magic eye doctor

Chapter 3263: Avenue of Heavenly Thunder

The Immortal Lord of the Qingxu God Realm suspects that there is evidence for a god to be an ancestor in the Divine Wood Realm, and the evidence is the color of Thunder Tribulation.

As we all know, the Daluo Immortal received only three colors of lightning tribulations when he was consecrated, while the Immortal Lord received five colors of lightning tribulations when he attained the divine status, and the nine-color thunder tribulation was only available to the ancestors who ascended to the throne of gods.

The clouds gathering above the Shenmu Realm are nine colors, doesn't it prove that there is an additional ancestor in the Shenmu Realm!

The Immortal Lords and Daluo Immortals of all races were astonished and became more concerned. They kept an eye on the boundary of the Divine Tree Realm, waiting to see which race's deity would be the ancestor.

The calamity clouds in the sky are still increasing. Each calamity cloud has its own color, whether it is gold, silver, blue, purple, red, earthy yellow, green, black, or crystal-like. The colorful clouds are surrounded by In the huge chaotic cloud.

There was lightning and thunder in the colorful clouds, and the sound was deafening.

The rumbling thunder lasted for nine times. The sky thunder gathered enough power from the calamity cloud and turned into a long colorful dragon, passing through the glittering clouds and entering the barrier of the sacred tree world.

The colorful thunder dragon that emerged from the calamity cloud has a thick body, with a waist diameter of about a thousand feet, and the diameter of each claw toe is more than ten feet. The dragon horns on its head are like two huge coral trees.

When the giant thunder dragon passed through the barrier of the Shenmu Realm, its body shrank in size, with a waist diameter of about a hundred feet. When it passed through the barrier of the Shenmu Valley, its body size was only about ten feet.

The descending Brontosaurus continued to shrink in size, and when it reached the sky over the small basin, it turned into a small Brontosaurus that was only as thick as a human arm.

The Thunder Dragon shrunk its body and concentrated its power to the extreme.

The ancient stone mortar, the book of history and the void bottle saw the thunder coming from the sky, and they retreated without saying a word. As soon as they retreated, they retreated thousands of miles away.

"Thunder disaster comes so quickly!"

"There are already more than 70,000 thunderclouds, and there are still more clouds gathering. Looking at this posture, is it necessary to match it perfectly?"

"One Hundred Thousand Calamity Clouds are at the level of the Ancestor, and the one above is a bit ruthless!"

"Such a severe lightning disaster is not afraid of breaking people."

After exiting the coverage area of ​​​​Thunder Tribulation, the three partners stood in the air and looked into the sky of Qingxu God Realm, while vomiting.

"Xiao Xiyue's body is very strong. It is impossible to be broken. However, it is hard to say whether it will annoy Xiao Xiyue."

"I'm really looking forward to Xiao Xiyue's reaction when he gets angry. Shitou, do you think the little guy will uproot the tree when he gets angry?"

Shi Jiu smiled: "It's possible! Xiao Xiyue's temper makes her unhappy. Maybe she will pull up a few trees in a fit of anger."

Void Vase was originally joking, but after hearing Shi Jiu's words, he couldn't help but be shocked: "No way?!"

"What can't you do? Who hasn't had a little temper?" Time History Book seconded: "It rained in time after Xiao Xiyue planted the tree. If she is asked to water the entire land, Xiao Xiyue will definitely not water the lake again. If you plant trees on the small islands in the middle, you might even be able to pull out the dominant trees directly.”

"Don't mess with me!" Void Ping laughed evilly: "Xiao Xiyue's Thunder Tribulation of Proving the Way has become the Thunder Tribulation of the Ancestor. If she is annoyed by the lightning, the other formations that have not suppressed the Baoshu Formation will Eyes may be shelved as a result.”

"..." The Ancient Shijiu of the History of Time did not express an opinion. Xiao Xiyue still had a few formations left without planting the Realm-Suppressing Sacred Tree, and the Heavenly Dao of the Qingxu Divine Realm was not asleep, so it would definitely not be possible to actually hack people out.

