magic eye doctor

Chapter 3289 The Year of Snow is coming

Chapter 3289 The Year of Snow is coming

The idea of ​​the Void Bottle is very simple. They are ancestral treasures. If they stay in the sea of ​​consciousness of the little contractor, they will definitely have an impact on the little guy's perception.

If the three of them were not in the consciousness of the little contractor, the little guy would be less sensitive to external laws and would be less dizzy, and he would not be unable to escape from a coma even if he entered the teleportation channel.

"Whether we change or not, the advantages and disadvantages each account for half." Shi Jiu regained his breath and continued: "We stay in the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness and can take care of Xiao Xiyue at any time. If there is any danger from the outside world, we will also Can protect people.

In another place, maybe because we are not in the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Xiyue will be slightly less affected. If something unexpected happens, we may not be able to protect her in time. "

"We can stay in the room without waiting for the little guy's life origin star or spiritual plant space, and we can also take care of Xiao Xiyue in time."

"The safety of hiding in Ruyi House is not guaranteed. If an accident occurs, Ruyi House may break away from the little guy. We are too far away from the little guy. Without the protection of the little guy's contract, we cannot pass through the wall of time and space.

Even if an accident occurs after passing through the time and space barrier, we are too far away from the little guy, and the power of the contract is weak, the will of a certain time and space may throw us into the void of time and space. "

"..." The Void Bottle looked up to the sky and was speechless. Forget it, they should just stay in the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness.

The topic of whether to change places ended here.

The three ancestors rested for a long time and were resurrected with full blood.

But their little contractor was still unconscious, but Sanzu Bao was so anxious that he kept staring at her, hoping that she would wake up soon.

The ancestors were so worried that their little contractor didn't know anything about it. He fell into a coma for three days and four nights before finally waking up.

Just waking up from her sleep, Le Yun's mind was still confused, staring in one direction in a daze. After a while, her thinking gradually became clear.

When my mind cleared up, I also saw the lotus pods of the golden lotus magic weapon. I twitched the corner of my mouth speechlessly. This time I fell into the mud again!

I used to be afraid of deep water, but now I have the problem of fainting from the teleportation array. What else can I do?

No one is perfect, Lao Gucheng won’t deceive me!

Whether it's the fear of deep water or the teleportation system, I can't get rid of it. If I can't get rid of it, I can only work hard to adapt.

Le Yun sighed silently and accepted her fate. She got up and looked around again. She saw the rocks that had been run over and had marks from being hit. She couldn't help wiping her sweat. Needless to say, she also Knowing that coming out of the teleportation energy is the same as entering the Immortal Treasure Realm, there are several more collisions!

This time I was a little luckier, because I was protected by the golden lotus magic weapon, and there were no obvious scars on my body from the collisions along the way.

Neither the Grain Dolls nor the Spiritual Plant Dolls returned to the island. The Fairy Spring Eye Pond Island was quiet and peaceful, with only the chirping of insects, the sound of wind, and the gurgling sound of spring water.

Le Yun scratched the hair on her head, closed the defensive formation of the magic weapon, put away the golden lotus, flew over the grass to the front of Zizi Jade Mountain, and looked up at Zizi Mountain.

Compared with before she went to Shenmu Valley, the light in Seed Jade Mountain was a bit brighter, which also proved that a group of dolls had harvested a large amount of grains, fruits and vegetables.

The food stored in the warehouse of Seed Mountain will not escape. Le Yun did not check how much food the dolls had stored and entered the cave where the dolls lived.

The cave, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, is spotlessly clean. The drying tray carrying the boxes containing spiritual meals is still in place, and next to it is an empty drying tray.

The empty drying tray used to contain the spiritual wood, but the dolls made the spiritual wood into a wooden box, and the drying tray was also empty.

On the drying tray where the spiritual meal boxes are placed, the box is divided into two parts. One is the empty box after eating the spiritual meal, and the other pile is the spiritual meal boxes that have not been eaten.

There is not much spiritual food left.

Le Yun was interested in the warehouse where the dolls' rations were stored, and ran to take a look. Oh, the warehouse of the little cuties was already full. There were not only a large amount of fairy food, but also various wild spiritual fruits and nuts.

It can be seen from the harvest of the little creatures that when she was not in the fairyland, the children lived their little lives happily.

Knowing that a group of cuties were doing well, Le Yun felt relieved. She collected the empty boxes and drying trays, and then took out a dozen boxes of spiritual meals and placed them on the drying trays.

After leaving the cave, a spiritual boat was placed on the open grassland, and the nine-color divine lotus that protected the dragon eggs and egg babies was transferred from the star core space and placed on the bow of the boat.

