magic eye doctor

Chapter 3292 Bad Intuition

Chapter 3292 Bad Intuition

The outlet of each lake in Xiantianbao is located higher than the water channels that cross the Xiantian area. The water in the lakes is sucked away, and the water in the ditches will not flow back.

After visiting every lake in Xiantian District, Le Xiaololi headed into the forest surrounding Xiantian District and went to the largest rivers to collect water.

Trees basically stop growing in winter and do not need water for nourishment. Even if all the river water is cut off, it will not affect the life of the forest world.

Classmate Le boldly intercepted the river to collect water, walked around for a while and then returned to the central giant lake in Xiantian District. While making spiritual meals, wine, sauce and vinegar, he also artificially rained in the star core space.

The giant lake in the center had half of its water sucked away, and it was full again in just three days and three nights. The water levels of the lakes on the islands in the lake and the fairy spring eye lake on the island in the island recovered faster, recovering in just one night or day.

Other large and small lakes in Xiantian District are filled with fairy spring water for up to five days and five nights.

The little Lolita was so happy that she collected fairy spring water from the lake in Xiantian District every seven days and went to the forest to fetch water every day.

The little fox is also very busy. His only job every day is to drive the spirit boat to water the land on the edge of the green area.

Because the water source was sufficient, Mr. Le filled the large lake east of the central area of ​​the Sacred Tree in the Star Core Space.

There are many giant lakes in the star core space. The large lake east of the nine-story altar has a round shape and is surrounded by rivers that flow into the lake and rivers that overflow outward. It looks like a shining sun. It is also a star. The largest lake in the nuclear world, it is euphemistically called "Sun Lake".

The Sun Lake is too large. Filling the Demon King-level sky-swallowing snail with water and pouring it into the lake would be like pouring a handful of water on the floor, leaving only a puddle of water stains.

The star core world belongs to oneself. No matter how strong the ability of soil to swallow water is, Classmate Le has to hold his nose and recognize it, and collect water conscientiously.

After the first snowfall, it didn't snow again for about half a month. When it came to the end of November, the snow came again, and it was very frequent, and it snowed every three to five.

The boundary of the safety city of the Three Pagoda Gardens blocked the snow, and naturally there was no snow falling on the ground of the peaks. The monks who were studying in the Enlightenment Pagoda naturally didn't know that the Snow Year was coming.

Master Xuan and Master Yan have been practicing hard for several years and have achieved good results. They can maintain their practice on Tuanfu for an hour.

The ability to withstand stress has increased, but I feel that there is no gain from practicing on the seventh level. The two young men also have time to send messages to each other to chat and exchange experiences.

One day, the two young men decided on a whim that they should challenge the eighth floor.

The pressure of the seventh level is equivalent to the pressure of a calamity-level monk. By analogy, the eighth level should be a pressure test equivalent to the Mahayana level.

After practicing in the Enlightenment Tower for many years, Yan Shao felt that he had been tempered in all aspects, and there was still room for further improvement, so it was necessary to try new challenges.

As a person, you can only make progress by constantly trying and making breakthroughs.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao discussed it, and then each discussed with his contracted beasts.

Yingsheng Baiyin knew that his brother had an adventure and needed more training, so he naturally supported him and responded: "Of course I want to go. The pressure of the eighth level is quite large, so I just want to go and feel it in advance."

Diamond Ape also agreed with the thoughts of the little beasts: "It is excellent to feel the pressure of the Mahayana level in advance. It is not only challenging to challenge the eighth level, but also to challenge the higher ninth level."

"The ninth floor should be the training ground for mortal immortals." Mr. Xuan broke into a cold sweat. He could only sit on the tuanfu on the seventh floor for about an hour. Asking him to challenge the ninth floor was the same as asking a man who had just started to grow feathers. Nestling in flight.

"Precisely because it is a testing ground for mortal immortals, it is even more necessary to experience it. There is a world of difference between Mahayana and mortal immortals. Feeling the power of mortal immortals may enlighten you."

"You think too highly of me. I'd better keep my feet on the ground and go to the eighth floor first before talking." Mr. Xuan wiped his sweat from his guilty conscience before contacting Mr. Yan.

When Young Master Yan discussed with his contracted beast, the Diamond Ape, Long-eared Bear and Water Escape also unanimously supported his decision to challenge the eighth level.

Since there is no resistance, the two of them work together. It is better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Let's quickly pack up and go to the eighth floor.

The beasts and beasts slipped into the Ruyi House by themselves without being urged by their buddies.

Major General Yan Shaoxuan pulled out his sleeves in Ruyiwu, cleaned up the training ground where he had lived for a long time, tidied up his appearance, and walked out of the training point.

Without squinting their eyes, the two young men floated towards the entrance and exit of the tower hall.

As soon as they left the training point, two monks in the beam of light near the entrance and exit of the eighth floor also left the training point, walked out of the eighth floor first, and stood silently in the staircase.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan walked side by side. When they were approaching the door, their hearts palpitated. A creepy feeling came over them, and their scalp exploded.

During his many years in the military, he has experienced bullets, bullets and all kinds of dangers, making him very sensitive to danger and convinced of his own intuition.

