magic eye doctor

Chapter 3267 The time has come

After looking inside her Dantian, Le Yun felt so successful that she was so happy that she almost flew away.

The way of heaven in the divine world is indeed the way of heaven, and it has a pattern!

She planted the world-suppressing sacred tree in Yunlan, but Yunlan was so stingy that he didn't pay her directly and threatened her with the two small oil bottles she carried.

Take a look at the great atmosphere of Tiandao in the Qingxu God Realm. Not only did they give away experience packs of the power of laws, they also gave away the power of one hundred and eight stars, plus a wave of vitality slurry.

The rewards were so rich that Le Yun was a little cautious when getting them.

The way of heaven in the divine world is so grand, and she is not a stingy person. She will never have the thought of pulling up a tree in the future.

Le Yun, who was in a happy mood, withdrew her inner vision, jumped up, happily put away the nine-color sacred lotus, and ran to see the baby war beast egg and the silkworm ghost.

Silkworm Ghost was struck by lightning and was a blessing in disguise, and was promoted to the rank of Immortal Silkworm.

A ghost silkworm suddenly transformed into a fairy silkworm. Such an encounter is rare in the world.

The fairy silkworm has not yet woken up after being promoted. It is half asleep and half practicing. Its body is still growing. It has grown to about five feet long. Its whole body is like white jade, and a few spots on its body have been retained.

The baby war beast egg absorbed the power of the divine thunder and became more energetic, but it still showed no signs of breaking out of its shell.

The plum blossom spear and the cold plum hairpin also benefited a lot. When Le Yun used the nine-color divine thunder to cast the soul, she also split a ray of thunder and struck the two magic weapons once, causing both magic weapons to advance to the next level.

The Hanmei Hairpin was successfully promoted to an Immortal Weapon, and the Seven-Star Plum Blossom Spear was promoted to a Divine Weapon without any threshold.

After the two magic weapons advanced, they entered the meditative mode and worked hard to integrate the power of laws in the vitality of heaven and earth.

The magic weapon and the silkworm ghost gained endless benefits by following the right person. This is the best portrayal of "one person can achieve enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven".

After visiting the magic weapons, war beast egg babies, and fairy silkworms on the spirit boat, Le Yun turned around and jumped out of the boat, rushing toward the treasures waiting for her on the ground.

Shi Jiu stretched out his hand to catch the little contractor who was rushing towards him, and held it in his arms. He smiled and rubbed the little guy's hair that was smoother and shiny: "Congratulations to Xiao Xiyue for being ranked in the Immortal Class! Keep working hard and be canonized. The day of God is just around the corner.”

Le Yun smiled widely and said, "I still want to go to the Ten Thousand Worlds to play. My cultivation level is too high and I can't go to some small worlds. I'd better take my time."

"That's right. Don't rush the matter of canonizing saints and gods. Take your time."

Time History Shijiu and Void Bottle also agreed with the little guy's decision.

"Xiao Xiyue, you have been promoted. Is it time to plant the sacred tree for the formation eye again?" Void Bottle was the most anxious.

"It's not time yet. The remaining sacred trees in the formation have important responsibilities. After the vision of the birth of the first batch of sacred trees is over, I will go for a walk outside to see the situation before deciding when to plant the trees."

"Then what is Xiao Xiyue doing now? Do you want to go back to the small space with the fairy field to grow food?"

"You don't have to go back there, you can grow food here!" Le Yun jumped to the ground happily and ran away: "Three seniors, you can practice in peace while I go to grow food."

The little guy ran away, and the ancient stone mortar, the history book of time and the void bottle did not follow to join in the fun. The food had not been planted in the ground yet, so they had nothing to do. It would be better to wait for the food planted by Xiao Xiyue to mature before helping to harvest it.

The little Loli was in a good mood, more excited than taking a chicken blood shot, and ran several miles away to sow rice seeds in an open space without trees.

The climate of the small basin is temporarily unique, with basically light rain every three days and moderate or heavy rain every five days, and most of the rainfall occurs at night.

There is abundant rain, the earth is moistened, and the plants grow rhythmically.

Because water continues to penetrate deeper into the stratum, the thickness of the moist soil reaches more than a hundred feet. Even if it doesn't rain in a short period of time in the small basin, the trees will not lack water.

The soil moisture is sufficient to meet the needs of rice growth.

The world in the small basin is rich in vitality, and the land is wide and sparse with trees. Le Yun does not want to waste the land, so he sows a large amount of grain, including rice, upland rice, barley, wheat, sorghum, millet, soybeans, mung beans and other beans.

Even the sweet potatoes, which need regular vine trimming, were not left behind. Peanuts, potatoes, and potatoes, which are underground stem plants, were all planted without leaving the ground. Cassava and lilies were even planted.

