magic eye doctor

Chapter 330 Seeing the strange poison again

Chapter 330 Seeing the strange poison again
In the morning, Le Yun went to Brother Chao's dormitory to buy people's hearts with food, and then happily waited for the express delivery point to go to work to send the package, and back to the dormitory, she studied hard behind closed doors again.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao returned to the military camp on Friday evening, and did not return to school until Sunday afternoon. Yan Shao finally showed up in class on Monday, and when they met with Fa Xiao in the cafeteria at noon, they were both depressed. They heard someone excited. Showing off how smart and capable Xiaochao's sister is, she also made a new flavor of flower rolls, so delicious that people want to bite their tongues.

A pair of brothers and sisters ate in the cafeteria silently, went to class silently when they were full, went to the cafeteria after class after dark, and went to the cafeteria silently.

In the evening, Professor Wan Jun finished the last class for the students, and hurriedly took the elevator to the school to get off the teaching school, boarded the car and flew to the student dormitory, and went straight to the Zhuangyuan Building, where the Xueba Xue Shen gathered.

As soon as he arrived, he saw his primary school student wearing a pink coat, with a backpack hanging on his shoulders, and holding a large bag standing under the eaves, the pink color became the most beautiful scenery in the cold night.

Le Yun, who was waiting with her things in her arms, waited for the instructor's car to stop, she ran over quickly, and climbed into the passenger seat obediently.

After receiving his primary school student, Professor Wan Cheng flicked the accelerator and ran away.

On the way, Le Yun didn't speak to the students who wanted to avoid get out of class. When the classroom car drove to the teachers' dormitory area, her curiosity that could kill the cat came out: "Professor, the salt you have eaten is better than the rice I have eaten. There are more, what is the disease that you can't diagnose, and you go to the doctor in a hurry to arrest your elementary school students to help your old face? Aren't you afraid that I will smash your old sign?"

"Little Lele, feet are long and inches are short. My areas of expertise are limited. This patient is exactly what I am not good at."

"Professor, you are not good at it, and you still bring your students to play? I'm not afraid that I will help you smear your face as black as the bottom of a pot."

"No, I dare to recommend you because this patient is a close friend of my family, and the two families have a deep bond. Even if you can't diagnose anything, their family will not have any small complaints. You go to my house to meet people. It's good to know each other, and I can't say that we will see each other often in the future. If it is a normal friendship, I would be too lazy to care about his life and death. "

"It feels like a great person."

"I haven't seen how big his head is. It's not the same head as the general public, with one nose and two eyes."

Le Yun's mouth twitched for a while. The professor is a serious old school without humor. When he is humorous, it makes people feel like every day. I can't believe that he is the wonderful flower in the medical department.

Professor Wan Cheng drove his car around the community and parked downstairs in a beautiful red-walled building. He locked the car and pulled out the key to get out of the cab.

Le Yun got out of the car with her things in her arms and walked up the stairs behind the professor's buttocks holding the homework bundle.

Professor Wan Cheng lives on the second floor. Climbing the stairs is to exercise his body. One of the teachers and students is carrying the student's homework, and the other is holding something. No one needs to help the other, and each takes care of his own belongings.

Climbing up to the second floor, Professor Wan Cheng turned to the side, unlocked the door in front of a house, and then opened the door. Land in the capital is precious, and the building was designed without a garden to save land. After the door is opened, it is the living room.

The living room is connected to the dining room. The dining room on the left and the living room on the right are on the right. There is a wooden lattice sliding door between the dining room and the living room. The leather sofa and TV combination cabinet in the living room are all light-colored. The home is simple and comfortable.

Mrs. Wang had no class in the afternoon, and entertained guests at home. The guests were a pair of grandparents. The old man wore a blue Tang suit, and his hair was meticulously combed.

Just as Mrs. Wang had prepared the fruit platter, she heard the door slamming and turned her head to look. Seeing Lao Wanqi stepping into the door in a hurry, she immediately asked, "Old Wanqi, where is Xiao Lele, you won't forget to pick up my little darling. Bar?"

Hearing that his wife didn't care about him at all, Professor Wan Cheng burst into sour bubbles in his heart, and was about to speak, when a crunchy, sweet and soft voice sounded behind him: "Master, I am here, the professor is too tall and majestic, Block your little padded jacket."

"Come in, Xiaolele, Lao Wancheng, don't block the door, it's so cold, it will freeze Xiaolele." Hearing the little girl calling her wife, Mrs. Wang's heart is sweet and busy. Put down the fruit platter to see your own pupils.