After thinking about it, I enlarged the spiritual plant space of the round-leaf tree and the partially vacant spiritual plant space refined in the Shenmu Valley, and lined them up on the grass, allowing them to absorb the essence of the sun and moon in nature.

Le Yun carried several spiritual plant spaces and coniferous trees with her, and the baby war beast eggs and baby fairy silkworms were also placed on the bow of the Qingyun for easy observation.

After settling the dragon egg and the egg baby, a dozen stoves were placed on the grass not far from the fairy spring pool, and a fire was made to make spiritual meals.

After a day and a night, the aroma of the spiritual meal is overflowing.

At noon on the third day when little Loli was making spiritual meals, the grain dolls and spiritual plant dolls came back!

The Lingzhi dolls who grew rice in the south and wheat grains in the north must have communicated with each other and made an appointment to wait for their companions outside the central fairy spring lake. The two groups of dolls gathered together and returned to the island together.

The doll team arrived after smelling the fragrance, and Le Yun got a little surprise - Chiba doll has given birth to a baby!

Zhiren Zhima successfully promoted to Nascent Soul, Lotus Baby, Lotus Root Baby and Xiaoyu Jing also jumped several levels and directly entered the gold level. Even the weakest little flower essence has reached the bigu level.

Seeing the first few babies picked up thrive, Le Yun was so happy that she opened her arms to welcome the group of babies that were coming at speed.

A group of dolls were in good spirits and full of water. When they saw the little fairy, they jumped up to her with cheers and stuck to her body as small pendants.

There were so many dolls that they swarmed up, some hugging their arms, some hugging their thighs, some hugging their waists, some lying on their backs. If they couldn't get a place, they would pile up.

Little Lolita is covered with little creatures, and there are more pendants than the Christmas trees that are decorated every Christmas in European and American countries.

"Little fairy, little fairy, we miss you!"

"Little fairy, you are finally back!"

Each cute little creature chirped to express its longing.

"I miss the little cuties too. They look so juicy, white and tender. I want to take a few bites."

With a bunch of little dolls stuck to her body, Le Yun had no choice but to pull the little cuties off one by one, hugging each one and chewing on it twice, she was so happy that she couldn't even see her eyebrows.

The little creatures received the sweet kiss from the fairy, and they were so excited that their heads buzzed, and the flowers bloomed and the leaves grew.

The dolls were rolled down and stood in a circle around the little fairy. Those who picked out fruits picked out fruits and those who picked out flowers picked out tea buds and stuffed them into the little fairy's sleeves.

"Little fairy, our meat is not delicious. You can eat fruits and flowers."

The little creatures who were busy stuffing fruits and flowers into the little fairy's sleeves couldn't help but move closer to the little fairy. The little fairy smelled so good that they wanted to stick it on her! The little creature kept stuffing things over, and Le Yun's sleeves were soon full and heavy, making her dumbfounded and she quickly moved the things into a storage container for storage.

The little creatures saved a lot of snacks and continued to stuff them.

Le Yun welcomed everyone who came and played happily with the little creatures for a while, then quickly started a stove and prepared the ingredients to make fresh river soup.

A group of little creatures surrounded the little fairy, chattering non-stop. They felt that they had only been separated for more than ten years, and the little fairy was a little different from before. It was hard to tell what was different.

I couldn't find anything different about the little fairy, so the dolls followed their instincts. When the fairy had time, she would come over and hug her legs and arms, and touch each other's faces.

Dozens of little creatures were full of energy and happily followed the little fairy around, like a swarm of bees surrounding the flowers.

When it got dark, the last two pots of spiritual food were ready, and the river soup was ready. Le Yun put away the stove and took the little creatures into the cave to reunite.

The little creatures were so happy that they sat on the ground in a circle, each with a bowl of rice, each with three vegetable bowls and a bowl of soup. They all ate with open bellies, their faces glowing red after eating.

After having enough wine and food, the little creatures sat and ate the spiritual fruits, eliminated their food, and happily reported the results of their planting.

The little creatures have been living on grass for more than ten years, working against time to plant crops. Le Yun also felt sorry for the children and praised them sincerely, asking them not to plant in large quantities. They have harvested a lot of each kind of food, no matter it is Seeds and grain reserves are abundant.

The children didn't feel it was hard and were excited to talk about their harvest during the Xiaguang Vision.

The vision appeared three times in succession. Each time the rays of sunlight illuminated the earth, the growth of plants accelerated, as did the grains. A harvest of the divine rice and wheat could be harvested in just five or six months.

Thanks to Xiaguang, they planted a lot of crops during that period and achieved bumper harvests again and again.

A group of dolls were so excited that they chattered for half the night. They didn't sleep contentedly until the second half of the night, and they got up again at dawn.

After a night's rest, the excitement had passed, and I finally remembered the business.