In addition, considering the high consumption of edible oil, in addition to planting a large number of peanuts, soybeans, and corn that can be squeezed for oil, sesame seeds are also sown over a hundred miles wide.

Leyun planted many of the grain types in her hands for experimentation. After harvesting, she would decide which type of grain to focus on later based on the yield.

Seeds and grains naturally include fruits and vegetables, such as white radish, carrots, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, small greens, lettuce, cauliflower, beans, etc., as well as pumpkins, winter melons, gourds, eggplants, and cucumbers.

Fruits are also indispensable, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, strawberry, etc. Each variety is planted three to five miles wide.

Vegetables grow quickly, especially pumpkins, beans, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. They bloom and bear fruit in less than three days after planting. Tomatoes can be picked once a day, while pumpkins, melons and beans must be picked twice a day.

Le Yun didn't have time to pick vegetables by herself, so she sent blue-armored puppets to take care of the fruits and vegetables. Each puppet was responsible for a small area, picking fruits and vegetables regularly and trimming excess branches.

While she was still growing vegetables, the first varieties of rice she planted matured!

The Time History Book, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Bottle are responsible for harvesting.

The first to mature was the ordinary rice seed from the earth. After it landed on the ground, it was promoted to spiritual rice, completing a growth cycle in just one month.

Le Yun observed the rice that was the first to mature, then walked around the fields where grains were grown, sown a large number of grain seeds again, and then went back to plant vegetables.

The embankment of Yangyuyuyan in the mainland area is four feet above the soil surface. It is currently idle. Le Yun feels that the site cannot be wasted, so grapes, black tigers and five-leaf wooden barrels are planted along the embankment.

Then a simple shelf was built along the embankment, allowing the vines to climb up the shelf, while scattering shade-loving spiritual plant seeds under the shelf.

The little Loli also planted tea trees dozens of miles wide around the formation area where the formation sacred tree was not planted. When the tea leaves sprouted new buds, they would pick the tea leaves every morning before going to other work.

In order to increase the reproductive capacity of the grains and vegetables she planted, she moved several colonies of spiritual bees from the two tree-shaped spiritual plant spaces and temporarily placed them in the wild.

Bees collect flowers for pollination, and the seeds produced by plants have the ability to reproduce.

The crops have entered the harvest period one after another. After one round, the little Loli has also figured out the growth cycle of the crops. The shortest cycle of rice and wheat is twenty-eight days, and the longest growth cycle of god-level rice or wheat is one cycle. Five months and twenty-four-five days.

The growth cycle of crops such as corn, sorghum, and beans is generally between one month and four months. Peanuts need four months to grow before harvesting. The growth cycle of sesame is about three months.

The growth cycle of sweet potatoes and potatoes is slightly longer, and it takes about four months to harvest. If harvested too early, the reproductive capacity of the stems will be greatly reduced.

The best thing about corn is that you can harvest tender corn in one and a half months after planting. If you have time, you can harvest it in the third month. If you don’t have time, you can harvest it in the fourth month.

The growth cycle of grains is short, and the quality is top grade.

Moreover, the yield of divine grains is also high. The least divine rice variety has 108 grains per plant, and the fairy rice has more than 300 grains. The number of grains of divine wheat is smaller, usually eighty-one.

Several varieties of immortal rice and wheat in the Immortal Treasure Realm were quietly promoted to divine grains in the small basin.

A large number of vegetables are harvested one after another. Pumpkins and gourds are the most worry-free. When the main vine or branch vine is old, cut it with scissors and it will grow new seedlings and continue to bloom and bear melons.

Over the course of a few months, the roots of the melon seedlings grew into old piles.

The grains, fruits and vegetables grown have yielded a bumper harvest, and the little Loli is full of energy and extremely busy every day.

Anyway, the land is wide, so you can plant a round of crops in one place and then plant them in another place without plowing the ground.

Moreover, if some rice and wheat seedlings are harvested, they will grow again and produce grain again.

The little loli just plants, and the treasures harvest.

Grains and vegetables are great, but vines are insignificant. They only grow vines in the first year but do not bear fruit until later on.

Grapes and black tigers are the types that stop singing and become a blockbuster. Once they enter the fruiting period, they become amazing. The previous batch of fruits are not yet ripe, and a new round of flowers bloom one after another.

Little Lolita is either busy sowing seeds or harvesting every day. She has no time to pay attention to other things, and time slips away unknowingly.

In the first half of the month before the third anniversary of the birth vision of the Zhenjie God, the strong wind that had been raging on the land of Shenmu Valley for more than two years quietly dissipated.

The wind stopped, revealing the dry and hard mud house covered by layers of sand and dust.

The sand and dust that had been eroded by the years have returned to the mountains and peaks. The mountains in the Shenmu Valley are circling like giant dragons, and the peaks are reaching into the clouds.

After the calm, the Shenmu Valley is remote and empty.

