magic eye doctor

Chapter 3268 Divine Tree Blessing

The creatures waiting outside the sacred tree world want to find the immortals who are entering the sacred tree world to find out the reasons for the changes in the sacred tree world, but unfortunately, all the messages sent out have come to nothing.

As everyone knows, the law enforcement and managers of various safe cities in the Shenmu Realm also want to seek advice from the immortal kings and gods from the outside world. Countless attempts to contact the outside world have ended in failure.

The little Loli who made such a big fuss didn't care at all what others would think when they saw the vision of heaven and earth. Since other tribes of creatures couldn't enter the Shenmu Valley, no one knew that the vision was related to her.

Even if anyone doubted that she knew something because she entered the Secret Valley, it was just doubt. She firmly refused to admit it, and there was nothing anyone could do.

The music is calm and peaceful, and you can plant trees with peace of mind.

With the sapling of the eighteenth Yin-Yang tree falling to the ground, there are a total of thirty-six boundary-suppressing sacred trees in the Sacred Tree Valley.

At the moment it landed, a long river of vitality poured down from the sky in the Qingxu God Realm.

The long river of vitality ooze overlapped with the vitality ooze that appeared in the divine tree world. The vitality of the world was so thick that it turned into a chaotic ooze, and poured it down towards humans and plants.

In the chaotic fluid, there was a brilliant divine light, rushing towards the human race.

The speed of that divine light was so fast that when the History of Time, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Bottle discovered it, it had already rushed in front of the little guy, and then got into the little guy's forehead.

"Xiao Xiyue, what's got into your heart?"

Shi Jiu almost wanted to enter the little contractor's sea of ​​consciousness to detect the divine light of unknown origin.

The Void Bottle was also anxious to find where the light had gone.

The divine light came so fast that Le Yun didn't see what it was before it penetrated into the center of her forehead. Then her soul felt the burning pain of being burned by the fire, and then there was a burning sensation in her forehead.

The burning pain in her soul was so strong that it made her feel dazed for a moment.

When the burning sensation came to her forehead, Le Yun couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it.

As soon as she raised her hand, Shi Shishu noticed the changes in the little guy's forehead and immediately said, "Don't panic, it's a happy event! Look at Xiao Xiyue's forehead!"

"What happy event?" Void Vase and Shi Jiu looked at the little contractor.

As soon as their gazes touched Xiao Xiyue's caring heart, they froze.

There is an additional pattern on Xiao Xiyue's forehead, which is in the shape of a bouquet of flowers surrounded by countless leaves. There are nine leaves arranged in a fan shape close to the forehead, and only the tips of the other leaves are exposed.

The leaves surrounding the flowers form a circle, and the flower in the center is made up of overlapping petals of countless kinds of flowers. It is shaped like a half-open peony. The colors of the flowers are too mixed. In the end, only three kinds of purple, red and gold can be seen. color.

The pattern is actually very small, about the size of half the pad of Xiao Xiyue's little finger. At first glance, the flowers and leaves are clearly visible, but if you look closely, you can't see them clearly.

The pattern exudes a sense of mystery.

The reason why the stone mortar and the void bottle were stunned for a moment was not only because of the pattern, but also for another reason - Xiao Xiyue's affinity became stronger!

In the past, Xiao Xiyue had a very high affinity. She was attracted to all living beings, and even more attractive to plants. When a pattern appeared on her forehead, she exuded the gentleness of Mother Earth. The affinity is almost overflowing!

"Time, this is not what I thought, is it?" Shi Jiu roughly guessed what the pattern was, but he was still a little surprised.

"It's what you think." The history book gave a positive answer.

Shijiu: "..."

Void Bottle also guessed eight or nine points, and was equally surprised and uncertain.

Le Yun wanted to touch her forehead and heart, but her hand froze after hearing the words of Shi Shishu. She quickly used her spiritual consciousness to "see" herself, and was shocked when she saw the extra pattern on her forehead and heart.

"Is this the legendary sacred tree blessing?!"

To be honest, let alone others, Le Yun herself couldn’t believe it.

Legend has it that the blessing of sacred trees comes from the mother of all trees, which is a blessing given by the creation mother tree to her children of the wood system, wishing the children endless life in the universe.

The origin of the blessing of the sacred tree is the power of will and vitality. Creatures that receive the blessing of the sacred tree are equivalent to being recognized by Wanmu. They also have extremely high affinity and super vitality.

A creature blessed by the sacred tree has a lifespan three times longer than that of other living beings under the same conditions. If it encounters danger, no matter how seriously injured it is, it can recover as before given a period of time.

If a creature unfortunately dies before its life span is over, as long as the body is still there, it can be resurrected on the spot, and it can be resurrected three times in its lifetime, which is equivalent to having three more lives than all living beings.

If unfortunately he dies completely and does not meet the conditions for resurrection in situ, and the soul is reincarnated, the power of the blessing of the sacred tree will still accompany it in reincarnation, and there will be another chance for resurrection.

If the soul of a living being does not want to be reincarnated, it can turn to soul cultivation, and then find all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures to recast a physical body. With the power of the blessing of the sacred tree, the soul of the living being can be perfectly integrated with the forged physical body.

The blessing of the sacred tree is of great significance. There are countless ancestral gods or various types of sacred trees in the Wanjie Mu Clan. Even they can hardly obtain the blessing of the mother sacred tree, let alone other living beings.

Meng Buding received the blessing of the sacred tree, and Le Yun was also surprised. The reward was so generous!