Thinking of business, they naturally wanted to report to the little fairy. The dolls told the little fairy some bad news: "Little fairy, the Snow Year is coming soon."

Snow must fall every winter in snow years, and many grains are not cold-tolerant. Those grain varieties that require a growth cycle of three to five years are not suitable for planting in snow years.

Only a few varieties of grains are cold-resistant, such as wheat, which is not afraid of snow and is one of the grains that can be grown even in snowy years.

In the past, whenever the snow year came, the grain dolls and spiritual plant dolls rarely planted grains. In addition to recuperating, they would go to the forest to collect spiritual fruits.

"The Year of Snow is coming? Come as soon as you come. Cold comes and summer comes, and the seasons reincarnate. This is the law of nature." Le Yun learned the news and asked the dolls curiously: "How do you know that the Year of Snow is coming? "

"We look at the fairy spring eye pool. Whenever the fairy spring eye freezes over on the Beginning of Winter, it means the Year of Snow is coming."

"After the fairy spring freezes, the Snow Year will definitely come in five years."

"The Fairy Spring Eye has frozen twice in a row. This is the third year."

The dolls talked about their own experience. When they were born, they knew when the Snow Year would come based on the frozen eyes of the fairy spring.

"That means it doesn't count this year. It will snow next year, and the year after that, and the winter after that, right?"


"It's okay, there are still three years left. Are there any crops in the field that cannot be harvested in the snow year? Give them some fertilizer to shorten their growth cycle. Have you used up your fertilizer?

It’s a good thing that the Snow Year is here. There’s no need to worry. You’ve been working hard growing crops for many years, and you can rest during the Snow Year. "

“We understand that we haven’t run out of fertilizer yet!

The little fairy was not shaken by the arrival of the Snow Year, and the dolls were no longer stressed. They happily said that now they do not plant crops that take many years to mature, but only plant spiritual food that has a growth cycle of only one or two years.

The grain dolls were born for grains, and they knew how to arrange the planting. Le Yun did not interfere and put the Yushan warehouse she refined in the cave for the dolls to store the grain.

A group of dolls were surprised when they saw the little fairy's Yushan warehouse and ran to study the warehouse.

Climbing up from the foot of the mountain, level by level, to a place near the top of the mountain. The top few warehouses were sealed and they couldn't get in. They accepted it calmly and happily discussed when to transfer the grain and which warehouses to store which. Grade food.

The output of high-level fairy grains is limited, and one warehouse can store several varieties of grains. Only a few spiritual grades of spiritual grains have high yields, and one variety of grains can fill a warehouse thousands of feet wide.

For example, sweet potatoes, cassava, potatoes, and corn are high-yielding crops. The yields of each crop are astonishing. Each crop requires its own warehouse, and even a ten thousand-foot warehouse is not enough.

Fruit and vegetable melons also have a high yield, and one melon requires one or two thousand-foot-wide warehouses.

Leyun taught the little ones how to make rational use of space. Several kinds of small amounts of rice were put into one warehouse, with wooden boards as partitions in the middle.

The wooden boards are all made of spiritual wood, one foot thick, and are produced and processed by puppet masters. The dimensions are controlled very strictly and the pieces are fine.

Le Yun took out a portion of the spiritual boards in stock, put them on a drying tray and placed them in the cave so that the little creatures could easily access them when storing food.

The children who had learned new knowledge immediately put it into practice. They ran to the seeds and emptied dozens of grain bins and transported them to the Yushan warehouse for storage.

They used the rational use of space method taught by Little Fairy to divide a warehouse into several rooms and put several types of grains of the same grade into them.

After storing the grain, I sensed it again. Well, the atmosphere in the warehouse is quite stable!

The atmosphere in the warehouse is peaceful, indicating that different varieties of grain can coexist.

The experiment proved the feasibility of the fairy's method. A group of dolls happily walked together and went to the fairy field to take care of the crops.

The little creatures were so hardworking that they even took a day off to go back to work. Little Loli also packed up and left the fairy spring eye pool island.

She first went to Xiantian District to retrieve several puppet teams who were working as lawn mowers, and sent the Yinyue brothers and Sihuo brothers and sisters to the forest to the west to collect.

And she took the Silver Star Nine brothers with her to the paddy field area near due west to check out the crabs and shrimps she had stocked.

The breeding fields where crabs and shrimps are stocked are far away from the rice planting areas. Four varieties of shrimps and crabs are stocked, and each species has ten rice fields. After more than ten years of development, the number of crab and shrimp breeding fields has increased to more than 3,000. piece.

Originally, shrimps and crabs were separated by ten rice fields. Because no one interfered, they explored the new world in all directions. Some crabs and shrimps visited each other and became mixed.

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