When the girl's voice sounded outside, the sitting boy jumped up in surprise, turned around, and looked at the door of Professor Wan Cheng's house.

If your wife has a girl, she doesn't want to be herself. Even if Professor Wan Cheng overturns the sour jar, it will be useless. He turns his head and looks at the guest.

"Axing and his younger siblings are still so loving." Tantai Mingguang smiled with a special meaning.

Professor Wan Cheng was very proud, and walked to the work and rest area at home with his homework book: "Brother Ming, sit first, I will come in a while."

The professor walked away, and Le Yun was able to enter the professor's house. She closed the door and quickly looked at the living room. She glanced sideways. At a glance, she saw an old man and a young man. The two who were sitting and standing were staring at each other She looks.


Seeing the little boy, Le Yun wanted to cover her eyes, why is that little boy here?
"Little Fairy!" Tantai Xunhuan shouted excitedly when he saw the little girl who stepped into Wan Cheng's house.

"Little Fairy?" Tantai Mingguang secretly chewed on the words of his little grandson. The little fairy that A Huan was talking about was not A Xing's primary school student, right?

That shout also made Professor Wan Cheng look back. Xiaolele and the Tantai family are also old acquaintances?

Mrs. Wang greeted her primary school student and saw a cute little girl in pink with a full smile on her face. At first she heard the Tantai child shouting, and she asked excitedly, "Ah, Huan, you know my baby Xiaolele. ?"

"Mmmm, Uncle Xing, I saw the little fairy once two days ago." Tantai Xunhuan laughed happily.

Professor Wan Cheng understood that it turned out to be a one-sided relationship, not an old acquaintance. He stopped delaying and hurriedly sent the students' workbooks to the study.

Tantai Mingguang had an epiphany, the little fairy the little grandson said was that child!He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked carefully at the little girl his grandson remembered in his heart. She was indeed a white and tender child, with a face and skin that could be broken by bullets, and a pair of eyes that were clear and dust-free, clearer than crystal.

When she met the handsome young man who met on one side, Le Yun only sighed "coincidence", which was too coincidental. Last Saturday, she had a brief encounter with the handsome young man at the antique market. This time they met again in the blink of an eye. Except for the coincidence, there was really nothing Words describe it.

"Knowing better, you can play together." Mrs. Wang was also very happy. She walked to the primary school student in two steps and touched the little girl's head: "Xiao Lele, what good things did you bring this time?"

"I made a new flavor of fruit pancakes and gave them to my wife and the professor to try." The mother's gentle touch made Leyun's bones warm, for fear that she would stick to her, so she gave her a packet of pancakes. .

"It's a blessing to have a caring little padded jacket." Mrs. Wang was so warmed by her child's warmth that her heart was filled with sweetness. She held something in one hand and took the little girl in her arms and walked towards the sofa.

Tantai grandfather and grandson watched Mrs Wang approach with the little girl, Tantai Mingguang's eyes became more and more profound, when did the Axing couple have a new apprentice, why didn't they know?
Mrs. Wang put things on the coffee table first, and then introduced her cutest primary school student to Tantai grandparents: "Brother Ming, this child is a medical student in the class taught by Lao Wan Cheng, that is, the medicine that Lao Wan Cheng recommended to you. The little genius, the surname Le, the happy Le, the big name Le Yun, Xiao Lele is smart and cute, kind and pure, and won the hearts of our husband and wife."

He introduced his favorite primary school student to his elders, and then introduced his guests to the primary school students: "Xiao Lele, this is a family friend of your mentor's family, and your mentor's brother is a good brother who calls him a brother. , the compound surname is Tantai, the honorable name is 'Mingguang', and your mentor and I both call him a statement brother, you can call it a senior or a gentleman."

"Hello, Mr. Tantai." Le Yun was a junior, so she said hello to her senior first.

"Hello little girl!" Axing and his wife praised the little girl, but Tantai Mingguang didn't assume his identity. He stood up and stretched out his hand to express friendship and closeness.

Le Yun stretched out her hand to shake hands with the old gentleman.

Shaking hands is not a good friend, but an acquaintance.

"Uncle Xing, you haven't introduced me yet." Grandpa Xing and Grandma Xing are both unreliable, and it's as if they don't exist, so Tantai Xunhuan quickly brushes his senses.

"Oh, you didn't have a relationship with my little girl, you can just make friends yourself, Huan, you are a boy, you have practiced martial arts since childhood, but you are not allowed to bully my little Lele."

