magic eye doctor

Chapter 3260: Treasure Tree of Zhenjie

The Yin Fish Area is a lake, and the land-shaped fish eyes will also be subject to water pressure from all directions, so the fish eyes are built into a conical trapezoid shape, also called a round cone.

Three treasures were used to build the round platform, and the bottom of the lake area was once again consolidated before going to find the little contractor.

The little contractors in his family are still busy carving talismans and seals, while the treasures stay on the spirit boat and accompany the little guy quietly.

After waiting for a few more days, Le Yun finally carved the needed talismans and hurriedly placed them.

Shi Jiu held the little contractor in his arms again, and the little guy went wherever he was told. After Xiao Xiyue hid the talisman and seal properly, he took the person to the next point.

Le Yun first placed the suppressing talismans in various positions in the land area, then went to the lake area to hide the talismans, placed all the talismans in place, and then focused on the eyes of the Yin Fish.

She moved the small peaks she collected and placed them on the round platform, so that the small peaks formed a circle around the round platform, with a sunken basin in the middle.

Shijiu used the power of metal and earth elements to merge the small peak and the round platform into a whole, and then dug several water outlets for the depression according to the little guy's request.

Then the void bottle came to life. He removed the soil from his belly and filled the small basin surrounded by small peaks with soil.

After arranging the fish eyes of the Yin Fish, the Void Bottle went to the eastern land area to fill the land with soil.

The little loli is also stingy. The soil on the backfilled land is only 50,000 feet thick.

The basin has a circumference of more than 900 million miles, and the soil is more than 100,000 feet thick. However, the planned land area of ​​the basin is only half the width of the original basin. Even if part of the soil is taken out to backfill the land, there is still a large amount of soil left.

While the Void Bottle was filling in the land, the little Loli was not idle. She dug some notches on the rock wall between the land and the lake and placed some talismans as channels for the river to flow into the lake in the future.

There was no river channel reserved when the land was backfilled. When there is a river in the future, the river will be drawn by the natural force of the talisman on the rock wall and will naturally go around the predetermined lake entry channel area and then enter the lake.

After that, the little Loli chose a thinner area on the mountain ridge to dig a tunnel in the northwest corner of the lake as the outlet of the lake.

The artificially dug tunnel is equivalent to a flood discharge port. Whenever the lake water level reaches a certain height, the water flows from the tunnel to the plain outside the basin.

The function of the tunnel is to control the water level of the lake and ensure that the lake water level is not higher than the land, so as to prevent the lake water from flowing back into the land and flooding the forest.

Of course, the little loli only talks, and the work is done by the stone mortar and the history book of time.

Shi Jiu cooperated with Shi Shishu to dig the tunnel in just one night. At the same time, he also reinforced the flood discharge tunnel and the mountain with the power of gold.

After finishing their work, Shi Jiu and Shi Shishu took the young contractors to watch the Void Bottle refill the earth.

After the land was fully backfilled, Leyun took out the nine-color sacred lotus dug out from the basin, entered the lotus platform, and then asked Senior Void to take out the clay egg that stored the seeds that he had collected.

The Void Vase spit out a huge mud egg and placed it on the lotus platform of the Divine Lotus.

Time History Book took off a small piece of the top cover of Nidanzi.

The mud ball was filled to the brim with seeds. When the top of the head was cut off a little, the seeds fell out.

The seeds in the mud ball have various shapes, some are round, some are conical, some are triangular, some are like flowers, some are like fruits, some are like beans, some are like stars...

The seeds also come in different sizes, some are as big as baskets, and some are as small as corns.

In order to study the types of seeds, the little Loli threw out a bunch of drying trays, moved some of the seeds in the mud balls and placed them in the drying trays, and then studied them carefully.

After research, it was found that most species have only one seed, only a few tree species have two or more seeds, and the tree with the largest number of seeds has only seven seeds.

There were too few seeds for each type of tree, and it was difficult for Le Yun to collect seeds. She selected the seeds that could be used as the final sacred tree, and then divided the remaining tree species into three parts and gave them to the Three Treasures Gang to sow.

He also took out the seeds from the Seed Mountain Belt in the Immortal Treasure Realm, mixed them with some plant seeds he collected in the God Realm, and divided them into three parts, one for each of the three treasures.

After distributing the seeds, Le Yun once again emphasized the sowing requirements: "Keep the distance between the first seeds between three and five miles. When sowing the second seeds, you can be more casual, and keep the distance about one mile."

"Don't worry, Xiao Xiyue, this is a small matter, we will definitely handle it beautifully." The three treasures were just short of guaranteeing the completion of the task.

The little guy didn't have any more instructions. The three treasures turned into light and flew away. When they arrived on the land, they divided the area and each one was responsible for one.

After dividing the areas, the three treasures moved separately.

Sowing seeds is an easy task. You only need to add a little spiritual power to the seeds so that they can burrow into the soil layer after falling to the ground without being exposed.

Each handful of seeds the ancestors sow can cover a small area of ​​land with a radius of three to four hundred thousand miles, and it takes half a day to sow the seeds in place.

It took the little Loli a long time to produce the seeds chosen as the final sacred tree, and the seeds grew into small saplings about half a foot tall.

The young saplings grew lush and green in a drying tray covered with soil.

After sowing the seeds, the two people came back and saw a plate of saplings that looked like a plate of green vegetables. They found it very interesting.

Shijiu took the little guy into his arms and asked, "Xiao Xiyue, the seeds have been sown, but they won't germinate without water. Is it time to water them next?"

"We don't need to water it. When I plant some trees, God will rain." Le Yun was confident and had no plans to water the land. She has already planted trees, and it would be unreasonable if she was asked to water them.

"Xiao Xiyue, are you sure it will rain?" The humanoid void bottle rubbed the little contractor's head with her hand.

The history book of time still maintains its shape and is the most mysterious.

"Yes! I planted a tree, and it won't make sense if it doesn't rain. If it doesn't rain, I'll cry to God immediately." Le Yun held her little head high, as if it didn't rain and she said don't blame me for acting out.

Xiao Xiyue came up arrogantly, and the stone mortar and void bottle were so rare that her hair almost turned into a chicken coop.

Void Ping was anxious and urged to plant trees quickly.

Leyun didn't hesitate, waved her hand and let's go!

Void Bottle helps carry small plates with seedlings.

Shijiu ran away with the little contractor in his arms, and ran to the place designated by Xiao Xiyue before letting her go to the ground. He also helped dig a hole at the designated place.

The Zhibao Gang dug the pit, Le Yun placed a talisman and seal in the pit, covered it with a stone and filled it with a layer of soil, and then picked a small tree and planted it.

After planting the saplings, water them again to ensure that the saplings will not die from lack of water within three or two days.

Xiao Xiyue planted a tree, Shi Jiu picked up the people and rushed to the next position.

The speed of the humanoid ancestral treasure is unmatched by Lingzhou. With the stone mortar carrying it away, Leyun only spoke and planted trees. It only took half a day and a night to conquer every position in the land area. The sacred tree is planted.

Shijiu, Time History Book, and Void Bottle accompanied the little contractor in a circle on the land area, and finally returned to Yangyuyuyan area.

The fish eye area of ​​the Yang fish is the center of the formation, and there are several formation eyes surrounding the lake-shaped fish eye.

Each formation eye is one of the centers of the formation, and the sacred tree that dominates the formation is also a rare tree species.

Before planting the sacred tree for the first formation eye, Le Yun once again tried to look into the star core space to see if she could move Xiao Huihui, Lingxi Monkey and Egg Baby out so that they could benefit from it.

The attempt failed again, and the consciousness still could not enter the star core space.

Apart from a little regret, Le Yun didn't worry too much. She placed the coniferous trees and round-leaf trees in the open space without seeds and let them grow into towering trees.

Then he placed a jade basin near the tree in the spiritual planting space, took out the baby war beast egg from the tree house, and placed it in the basin to let it bask in the sun.

Then they moved the Han Mei Hairpin, the Seven-Star Plum Blossom Spear, and the Silkworm Ghost out of the spiritual plant space and placed them on the deck of the spiritual boat.

Everything is ready.

Le Yun, who was Dongfeng, walked to the center of the formation, first dug a deep pit, put a grooved stone in it, then placed five jade talismans and seals, and then covered the stone trench with a stone slab.

After hiding the talisman and seal, he filled it with soil, leaving a small depression on the top of the soil, and then took out a three-inch-tall sapling from the natural gourd magic weapon.

If Mr. Xuan Shaoyan from Earth was around, he would be able to recognize the seedling at a glance - it is the plant called honeysuckle on Earth.

As soon as the honeysuckle seedlings appeared, they were like a sun exploding, suddenly glowing with dazzling rays of light.

The immeasurable glow centered on the small seedling and radiated in all directions, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles in the blink of an eye.

The rays of light form a beam of light, the upper end of which reaches the boundary of Shenmu Valley.

Xia Guang was temporarily suppressed by the barrier within the barrier.

At the same time, fairy sounds floated in the air, and countless auspicious beasts, flowers, trees, and auspicious clouds appeared out of thin air, flying in the glow.

Waiting for the time history book, ancient stone mortar and void bottle that the little contractor planted for the formation eye, they were all startled when they saw the small sapling taken out by Xiao Xiyue blooming with immeasurable rays of light.

Xiao Xiyue...she actually has the sacred tree that suppresses the sacred tree in the sacred tree world?

The treasures have realized this, no wonder Xiao Xiyue said it would rain after she planted a tree!

The sacred tree of the Divine Tree Realm is not only the treasure tree of the Divine Tree Realm, but also the treasure tree of the Qingxu Divine Realm. Xiao Xiyue has brought the long-extinct sacred tree to the Divine Tree Realm. Will it still rain?

The enlightened ones are in a happy mood.

"My bet was right again! I'm really an ordinary little genius!" Le Yun, who was holding the seedlings, smiled crookedly with the glow in her eyes.

As she expected, honeysuckle is the soul-soothing treasure of the sacred tree world!

When she speculated that the desert was the Shenmu Valley, Le Yun guessed that the sacred trees in the Shenmu Realm were probably extinct. Otherwise, the Shenmu Valley, the core of the Shenmu Realm, would not be deserted.

The reason why she bet that honeysuckle is the treasure tree of the sacred tree world is naturally because before coming to the other world, only honeysuckle bloomed among her sacred trees. She was told in secret that honeysuckle has a certain connection with the trip to the other world. .

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