magic eye doctor

Chapter 3262 Advancement

Le Yun, a little expert in planting, concentrated on planting the world-defining treasure tree in the center of the formation, and at the same time, he did not forget to scatter a few spiritual plant seeds around.

She planted trees with peace of mind, ignoring what was going on outside the window. When the fifteenth sapling of the Yin-Yang tree fell to the ground, the clouds in the sky in the sacred tree world suddenly expanded, covering the entire sky.

At the same time, the Divine Tree Realm could no longer suppress the precious light of the Divine Tree. The colorful glow broke through the barrier of the Divine Tree Realm and appeared in the void of the Qingxu Divine Realm.

The rays of light appeared in the sky and turned into huge clouds of rosy clouds. The colorful clouds of rays of light were located above the sacred tree world, and the shining precious light also directly illuminated the sacred tree world.

The rays of light suddenly appeared, the precious light shone, and such a dazzling celestial phenomenon appeared so brightly in the void on the boundary of the sacred tree world. Not to mention that the eyes were not blind, even if the eyes were blind, the immortals could still perceive it.

The Immortal Lords and Da Luo Immortals who were scattered outside the boundary of the Divine Tree Realm were not blind. Naturally, they discovered the natural phenomenon at the first time and guessed that something big must have happened in the Divine Tree Realm.

People from all parties immediately sent messages to the immortals and sect/family disciples who entered the sacred tree world, but found that they could not contact the immortals or disciples who entered the sacred tree world.

The interruption of the communication is further proof that something has happened in the sacred tree world.

People from all sides stared closely at the barrier of the sacred tree world and the glow in the sky.

Neither the eyes nor the consciousness of the Immortal Lord and Da Luo Immortal could see through the boundary of the Divine Tree Realm. They could not see the situation in the Divine Tree Realm, but they found that the clouds in the sky became more and more colorful and the light became more and more brilliant. .

The glow inside and outside the sacred tree realm changes with the increase in the number of realm-suppressing sacred trees. Every time there is an additional restraining sacred tree in the sacred tree valley, the glow doubles in intensity and the brilliance becomes brighter and brighter.

However, the little planting experts did not pay attention to the changes in the weather after planting the trees, but worked conscientiously to plant trees and sow spiritual planting seeds.

After planting the boundary-suppressing treasure tree in the ninth formation, Le Yun looked up again, glanced at the sky, and her eyes froze.

Not only the sky above the small basin is filled with rays of light, but also the sky in the sacred tree world is filled with rays of rays. Auspicious animals are hovering in the rays of colorful auspicious clouds, and flowers and leaves are flying.

The glow in the small basin shines brightly from the ground directly into the sky. The auspicious animals, flowers and leaves in the colorful light are as beautiful as a dream.

Seeing the rays of light in the Miju Divine Wood Realm, Le Yun belatedly muttered to herself: "The movement seems a bit loud."

The ancient stone mortar, the void bottle and the history book of time smiled. The movement was not only a little loud, it was obviously very big!

But it doesn't matter. With the will of the Divine Tree Realm covering it, the gods outside can't see what's going on here, and it's impossible to find the source of the celestial phenomena.

The tree gods in the Divine Tree Realm are all asleep. Even if they wake up, they know the source of the celestial phenomena and will only find ways to cover it up to prevent the outside world from peeking into the Divine Tree Valley.

What's more, Xiao Xiyue has the pupils of heaven and earth, and the pupils of heaven and earth help her conceal the secrets of heaven. Not to mention the gods, even the ancestors cannot deduce the secrets of heaven and earth, and may suffer backlash.

The treasures are not worried that the celestial phenomena will cause trouble, they are extremely calm.

The strange phenomena in the sky above the Shenmu Realm also alarmed the gods from all sides of the Qingxu God Realm. Each of them either set off to check it out in person or deduced the Heavenly Evolution Number.

However, the God Lord, who was about to leave for the Divine Tree Realm, was inexplicably palpitating. He made some calculations and silently put aside his trip to the Divine Tree Realm.

The god who deduced the Tianyan number calculated for a long time, but all he got was a blank.

The god, who had calculated nothing, also knew that the secret was unpredictable and immediately gave up the deduction.

The gods of all clans in the Qingxu God Realm disappeared, and no god from any clan came outside the Divine Tree Realm to join in the fun.

Le Yun muttered something to herself, without thinking about whether the celestial phenomena would attract the prying eyes of powerful powers. She quickly scattered spiritual plant seeds around, happily ran to Shi Jiu, and sat on his arm.

"Senior, I've decided that it's time for me to reach the level of Mortal Immortal. I'm going to advance to the next level. Please send me to the sky above the lake."

Xiao Xiyue was as happy as a little sparrow, and Taikoo Shijiu asked with a smile: "Aren't you going to advance here?"

"I need a lot of energy from heaven and earth to advance. Practicing here to advance will take away the spiritual energy of the trees. It would be better to move to another place."

"Okay, let's go over the lake."

Shijiu took a step and left.

The Time History Book and the Void Bottle also followed closely behind.

The treasures left the island in a blink of an eye and reached the sky above the lake.

Shijiu put Xiao Xiyue in the air, and he, the History of Time, and the Void of Void retreated a hundred miles away, standing in the air to absorb the precious light and the vitality of heaven and earth with the power of laws.

Leyun put the newly acquired nine-color divine lotus into the air, sat down on the lotus platform, stuffed a lot of ore into her Dantian, and then practiced peacefully.

She is at peace when she doesn't practice. When she uses her skills, she can swallow up all the energy of heaven and earth within a radius of one mile in just a few seconds.

The vitality of heaven and earth further away was attracted and rushed over like crazy.

