magic eye doctor

Chapter 3287 Little Surprise

Chapter 3287 Little Surprise

Le Yun said she was not in a hurry, so she did not delay her actions and ran extremely fast.

Shi Shishu was also carried into the spirit boat by the little contractor, and he was enjoying the life of being cherished like a treasure by his little lover with peace of mind.

He moved the little contractor a little far away, opposite the space of the tree-shaped spiritual plant she placed, with the central eye of the four-elephant and five-element formation in the middle.

Le Yun flew to the center of the formation in a spirit boat and observed around the yin and yang trees that dominated the formation. Of course, the focus was on picking the leaves from the honeysuckle tree.

Nourished by the vitality of heaven and earth, the plants in the plateau basin have experienced the equivalent of more than a dozen springs and autumns in just three years, and many trees have grown to a height of more than 20 feet.

The yin and yang tree grows slowly, about three to four feet tall, with tall and straight trees and luxuriant branches and leaves.

The honeysuckle trees were very impressive and did not disgrace the earth. Of course, Classmate Le was also happy and happily took a leaf from each tree as a souvenir.

She also picked the leaves carefully. She did not pick the first milky leaves of the honeysuckle, nor the two leaves closest to the root. She collected the leaves in a jade box.

Le Xiaololi also only lifted the leaves of the nine treasure trees in the center of the formation, and then went to find the spirit boat and two trees where she placed the egg baby.

The little guy retrieved another spirit boat and two trees, and Shi Shishu acted as a substitute. He asked the little contractor to sit in a magic weapon and carry the magic weapon to escape.

When being carried away by Zu Bao, Le Yun didn't dare to open her eyes and her brain was still dizzy. When she arrived at her destination, her brain was buzzing and she sat stunned for half an hour before she could catch her breath.

After calming down, he went to check the crops without stopping.

The ancestors took time to plant, and the last batch of crops they planted matured a few days before the vision disappeared. The remaining unharvested crops were divided into two categories, one was secondary rice crops, or perennial herbs. Plant crops such as barley.

The other type is underground stem crops with short growth cycles, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peanuts.

The crops planted by the ancestors can only be harvested in three months at most. On the contrary, the two little monkeys did not know the inside story, so they planted a lot of crops, and half of the crops had to wait about five months to be harvested.

The ancestors have already harvested the batch of grains that little Loli planted before going to the mountains to the east to plant trees. Only a few varieties of rice and wheat crops have returned to their ancestors and turned into perennial herbaceous plants.

After walking around for a while, Le Yun knew something in her mind. Based on the growth time of the crops, she could wait up to five months before she could leave. However, a batch of sugar cane was harvested half a month ago, and she could wait another six months or so for another harvest.

Considering only the harvest, the best option is to wait for six more before leaving.

Classmate Le was thinking about Jiuzizhu, so he went to the Yuyan Lake Formation Area in Yangyu to check the growth status of Jiuzizhu. Unexpectedly, he received a surprise - Jiuzizhu grew new shoots!

Jiuzizhu, which has taken root in the Shenmu Valley for several years, grows extremely strong because of the rich spiritual energy of the soil and the nourishment of spiritual rain and spiritual energy. Because it has been illuminated by the precious light of three rounds of heaven and earth phenomena, it breaks the growth pattern and grows rapidly. Bamboo shoots, one of which bursts out of the ground.

The new bamboo shoots have grown to more than three feet tall, and several pieces of the base shell have peeled off, revealing the new green main stem.

The bamboo shoots haven't grown into bamboo yet, and the peeled shoots are relatively tender.

Seeing a bunch of bamboo shoots growing upward, Le Yun screamed like a woodchuck, rushed to an empty area, and tried her best to be a gopher.

The little contractor ran to dig the soil excitedly, and Shijiu looked surprised: "What are you digging for, Xiao Xiyue?"

"Digging bamboo shoots!" Le Yun dug in the mud happily.

The bamboo shoots of Jiuzizhu will either not grow long or grow together into nine clumps. When one clump of bamboo shoots breaks out of the ground, the other eight clumps of bamboo shoots that are one step behind will not have a chance to see the sun and will die silently.

Le Yun was very glad that she came early. It had only been about two months since the new bamboo shoots came out of the mud. Those bamboo shoots that had no chance to see the light were not dead yet.

Shijiu didn't ask what he was doing digging bamboo shoots and took over the little guy's job.

With Zu Bao helping her, Le Yun ran to another spot to dig mud again, but was robbed of her job by the Void Bottle again. Another place became the workplace of the History of Time.

She was so happy that she simply found out where the bamboo shoots were and dug a small hole to mark it, then dug it herself.

The ancestors were very fast, and they dug out a clump of bamboo shoots in less than half a cup of tea. After backfilling the hole, they dug another clump, and soon dug out seven clumps of bamboo shoots.

Le Yun also dug out a clump of fresh bamboo shoots and packed the eight newly harvested clumps of bamboo shoots in jade boxes. She was as happy as a child and walked with wind in her eyes.

There is only one surprise in the Fish Eye Lake area.

There was no need to worry about the crops. The little loli wandered around a few times, then slipped back to the embankment near the lake, used a space bottle to fetch water, and sent it back to the star core space to nourish the mysterious seeds.

I prepared some water for the mysterious seeds, and then went to look around the green area of ​​the star core space to sense whether the aura of the star core world had increased.

The star core sphere absorbs a massive amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy from the outside world. If the area of ​​the star core sphere is as large as the conifer spiritual plant space, so much spiritual energy is replenished, and its concentration would be equivalent to the spiritual energy concentration in the fairy world at least.

