magic eye doctor

Chapter 3284 Planting trees again

Chapter 3284 Planting trees again

The little contractor is going to plant trees, what are he waiting for?

The Taikoo Shijiu held the tiny little guy in his arm to protect it, acting as an errand boy.

Time History Book and Void Vase also happily served as escorts.

At the speed of the ancestors, the journey of about 100 billion miles can be reached in a few blinks of an eye. The ancient stone mortar carried the little guy, slowed down, and took a walk along the way.

One person and three treasures set off in the morning and arrived at the mountains in the east of the basin until noon.

That mountain range is a large mountain range, or a plateau. The highest peak is more than three million feet high. The peaks are covered with clouds and night sky, and they touch the ground below. It is a spectacular sight.

Zubaoye original tree grows in a basin in the southeast of the highest peak of the plateau. From a high altitude, the basin terrain looks like a walking horse circle commonly seen on bracelets. The peaks overlap and loose mouth is in the southwest, and the river flows out from the southwest.

There are both plains, hills and small highlands in the basin. The altitude of the peaks is lower, all below 600,000 feet.

In the Shenmu Valley that has undergone drastic changes, the plants in most areas are relatively sparse, and the basin where the Zubao Leaf tree once grew is no exception.

Plants are sparsely distributed in the plateau basin, and trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants are more densely planted in a small area, forming small forests or savanna meadows.

Le Yun walked several times in the sky and selected a place to plant trees.

It is expected that forty-five yin and yang trees will be planted in the plateau basin, with the center, due east, due south, due west and due north forming an array of four images and five elements.

Nine treasure trees are planted in each formation eye, and the trees are also planted according to the directions of the five elements, which is the small four-elephant and five-element formation.

The four-image and five-element formation takes the central array center as the center point and draws a circle with a radius of 900 million miles. The centers of the small four-, five- and five-element arrays in the four directions are located on the radius of the circle.

The crops in the small basin in the west have not yet reached the harvest period. The History of Time, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void of the Void were not busy and let the little guys choose the position of the formation eye. They helped dig holes and bury the talismans and seals to hold the formation.

The Supreme Treasurers helped dig the hole first, placed the jade talismans with the talismans engraved on them, and then backfilled a layer of soil, leaving a small hole for planting trees in the center, and then dug another hole at the center of the formation.

The treasures first dug a large pit at the center of the array, and then dug it in a clockwise direction from east to north.

The tree pit for the northern formation was dug, and the little loli planted trees smoothly.

When the first yin-yang tree appeared, there was a vision of precious light. After the sapling fell to the ground and took root, the vision became reality, and the vital energy of heaven and earth descended.

After that, as the treasure trees fell to the ground one by one, the visions of heaven and earth came one after another. The vitality of heaven and earth in the eye area of ​​the array was so thick that it seemed like an insoluble fog.

The moment the ninth world-suppressing sacred tree touched the soil, the sacred tree's precious light phenomenon broke through the sacred tree world and turned into clouds in the void of the Qingxu Divine Realm. The gorgeous clouds and precious light bathed the entire sacred tree world.

The strange phenomena of heaven and earth reappeared above the sacred tree world. The immortal kings and Daluo immortals were anxious and helpless. What happened in the sacred tree world, and why were the strange phenomena so frequent?

In the sacred tree world bathed in the precious light that condenses the power of creation, not only the plants transcend the cycle of seasons, but even the animals have benefited greatly, and many low-level beasts have evolved.

The little contractor planted nine sacred trees in the northern position of the formation. The stone mortar picked up the little guy and ran away. He moved to the due east position of the formation and then put him down.

The little loli just plants trees.

Shi Jiu reacts quickly. Whenever the little guy plants nine trees in one formation, he immediately leads the people to the next formation.

As the sacred trees continued to fall to the ground, the clouds above the sacred tree world became wider and wider. When the eighteenth tree fell, the clouds covered the entire sacred tree world.

A sacred tree was planted in the third formation, and the precious light of the clouds in the sky doubled, and the vitality of heaven and earth falling from the sky turned into a celestial river.

When the nine sacred trees of the fourth formation are in place, the precious light of the clouds shines like the scorching sun at noon, and the intense blazing light makes people dare not look directly.

The vegetation in the sacred tree world grew at a speed visible to the human body, and those spiritual trees that had never grown by hundreds of thousands began to grow taller.

Trees were planted for the square eye, and the stone mortar, Shishi Shuyu, and Void Bottle escorted the young contractor to the center of the formation.

Le Yun first planted the first sacred tree due east in the center of the formation, and then planted a final sacred tree at the formation points due south, due west, and due north in the outer circle in a clockwise direction.

The other five sacred trees are planted in the center of the array, still distributed in the direction of the five elements and four elephants array.

The center point of the formation is not only the center of the formation where the four small elephants and five elements emerge, but also the center of the entire formation. It is the most important. The sacred tree selected by Le Yun to hold the formation is a honeysuckle tree native to the earth and an old pile.

When planting the tree, five pieces of jade charms are also stuffed into the root system of the old stump of the honeysuckle tree. Then the tree is placed in the pit, covered with soil, compacted and then filled with soil.

When the old pile of the yin and yang tree was planted into the big pit, the sky of Qingxu God Realm suddenly appeared. The gorgeous rays of light were like the light of the rising sun, illuminating the entire Qingxu God Realm in an instant.

At the same time, stars emerged from the clouds above the sacred tree world, with the sun and moon moving among them, and thousands of stars surrounding them, forming a starry sky with the sun and moon shining together and all the stars shining brightly.

The immortal kings and Da Luo immortals who looked at the sacred tree world from a distance had no time to think about anything else. They quickly rushed to the edge of the clouds and the star and moon light, and practiced and comprehended under the light.

