magic eye doctor

Chapter 3259

The little contractor wants to plant trees in the depression. What can the ancient stone mortar and void bottle say? Of course I support it.

Not to mention that the little one's plan is just to plant trees in a deserted depression, even if she wants to turn the entire desert into a forest, they will accompany her.

The two humanoid treasures had the same attitude and asked if they had any other requirements besides filling the hole with sand and dust.

Do you have any requirements?

Of course there is!

Not only were there requirements, there were quite a lot of them. Le Yun explained them all in a babbling manner. She felt that she might not have explained them vividly enough, so she took out a pen and paper and started sketching.

Her speed was extremely fast. She drew two simple pictures in less than half a cup of tea, and then explained them carefully to the humanoid ancestors.

The little Loli surveyed the terrain of the small basin when she stepped on the land boundary. At that time, she made a plan to dig out the underground treasures and then fill the holes and plant trees.

Why plant trees?

Of course it's because she is the destined person waiting in a certain space!

When Le Yun first entered the Xianquan Eye Lake on the small island in the center of Xianquan Lake in the center of Xiantian Treasure Realm, she already saw that the secret realm was a desert when she first saw the barrier in Xianquan Eyes.

At the moment when I "see" the truth of the secret realm, I also understand the real reason why the Shenmu Realm is open to all worlds in the way of a secret realm - the Shenmu Valley is waiting for a special destined person.

Most of the destined people waiting in certain secret realms or certain great powers are those who inherit the mantle and inheritance, and the Shenmu World is waiting for a destined person who can bring life to the Shenmu Valley!

The threshold set by Shenmu Valley for those who are destined is actually very low. It only requires spiritual root attributes, virtue, and luck.

The spiritual root attribute requirement is a necessary innate condition. Only creatures with a high affinity with plants can grow plants. Therefore, any creature with one of water, wood, wind, and light spiritual roots in its spiritual roots is eligible. .

Therefore, after the secret realm was opened in the past, all creatures with water, wood, wind, and light spiritual roots could enter the Qianji Secret Valley.

The Secret Valley of Qianji is a level that tests those who are destined to be. It is equivalent to a large sieve, which first filters out the creatures that do not meet the spiritual root attribute conditions.

The moment a creature that meets the innate conditions enters the Qianji Secret Valley, it is equivalent to entering the second test. However, any creature with poor moral character and luck will be eliminated by the psychedelic forest.

The creatures selected in the second level are those with good luck and good moral character.

Among this group of creatures, only those with the strongest luck can find the Fairyland Treasure Realm.

The Fairyland Treasure Realm is the third level of test. This level tests whether the creatures have both virtue and benevolence.

If the creatures who enter the Immortal Field Treasure Realm have a benevolent heart, they will definitely leave seeds when collecting fairy food, or spread the seeds by harvesting as many fairy fields as possible and then planting a few more fields as a reward.

Only those creatures that meet the conditions have the opportunity to enter the Fairy Spring Lake in the center of the Fairy Field Treasure Realm, board the island in the center of the lake, and then enter the Fairy Spring Eye Lake enchantment.

The Fairy Spring Eye is the last test.

If the creatures that enter the fairy spring eye barrier are not greedy for the large amount of fairy food collected in the seed mountain, they will naturally be able to see the secret realm barrier in the fairy spring eye.

A creature that can see the enchantment in the center of the Immortal Spring Eye will definitely be able to enter the enchantment. He must carry some of the plant seeds collected in the Seed Mountain to meet the conditions for entering the teleportation enchantment of Shenmu Valley.

Since the Shenmu Realm was opened to all realms in the form of a secret realm, hundreds of millions of creatures have been able to enter the third level of the Immortal Treasure Realm, but unfortunately none of them have passed the level.

After the creatures of all races entered the fairyland treasure realm, they were all fascinated by the fairy food that was readily available. They greedily collected resources one by one, without ever thinking about where the fairy food in the fairyland came from, and no one thought about giving back.

I don’t know whether this is the loss of moral character of all races or the distortion of the nature of creatures.

The creatures who entered the Immortal Treasure Realm lost their qualifications due to greed and greed. The Shenmu Valley could not wait for those who were destined to be there, and it remained deserted.

Le Yun had a hunch when she entered the Divine Tree Realm that her trip to the Divine Realm should have a mission, but she didn't know what it was at the time.

When she heard that Xuerong said that something had happened in Qianji Valley and that no living beings from all races who entered the secret realm entered Qianji Secret Valley, she guessed that the purpose of her trip should be in Qianji Secret Valley.

Entering the secret valley, first to drive away darkness and evil for the will of the tree spirit, and then to kill the insect tide from the outside world for the secret valley forest. The feeling of unfinished mission is still there.

After finding the Immortal Treasure Realm, Le Yun also knew what her mission was in the God Realm - her mission was to spread the seeds in the God Tree Realm!

After entering the fairy spring eye area on the small island in the center of the fairy field, she only took a look at the barrier in the fairy spring eye, and she knew that her mission was not only to spread food seeds in the fairy field area, but also to go to the secret realm of the spring eye.

It was precisely because she knew the truth in the spring barrier that Le Yun did not take the little creatures with her and let them stay in the Fairyland Treasure Realm to grow food.

When she found a small basin with underground treasures, she also determined the place to plant trees. A small basin surrounded by mountains was undoubtedly the best place to plant trees.

When surveying the boundaries of the basin, Leyun also planned the site for planting trees according to local conditions.