Mrs. Wang didn't care about the arrogance of the bear child, she picked up the flower roll and sent it to the kitchen.

Professor Wan Cheng came out of the study, and what he bumped into was his wife's unscrupulous abandonment of the child. She laughed so hard that the muscles on her face trembled. If Xiao Ahuan is also a female doll, his wife will be sure to treat her equally and love her more.

The abandoned Tantai Xunhuan looked pitifully at the cute pink little girl: "Little Fairy, Aunt Xing doesn't want me anymore, let me introduce myself, my surname is Tantai, Tantai Xunhuan, and Xiao Li Flying Knife Li Xunhuan has the same name."

"Hello, handsome boy." The handsome boy was so stubborn that he wanted to get to know him. Le Yun was so kind, she reached out and shook hands with the handsome boy.

The little boy's brows lit up, his smile widened, and he happily shook hands with the little girl.

After getting to know each other, Le Yun sat on the sofa on the side of Tantai's grandparents and grandson, and put the backpack with the essentials next to the sofa. She wore less clothes and didn't need to take off her coat.

Professor Wan Cheng changed into a thick coat and wore a Chinese tunic suit, and shared the seat with Mr. Tantai. Tantai Xunhuan also sat next to his grandfather, his eyes always on the little girl.

Mrs. Wang sent the flower rolls into the kitchen and brought out the hot kettle to make tea.

Professor Wan Cheng showed off to Tantai Mingguang the intelligence of his elementary school students, and was particularly proud of how delicious the medicated meals made by elementary school students.

Tantai Xunhuan's ears are getting calluses, and his heart is about to collapse. Uncle Xing, you have boasted no less than ten times, can you stop showing your elementary school students?

Tantai Mingguang listened with a smile, occasionally interjecting a sentence or two, like "hmm, he looks like a gifted and intelligent person", "you look so pretty, and you can make medicated meals, Axing, you are so lucky, pick it up It's a treasure." In a word, he only picked up nice compliments.

Professor Wan Cheng praised his smart, cute, lively, kind, and generous primary school student, touched his chin contentedly, and smiled at his primary school student: "Xiao Lele, the patient I am talking about is my brother's. Little grandson, you are good at traditional Chinese medicine, help the little guy to take his pulse and see what symptoms it is."

Just know it is like this!
For the professor's occasionally unreliable behavior, Le Yun is slowly accepting it, glancing at the handsome guy, shaking her head: "Don't take the pulse."

"Don't feel the pulse?" Tantai Mingguang was surprised.

"The day before yesterday in Panjiayuan, I had a relationship with the little handsome guy. I felt his pulse at that time, so there is no need to feel the pulse now."

Le Yun also knew that her words were probably misunderstood, so she explained, so as not to be regarded as arrogant and arrogant.

Professor Wan Cheng asked happily, "What symptoms do you see?"

"It's better not to say this." Le Yun looked at her mother and tutor in embarrassment, hesitating.

"It's alright, just say it, it's all your own, and no one knows what you said when you leave this door." The primary school student didn't speak for a while, but Professor Wan Cheng knew that he must be worried that what he said would attract rumors and trouble.

"Xiao Lele, you don't have to worry about getting revenge if you don't listen to your words. Who dares to touch you, my wife will never stop with him." The primary school student kept silent. Mother Wang guessed that she was afraid that the Tantai family would feel uncomfortable hearing this. Secretly make black hands, so hesitant.

"Little girl, don't worry, my Tantai family is not ungrateful." Tantai Mingguang also suddenly realized, and quickly expressed his position.

"Okay then," with the assurance of the elders of the parties, Le Yun was relieved and bluntly told: "The little handsome guy is about half a year younger than me, and he was born less than a month ago. month, and it was an accidental premature birth, congenital damage to the fetal heart and the governor and belt veins, which could have been repaired the day after tomorrow, but he was born with fetal poison in his mother's womb, so no matter how hard he tried to nourish it, it would be of no avail."

"..." Rao Shi Tantai Mingguang used to see swords, lights and swords all his life. At this moment, he was so shocked that his buttocks were on fire, he stood up, his old eyes were round, and he stared at the little girl like a monster.

The atmosphere became oppressive, and Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang were also startled. Their eyes flicked to Tantai Mingguang with a confused look. What happened to Brother Ming?

The old gentleman's eyes like a wolf like a tiger fell on him, like a sharp edge on his back, Le Yun's whole body was standing upright, so terrifying, I don't know what level of martial arts the old gentleman had, he felt like he could kill her.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?" