magic eye doctor

Chapter 3261 Celestial Phenomena

Facts have proved that honeysuckle is the treasure tree of the sacred tree world, so naturally there is no need to take out the various saplings prepared and test them one by one.

Without further delay, it is only right to let the sacred tree settle down as soon as possible.

Le Yun, who had always been neat and tidy, didn't hesitate any longer. She poured a few shovels of self-prepared nutrient fertilizer soil into the dug hole and planted the seedlings.

The seedling was stained with soil, and immeasurable rays of light bloomed from it again. The radius of the rays of light increased to 900 million miles in an instant.

At the same moment, countless flowers, leaves, auspicious birds and beasts appeared in the glow. Flowers and leaves swirled in the glow, and auspicious birds and beasts danced gracefully in the glow.

The swimming trajectories of flowers, leaves and auspicious animals follow certain rules. From high in the sky to the ground, and then upwards from the ground, they are like dragons and phoenixes circling and flying, or like the waves rising and falling, and the clouds gathering and dispersing.

At the same time, Xiaguang, who was originally suppressed within the barrier of Shenmu Valley, broke through the barrier in an instant and appeared in the sky of Shenmu Realm.

The rays of light do not go straight up to the clouds in the form of pillars of light, but are reflected in the sky of the sacred tree world in the form of clouds.

Beautiful clouds spread in the sky, blooming with bright light, and the entire sacred tree world was bathed in the brilliance of colorful clouds.

It is late autumn in the Divine Tree World, and most of the deciduous plants have lost all their leaves. Only a small half of the leaves of the deciduous plants are still falling off, and the seedlings of annual herbaceous plants are also withered or half withered.

When the clouds that suddenly appeared in the sky burst into light and spread across the earth, the plants exploded green, sprouted and grew leaves at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the glow of the sun, the grass and trees move automatically without wind, waving their branches in the air, and their postures are like dancing beauties, graceful and graceful.

The birds and beasts in the sacred tree world first experienced a moment of deathly silence, and then stretched their throats and screamed into the air. The screams of various beasts were like ocean waves, one after another, spreading in all directions.

The law enforcement officers who supervise the various safe cities in the secret realm were all shocked when a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky of the sacred tree realm, and they unanimously searched for the source of the celestial phenomenon. The law enforcement officers who understood the sky's calculations immediately figured it out.

The stewards of each safety city left their posts quickly and left the safety city to search for the specific location of the celestial phenomenon in the sky.

However, no matter how hard the law enforcement and stewards study, they cannot find the source of the celestial phenomena, nor can they deduce the good or bad luck and causes of the celestial phenomena.

The clouds that suddenly appeared in the sky of the Divine Tree Realm seemed to have been there originally. It was obviously extremely mysterious, but it also seemed ordinary.

The stewards and law enforcers in the sacred tree world quietly sent out messages and contacted the high-level immortals and immortal kings outside the sacred tree world, hoping to spread the news about the heavenly phenomena in the sacred tree world.

However, they found that the summons could not be sent!

Unable to contact people outside the sacred tree realm, the stewards and law enforcement officers were uneasy, fearing that something might happen, and secretly put themselves on alert.

Outside the Divine Tree Realm, the Immortal Lords and Daluo Immortals from various forces in the Qingxu Divine Realm are occupying one side. Because their eyes and spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate the boundaries of the Divine Tree Realm, no one can detect what is happening in the Divine Tree Realm. Variety.

Le Xiaololi, the person involved in causing a wave of calm, had planted the seedlings and was about to cultivate another layer of soil for the seedlings. There was a flash of light in the sky, and the spiritual energy condensed from the heaven and earth poured down like a waterfall.

The spiritual energy flowing slurry waterfall poured from the sky, covering the entire basin.

The Hongmeng energy in the aura fluid was as rich as cotton. Le Yun could only look at the area within a hundred miles, and could not see clearly even further away.

The spiritual energy flow is mixed with the glow, making the light hazy and even more mysterious.

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle do not care about the ordinary vitality of heaven and earth, but in addition to the pure energy of chaos, the spiritual energy slurry also contains the power of creation and various dharma-side forces. They also care about it, and they stand in the air one by one. Absorb spiritual energy ooze.

The spiritual energy flow on the top of the round-leaved coniferous tree was completely intercepted and collected into his own possession.

Being exposed to the rich chaotic spiritual energy makes people feel comfortable all over the body. While running her exercises to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, Le Yun cultivated a layer of soil for the seedlings and took out a jar filled with water to water the seedlings.

While watering the water, he muttered: "Xiaomiao, you will thrive after you settle down here. Don't forget your hometown, and your hometown will not forget you, a child who traveled far away."

The children who come from our place have never been in the habit of being wronged. From now on, no matter whether they are gods or ancestors, if anyone bullies you, just wave your little hands and slap them hard, until they are dead.

Remember, you are not alone. You also have a backing. If you really can't beat you, just cry. If crying doesn't work, don't be afraid. The worst is, we won't stay here. You can seal yourself and find a place to sleep. Wait for me to come see you some time. I knew you were unhappy here, so I took you and your friends home..."

The little guy is talking to the sacred tree seedling about the three treasures: "..."

Xiao Xiyue is still the tiger!

I just don’t know what the Will of the Divine Tree Realm felt after hearing Xiao Xiyue’s words.

However, I guess the will of the Divine Tree Realm will not take it seriously. After all, the will of the First Realm will only discuss things based on rules and regulations and has no emotions.

The treasures were very relieved and did not remind Xiao Xiyue to keep her mouth shut and not to teach bad things to the sacred tree.

