magic eye doctor

Chapter 3264 Compensation

The Great Dao Heavenly Thunder, which makes even the immortal kings change their expressions upon hearing it, is also called the Nine-Colored Divine Thunder.

The Nine Colors Divine Thunder and the Nine Colors Thunder Tribulation are not the same concept. The Nine Colors of the Nine Colors Thunder Tribulation refers to the nine colors of the calamity clouds, while the Nine Colors Divine Thunder refers to the nine colors of thunder.

It is said that each of the nine-color divine thunder has thousands of laws, and at the same time encompasses all phenomena in the world. In terms of power, one nine-color divine thunder can kill an ancestor at his peak.

It is said that each of the nine-color divine thunder actually has 3,600 thunders. The second thunder is nine times more powerful than the first thunder, and each subsequent thunder is twice as powerful as the previous thunder.

All the creatures who have been enlightened by the nine-color divine thunder in the thunder tribulation of enlightenment are all amazing people.

The nine-color divine thunder is a kind of glory, but it also represents death. Those who have the ancestral thunder calamity with the nine-color divine thunder will die in their lifetime.

Just after six rounds of the ancestral thunder tribulation of a certain creature in the Divine Tree Realm, the nine-color divine thunder appeared in the seventh round. It is conceivable that that person must be a unique genius.

I just don’t know if this unique talent can withstand the Nine Color Divine Thunder.

The immortal kings of all races are waiting for the results.

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time and the void bottle also discovered the change of color of the divine thunder, and they all looked shocked.

Xiao Xiyue is just a mortal immortal, but the person in charge of the Qingxu God Realm actually rained down the nine-color divine thunder. This is not very kind!

Even if Xiao Xiyue has a perfect divine body, she won't be such a bully, right?

My little contractor planted a world-suppressing treasure tree for the Qingxu God Realm. The one above did not give any benefits, but also rained down the heaviest divine thunder, which made the three treasures feel unhappy.

Le Yun was busy sorting out the power of laws collected from the thunder in her dantian, and did not care about the outside world. When a new round of thunder fell, she felt something strange, so she looked up in her busy schedule.

When he raised his head, the brilliance of the nine-color concentric circular light pillars in the sky was more dazzling than the light of the sun and the moon, and it hit his head with the force of thunder.

To be honest, if she didn't understand herself well, Le Yun would have suspected that she had done something that caused the wrath of God and angered God, thereby incurring divine punishment.

The nine-color divine thunder was approaching fiercely, and Le Yun dared to take it lightly. She immediately closed her eyes and was ready to welcome it.

The light of the nine-color divine thunder was extremely bright, and the vitality of heaven and earth blocking it was evaporated by the high temperature, causing a vacuum to appear around the thunder pillar.

The thunder pillar drove straight in from the vitality of heaven and earth as thick as white cotton. It was still several feet away from the top of the human race's head. The robe that the human race wore that had not been burned by thunder after hundreds of battles turned into white smoke.

The robe disappeared into smoke, leaving no clothes to cover the body. As soon as the skin felt the scorching heat of the thunder, the nine-color divine thunder had already struck his head with a bang.

That lightning strike almost shattered her skull.

If she were still mortal, she would have been sent away long ago.

The pain, as if the head had been split open by a blunt ax, spread to all the limbs. For a moment, Le Yun's consciousness froze in pain, and her consciousness was in a trance.

The next moment, a great power surged into the sea of ​​consciousness, almost destroying her sea of ​​consciousness.

Le Yun, whose consciousness was in a daze from the pain, was so frightened that she woke up on the spot. She concentrated on stabilizing the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then concentrated the power that was constantly rushing into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The power of the previous Zhengdao Divine Thunder was a mixture of pure thunder and lightning power and the power of various laws. However, the Nine-Color Divine Thunder only has 1% of the power of thunder and lightning, and the other 99% is the power of laws.

Each thunder of the nine-color divine thunder is a summary of thousands of laws, as well as all phenomena in the world.

The Nine-Colored Divine Thunder proves not only the body and cultivation of the enlightened person, but also focuses on verifying the willpower of the enlightened person. In other words, in easy-to-understand terms, the Nine-Colored Divine Thunder is actually a test of inner demons!

There are all phenomena in the world in the divine thunder, and the purpose is to confuse people's will.

All phenomena in the world are integrated with thousands of laws. The enlightened person cannot avoid all phenomena in the world when comprehending and utilizing the power of laws, let alone isolate or shield it.

Therefore, those who have attained enlightenment can easily be confused by all phenomena in the world, or be led astray, and thus become possessed by demons.

Once a person who has attained enlightenment is trapped by inner demons, he cannot see through them and cannot get out. In the end, the only way out is death.

During daily practice, it is possible to accidentally fall into the devil's path, but there are no exceptions during the Thunder Tribulation of the Gods and the Ancestors. Either the tribulation is successful or they perish.

Le Yun had shared feelings with Seed, and had also devoured the sea of ​​memory of the star core of a thousand worlds, and witnessed the birth and death of a planet and all things. The world she had seen was richer than the world in Divine Thunder.

When all the phenomena in the world and the power of thousands of laws in the nine-color divine thunder poured into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, they were presented as colorfully as a play on the stage, and there was no disturbance in Le Yun's consciousness and heart.

All phenomena in the world emerge one after another, moving back and forth like a revolving lantern.

Le Yun let it play a one-man show without any hesitation. She was busy refining the boundaries of the sea of ​​consciousness, gathering and compressing the power of law. When the power of law was gathered to a certain amount, she opened up the sea of ​​consciousness again.

The so-called limit refers to the limit of a certain stage.

The law of the nine-color divine thunder is so powerful that it has successfully doubled the size of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Once again, the sea of ​​​​consciousness was expanded in a circle, and the originally abundant soul source power became thinner. Le Yun no longer insisted on expanding the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and focused on tempering the boundary wall.

