magic eye doctor

Chapter 3293

Chapter 3293

Young Master Xuan and Young Master's consciousness did not leave the beam coverage area. Naturally, he could watch as he pleased within his own territory, and no one could find any fault.

About half a stick of incense later, two monks walked into the seventh floor.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan didn't know if those two people were the ones with evil intentions towards him, and his spiritual consciousness was paying close attention to the movements of the two monks.

The two young men didn't pay attention to the seventh hall when they got up to go to the eighth floor, so they couldn't tell whether the two people who entered the training hall from the outside were people who had just left the training hall.

In fact, those two people were the ones who left first.

The two waited in the corridor for a long time, and then entered the training hall again when there was no movement.

The two monks who returned to the training hall looked directly in a certain direction and saw two Ruyi Houses in a certain two training points, with a gloomy look in their eyes.

The two of them glanced at the training hall, withdrew their gaze, did not return to the previous training point, and found another empty tuanfu point to practice.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan clearly caught the glances of two monks in his direction, and he was sure that those two were the suspects.

Judging from the visual inspection, those two people were only the ones who showed up. There should be others, who were hiding in the Ruyi House and could not be seen by outsiders.

Moreover, at present, only that group of people is confirmed to be suspicious. It is hard to say whether there are other people on the seventh floor who are also eyeing him.

Yan Shaoxuan made up his mind not to leave the beam irradiation area. He adjusted his mentality and did not avoid people. He went to practice on Tuanfu again. After practicing for a while, he went to meditate outside Tuanfu.

The beasts were wandering around the Tuanpu, outside the Tuanpu, and between the Ruyi House, and the Mahayana beasts' spiritual consciousness was often secretly observing.

A few months later, the two young men and the three Mahayana beasts also discovered that someone was spying on them!

It should be the monk's spiritual consciousness that peeps at them, sometimes in this direction and sometimes in which direction.

Yan Shaoxuan was not stupid, so he naturally guessed that it was done deliberately by some people. The purpose was to make them mess up and leave the seventh floor.

If they don't leave the training site, those who want to do evil have no chance to do something against them. They can only force them to go out of the seventh floor and take advantage of the opportunity to do something evil.

Young Master Xuan understood his situation and had a countermeasure. He did not panic and just focused on practicing.

The two young masters made up their minds to stay on the seventh floor of the Enlightenment Tower without moving. The small team of monks watching in Qiangu Garden saw that the number of the insect swarm army was increasing, so they stopped watching and left one after another.

Due to Qianji Valley's geographical location, winter only lasted for two months and then the temperature slowly rose again.

Spring came later in Qianji Secret Valley, with the ice and snow completely melting at the end of February.

In Xiantian Bao, when the ice and snow melted, Le Xiaoluoli, who had been busy for several months, stopped making spiritual meals and making sauce and vinegar. She packed up her tools and left Xiantian Boundary.

The little fairy went to collect resources, and the doll team divided the work, leaving a team of dolls as left-behind personnel, while the other dolls went to the forest outside the fairy field.

The little fairy left two conches and a space bottle for storing water. A small team of dolls stayed behind to drink the water from the fairy spring every ten days, and regularly observed the crops that naturally grew to spread seeds and several types of wheat and millet that had not yet been harvested. .

The little Loli left the Immortal Treasure Realm and headed straight to the west. After flying for seventeen days, she found a vast plain.

The plains include forests, grasslands, and swamps.

Most of that large plain was once a lake. The rivers that entered the lake carried a large amount of sand sediment from the upper reaches, which continued to accumulate in the lake. Then, due to the diversion of some rivers, an alluvial plain was eventually formed.

The little Loli found the alluvial plain, inspected it in the air, decisively invited the dragon bones, drove away the monsters that were active in the swamps and grasslands, and then enclosed the land with the boundary mountain.

Then use space bottles to cut off the river, or suck up the water in the lakes in the swamps and meadow areas, catch the spirit fish, spirit crabs and other aquatic creatures, arrange for the nine Silver Star brothers, the Four Fire brothers and sisters, the Silver Moon brothers and sisters, the blue-armored puppets, the gold-armored silver A puppet man, a puppet beast digging in the soil.

The little Lolita is not idle either. She collects land from meadows and land swamps, and regularly goes to the mouths of various rivers to change space bottles and intercept water.

She shoveled the earth very quickly. She first shoveled the earth into a circle and formed a cylinder. Then she used the rules she mastered to separate the earth from the earth. The earth was rolled into a roll and kept moving forward.

Applying the rules to work and working efficiently will only consume immortality.

Classmate Le has accumulated a large amount of heaven and earth energy in his Dantian. In order to collect soil, he does not care about his own immortal energy.

She shovels away the earth, and the golems and golems dig it up.

The puppets and puppet beasts do not need to dig mud like plowing land. They only need to dig square or circular grooves around a certain area. When the grooves are dug to a certain depth, the little loli will use the space bottle to clear the grooves. The entire clod of soil in the middle is shoveled away.

Space bottles have the function of absorbing soil. If they absorb loose sand, it will be effortless. However, they can absorb a solid layer of soil, which is very useful for burning spiritual stones.

As a little Lolita who was born into a poor farmer, she knows that it is not easy to accumulate wealth. Even if she is rich now, she cannot squander it wantonly. As long as there is a plan to save resources, she can naturally save as much as she can.