In just a dozen breaths, a huge vortex of vitality condensed around the little Loli. She was located in the center of the vortex, and her body was like a black hole, swallowing up the incoming vitality of heaven and earth.

The vortex grew bigger and bigger. In less than half a cup of tea, all the energy of heaven and earth within a hundred miles was drained, and the spiritual energy vortex continued to expand outwards.

The three treasures retreated another hundred miles.

However, in less than half a cup of tea, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world was drained again.

Return the three treasures again. And their little contractor turned into a spiritual energy absorber, and the absorption speed only increased. They retreated again and again, all the way back thousands of miles away.

"So fierce?" Void Bottle's face was filled with astonishment.

"Bottle, you forgot that Xiao Xiyue has already created a divine body." The Time History Book hovered in the air, slowly absorbing the power of nature.

"Xiao Xiyue is only at the Great Stage. In theory, even if she builds a divine body, she cannot exert its power. Such an absorption ability is already comparable to that of a god."

"Xiao Xiyue is a natural law body. I helped her seal the divine body. If it were not sealed and she did not practice deliberately, her ability to absorb power would reach this level." Shi Jiu added.

"Oh!" Void Bottle also remembered that. The little guy was born with a body of law. Even if she didn't create a divine body, she could still perform extremely well.

Just as they were talking, they felt that the spiritual energy around them was also being pulled by Xiao Xiyue and became restless, and the three treasures retreated more than 500 miles again.

The three treasures were looked at in the distance. After half a stick of incense, the vortex formed by the vitality of heaven and earth stabilized, and it included all the spiritual energy within a radius of 1,300 miles.

The vitality of heaven and earth within a thousand and thirteen miles of the little loli's beard. If the vitality of heaven and earth gathered in the meridians were condensed, it would be equivalent to a river with a diameter of 100 meters.

Even so, it is still a drop in the bucket for the broad Dantian.

Le Yun, who cultivated wholeheartedly, entered a state of total selflessness.

A few days later, a large amount of heaven and earth energy accumulated in her Dantian. She silently compressed the energy of chaos into liquid.

The spiritual rain in the small basin continued for nine days and nine nights, and started to rain every night from the tenth day.

After several days of rain, the surface layer of soil about ten feet thick was soaked. The seeds absorbed a large amount of water and the vitality of heaven and earth, and gradually sprouted.

The germ of the seed soon burrows out of the soil after breaking out of its shell, and then grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Little Loli who practices day and night, whenever the energy of heaven and earth in her Dantian reaches a certain concentration and is compressed, more and more "water" will accumulate in her Dantian.

A full month later, Dantian finally turned into a sea of ​​Dantian.

Little Loli was not satisfied and continued to compress the vitality of heaven and earth. After another month, the "water" level in her Dantian reached as high as the soles of her little Yuanying body.

After practicing for a few more days, there was no room in the Dantian to accommodate the vitality of heaven and earth. Le Yun ended the practice and asked Shijiu to bring back the fish eye area of ​​Yangyu on land.

Two months later, the three treasures carrying the little contractor returned to the formation area where the little contractor planted the first boundary-suppressing treasure tree.

The first yang and yin tree rooted in the sacred tree world has grown to two and a half feet tall, with several branches growing out.

It is said that when people move to death, dead trees move to life. Honeysuckle on the earth is a shrub of the twining family. When it reaches the sacred tree world, it no longer develops into a twining plant, but develops into a large tree.

The yin and yang trees growing towards the big tree still maintain the pattern of opposite leaves, and the branches maintain the appearance of twining plants, drooping like the branches of a weeping willow.

The other sacred trees formed together with the Formation Eye have grown more than a foot tall, and each tree is slim and lush.

Among the seedlings that grew from the sown seeds, the first ones that broke out of the soil were half a foot tall, and some of them just emerged from the soil with two milky leaves on top.

Le Yun quickly looked at the growth conditions of the surrounding trees and was extremely satisfied. The plants were very smart and were all trying to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

She didn't waste any time and entered the Ruyi Room where the spirit boat was placed at the bow, changed her clothes, moved the spirit boat farther away, flew to the air above the round-leaf tree, and sat down cross-legged in the air to practice.

The little Loli practiced for three days and three nights, and once again absorbed a large amount of heaven and earth energy. When her Dantian was about to burst, she finally officially hit the mortal immortal level.

It is extremely difficult for monks from other clans to climb from the Mahayana to the Mortal Immortal Stage, with a success rate of less than one thousandth. However, little Loli's attempt to reach the Mortal Immortal Stage is almost the same as her daily practice.

To be prepared, she accumulated enough energy, condensed the liquid energy into a stream, and rushed all the way, knocking open every aperture.

In just half a day's effort, the little Loli opened all the blocked orifices. With a huge roar, the last orifice was defeated by Yuanli, and her whole body suddenly became enlightened.

When the last orifice opened, the energy from the outside world rushed into her pores crazily. Her Dantian doubled again, and the liquid energy began to change color.

The hair of the little Yuanying body also slowly changes color, from golden to black.

At the same time, the clouds in the sky of the Qingxu Divine Realm quickly gathered above the rays of light outside the Divine Tree Realm. The clouds piled up into mountains, covering the sky and the sun.

There are only five colors of glow between heaven and earth.


Amidst the thunder, thunder dragons swam in the accumulated clouds, and colorful lights flashed.

"Nine-Colored Thunder Tribulation, a new ancestor was born in the Divine Tree Realm?!"

The Immortal Lord and the Great Luo Immortal who were staring at the Divine Tree Realm in the clouds were astonished when they saw the nine-colored thunder clouds gathering in the sky.

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