magic eye doctor

Chapter 3285 Separation

Chapter 3285 Separation

The History of Time turned into light and traveled across hundreds of billions of miles in just a few breaths, appearing in the area where the little contractor was practicing.

When he arrived, he only saw a golden lotus magic weapon. The little contractor was inside the magic weapon but had merged with the void, making him completely invisible.

The vitality flow paddles with a radius of nearly 500 million miles were absorbed by the little guy's life origin star, and the spiritual energy in the distance had no time to fill the gap, so that the little guy's surroundings became a soulless place.

The history of time moved the magic weapon and the little contractor hundreds of millions of miles to a place with rich spiritual energy, and then went to the formation eye area where the world-suppressing sacred tree was planted to sow grain.

He sowed grain tens of thousands of miles wide, and then quietly left the mountains and returned to the depression in the west.

The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle saw that the history book of time was back, and they did not ask endless questions about the little guy. The three friends were basking in the sun and went to work when it was time to inspect the grain crops.

Shi Shishu goes to the mountains in the east every ten days to help the young contractors move places and also inspect the grains grown.

The depression where the sacred tree of the town was originally planted was the most fertile land because it had been illuminated by the precious light for six years and the soil had been nourished by spiritual energy for many years.

The aura of the soil in the plateau basin is far less than that of the depressions to the west. The grains grown are irrigated by the rich aura, and their growth is still slower than that of the depressions to the west.

The same variety of divine fairy rice takes six months to mature when planted in the depression in the west, but when planted in the plateau basin in the east, the growth period is extended by half a month.

The growth cycles of the grains grown in the two places are slightly different, but the quality is not different.

With the results of the experiment, Shi Shishu planted a batch of grains in the plateau basin and then returned to the western depression. He will plant a batch of spiritual grains the next time he moves the place for the little guy.

He stayed on the plateau for about a day at a time. The ancient stone mortar and the void bottle also accompanied Xiao Xiyue for a while after moving the place for the little guy. No one knew that he had quietly set up a small planting site on the plateau.

There are no other creatures in the Shenmu Valley, and there are no worries about the Time History Book, Void Bottle, or Ancient Stone Mortar. They are enjoying the rare leisure time comfortably.

Leyun's consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, unaware of what was going on outside her body.

The sun lives in the moon, and two more years have passed in the blink of an eye. The vision of heaven and earth in the sky has always been there, the rays of light shine on the earth day and night, and every place in the sacred tree world is bathed in the rays of light.

Law enforcement officers in various security cities sit in the clouds to receive the light every day. When they are not on duty, the stewards also leave the magic weapon room and practice in the open air.

The clan monks who came from the Immortal Realm and the God Realm were not far away from the end of the secret realm, so they seized the time to do their own tasks. Many teams also went to the Three Pagodas Park one after another to break into the trial tower.

Many monks from certain spiritual worlds or small worlds have entered the Enlightenment Tower in the Three Pagodas Garden to try their luck, and the number of monks in the Cultivation Tower is also increasing day by day.

Mr. Xuan, who was busy digesting the inheritance of his spiritual consciousness, had been keeping a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window for more than ten years. After experiencing countless shocking experiences where his head was about to explode, he finally passed it down and recorded it.

Qingwu Immortal Lord, who protects his disciple, has helped protect the little disciple's sea of ​​consciousness time and time again when it is about to collapse. He has personally watched the little disciple's sea of ​​consciousness widen little by little, and watched the little disciple make progress little by little.

The young disciple's memory inheritance process is very slow, but he has been working hard. His resilience makes Qingwu Immortal very satisfied and gratified.

This young disciple is not bad. His inheritance should be passed down and perhaps be carried forward in a certain world in the future.

The joy of succeeding others is not as good as the surprise of canonization.

After accompanying the young disciple for more than ten years and watching the young disciple memorize the inheritance of spiritual consciousness with his own eyes, Qingwu Immortal Lord was relieved and looked at the disciple who had entered meditation with soft eyes.

After going through the obscure and difficult inheritance knowledge, and finally ending the torturous days when his head was about to explode every day, Xuan Shao fell into a deep sleep as soon as his nerves relaxed.

It's okay not to relax your nerves, but when you relax, your consciousness is like a wild horse that has been let loose and can't be pulled back, and you can no longer control yourself.

So, he sat like that for three months.

When he came back to his senses from a completely relaxed state, Mr. Xuan's eyes were confused. He had no idea what he had experienced, and he couldn't realize what he was doing.

Until his eyes fixed on the figure in front of him changed from blank to clear, memories came to him, and he knew where he was.

After regaining consciousness, Mr. Xuan quickly sat up straight and apologized shyly to his master: "Master, I accidentally fell asleep and failed to teach you."

"It's okay. If you continue to study for more than ten years, your soul will be tired. It's natural to relax and recuperate."

Immortal Lord Qingwu reached out and touched the young disciple's head: "You are my disciple, so you don't need to be so restrained. You have just finished entering meditation, sort out your memory first, and ask if there is anything you don't understand."

When the master's hand caressed his head, Mr. Xuan felt the master's love for him, and an inexplicable sadness surged in his heart. How wonderful it would be if the master was not a spirit body, but a body of flesh and blood!

He hoped that the master's true form had become a god and that when he grew up, he could one day find the master and fulfill his filial piety as a disciple by his side.