The three treasures were chatting. When they arrived in the glow above the small basin of Shenmu Valley, they circled in a circle. Countless sparks exploded, creating a wave of momentum. Then they turned around and faced the human race in the vitality of heaven and earth. Hack away.

The thunder dragon passed through the vitality of heaven and earth as thick as cotton balls, and hit the human race's head with a "snap" sound.

Thunder struck from the sky, and the mighty river-like law power and current poured into her scalp. Le Yun was so shocked that she shivered and almost screamed.

The current was so strong that her brain almost short-circuited!

The little Loli, whose brain was numbed by electricity, quickly channeled the power pouring from the top of her head into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The area of ​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness has expanded, and there are certain flaws. Only by tempering the power of the sky thunder can it resist the attacks of various laws of power.

The power of the sky thunder that condensed the power of the law was introduced into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and part of it fell into the soul source power. It exploded and the soul source power surged up. The soul source power hit the boundary wall. Le Yun's head was dizzy with pain, and her ears were filled with blood. buzzing.

Only those who have experienced it personally will understand the taste!

Le Yun endured the pain of the exploding pain in her head, and used the technique of forging divine consciousness, guiding the sky thunder to turn into a giant net, covering the boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness, and forging the boundary of the sea bit by bit.

The first thunder struck the target, the second and the third...the thunder struck one after another, so fast and fierce that it seemed that the thunder dragon stopped directly on the person's head.

One end of the Brontosaurus lies on the top of the human head, and the other end is connected to the sky, becoming a bridge connecting the sky and the earth.

The Void Bottle, who was watching from thousands of miles away, saw the little guy easily catching the sky thunder, and was shocked: "Xiao Xi Yue Xing, he actually cut off all the sky thunder, without leaking even a trace of the power of the law."

A trace of distress appeared on Shijiu's face: "The little guy's hair is blown out."

"Fortunately, I have a divine body and my hair will not fall out." The history book also felt a little distressed. One of the little guy's hairs is a meritorious force. If even half of it falls, it is a huge loss.

The Void Bottle, who has always been ambitious, hurriedly watched carefully. The little guy's hair was messed up after being hit by several thunderbolts. The hair was straight and hard, as if someone had peeled off a piece of earth covered with burrs and draped it over it. on the little guy's back.

It looked a bit funny.

Void Bottle closed his mouth.

Le Yun no longer had time to care about whether her hair was burned. She concentrated on guiding Tian Lei to refine the sea of ​​consciousness.

The thunders that fall from the sky are actually regular. On average, there is one thunder every five seconds. Eighty-one thunders are one small round, and nine small rounds are one round. The power of laws contained in each round of thunder also has certain rules. The first small round of thunder is mainly based on earth laws, supplemented by the power of other laws, and so on.

After every nine small rounds of sky thunder, there is a round of chaos sky thunder.

After each round of Chaos Heavenly Thunder, the power of the Heavenly Thunder that comes again is doubled.

Each wave of thunder is heavier than the next. Only by going all out can Le Yun control all the power of the thunder leading out of the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly tempering the boundaries of the sea of ​​consciousness, and becoming stronger and tougher little by little.

The boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness has become stronger, and the area of ​​the sea of ​​consciousness has been expanded, and the boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness has been refined.

The little Lolita was busy studying the sea of ​​knowledge, and she didn't hear what was going on outside her body.

On the third day of her thunder tribulation, a wave of chaotic sky thunder was completed, and a new round of law sky thunder appeared. The sky thunder split into two in mid-air, one hit the silkworm ghost, and the other hit the egg.

Silkworm Ghost, who was innocently lying at gunpoint, was struck by lightning from the sky and froze immediately.

It was beaten to death, but not dead.

The silkworm ghost with its stiff body is still absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

Dan Dan, who was also lying innocently, was hit by a thunderbolt and nothing happened. However, the thunderbolt also targeted him, the second and the third...

Thunder struck the egg one after another. The egg was intact, but the basin was shattered into pieces.

