magic eye doctor

Chapter 3265 God patrols the sky

The countdown to Thunder Tribulation has begun.

The treasures are counting the time silently, and the immortal kings outside the sacred tree world are also counting the time silently.

The person involved, Le Xiaololi, was busy storing the power of law in her Dantian.

The nine-color divine thunder has full power, which is a good opportunity to open up the sea of ​​consciousness and Dantian. She opened up Dantian for the fourth time during the time when the ancestors went to mine.

The opportunity was too late to miss, so Le Yun not only tried her best to widen her Dantian, but also forged the border of her Dantian thousands of times, and then used the power of divine thunder to forge her soul body.

The monks condensed into Yuanying at the level of Yuanying. Before they were mortal immortals, they were called Yuanying. After being promoted to mortal immortals, Yuanying was also upgraded and was called Yuanshen.

The monk's soul is equivalent to the monk's other life.

After forging the soul body tens of thousands of times, Le Yun guessed that the thunder tribulation was almost over, and raced against time to collect "water" for Dantian.

She first accumulated a large amount of law power and allowed it to exist in the form of light. Then whenever she accumulated a certain amount of sky thunder power, she would extract the pure thunder and lightning power separately, and then refine the law power into liquid chaos power.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the God Realm is dominated by the energy of chaos, mixed with a small amount of ordinary spiritual energy. Compressing the vitality of heaven and earth into a liquid state is the pure power of chaos. The color is moonlight and the light is pure and transparent.

There are many types of law power in the power of heavenly thunder. The color of the compressed liquid chaos power is lighter than gray and thicker than white. It has a glutinous and rich feeling like rice.

The two forces of chaos do not blend together, so they each occupy half of the Dantian area. The scene is like the intersection of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean on Earth, with clear lines.

The little Loli turns a deaf ear to what is going on outside the window and concentrates on refining the power of law in the divine thunder to reserve resources for herself.

Time passed unknowingly, and in the blink of an eye, thunder struck for one hundred and eight days.

When the time reached one hundred and eight days, the nine-color divine thunder that had violently struck the human race for more than a hundred days turned into light and dispersed, and the nine-color thunder clouds in the sky also quickly changed color.

The nine-colored calamity cloud that filled the sky above the sacred tree world turned into a colorful cloud in just a few breaths, and the sun once again shone on the earth.

The clouds transformed by the thunder calamity and the clouds exuding precious light complement each other, creating a peaceful scene in the sky.

"Overcame the tribulation successfully?!" The immortal kings of all races outside the sacred tree world were shocked beyond measure when they saw the beautiful clouds appearing in the sky.

The newly promoted ancestor in the sacred tree world, the ancestral thunder tribulation lasted twenty-seven days longer than other ancestors, and the thunder in the last fifty-four days was the thunder of the great road.

The living beings who have attained enlightenment are destined to die when encountering the nine-color divine thunder, but the new ancestor of the sacred tree world was struck by the nine-color divine thunder for fifty-four days and did not die? !

What a miraculous miracle this is!

Immediately after being frightened, the Immortal Lords sent a message to their Immortal Sect or Immortal Clan. Those Immortal Lords who had gods in their Immortal Sects or families reported directly to the Gods.

The gods from all sides of the Qingxu God Realm received the news, and released their spiritual consciousness to look in the direction of the Divine Wood Realm, waiting for the gods to patrol the sky after the thunder tribulation.

The phenomenon of divine patrolling in the sky is a kind of vision from the sky that occurs only after the creatures of the new ancestors have passed through the thunder tribulation. At that time, the souls of the new ancestors will travel through all the realms of the gods.

The celestial phenomena of divine patrols in the sky have always been colorful. There are scenes where only the soul of the ancestors parades alone, and there are also phenomena where the souls of the ancestors travel with other visions.

When the prehistoric power pouring into the meridians from the top of her head stopped, Le Yun also knew that the thunder tribulation was over, and she was quite shocked. Alas, she hadn't filled up her Dantian yet!

Without power as a source, she didn't hesitate. She compressed a portion of the law power she had accumulated into a liquid and threw it into her dantian before checking herself again.

It's okay not to look at it, but when you look at it, you can see that you are naked, your skin has been smoked black by thunder, and due to being exposed to high temperatures for a long time, all the water in your body has evaporated, and your whole person has become a stick. Sun-baked baby cabbage.

His hair was turned into steel needles by electricity, like a huge hedgehog lying on his back.

The beautiful girl who used to be watery and graceful has turned into a stick of human flesh with a steel needle on her head and a body like a weed. Let me ask you how you feel!

Don't ask Leyun how she felt. She didn't care about her image at all. She immediately found a robe and put it on to cover herself to prevent the spring breeze from leaking out.

Even if the person is blackened and not much to look at, human shame does not allow her to be negligent in the slightest.

After getting dressed, Le Yun took out her nine-color divine lotus and put it in the air. She sat on the lotus platform and closed her eyes to practice, regardless of whether there were any visions of the great path after her advancement.

The vision came quickly.

In the full view of the gods and immortal kings of the Qingxu Divine Realm, the auspicious clouds transformed by the calamity clouds bloomed with a brilliant nine-color glow.

The glow spread out and covered the entire sacred tree world.

The rays of light also illuminated half of the sky in the Qingxu God Realm.

In the brilliant rays of light, nine-color rainbows rush from all directions in the Qingxu God Realm towards the auspicious clouds blooming with thousands of rays of rays of light.

The nine-color rainbow reached the bottom of the glow group in an instant and plunged into the barrier of the sacred tree realm.