However, the sphere of the star core is too big. Even if it absorbs a large amount of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy is a little thicker. Its concentration is only equivalent to the world of cultivation in Xiaoqian World, and is not as dense as the spiritual energy of Dongchen Continent. The star core space is seriously short of water. Leyun has dozens of sky-swallowing snails to store a lot of water. Because the water has other uses, only a few sky-swallowing snails can be distributed to the little fox, who will regularly provide them for planting. Man-made rainfall is carried out at the borders of the green area that has cleared the vegetation.

The little fox has a spirit boat to travel around and is watered regularly. The surrounding environment of the green area has not deteriorated and turned into a barren land.

After cruising around the green area of ​​the star core space, the little Loli returned to nature and once again lined up the refining furnace to melt materials to refine the items she needed.

This time it is mainly about refining some mechanical parts. Without refining high-level magic weapons, there will be no thunder disaster.

The number of mechanical parts was limited, and it took a month to make them all. At that time, the season had almost entered autumn, and the small basin also ushered in a season of less rain and more sunshine.

The crisp autumn air is suitable for sunbathing.

The little Loli dried the wheat every day, dried it in the morning and took it back at night. During the day, she had nothing to do, so she extracted a large amount of porcelain-making accessories, mixed them with soil, and made a batch of pottery.

There are three types of pottery, one is the same ceramic as ordinary pottery, and the other is made with some special auxiliary materials and then fired in a refining furnace to become a pottery like a wheat rice pot.

Another type of pottery, the main materials are ceramic clay and mineral materials. The shape and color of the refined pottery are exactly the same as the pottery, and the quality is like a magic weapon.

Firing the ceramics took less than a month.

There was plenty of time, so the little Loli wrote and wrote for a few days, melting materials to refine the spirit boat again.

The newly refined spirit boat is a flying boat controlled by a rudder, for the purpose of making it easier for little creatures like little foxes, little Huihui, and Lingzhi dolls to drive.

Le Yun had refined a spirit boat controlled by a rudder before, so she was confident in refining it again. The only question was how fast the speed could be.

She wanted to refine a high-speed steering spirit boat with a minimum traveling speed of about 30 billion miles. Unfortunately, it backfired. The spirit boat that took nearly three months to refine could only travel at a speed of million miles.

The speed of the spirit boat did not meet her expectations. Le Yun knew in her heart that the speed of 500 million miles was the limit of the spirit boat controlled by the rudder. At present, her ability could no longer achieve new breakthroughs.

It is important for people to know themselves. People who do not know themselves will fall into trouble.

Le Yun was self-aware and knew that the speed of the rudder-controlled spirit boat had reached the limit, so she no longer demanded it. She melted a batch of materials to build a rudder-controlled spirit boat that could travel 100 million miles.

Calculating the time, there was still some time before the harvest period, so she tinkered with some small parts and magic weapons, and stopped working just before the sugar cane could be harvested.

The History of Time, the Ancient Stone Mortar, and the Void of the Void stared at the crops, harvesting whatever was due. Not only did they harvest what they planted, but they also harvested what the two little monkeys planted.

The two little monkeys completed the planting task, and the little Loli sent them back to the star core space, letting the two little monkeys follow the little fox gang to help.

Grains, fruits and vegetables were harvested, and finally sugar cane was cut.

The ancestors led a small group of puppets to cut down the sugar cane first, and then dug up the sugar cane roots, leaving seven or eight sugar cane seedlings every half mile or one mile to allow them to reproduce naturally.

It’s not that the little loli is so stingy that she won’t even let go of sugarcane roots. The main reason is that sugarcane has a strong ability to absorb nutrients, and the land where sugarcane is planted can easily become barren.

However, sugarcane has extremely tenacious vitality and the land has become barren. They have faded into weeds and reproduced quickly, encroaching on the land and squeezing the living space of other plants.

A large amount of sugar cane roots were recovered, and the History of Time, Void Bottle, and Ancient Stone Mortar were sent to the little contractor to the small island in the lake. The little guy rolled the leaves of the World God Tree, and they helped to pull the fairy grass spiritual plant. .

Afterwards, return to the Yuyan Lake Formation Area to dig grapes, five-leaf trees, tea trees and other plants.

For grapes and other plants, one out of ten was left, and nine out of ten were dug up. Plants were left at regular intervals for seedlings, and the few pumpkin seedlings that had grown into old piles were all dug up.

The ancestors also helped collect some plants of secondary rice, secondary wheat that grew into wild wheat and other plants.

After collecting plant seeds, Leyun recalled the puppets, and happily picked a leaf from each yin and yang tree in the Yuyan Lake area, and then cut the branches of other sacred trees.

The sacred trees planted near the Yuyan Lake Formation area are all single seedlings. It is impossible to dig the saplings. The only way is to cut the branches and cultivate them through cuttings and seedlings.

After intercepting branches from hundreds of sacred trees, Le Yun managed to control her little hands, returned to the fish eye, took out the sky-swallowing snail and filled the fish eye lake with water.

When the water surface of Yuyan Lake rises to about a hundred feet away from the dam, the swallowing snails are retrieved, and then the large lake that is the Yin Fish is filled with water.

The little Loli held a conch and poured water by herself. She also did not forget to assign tasks to the ancestors, and gave each of them a sky-swallowing snail.

The mouth of the sky-swallowing snail is only that big, and conchs of the same order come out of the water at the same speed. In theory, there is no shortcut.

But the ancestral treasure is the ancestral treasure. They did not take the ordinary way and pour the water in the normal way. Instead, they wrapped the water in the conch with the power of law, and then took it out and put it into the lake all at once.

The water wrapped in the power of the law entered the lake and dispersed with a crash. Huge waves surged into the sky, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

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