The emotionless will of the divine tree world: A tree that has taken root in the divine tree world is a tree in the divine tree world in life and a tree soul in the divine tree world in death. Who else can make him run away? The ancestors of the gods and ancestors of the wood tribe will live in vain. .

Le Yun talked nonsense, watered the soil thoroughly, then made a layer of dry soil to cover the wet soil, and then went to the second formation.

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle also kept up with Xiao Xiyue's pace.

Flying to the second formation position, the little loli dug a hole smoothly, buried the talisman and seal, cultivated the nutritious spiritual soil, and then took out a honeysuckle seedling and planted it.

The second seedling appeared under the light of the Qingxu Divine Realm, and the same vision as when the first seedling appeared was seen. When the seedlings took root, the area covered by the sacred tree's rays of light increased dramatically again, and the radius of the rays of light increased by another 900 million miles.

The clouds in the sky of the Divine Tree Realm also expanded again, and the glow became brighter and more brilliant.

Little Loli had no time to observe the sky, so she planted the second honeysuckle seedling, watered it, and then rushed to the next site to plant trees.

Whenever a new sapling of the sacred tree is added to the basin, the radius of the rays of the sacred tree increases by 900 million miles, the spiritual energy slurry doubles in concentration, and the area of ​​the clouds in the high altitude of the sacred tree realm also doubles in width.

When the fifth honeysuckle seedling took root in the Shenmu Valley, the spiritual energy flow in the basin was so rich that it felt like being among white clouds.

The fifth wave of spiritual energy has just arrived on the front foot, and the rear foot of the spiritual rain has arrived.

Spiritual rain is real rain, and there are large spiritual energy petals and leaves in the rain. The spiritual rain, together with the spiritual energy petals and leaves, falls freely, nourishing the dry land.

The soil and the newly planted sacred trees greedily absorbed the rainwater.

Looking at the drizzle, Void Ping sighed: "Xiao Xiyue's mouth is so clever!" Other people's mouths are deceptive, but Xiao Xiyue's mouth is open.

"Xiao Xiyue has a destiny with the sacred wood world." The history book of time turned a page, changing a few pieces of paper to absorb the spiritual energy flow.

The ancient stone mortar made no sound, but the corner of his mouth raised a small arc. Seeing the little guy pouring water and collecting the water jar, he stepped over, picked up the little guy and ran away.

With the stone mortar flying, Le Yun happily acted like a good baby and waited until she got to the field before working again.

The history book of time remains in the shape of a page, and the void bottle that has transformed into a human form also wants to hug the little contractor, but unfortunately, he is always one step slower than the stone mortar every time.

The void bottle was so angry that he wanted to pull out the stone mortar and break the stone. It was too much!

The stone mortar and the void bottle compete for hand speed, and the history books of time sit on the sidelines and watch, without getting involved or favoring anyone.

The little loli planted trees wholeheartedly, turning around the eyes of the yin-yin fish and planting a total of nine honeysuckle seedlings.

The moment the ninth treasure tree sapling touched the ground, the glow of the sacred tree suddenly bloomed again, and the light instantly covered the entire land of the sacred tree valley.

At that moment, except for the basin where precious trees were planted in the Shenmu Valley, a strong wind arose all over the valley.

The strong wind swept the ground, flying sand and rocks.

The wind blowing from the ground became more and more fierce, turning into huge sand dragons. The strong wind sand dragons flew towards the mountains and slapped the sand dust on the rocks that were being eroded by the wind.

The sand and dust blown by the wind on the mountain are firmly stuck to the rock surface. As the sand and dust continue to flow towards the top of the mountain, the mountain that was once shortened by wind erosion is also getting higher and thicker little by little.

In the basin where trees are planted, the spiritual energy flow is as thick as a milk waterfall. The trees, nourished by the spiritual rain and the vitality of heaven and earth, grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the spiritual rain falls on the ground, it slowly seeps into the depths, and the soil layer slowly becomes moist. The shallowly buried seeds begin to absorb water and spiritual energy, gathering strength for germination.

After planting the ninth precious tree sapling, Le Yun smiled and asked Shi Jiu to take her to the small land in the lake.

Shijiu didn't ask ten reasons, he hugged the little guy and ran away.

The Time History Book and the Void Bottle also followed slowly.

The three treasures in the shape of two people crossed the land in the blink of an eye and arrived at the only small island in the large lake where there was no water yet.

Yinyu's Fish Eye is the only small island in the lake. The peaks surrounding the island are all small hills. The largest small peak covers an area of ​​about fifteen miles, and generally covers an area of ​​about ten miles wide.

The diameter of the island is five hundred miles. Excluding the area occupied by the hills, the basin in the center of the island is still more than four hundred miles wide. There are nine small peaks in the center of the island.

Shijiu sent Xiao Xiyue to the center of the island.

The seeds have not been sown on the island yet, so Le Yun handed over the prepared seeds to the Void Bottle and Stone Mortar to help spread them.

The seeds of the plants planted on the island come from the earth and the three realms of Dongchen and Yunlan. The void bottle is responsible for sowing the seeds of herbal plants, and the stone mortar is responsible for sowing the seeds of trees.

It took only half a cup of tea for the stone mortar and the void bottle to complete their tasks.

Le Yun, with her short legs, ran excitedly to plant trees for each position area.

The main trees at the base come from the earth, including camphor, spruce, cypress, pine, ginkgo, iron tree, birch, olive tree and banyan tree, as well as some spiritual tree species from Dongchen and Yunlan.

After planting the spiritual trees that anchor the formation, go to the formation eyes to plant the realm-suppressing sacred tree. There are also nine formation eyes in the Yinyu fish eye area, and nine honeysuckle seedlings are planted.

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