Having an army of puppets dig trenches and then using Type I space bottles to move the mounds of soil can save two-thirds of the energy.

The soil in alluvial plains, grasslands and swamps can be dug. Le Yun led the puppet group and fought hard day and night.

Sanzu Bao, who stayed in the sea of ​​consciousness of the contractor, watched silently as the little guy led a group of puppets and dug their butts hard into the soil.

It is inconvenient for them to show up, because there are many ancient guys sleeping deep in the earth of a certain valley.

If they appear, those sleeping deep in the earth may sense their breath and appear. The ancient stone mortar, the history book of time and the void bottle did not want to cause trouble, so they could only stay in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the little contractor and watch her work.

While the little Lolita was busy collecting soil, the law enforcement officers and stewards in Qiangu Garden silently counted the days, looking forward to the early arrival of June.

Time passed day by day, and in the anticipation of the Qianguyuan planting monks, June of the 51st year when the secret realm was opened came slowly.

However, the mantis that has been in Qianji Valley for a year has not retreated.

The planting monks are looking forward to September again.

The little Lolita was too busy to pay attention to the seasons. It was not until the Double Ninth Festival in September that she found time to soak a lot of rice, boil water on the stove, and steam the rice to make Double Ninth Wine in the middle of the night.

After brewing Double Ninth Festival wine, Mr. Le dug into the soil and collected water.

The law enforcement, management and planting monks of Qiangu Garden sat from early September until October, but were once again disappointed. The spider demons who had been coming to Qianji Valley for a full year did not leave.

They can only hope that in November, the insect monsters will withdraw collectively.

However, their expectations were once again disappointed. After November, the army of insect demons still did not leave.

In this regard, law enforcement and management are also helpless.

The Zerg army that occupied Qianji Valley seemed to have forgotten time. They spent the winter in Qianji Valley, and when spring came another year, they still did not leave.

The law enforcement officers and managers of Qiangu Garden tried countless times to come out of the safe city and destroy the group of bugs, but finally they had to endure it.

The insect tide in Qianji Valley was abnormal, and the planting monks had no confidence. Many monks handed in their tasks and hurriedly took the teleportation array to other safe cities.

The insect demon from another world will still spend another year in the sacred tree world. Earthling Le Yun did not return to the Fairyland Treasure Realm to spend the winter in order to dig soil. She led the puppet army to work without fear of the severe cold.

Under the leadership of their master, the puppet army worked hard day and night to dig, and finally cleared a piece of grassland and swamp soil in mid-November of the fifty-second year since the secret realm was opened.

The area that once turned from a lake into grasslands and swamps has once again turned into a huge pit, and given the date, it will become a giant lake again.

Mr. Le, the ambassador who built the lake, retired with great success.

The little Lolita, who had hidden her merit and fame, rushed back to the Fairyland Treasure Realm despite the wind and snow. She first went to the Fairyland District to collect water from the big and small sources, and finally returned to the central area.

Returning to the large lake in the center of Xiantian, he activated the defensive array of the array, blocked the snow that was falling on the field outside the barrier, and set out a large pot to make spiritual meals and boil spiritual plant soup.

The dolls, who had returned to the island cave due to the snowfall, were still in the middle of winter. When they knew that the fairy was back, they quickly ran to the big lake to find the fairy.

Le Yun handed over the work of hanging smoked fish and bacon to the little creatures, and then she went about her own business.

After putting the ingredients, condiments, and spiritual herbs into the pot, she took a group of dolls back to the cave on the island to sort out the grains, fruits, and vegetables.

A group of little creatures moved all the grains, fruits and vegetables they wanted to take away into the Yushan warehouse, and the remaining seeds were stored in Seed Mountain.

She ran to Seed Mountain to see the grains reserved by the little creatures. Leyun felt something was wrong, so she returned to the cave and asked the little creatures: "Little darlings, why did you move all the grains to Yushan? You put all the grains in my warehouse. If I leave, the babies left here will have no food.”

A group of dolls shouted in unison: "Little fairy, we will all follow you."

"Ah?" Le Yun was so surprised that her eyes turned into bells: "You...all of you are leaving me?"

It was understandable that the dolls she rescued were related to her. After all, there was a cause-and-effect relationship. She didn't expect that all the other dolls also wanted to leave with her.

Happiness comes quickly, as fast as a tornado.

A big pie suddenly fell from the sky, and Le Yun felt a little unreal.

"Yes. We are going to travel all over the world with the little fairy." The dolls' eyes were as bright as stars.

"If you leave, don't you have no one to take care of Xiantian?"

"We left. New grain dolls will be born here soon, and they will manage the fairyland. We also left a lot of rations for the future grain dolls. They will have something to eat when they are born.

We travel with the fairies to all walks of life, collecting grain seeds and sending them back later. This way our lives will be complete. "

The spirit-planting dolls have bright smiles. They are very lucky. The mission here has been completed when a virtuous person arrives. They follow the little fairy to travel and collect grain seeds, and they are expected to be promoted to the God of Grains in the future.

"Can you all leave here?"


"Little fairy, please take us with you. We will go wherever you go from now on. We will grow it ourselves and it will be easy to raise."

Who can resist a group of cute little creatures? Anyway, Le Yun couldn't refuse a group of cuties and nodded: "Okay, if you are willing, come with me."

"Little fairy!" A group of dolls rushed forward in excitement, vying for the pendant on the little fairy's body.

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