Past experiences prompted Young Master Yan's body to form a conditioned reflex that was one step faster than his mind. He suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to block Young Master Xuan. Young Master Yan stopped in his tracks, frowned slightly, and looked at the layer of light at the entrance and exit less than three feet away. The palpitating feeling came to his heart again.

Young Master Xuan also reacted quickly. When an arm stretched out in front of him, he instantly floated back a few feet and looked at Young Master Yan in surprise.

Before he could ask what was wrong, Young Master Yan quickly turned around and walked away, and said lightly: "I almost forgot, I once stuffed something under the tuanpu, I have to find it back."

What happened? A question mark popped up in Mr. Xuan's mind. Fortunately, his on-the-spot reaction was also first-rate. He was only slightly startled before remaining calm as usual.

He also turned around in cooperation, and while flying towards the training point, he urged: "Hurry back and look for me before you get too far."

The two of them spoke without avoiding anyone. The monks who were not meditating in several nearby cultivation sites looked at them and then looked away.

Young Master Yan had just left the training point and had not yet left the training ground on the seventh floor. No new cultivators came in from outside. The two of them had been at the training point for more than ten years and no one had gotten there first.

Hurrying back to the previous training point, Young Master Yan stepped into the beam of light, squatted outside the tuanfu in a serious manner, lowered his head and pressed the tuanfu, as if he was looking for where to stuff something.

Mr. Xuan also re-entered the training ground where he had stayed for more than ten years. He stood for a while and looked at his companions who were looking for something. Then he simply sat down and looked like he was waiting patiently.

Yan Shaodong fumbled around a few times, looking like he couldn't remember where the things were hidden. He took out the Ruyi House and put it aside in distress, then entered the Ruyi House himself.

The two Mahayana beasts and a humanoid beast who stayed in Ruyi looked at Brother Yan with surprise.

Yuan Er was not very good at beating around the bush, so he went straight to the point and asked the reason: "Brother Yan, is there... something wrong?"

"Yes." Yan Xing nodded: "When I was almost walking to the door, I suddenly had a bad feeling. That feeling was the same as my intuition when I encountered danger before."

"Could someone be eyeing you and Brother Xuan? The little fairy once said that you and Brother Xuan must not wander around." The long-eared bear rubbed his big ears.

"It may be like this. It is estimated that the villains know that we have gained something in Sword Valley, Enlightenment Lake, and Wanbao Pond. Some people want to get something for nothing, and they are eyeing us and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Let me first tell Mr. Xuan what happened just now. " Yan Xing also had a guess in his mind, and took out the jade symbol of summons to send a message to Mr. Xuan, explaining the reason for his sudden return.

When Xuan saw that Young Master Yan had left the Ruyi House, he also took out the Ruyi House from his sleeve and put it outside the tuanfu. He went into the Ruyi House and waited for Young Master Yan's explanation.

The diamond ape and the two-person beast were still confused, but they were smart enough not to ask a hundred thousand reasons.

Mr. Xuan waited for a while, and the communication talisman started to move. He took the talisman and checked it. As he had guessed, Mr. Yan suddenly changed the situation for a reason.

He responded to the interrogation: "So the danger is outside the door?"

After sending a reply, he received a reply from Mr. Outside the door.

Maybe there are some surveillance methods in the hall that we don't know about, such as shadow stones. Even if someone is watching us, we don't dare to do anything here blatantly.

Exiting the hall is the corridor. There may not be any shadow stones or special taboos in those places. It would be difficult to find evidence if a high-ranking monk secretly attacked a junior monk.

We acted suddenly this time, which means that someone with evil intentions has been watching us and noticed that we had already left the seventh floor before we left. They may have been waiting in the corridor of the tower. "

"If anyone is targeting us, the ultimate target will definitely be the little lolita. We won't go to the eighth floor. We will just wait for the little lolita here, or wait until the secret realm enchantment is teleported away." Mr. Xuan decisively gave up exploring the eighth floor. layer plan.

The villain who dared to do evil in Safe City must be someone from a powerful force in the God Realm, and had the secret approval of law enforcement and management.

They are just a bunch of newbies with low worth. Even if they don't hand over the precious light group they exchanged for from the Wanzhen Tower to the little Loli for safekeeping, their resources will not tempt the forces in the God Realm.

They are not worth the trouble of the forces in the God Realm, so the little Loli must have found some rare resource that made them jealous.

There are people watching them, and the ultimate target is still the little Loli. Those people may want to kidnap the Little Loli and force her to submit.

"Heroes see the same thing, let's just stay here." Yan Xing and Young Master Xuan agreed. They were not stupid, how could they run around and give the bad guys a chance even though they knew they were being targeted.

Mr. Xuan chatted with Mr. Yan for a few words, and then explained the reason for his sudden return to his little contract beast friend.

The Mahayana beast and the two-shaped beast were frightened for a while. Fortunately, the two brothers were clever. If they had been slow to react and rushed out, they might have become prisoners.

Young Master Xuan explained the cause of the incident to his friend Beast Beast, released his consciousness at the speed of light, and silently observed the direction of the door.

Young Master Yan had the same reaction as Young Master Xuan. He also placed his spiritual consciousness on a high place outside Tuanfu and watched secretly.

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