The geographical environment of the small basin can be said to be unique. Therefore, Xiao Loli's plan is to divide the basin into two, with one half being land and the other half being a lake.

The land and the lake are shaped into the yin-yang fish pattern of Tai Chi, and sacred trees are planted in certain areas designated as formation eyes. The entire small basin becomes a natural universe formation.

The sketches drawn by Le Yun are also very clear. One is a flat map of a small basin, in the shape of a yin-yang fish, with the diameter and coordinate position of the fish's eye marked, as well as the width of the rock wall along the land, the position of each formation, and the formation's eye. size.

There is water in the lake, but the side of the land facing the lake is hit. The soil cannot withstand the impact. The land along the lake must use the power of metal and soil to metalize the soil and turn it into rock.

The other picture is a three-dimensional view and a partial cross-sectional view, marking the depth of the lake and the height of the land, as well as the width of the rocky shore wall on the side of the land facing the lake, as well as the height dimensions of each formation eye, fish eye, lake surface and land. The diagrams drawn by Xiao Contract are very vivid, with clear layout and size. You can understand the ancient stone mortar and void bottle after looking at them. After listening to Xiao Xiyue's detailed explanation, you naturally understand how to backfill the depression.

The two humanoid treasures said nothing and went straight to work.

The pit in the center of the small basin is too deep and too large. It needs to be backfilled to a certain height, and then the sand and dust layer is compacted, and then the boundary between the lake and the land is divided.

It would take some time to backfill the big hole. Le Yun did not join in the fun. She released a golden lotus magic weapon and put the spirit boat inside. She sat in the magic weapon and took out the tools and materials to make the talismans for setting up the array.

The void bottle and the ancient stone mortar restored their shape, enlarged their bodies, and then poured the collected dust from the space to fill the large pit.

They were busy for a while, and the time history book also returned to the small basin.

I went for a walk around the Time History Book, found my companion, and learned about the situation first. Since I had no use for him for the time being, I stopped in the air to bask in the sun.

Stone mortars and void bottles cannot use the power of law. Slowly add sand and dust to the outside, fill them to a certain thickness and then compact them, and then continue to fill them with sand.

They spent a day and a night filling the sand and dust to the height specified by the small contractor, and then compacted it, especially focusing on rolling the area set as a lake.

After filling up the bottom of the big pit, Shijiu carried the little contractor to the north of the depression, and let her draw the boundary between the lake and the land.

Le Yun first drew the eyes of the Yang fish in the eastern area, which is the land.

The fish eye is five hundred miles in diameter.

Three treasures looked on.

When the little contractor has drawn a circle, the void bottle pours sand and dust around the engraved line of the fish eye.

Stone mortar was used to build a wall along the line, which was thirty miles thick.

The sand and dust condensed into a wall, and then reinforced with the power of metal, the wall turned into rock.

There is a temporary void in the middle of the rock. When water is poured into it, it becomes a lake.

After drawing the Yangyu's eye, Le Yun went to the northernmost part of the basin, selected the starting point, and began to draw the boundary between the lake and the land.

That boundary is also the S-shaped dividing line between Yang fish and Yin fish. Theoretically, the S-shaped line is required to evenly divide the small basin into two parts, and the requirements for the line scribe are extremely high.

Le Yun didn't need to measure anymore. Her eyes were the best ruler. She pierced the tip of the plum-blossom spear into the hardened sand and ran away with the magic weapon.

The tip of the plum-blossom spear scratched the ground, leaving a small groove less than half an inch deep.

The stone mortar and the void bottle did not watch the little contractor draw the line. They first built a fish-eye wall to a certain height, and then built the boundary between the land and the lake.

The Void Bottle pours sand and dust in an area not far from the engraved line.

The stone mortar used magical power to transport the sand and dust to the east of the drawn line, and built a wall along the carved line.

The rock wall between the land and the lake has a sacred mission. It separates the land from the lake. One side has to withstand the erosion and pressure of the lake water, and the other side has to withstand the extrusion of the land soil.

Little Loli's minimum requirement for the thickness of the boundary rock wall is twenty miles wide. In order to reassure the small deed giver, Shi Jiu set the width at ninety miles when building the wall.

The stone mortar solidified the sand and dust into a wall, and a ninety-mile-wide rock avenue grew on the ground of the depression.

The history book of time floated to the top of the rock wall silently, and gave the rock wall a little more power of time. As a result, the hardness of the rock increased to a higher level again.

The three treasures, one pouring sand and dust, one building a wall, and the other blessing power, all work together perfectly.

In order not to put more pressure on the little contractors, the treasures also controlled their speed, stopping every time they built a rock wall. They first filled the land area with sand and dust and built a wall for the fish eyes.

In order to draw the engraved line as quickly as possible, the little Loli ran day and night. She took pills when she was tired and only stopped to practice when her energy was exhausted.

She drew the line with the stars and the moon, built the wall with the three treasures in a hurry, and filled the land area with sand and dust.

They are fast and always not far behind the little contractor.

The little Loli worked tirelessly. It took her seven and a half months to finally draw the S-shaped line. Then she went to the west to draw the fish eyes of the Yin fish, and made the talisman seals non-stop.

For the dignity of the little contractor, the three treasures took a few days off before going to build the wall. The wall construction project was completed half a month after the little contractor drew the engraved line.

The wall was built, and the sand and dust on the east side were backfilled to a certain height.

The three treasures then go to the West District to build the foundation for another fish eye designated by the little contractor.

The fish eye of the Yang fish is a lake, while the fish eye of the Yin fish is land.

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