magic eye doctor

Chapter 3288 Guilty Conscience

Chapter 3288 Guilty Conscience

Le Yun, who was holding the swallowing snail and pouring water, was stunned by the actions of the ancestors. Can they still operate like this? !

I stared at it dumbfounded for a while, and couldn't help but pat my little head. Hey, I probably haven't used my brain for too long, and my head is rusty!

You said, she is obviously an immortal, why didn't she think of using the rules to work quickly?

People, you really need to learn more and see more. If we are three people walking together, we must have a teacher. The ancients never deceived others!

Le Yun, who had gained insight, drew inferences from one example and immediately learned and sold it. She also tried to transform the water in the conch into the law of the water system.

She learned quickly, a flash of light flashed, and the water turned into the light of the law flew out of the conch. As the power of the law changed, it turned into water again, and poured out from the air with a crash.

The first time she tried it, the control was a bit unfamiliar, and she miscalculated the distance, causing the water to fall from mid-air.

The huge water mass crashed into the lake in an instant, and the huge impact hit the bottom of the lake, causing the bottom of the lake to tremble like an earthquake, and causing huge waves to rise into the sky.

In order to prevent huge waves from hitting the embankment, Shijiu took action to stabilize the situation.

Le Yun felt too guilty to look at the ancestral treasure, oh, what a mistake!

"Xiao Xiyue is amazing!"

"Oh, Xiao Xiyue has mastered the law of water so quickly!"

The huge waves subsided. The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle were both surprised and delighted. The little guy had only been promoted to mortal immortal for a few years, but he didn't expect to have mastered the law of water perfectly. He could play this skill smoothly.

"I've just understood a little bit of the laws, and I'm not very familiar with them yet." Le Yun was embarrassed to be praised. There are countless laws in the Dao, but she has only scratched the surface. There is really nothing to be proud of.

"Xiao Xiyue has just stepped into the ranks of immortals. Not only has she understood the laws, but she can also use them. This understanding is unmatched by anyone!"

"Xiao Xiyue has understood the law at such a young age, and not all golden immortals can be compared to Xiao Xiyue. How awesome!"

The ancestors were in a happy mood. As for the contract, it was most suitable to contract a cub like Xiao Xiyue. They would accompany the little contractor by raising a cub and watch the little one grow up step by step, giving them a full sense of accomplishment.

Being praised by Zu Bao like a child, Le Yun's face became hot. She quickly put a dozen silkworm swallowing snails on a drying plate and asked Zu Bao's seniors to help share their worries.

The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time, and the void bottle each took a shell and poured water. In order to let the little guy practice using the rules to pour water, they took their time and let the shell pour water by themselves.

Leyun GOU realized the joy of working with rules and practiced happily. After repeated experiments, she was able to accurately control the distance.

As the snails continue to be emptied, the water level of the large lake rises little by little.

The large lake is funnel-shaped, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, and has a large water storage capacity.

The little Loli poured water from twenty-three conches into the big lake, including the water from the Xuanxian, Earthxian and Mortal Immortal-level sky-swallowing snails. The amount of water accumulated in the lake barely exceeded the lake's water storage capacity. One third of the capacity.

The water storage capacity of the lake exceeded one-third of the total capacity, reaching the conditions for the Qiankun Formation to automatically activate. The formation became self-contained, and the entire depression and tens of thousands of miles around were shrouded in white mist.

It was done, and it was time for her to retire. Le Yun put away her little magic weapon and the swallowing snail, and jumped into the arm of the ancient stone mortar.

Shi Jiu hugged the tiny cub and happily embarked on the return journey.

The Time History Book, the Void Bottle, and the Stone Mortar walked side by side. The three ancestral treasures walked slowly through the air, passed through the aura-filled depression land, and came out of the basin surrounded by mountains.

The Great Formation of Heaven and Earth was formed in the depression, but the sacred tree that suppressed the boundary was not yet mature, so it did not form a natural barrier. The Formation of Heaven and Earth could not stop the ancestors, and they could come and go freely.

If the yang and yin trees mature and form a natural barrier, even the ancestors cannot enter the barrier without the approval of the sacred tree.

Shijiu took the little contractor to see the large water-retaining lake in the northwest corner, and then went straight to the teleportation barrier in a certain space.

Shijiu was worried that the speed would affect the young contractors, so he slowed down. In only half an hour, he crossed more than a thousand miles and arrived in front of the teleportation barrier.

Shenmu Valley has been rectified by the mighty force of heaven and earth. The peaks that were only over 200,000 feet high have grown to more than one million feet or two or three hundred feet, and the former surface has also sunk down by more than 200,000 feet.

The location of the vortex of the transmission channel used to be almost at the top of the peak. When the mountain increased in height and the ground surface sank, its current location belongs to the area halfway down the mountainside.

The mountain peaks and the earth have undergone earth-shaking changes, but the shape of the rock wall where the transmission channel is located has not changed. It is still as steep as a knife. The large vortex is hidden in the rock wall, and only a shadow can be seen.

Shijiu stopped in front of the stone wall and took a breath with the dizzy little guys such as Time History Book, Void Bottle and so on.

Le Yun waited for nearly half an hour before she managed to catch her breath, released the golden lotus magic weapon, jumped in and sat down to rest.