The rays of light in the sky are colorful, and the high mountains and vast land without plants have become a colorful world, with an inexplicable feeling of loneliness.

The wind outside the basin stopped, but inside the basin it still rained every three to five days.

Day and night alternated, time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, the vision of the first yin and yang tree taking root in the Shenmu Valley lasted for three full years, a total of one thousand and ninety-eight days.

At the moment when the divine tree vision illuminated the land of Shenmu Valley for a full 1098 days, the wave of heaven and earth energy pouring from the sky stopped, and the glow in the sky became lighter.

After a while, the second wave of heaven and earth energy flow stopped silently, and the glow in the sky became darker again.

After that, the vitality flow and the glow gradually faded, and the time when the two waves of vitality flow and the glow faded was consistent with the distance between the two sacred trees before and after they fell to the ground.

As the glow continued to dim, the size of the clouds in the sky of the Qingxu God Realm also continued to shrink. At a certain moment, the glow suddenly appeared and then disappeared without a trace.

The sky in Qingxu God Realm is as clear as water, and the clouds disperse leisurely.

The clouds that covered the entire Shenmu Realm and the glow that had illuminated the Shenmu Realm for three years suddenly disappeared at a certain moment.

The sacred tree world has also returned to its previous appearance.

Without those sudden rays of light, all things and spirits would still live and breathe.

Intelligent creatures are keenly aware of the sudden changes in plants in a short period of time. They clearly show signs of withering and blooming with the natural seasons, unlike during the glow of sunlight, which always maintains unbroken flowers and fruitful results regardless of seasonal changes. scene.

When the vision of the birth of the treasure tree ended, Le Yun was still digging ripe peanuts. She continued to collect peanuts with the treasures and puppets despite the changes in the outside world.

Peanuts were dug, beans were scattered, and sweet potatoes, potatoes, lilies, and cassava were dug.

After harvesting underground tuber crops, we harvested a batch of mature beans, chopped a batch of young corn, and picked grapes.

By the time she was done with the urgent matters she needed to deal with, three days had passed.

When the matter came to an end, Le Xiaoxiao asked Shi Jiu to take him with him to observe the environment outside the basin.

The little contractor wanted to go out for a walk. Shijiu, Shijiu, Time History Book, and Void Vase, who treated the little guy as a daughter, happily accompanied him and went out for a walk together.

Sanbao walked towards the northwest corner of the basin, climbed over the mountain ridge with a flood discharge channel, and reached the sky outside the basin.

Without the colorful rays of light, the Shenmu Valley was desolate.

Leyun, who was sitting in Shijiu's arms, raised her eyes and looked into the distance. She saw that the mountains surrounding the basin had thickened several times. The small peaks that were originally only tens of thousands of feet high had grown to a height of three to four hundred thousand feet.

On the other side of the mountain, the sand and dust layer has disappeared. The height difference between the flood discharge channel opened between the mountain ridges and the surface of the mountain was only a few tens of thousands of feet. Now there is a height difference of about 300,000 feet between the two.

The sand and dust layer in the Divine Tree Valley has returned to its original position, which means that the time has come to plant the pressure formation sacred trees for other formation eyes.

Little Lolita did not plant trees in a hurry, but ran excitedly to the foot of the basin peak and dug a lake to store water in the narrow valley plain facing the flood discharge channel.

Those who dug the soil did not need the history books of time. It took the ancient stone mortar and the void bottle a day and a night to dig out a large pit with a radius of 100 million miles.

After digging out a lake to store floods, the little Loli returned to the basin in a hurry. She first picked and planted a batch of grains and vegetables, and then planted some sacred trees for some formations.

When she started the second round of tree planting project, the first tree she planted was not a yin and yang tree, but a bamboo from Dongchen Continent that had the function of exorcising demons and purifying souls.

After planting the Jiuzizhu at the predetermined location, Le Yun went to another formation to plant the sacred tree of the world.

When a sapling of a yin and yang tree takes root in the Divine Tree Valley, the vision of heaven and earth that was unique to the birth of the Calming Divine Tree comes again.

The visions of heaven and earth continue to change as the number of sacred trees increases. When the ninth sapling falls to the ground, the sacred tree's precious light breaks through the sacred tree valley again and reappears in the sky of the sacred tree world.

Five days later, the gorgeous glow once again illuminated the land of the Divine Tree Realm, and all things once again began the cycle of blooming and bearing fruits regardless of the season.

When the fifteenth honeysuckle seedling fell to the ground, the sacred tree's precious light rushed out of the sacred tree world and reappeared in the high sky of the Qingxu Divine Realm. The rays of light shone directly on the sacred tree world.

The immortal kings and Daluo immortals of all races outside the boundary of the sacred tree world once again looked up at the brilliant clouds after five days and five nights, with mixed emotions.

What happened in the sacred tree world, and why are the visions happening one after another?

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