The brilliance that illuminated the divine world only lasted for about half a cup of tea and then disappeared silently. Only the rays of light above the divine tree world still illuminated the divine tree world. In the basin under the starlight, the vitality of heaven and earth was concentrated to the extreme, condensed into raindrops, and the spiritual rain drifted down, silently moisturizing everything.

The little guy has already planted the tree, and the Time History Book, Void Bottle, and Ancient Stone Mortar didn't even ask Xiao Xiyue when he would return to the basin in the west, and retired with success.

The three treasures quietly flew out of the formation. Looking back in the distance, the area where the sacred tree was planted turned into a sea of ​​clouds, and nothing could be seen.

Due to the sacred light of the sacred tree, the spiritual energy outside the formation is also very rich, but it is far from comparable to the concentration of spiritual energy inside the formation.

The History of Time, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void Vase stayed outside the formation for a moment, then returned to the basin in the west as quickly as possible to see the crops.

When I entered the planting area, I saw that the crops that were originally sown a few months ago actually skipped the growth stage and directly blossomed and set fruit, or entered the maturity stage.

Crops that previously took half a year to mature are now ready to be harvested.

There is no time to wander around with the stone mortars, void bottles, and time history books anymore. Let’s harvest the mature crops first.

Le Yun planted the forty-fifth tree and then raised her head to observe the strange phenomena of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the Kung Fu ancestors disappeared, which made her depressed for a moment.

Needless to say, she also guessed that the ancestors had returned to the western basin.

As for why she was not taken back, it was naturally because the place where the sacred tree was newly planted was rich in spiritual energy. She expected to practice in the place where the sacred tree was planted and would not leave until the vision of heaven and earth was over.

The ancestors ran away quietly, and Leyun washed her hands under the spiritual rain, jumped into the air, and flew out of the center of the array on her spiritual boat, flying farther away.

The spirit boat flew to a place about ten thousand miles away from the sacred tree, and then dropped the round-leaf tree into the air, allowing it to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The round-leaf tree spreads its branches and leaves to absorb the spiritual energy.

Because it is thousands of miles away from the sacred tree, even if the round-leaf tree drains the spiritual energy from thousands of miles away, it will not be able to affect the sacred tree in the center of the formation.

After putting in the round-leaf trees, Le Yun ran away again and placed coniferous trees at a place about 20,000 miles away from the round-leaf trees and about 50,000 miles away from the Formation Heart Tree.

The space of a coniferous tree is a complete life star. It has a strong ability to absorb spiritual energy. It can spread out its branches and leaves to absorb spiritual energy, and in the blink of an eye, it can drain away the spiritual energy within thousands of miles.

After observing for a while, Leyun set off again and placed the spirit boat with the egg baby and the fairy silkworm baby more than 50,000 miles away from the needles.

Worried that the dragon eggs were too weak and being exposed to too much rain would affect the development of the dragon babies, another small magic weapon was placed above the nine-color sacred lotus to block the rain, so that the egg babies could only be bathed in the treasure's light and not be exposed to the rain.

The fairy silkworm baby is healthy and can move on its own. If it wants to get wet, it can go to the deck to get wet. If it doesn't want to get wet, it can go back to the Ruyi House without anyone having to worry about it.

Le Yun added a few plates of ore to the fairy silkworm baby, and flew the Qingyun to an area about 300 million miles away from the sacred tree before stopping.

Since the forty-fifth sacred tree fell to the ground, the four-image and five-element formation was automatically generated, and the vitality of heaven and earth that fell from the sky was locked within the formation. The concentration of spiritual energy in each area within the formation was consistent.

When she arrived at a place suitable for cultivation, Le Yun put away the Qingyun, used a golden lotus magic weapon as a seat, and practiced peacefully.

She spent several months replenishing her own energy, replenishing all the spiritual energy she had consumed over a period of time, and then went to deliver spiritual energy to the star core world.

She transported spiritual energy to the star core world for half an hour, and the star core world took control of the sovereignty and absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Le Yun did not make any struggle when she lost control of her body, and her consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness to understand the laws.

The star core was not polite when it absorbed the spiritual energy on its own. It turned on the strongest suction, and in the blink of an eye, a huge vortex condensed above the human race's head.

The great vortex had expanded its territory by tens of millions of miles in less than an hour, and it was still expanding outwards, cutting off the vital energy flow in a radius of more than 300 million miles.

The glow in the sky and the stars never cease, and the plants in the sacred tree world grow day and night. Many spiritual trees that have not grown for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands have grown about nine feet tall in just three days.

The vision of heaven and earth is still there, the spiritual tree that has grown a length will no longer continue to grow, and a large number of trees that have not bloomed and bear fruit for who knows how many years have also entered the flowering period.

In the Qianyuan Valley, the fourth wave of insects blocked the sunlight, resulting in a large number of fairy fields with almost no harvest. After the insect army retreated, the planters planted a new batch of fairy rice. The fairy rice was bathed in the glow of the sun, and only A cycle is completed in three to five days.

The cultivating monk harvested the immortal food and quickly planted another batch, so busy that his feet did not touch the ground.

The void bottle, the ancient stone mortar, and the history book of time harvested the mature crops and sowed a batch of seeds. It was already half a month later.

Shijiu discussed with Shiguang Shishu: "Shiguang, Xiao Xiyue is training in the east, and the situation must be the same as before. You go and help move her to another place, what do you think?"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Time History Book had no objection and turned into light and disappeared.

The Void Bottle didn't take any work, and showed its original shape, running into the air to bask in the sun and merge with the power of the great avenue.

The stone mortar also appears, enjoying the light.

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