"Xiao Xiyue, we are going back." The three ancestral treasures turned into light themselves, got into the little contractor's eyebrows, and entered the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as he entered the Consciousness Sea, Void Bottle exclaimed in surprise: "It's only been a few years, and the little guy has learned it by himself without any teacher, and successfully opened up the starry sky of laws!"

A few years ago, he said that with the little guy's understanding, sooner or later he would be able to transform the sea of ​​consciousness into the sea of ​​laws and open up the starry sky of laws. Who would have thought that this would become a reality in the blink of an eye!

"The little guy is an ancient genius." Shijiu flew lightly over the Soul Sea, accurately found the golden lotus of merit and virtue where he once lived, and jumped into the golden lotus.

There are a total of six golden lotuses of merit in the little contractor's sea of ​​consciousness, four of which are complete, and there are two golden lotuses, one large and one small, that have consumed part of the power of merit.

Now, the four golden lotuses that once had complete merit have grown again, and the two golden lotuses that have consumed their merit power have also returned to their original lotus shape.

The history book of time has also found its own place to live, drifting in and lying down. Speaking of it, the most comfortable and comfortable place in the world is none other than this!

Seeing the broken bottle and broken stone falling down, Void Vase quickly floated into the Golden Lotus of Merit where he lived. The weapon spirit lay happily looking up at the starry sky of laws.

The soul power of the sea of ​​consciousness was calm, and the stars in the sky were twinkling. The originally empty sea of ​​consciousness turned into a world with sea water, starry sky and light, which was peaceful and beautiful.

The three ancestral treasures lying in the golden lotus of merit and virtue enjoy the life of the instrument extremely comfortably.

Le Yun, who was sitting in the golden lotus magic weapon, practiced for a week and felt that she was resurrected with full blood. She took out the ancestral treasure leaf and pasted it on the sacred tree blessing mark pattern on her forehead, and then put it on her forehead to wipe it.

There is a gem in the middle of the forehead, and there is a small groove inside. When the forehead is worn, the groove just covers the leaves of the sacred tree.

Using the leaves of the ancestral treasure to cover the blessing mark of the sacred tree, Le Yun once again took out the jewelry that concealed the aura and hung them up one by one, including the spiritual jade that concealed the cultivation level.

With the help of various concealment magic weapons, he still disguises himself as a Nascent Soul monk. As long as he doesn't fight with others, he looks like an ordinary Yuanying monk.

I made a good disguise, checked myself inside and out, and felt that I had concealed myself perfectly. Then I opened the defensive barrier of the golden lotus magic weapon, and jumped into the invisible whirlpool with the magic weapon.

Before entering the teleportation vortex, Le Yun made full preparations. When she entered the vortex, she felt an overwhelming dizziness, and it didn't take long for her to faint again.

She herself fainted, and the three ancestral treasures in her sea of ​​consciousness also felt like their souls were being torn apart again.

In the feeling of their souls being torn apart, the ancestral treasure weapon spirits actually saw the sky full of little stars. Countless little stars were twinkling and twinkling around them.

People were so dizzy that their consciousness was lost, and the ancestors were also so dizzy that they couldn't distinguish between southeast and Dingbei. Naturally, no one knew what kind of inhuman torture the magic weapon that opened the defensive array experienced in the transmission channel.

I don’t know how long it took, but the golden lotus magic weapon was sent to the fairyland treasure realm by the transmission channel. When it emerged from the invisible vortex in the center of the fairy spring eye pool, it rushed towards the bank surrounding the pool, then hit the bank and was bounced sideways. Cross the fairy spring eye.

A ball of golden light flew across the fairy spring eye pool, crossed the embankment, flew a hundred feet away, and hit a pile of rocks in the grass.

The ball of golden light in flight was blocked and forced to interrupt its flight. It hit the grass and was bounced up and then landed. After landing, it rolled a few times and hit a bush before coming to rest.

When the golden lotus magic weapon was bounced and landed on the ground, the ancient stone mortar, time history book, and void bottle that were stuck in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the little contractor were also forced to experience the wonderful experience of rotating with the stars.

When the dizzying feeling ended, the three ancestors were still dizzy and collapsed directly into the Golden Lotus of Merit.

After a long while, the Void had some strength, stood up from lying down, and shouted in pain: "Broken books and broken stones, are you two still alive?"

"Alive." The ancient stone mortar responded feebly, stood upright, and then recalled the pestle that had gone to the corner and placed it in the mortar.

The History of Time book made no sound, and moved slowly, sorting out the messed up pages.

"I'm surprised. The little guy has clearly opened up the Law Star Sky and the Law Consciousness Sea. We should not be affected by the outside world here. Why are we fainting more than last time?" Void. The whole person is confused. Who will tell him what is going on?

"The more laws the little guy masters, the more sensitive she will be to the order of the outside world. She is a body of laws and can easily resonate with the laws of space in the transmission channel. We have a contract with the little guy, and we stay in the little guy. In the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the family, the impact will naturally be greater.

If we stay in the little guy's spiritual plant space, or stay in the little guy's life origin star space, we will naturally not be affected in any way. "The Time History Book has sorted out its pages and is as calm as ever.

"How's the little guy?" The spirit of the Void Bottle was still dazed, and its response to the outside world had become very slow.

"Asleep." Shi Shishu's answer was extremely concise.

Void Bottle was silent: "I think it would be better for us to stay in another place when the little guy leaves the God Realm."

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