After the rainbows converged, they formed a huge circular pattern. The next moment, the center of the auspicious cloud group opposite the center of the rainbow bloomed with brilliance again.

After a while, the cloud in the center of the auspicious cloud group became transparent, and a hundred stars appeared there.

Among the one hundred and eight stars, there is one sun star and one moon star, and the remaining one hundred and six stars are small stars, each of which shines brightly.

The gods from all over the Qingxu God Realm counted the number of rainbows and stars at a glance, and all fell into deathly silence. There are a total of 108 nine-color rainbows and 108 stars in the sky!

Such a vision has never happened before!

In the past, the deity of the Qingxu God Realm, who was the most sensational in the vision of heaven and earth, had only 5,400 seven-color rainbows in the sky and thirty-six stars shining in the world.

The color difference between the seven-color rainbow and the nine-color rainbow is only two colors, but there is a world of difference.

Nine is the ultimate number, the number of the sun.

The nine-color rainbow is the best configuration of colors.

The rainbow is the power of heaven and earth. After the immortals consecrate the saints and consecrate the gods, there will be rainbows in the sky. It is the blessing of heaven and earth to him.

The nine-color rainbow only exists in legends. At least in the history of the Qingxu God Realm, there is no record of the beings who were granted the title of gods and ancestors.

Now, the legendary celestial phenomenon has appeared alive!

There are not only nine-color rainbows in the sky above the Divine Tree Realm, but more than 10,08 rainbows, and there are also 108 world-dazzling stars!

What an honor it is for the one who was the ancestor of the Divine Tree Realm to have such a great vision!

It is undeniable that the gods of Qingshen Realm are sour.

The immortals outside the sacred tree world are still counting how many rainbows there are, but within the sacred tree world, countless creatures look at the nine-color rainbow that stretches vertically across the sky, and are either surprised or shocked.

The same thought echoed in the hearts of countless creatures - it turns out that there really is a nine-color rainbow in the world!

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle looked at the nine-color rainbow pouring down from the void, and then gathered on the head of the little contractor, showing a happy smile like an old mother.

Oops, the one from the Qingxu God Realm was kind enough to give the little guy a decent compensation, so they won't complain about the little guy in the future.

This wave is not a loss!

Sanzu Bao looked at the little contractor from a distance and showed a bright smile.

The original intention of sinking into the music of cultivation is to understand the laws of the great road through the power of the laws in the sea of ​​existence. When I concentrate on comprehending the laws, there is a kind of cool water-like power flowing from the head through the whole body.

That kind of power flowed throughout her body, making her feel like spring breeze and rain.

All the cells in the body were like the grass and trees that had been dry for a long time and received the rain, and they immediately came back to life.

Le Yun, who was originally comprehending the rules, turned to absorb new power.

Outside the Divine Tree Realm, the Immortal Lords of all races also counted the number of rainbows. Each of them no longer knew what to say. Only silence could represent their complicated emotions.

Just when they were silent, the sound of beasts came from the bright auspicious clouds.

The immortals looked at the auspicious clouds covering the sky, and then a heavenly path paved with colorful clouds appeared in the eastern sky, which connected with the auspicious clouds.

Following a few clear bird calls, nine colorful Luan birds spread their wings and flew out from the auspicious clouds, slowly moving toward the east above the avenue paved with colorful clouds.

Every time the Luan bird flaps its wings, colorful flowers, fruits and beautiful plant branches and leaves float in the sky.

Later, a group of winged Pegasus walked out of the auspicious clouds with elegant steps. There were 81 Pegasus in total, every nine in a row.

A group of Pegasus horses pulled a cart, which was decorated with blooming flowers. The flowers were in full bloom and the fragrance of the flowers was overflowing.

Sitting in the car surrounded by flowers was a man wearing a purple robe. The man had thick hair, unbroken black hair spread behind his head, and a sea of ​​broken flowers that reached his eyebrows. He had an elegant face and a delicate figure. Petite.

There are several human-like and animal-like creatures standing on the left and right sides of the float. Each creature is holding an exquisite plate, teacups and wine utensils, fairy fruits and flowers, holding a piano and books, and some other strange things. items.

Behind the car, on the left hand side, stands a creature that looks like a human and an animal, holding a gorgeous canopy. Behind it, there is a creature holding a sun and moon fan.

Behind the fan creature, there are two rows of creatures, some holding lamps, whisks and other objects, or holding sticks, treasure banners and other objects. Behind them, there are also those who play the sheng, flute, Xiao, pipa or harp, etc. Creatures, you can tell they are honor guards just by looking at them.

Floats appeared and music curled up.

The float pulled by the Pegasus walked leisurely on the Caiyun Avenue.

The nine-colored Luan bird clears the way in front of the car, and the beautiful Pegasus pulls the float. The honor guard team at the rear follows closely behind. A team is bathed in the rain of flower petals and flying in the fairy music.

"God patrols the sky!"

The immortals looked at the magical scene and opened their eyes wide, trying to see whether the humanoid creatures in the float and the creatures beside the float were humans or animals.

The gods and deities of Qingxu who were waiting for the appearance of Shen Xun Tian Xiang fell into confused silence again when they saw the Shen Xun Tian Xiang as expected.

Not to mention that the Immortal Lord couldn't see clearly which race of humanoid creature in the float was, even he couldn't see clearly the face of the person, only a ball of brilliant golden light could be seen.

That layer of golden light cast a veil over the humanoid creature. Only its rough outline could be seen, and it could be vaguely distinguished that it was a woman. She was petite and looked like a child.

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