"Yes, disciple understands." In order to make Master less worried about him, Master Xuan responded, closed his eyes again, and carefully sorted out the inheritance of his memory.

When memorizing, I try to remember what the inheritance contains. Everything is imprinted in my mind as if swallowing a jujube. I don’t know how much knowledge there is. When I sort it out carefully, oh my god, there is so much knowledge in the inheritance!

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand anything!

Not only the content that I had memorized, but also the several exercises that Master had explained, felt more complicated.

Mr. Xuan, who was sorting out his memory, was not feeling well. Was it because he had a bad memory or because he had a poor understanding? Why don't you feel like you can't do it anymore? He was anxious and had no other choice, so he had to repeatedly sift through some of the contents that he thought were the most important, and write down everything he didn't understand.

Mr. Xuan buried his head in sorting out his memories, and half a year passed before he knew it.

When Mr. Xuan felt that he had finally sorted out his memory and opened his eyes again, he was shocked to find that the master's soul body had become thinner!

Before, the master's soul body was exactly the same as a real person, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a real person or a soul body. But now it has become as ethereal as Bo.

Master Xuan was filled with panic: "Master...father?"

"Don't panic." Qingwu Immortal Lord also knew why the young disciple was nervous, and smiled lightly: "The master is a soul that was separated from me. When the power is exhausted, it will disappear. This is an inevitable thing.

There is not much soul power left, and I can probably stay with you for about three months. If you have anything you don’t understand, please ask it as soon as possible. "

"Master!" Knowing that the power of Master's soul was exhausted, Mr. Xuan felt sad and his eyes became wet.

"Silly boy, all the feasts in the world come to an end. This ray of my soul exists just to wait for a successor to pass on my teachings. Now that I have found a successor, I have no regrets.

If you can pass on the Master's Tao, you will live up to the Master's hard work. Your passing on the Master's Tao also allows the Master to live in another form. It doesn't matter whether this ray of soul exists or not. "

"Disciple... I only hope that Master will live forever." Young Master Xuan tried his best to swallow back the heat in his eyes and immediately asked questions that he did not understand.

The little disciple is an affectionate child, and Immortal Qingwu is even more pleased. He patiently explains the little disciple's doubts. No matter whether it is something that has been explained before or something that has not been explained before, as long as the little disciple raises it, he will take the trouble to answer it.

Time passed quietly with each question and answer, and Immortal Qingwu's spirit body became weaker and weaker.

Young Master Xuan watched his master's spirit body slowly slow down, feeling sad but unable to do anything.

Immortal Lord Qingwu was worried about his young disciple. Originally, the power of the soul could only last for about three months at most, but he managed to hold on for one more month.

After persisting for four months, Qingwu Immortal Master's spirit has reached the end of his strength. When he answered the last question for the young disciple, his spirit and body were as pale as clouds of smoke.

"Master." Young Master Xuan looked at his master's soul as thin as light, tears welling up in his eyes. This farewell was tantamount to the separation of life and death.

The separation between master and disciple is destined, Immortal Lord Qingwu smiled and comforted his disciple: "Silly boy, separation and separation are natural in the world, there is nothing to be sad about.

You and I are a master and a disciple. Apart from this inheritance, I don’t know if I have anything else left for you. Compared with the master-disciple relationship between other immortal kings and their disciples, I owe you something as a master.

I can no longer teach you how to practice as a teacher, so you don’t have to worry. If you don’t understand something, go ask the friend who gave you the soul amulet.

Disciple Chenbei, men don’t shed tears lightly, so don’t cry! "

The farewell was imminent, and the young disciple burst into tears. Immortal Qingwu's soul as thin as light smoke left the disciple with a calm smile. The stage hand gently touched the top of the young disciple's head as a farewell.

He made an action of touching his disciple, but he also exhausted the last bit of soul power, and his body turned into nothingness.

"Master!" Young Master Xuan choked with sobs as he felt a light touch on the top of his head. He stretched out his hand to grab in the direction of the master, but couldn't catch anything.

The master has disappeared!

His eyes searched the light beam, trying to find traces of his master. The light cast from the ceiling was cold and silent.

"Master! Master, master..." Mr. Xuan was filled with grief and tears fell like rain.

He called again and again, but could no longer hear the master's response.

Yuanda and Baiyin Yingsheng, who were staying in Ruyi House, heard Brother Xuan's voice and ran out in a hurry. They were shocked to see Brother Xuan sitting on the tuft and looking up, with tears all over his face.

"Brother Xuan!"

The three beasts didn't know what was going on, and were panicked and anxious. Yuanda rushed over, picked up his brother, and took him back to Ruyi House.

Baiyin Yingsheng also returned to Ruyi House, filled a basin with water, soaked a cloth and wiped his brother's face.

After being carried back to Ruyi House, Mr. Xuan felt sad and burst into tears. He wiped them away with a wet towel and burst into tears again.

"Brother Xuan, what's wrong with you? Don't scare us."

"Brother Xuan, did something go wrong while practicing?"

The brother burst into tears, but Ying Sheng and Bai Yin were frightened. The two of them helped him wipe away his tears in fear.

"It would be great if the little fairy was here." Yuanda scratched his head and ears anxiously.

Baiyin Yingsheng also nodded in agreement: "Yes, it would be great if the little fairy is here. The little fairy must know what is going on with brother Xuan."

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