The egg rolled on the ground full of debris, turning over on its belly to bask in the sun and rays, absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

Thunder struck down round after round, exploding on the eggshell, crackling, sparks and lightning. Sometimes the egg was struck so hard that it rolled, and sometimes it was so electric that it bounced.

No matter how hard you try, the eggshell remains as strong as ever.

The Void Bottle watched for three days, jumping up and down in a hurry, cracking the egg like a thunderbolt. If it hurt the little life in the egg, Xiao Xiyue would be so sad!

Xiao Xiyue did not let any of them protect the Beast Egg Gang from blocking the thunder. They themselves could not block the thunder. If they violated the rules and interfered with the thunder, Xiao Xiyue would have to bear all the consequences.

No matter how anxious Xukong Ping was, he could only stare blankly, hoping that Qingxu's Heavenly Dao would speak some truth and not bully Beast Dan too harshly.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao of the Qingxu God Realm still had some conscience. He continued to split the beast's egg for nine days and nine nights and then stopped. The egg was also safe and sound, except for some purple patterns on the eggshell.

Outside the realm of the sacred tree, the immortal kings of all races silently counted the days with their hands together. Historically, there have been eighty-one days of thunder tribulations, and every nine days is one round. One round has passed, and there are still eight rounds left.

In the Shenmu Valley, the ancient stone mortar, the history book of time and the void bottle absorb the power of the law while recording time for the little contractor.

The divine thunder struck one after another, as densely as raindrops, with loud roars and crackling sounds.

The little lolita with the thunder dragon on her head is guiding the power of the thunder to forge her sea of ​​consciousness day after day. She is constantly expanding her territory and increasing the area of ​​her sea of ​​consciousness.

She was stunned to withstand the pressure and once again expanded the sea of ​​​​consciousness to twice its area.

After the sea of ​​consciousness expanded twice, it also reached its limit.

Le Yun also knew how to stop when it was appropriate. She compressed a large amount of the power of the sky thunder and placed it in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then introduced the power of the sky thunder into the Dantian.

As soon as the power of the sky thunder entered the Dantian, half of it was absorbed by the star core.

Looking at the thunder dragon that was sucked away by the light ball, Le Yun was stunned. She had worked hard for a long time, but was cut off by the star core?

Star Core is grabbing resources, so I’m asking you what to do!

What else can I do? Just accept my fate. The star core is hers and the wealth will not go to other people.

Besides, Xinghe still has a conscience. He only absorbed half of the power of the sky thunder and left half of it for her. She should be content!

Le Yun coaxed herself, magnanimously not arguing with Xinghe, and directed the remaining power of the sky thunder to the boundary wall of the Dantian.

She was immersed in the joy of forging her Dantian and couldn't help herself, and she had no time to pay attention to the time.

Time passes day by day, and the peaks of the Shenmu Valley are getting higher and higher day by day. The plant seeds sown in the small basin's land area have all sprouted, and the plants are growing vigorously. The fastest growing tree has exceeded two feet.

On the fifty-fifth day when the thunder came, the nine-color thunder clouds in the sky of Qingxu God Realm blazed brightly, and then the thunder dragon that originally crossed between Qingxu God Realm and Shenmu Realm turned into nine-color divine thunder. .

The colors of the nine-color divine thunder are extremely regular. The nine colors are arranged in a circle in a concentric circle. The colors complement each other and are dazzling.

As soon as the nine-color divine thunder appeared, there was a moment of silence between heaven and earth.

The immortal kings of all races who were guarding the sky above the barrier of the sacred tree were so frightened by the sudden appearance of the nine-color divine thunder that they retreated tens of thousands of miles without any explanation.

Arriving at the area where the Nine-Colored Divine Thunder's lightning could not reach, the immortal kings of all races looked at the thunder that penetrated the barrier of the Divine Tree Realm from a distance, still feeling lingering fear in their hearts.


The thunder tribulation of a certain creature in the sacred tree world turned out to be a great thunder!

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