She guessed that she received the blessing of the sacred tree not only because she planted the yin and yang tree, but another reason may be related to the mysterious seed deep in the ground!

Shenmu Valley has suffered countless disasters because of the mysterious seed deep in the ground, causing thousands of trees to be reset. Now she has moved the seeds and relieved the worries of the Shenmu World, so the will of the Shenmu World has given the blessing of the Shenmu.

Regardless of whether it was her guess or not, Le Yun didn't have time to delve into it for the time being. She looked at the treasures.

Seeing that the little guy also recognized the meaning of the pattern on her forehead, Shi Shishu nodded happily: "Xiao Xiyue also knows about the blessing of the sacred tree. She is really a good child with a wide range of knowledge and knowledge!

The blessing of the sacred tree is hard to come by. Having the blessing of the sacred tree will have a certain blood-suppressing effect on the wood monks within a certain range. When Xiao Xiyue travels to the world in the future, the sacred tree of the world will see you as if you are of the same clan. Under normal circumstances, the wood clan Your gods and ancestors don’t want to be your enemy. "Xiao Xiyue is the best!" "Vase of Void suddenly felt proud again. The little contractor in his family is unparalleled in virtue and benevolence, so his good intentions are rewarded.

Taikoo Shijiu is also full of joy, sowing good will reap good. Xiao Xiyue's blessing is earned by her own kindness and virtue, and she deserves it.

"Yeah, yeah, I will definitely cherish this gift of Shenmu's will." Le Yun was so happy that her eyes turned into crescents.

The treasures were extremely happy.

The saplings were only half planted. Le Yun stopped studying the sacred tree blessing marks for the time being and quickly cultivated the soil for the yin and yang tree saplings.

When the roots of the seedlings were covered tightly, a big hole seemed to have been opened in the sky of the Qingxu God Realm, and heavy rain poured out from the hole.

The heavy rain poured down on the Shenmu Valley in the Shenmu Realm. However, the downpour from the Qingxu God Realm turned into moderate rain after entering the boundary of the Shenmu Valley.

The rain came as expected, and Le Yun smiled as if she was relieved. This batch of sacred trees did not disappoint anyone!

The important task of the second batch of sacred trees is to pray for rain!

As we all know, wood makes fire. In fact, wood not only makes fire, but also wind.

The first batch of sacred trees to be planted have the important task of restoring the mountains and rivers!

The first eighteen sacred trees planted gave birth to the divine wind, which restored the mountains and rivers of the Divine Tree Valley.

The first batch of sacred trees lived up to expectations and restored the sacred tree valley. The mission of the second batch of sacred trees was to call for rain, to summon a heavy rain to moisten the earth of the sacred tree valley.

The sacred seedlings fell to the ground, and the rain came as promised.

If the second batch of sacred trees cannot bring rain after planting, then Le Yun will not have to find another place to set up a large array and plant another batch of yin and yang trees.

The divine tree seedlings summoned the rain, so naturally there was no need to worry about anything else.

Le Yun only cares about whether the tree can bring rain after it falls to the ground, and does not worry about whether the rain is the condensation of saplings or a gift from heaven.

Anyway, today Qingxu God Realm is blessed with rain. In the next year, the sacred tree will grow, which will bring endless benefits to Qingxu God Realm. Qingxu God Realm and Heaven will definitely not lose the gift.

After cultivating several layers of soil for the planted saplings, Le Yun, the great hero, could retire after his achievements, straightened up and washed his hands in the rain.

The dirt on her hands was still washed away, and the earth shook.


A huge roar resounded across the sky.

The stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle were in disbelief for a moment.

They are right here. The ground in the entire Divine Tree Realm is obviously very stable, and there are no signs of any major earthquakes happening. Why did the earthquake suddenly happen?

The ground in Shenmu Valley was shaking, but it was not the kind of earthquake that caused landslides and ground cracking.

If it's not an earthquake, then it could be the birth of a heavy treasure!

The time history book, the ancient stone mortar, and the void bottle will be enlightened, and we will wait and see.

The great earthquake in Shenmu Valley shook three times. Amidst the buzzing sound, deep in the earth of a giant mountain range in the east about a hundred billion miles away from the basin, a ray of light shot out from the rock and broke through the ground in an instant.

The light that emerged from the depths of the earth turned around and flew in the direction of the sacred tree that held the world without any pause. It arrived at the depression in the midst of lightning and flint.

The shining light penetrated into the vitality fluid in the depression, passed through the vitality fluid at an unparalleled speed, and arrived in front of the human race in a flash.

The Time History Book, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Bottle noticed the sudden light. They just had the idea of ​​blocking it and pressed it down, quietly waiting for the result.

That light burst into the palm of the human race's hand.

"Xiao Xiyue, look at what treasure you have in your hands." The History Book, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Bottle were full of expectations when they saw the light falling into the hands of the little contractor.

They looked over and saw a two-finger-wide green leaf lying in Xiao Xiyue's little paw. The shape of the leaf was very familiar.

"This leaf looks familiar?" Void Vase couldn't hide his words, his mouth was faster than his brain.

Can it be unfamiliar? An idea flashed through Le Yun's mind, and she held the green leaves that appeared out of thin air in her hands with complicated emotions: "Senior Vong Kong, the shape of this leaf is the same as the leaves of the Yang and Yin tree I planted."

"Yes!" Void Bottle suddenly realized, no wonder the leaves looked familiar!

He sensed that Ye Zi was an ancestral treasure of the same level as him, and Ye Zi ancestral treasure also took the initiative to embrace Xiao Xiyue, which shows how popular Xiao Xiyue is.

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