elders always treated her as a child who had not grown up, and would touch her head and pinch her face when caught.

Now that I have undergone body molding, my body has returned to its original state, and my face looks more pink and cuter. Not to mention others, even Le Yun is attracted by it. She really wants to pinch her tender face a few times to satisfy her hand addiction, but you can imagine I don’t know what will happen to my face when I go back.

Just thinking of the elders of the Chao family and the medical madmen at the Military General Hospital, Le Yun couldn't help hugging herself and trembling.

She just sighed a few times and threw it aside. She was pinched by her elders only after returning, and there were still things she didn't understand.

Le Yun put away the mirror and thought seriously about why she, a straight woman, suddenly changed into Lin Daiyu.

She really cares about her height, always looking forward to being a little taller. She doesn't want to be 1.7-1.8 meters tall, she just wants to be taller than 1.6 meters and get rid of the label of third-class disabled person.

Hope is hope, and you won't be like a maniac, crying heartbroken over the missing few millimeters.

Le Yun knew that being a little shorter would be a small blow to her, and would make her unhappy even if she had a perfect golden body, but it would not make her collapse and cry.

It was an odd emotion to feel like that.

Why did you suddenly feel aggrieved at that time?

She herself was not that fragile, and the only explanation was that she was influenced by external forces.

She first empathized with a certain seed, that is, fused with the seed's memory, and then was taken into the meteorite's magma by the star core and fused with the meteorite's memory sea. There were too many experiences in her mind that were not her own.

And before she had time to adjust herself after merging the memories of the seeds and the meteor, she suddenly found that she had become shorter, and her soul fluctuated a bit, which touched the newly fused memories, causing her to be affected and lose control of her emotions.

After roughly guessing the reason for her emotional breakdown, Le Yun patted her head coolly: "Fortunately, I have a big brain!"

The life course of the seed is okay, there is not much darkness, but the memory of the meteorite is rich in content, with both a sunny and beautiful side and a dark side.

Fortunately, she has a strong willpower and a large brain capacity, so even though she saw so many dark things when fusing the memory of the meteor, she still remained awake and rational.

If you were a person with a weak will, he would have merged with so many memories that were not his own. If he didn't lose his true nature, he might go insane.

"I'm so awesome!" Le Yun was so proud that she gave herself a thumbs up when she thought that she was only affected by emotions that were not her own.

Earthling Leyun is great!

The great Le Yun was resurrected with full health. She tidied up her appearance again, got out of the Ruyi House, and quickly ran to the tree house to see her future fighting partners.

The items in the tree house remained as they were, and the baby beast was lying quietly in the animal skin, showing no signs of hatching.

After seeing the war beast egg baby, Le Yun went into the coniferous spiritual plant space to see her spiritual fire friends.

Fenyue had already been promoted to the Divine Fire when the little Loli entered the Spiritual Field Treasure Realm. He had been sleeping since he was promoted, and he still held the essence of Taihuo without letting go.

The essence of Taiyan has been exposed to the air for too long, and the fire spiritual power has also dissipated a little.

In fact, Le Yun didn't mind how long Fen Yue slept, but that naughty kid held Taiyan's essence while sleeping, causing the essence to lose a little power. Isn't this a waste of resources!

She kept that piece of Taiyan Essence for great use, but she couldn't let the naughty kid get into trouble again. Seeing Fen Yue who was still sleeping soundly, Le Yun did not spoil him this time. She stretched out her hand to pull him off Tai Yan's essence and stuffed it into her Dantian, and put the essence in a box.

Fen Yue, who was stuffed into the Dantian by the contractor, finally woke up because of the change of environment.

When Fen Yue woke up, she suddenly saw the huge light group in the sky and the vast pit with no energy, and was so frightened that she jumped out of her dantian.

He jumped out of his dantian, threw himself on the contractor's face and said, "Ah ah, little fairy, why did your dantian become like that?"

A fire-attribute mask was put on her face. Le Yun was covered up. She grabbed a ball of flame and tore off the mask. She glared angrily: "Isn't the Dantian just widened? It's obviously a good thing. You Such cries of ghosts and wolves are like a disaster coming from heaven."

"There is no spiritual energy in the Dantian. It is more desolate than the barren mountains. I don't want to go there." Being grabbed by the contractor like a little chicken, the fire-shaped Fenyue howled in protest.

"After you advanced to the next level, you still held onto my Taiyan Essence for decades without letting go, which caused the power of Taiyan Essence to dissipate a lot. It's good that I didn't beat you. Just stay in your Dantian honestly and wait. I'll ask you for help after I'm done refining the weapon. If you dare to make a scene, I'll beat your little ass."

Le Yun didn't care about Taixu or Zhenhuo's protests, she kneaded a seemingly harmless ball of flame into a ball and stuffed it into her dantian.

Taixu's true fire has been promoted to the divine level, and the power of the flames is amazing. If he is allowed to wander outside, and if he is temporarily dizzy and fails to control himself, he can melt wherever he sticks to the spirit boat.

Little Loli no longer felt safe throwing Fen Yue into the spiritual plant space again, fearing that she would harm the plant.

Hearing that he had caused Taiyan Essence to lose a lot of energy, Fen Yue felt guilty, and did not bother with being stuffed into the Dantian. The body of the little Yuanying who was running the little fairy lay in a ball.

After imprisoning the naughty child in her dantian, Le Yun walked around the space and found that the spiritual plants in the space were full of vitality, and she was relieved.

Coming out of the conifer spiritual plant space, he put the spiritual boat on his shoulder and went to look for the treasure.

The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle took advantage of the little contractor's time to clean up and cleared the sand and dust layer in the area of ​​thousands of miles. Sensing Xiao Xiyue's whereabouts, the two transformed into human forms to pick her up.

Picking up someone midway, Shijiu, with quick eyes and quick hands, picked up the little guy and held it in his arms. He asked with a smile: "Xiao Xiyue is fine so soon. Should we continue collecting sand or go mining?"

The Void Bottle failed to grab the little contractor, and a big hand climbed onto Xiao Xiyue's head.

"Senior, I have to go back to the place where I dug up the treasure." Being held by Shi Jiu like a child, Le Yun decided not to struggle pointlessly.

"Xukong and Shiguang and I have dug up all the underground mineral deposits there. Do you want Xiao Xiyue to go back?"

"Seniors have dug up all the mines? Seniors are so awesome, oh, people who are loved by others are so happy!" Le Yun rubbed her little hands happily knowing that all the mineral deposits in the small basin were in the hands of the treasure.

You can tell from Xiao Xiyue's smile that she is in a happy mood, and the Ancient Stone Mortar and Void Vase are also in a happy mood.

"Time has gone by. There are many mineral deposits in this small space. Xiao Xiyue likes it. Let's dig a few more mineral deposits." Void Bottle is also positive and volunteers to be a mine rat.

"It's enough to dig the mines in that place. This space has been barren for too long, and the spiritual energy is slightly unbalanced. If a large amount of mineral deposits are dug out, the spiritual energy here will be sharply reduced, which will be detrimental to the growth of trees and will slow down its recovery. time."

Le Yun likes to collect resources, but she also has a sense of propriety, knowing which resources can be moved and which should not be moved, and she is never greedy.

"Xiao Xiyue said I won't dig if I don't want to dig." The ancient stone mortar and Void Vase readily agreed with the little contractor's opinion.

"Do you still want to dig for treasure?"


"Go over now, Xiao Xiyue is stable."

Shijiu and Void Bottle didn't ask the little contractor what they were doing in that small depression. They were both action types and said they would put their money into action immediately when they got back.

Le Yun, who had experienced being taken away before, closed her eyes.

The stone mortar and the void bottle flashed in the air for a few times, and it took less than ten breaths to return to the small depression surrounded by mountains.

The humanoid treasure entered the depression and stopped in the air not far from the edge, allowing the little contractor to calm down.

Feeling that the stone mortar had stopped, Leyun waited for about a minute before opening her eyes. She looked down and saw the huge pit in the center of the basin.


She breathed in silently and had to bite the bullet: "The two seniors have to work hard next! The junior plans to plant trees here, and the senior Void will help fill the hole with the sand and dust collected."

"In this kind of tree?" The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle were stunned. There was not a single plant in this small space, and even the groundwater was exhausted. Xiao Xiyue wanted to plant a tree, but it was not so difficult!

"Yes, the junior wants to plant trees here." Le Yun gave a positive answer: "The junior dug up the soil here and let the seeds hidden deep in the ground see the light. The junior can start well and end well, and open up a suitable place for them. The growing place allows the seeds to take root and sprout.”

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