Eleven days had passed when she refined the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness and made it unbreakable.

At that time, Nine Color Divine Thunder also entered the second round.

The second round of nine-color divine thunder was more fierce than the first round. When the divine thunder poured into the sea of ​​consciousness in waves, Le Yun also felt struggling.

She was not as stubborn as a duck, and spent five days collecting a large amount of law power. She had no time to summarize the law power, so she quickly diverted the nine-color divine thunder, attracting half of it into the Dantian through the meridians, and the other half to the right hand. Star core imprint. The star core mark accepted the power that came to the door, and the star core light group in the dantian did not snatch the power of the divine thunder that entered the dantian.

With the Xinghe Gang sharing the power of the divine thunder, Le Yun easily penetrated the power of the divine thunder into the Dantian boundary and collected the power of law.

In the busy schedule, I try to contact the star core space from time to time. The nine-color divine thunder has gathered thousands of laws. If the egg baby is struck by the nine-color divine thunder, it will not harm the development of the egg baby.

Unfortunately, her consciousness has never been able to enter the star core space.

The star core space was closed and the egg baby could not be moved out. Le Yun regretted it and worked hard to cultivate the Dantian and expand the area, and expanded the Dantian twice in one go.

When her Dantian expanded its territory for the third time, the Thunder Tribulation also entered its eighty-first day.

Outside the sacred tree world, the immortal kings of all races thought that it was impossible for a certain creature to be able to withstand the nine-color divine thunder. However, day after day passed, and the nine-color divine thunder did not stop.

The divine thunder continued, indicating that the creature who had attained enlightenment was not dead.

When the time entered the eighty-first day, the eyes and gods of the immortal kings of all races were all focused on the barrier and divine thunder of the sacred tree world, so as not to miss some celestial phenomena.

Waiting and waiting, from morning to noon, from noon to evening, the divine thunder is still striking vigorously, without any sign of stopping.

The immortals thought they had remembered it wrong, and silently looked back in time to find the moment when the thunder disaster began to appear.

Looking back carefully, the Nine-Colored Thunder Tribulation appeared at noon eighty-one days ago, and the time when the Thunder Tribulation was officially launched was around the beginning of the period.

According to time calculation, the time limit of ninety-nine and eighty-one days has been completed, and the nine-color divine thunder has also struck for twenty-seven days.

But the thunder tribulation is not over yet?

The immortal kings of all races are full of doubts.

They were puzzled. The ancient stone mortar, void bottle and time history book were numb when they realized that the divine thunder still showed no sign of closing the thunder.

Void Bottle said with a dark face: "It's like trying to make up for one hundred and eight days."

Shijiu's face was also cold: "If it were me, I would definitely pull out the tree."

Shi Shushu was silent: "There is a point. This kind of divine thunder is beneficial to Xiao Xiyue. It doesn't hurt to add another twenty days of thunder disaster."

"It's advantageous, but Xiao Xiyue's hair is almost burnt." Shi Jiu saw that his little contractor's hair was as dry as grass due to lightning, and the old father's heart almost broke.

"There is a giant jade vein under a mountain range in this small space. There is still some jade liquid in the center of the jade vein. Otherwise, we can go get it and give it to Xiao Xiyue. It should restore the luster to her hair."

"Where?" Void Bottle and Stone Mortar said in unison.

"About three trillion miles to the east." The time history book reported the distance. When he went for a walk, he found that the good things were not moved, because he was worried that moving them would cause trouble to Xiao Xiyue.

Now, Xiao Xiyue planted a sacred tree to suppress the sacred tree for the sacred tree world, and it was struck by such a heavy lightning. It is not too much for them to find some good things for the little guy.

"The distance is not that far, let's go!" Shijiu made a quick decision and decided to help the little guy find treasures of heaven and earth.

"Let's go!" Time History Book said and left.

The ancient stone mortar and void bottle followed closely.

Half an hour later, the three treasures arrived at their destination.

There are tornadoes everywhere in the sacred tree world, and the wind picks up sand and dust and throws it to the mountain peaks.

The power of heaven and earth is restoring the mountains. The History of Time, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Bottle avoided the tornado, and then used the teleportation technique to move deep underground into the giant mountains.

The jade vein is hidden very deep, located at the junction of the planet's crust layer and mantle layer. The middle section of the jade vein intersects with a divine crystal vein, which meets the conditions for condensing jade liquid.

The grade of the jade mine has reached the divine level.

Jade veins have been mined, and in some caves, there are hundreds of large and small pits on the floor of the cave at the intersection of the two veins, with a pool of liquid accumulated in the pits.

The three treasures that arrived at their destination scraped away all the jade liquid in the big pits and small pits, and then started to mine the veins to mine jade and divine crystals.

God-grade jade is also a good thing. It can be used to refine magic weapons, elixir bottles, and engrave talismans; divine crystals are the currency of the fairy world and the divine world.

The Heavenly Dao of the Qingxu God Realm did not compensate Xiao Xiyue. The Treasures felt that Xiao Xiyue had suffered a loss, so they decisively searched for jade materials and divine crystals.

The ancestors were worried about the little contractor, so they only dug the mine for half a month, and then rushed back to the depression in a hurry.

They returned to the original place, but the thunder tribulation of the little contractor was not over yet, and the celestial phenomenon of the treasure tree that held the world had not disappeared. The only thing that had changed was that the skin of their cute little contractor was blackened.

The Time History Book, the Ancient Stone Mortar and the Void Vase are still waiting more than ten thousand miles away, counting with their fingers how many days there are until one hundred and eight days.

Happy Lantern Festival, dear friends!

A certain person didn’t have a full meal today. Have you guys eaten?

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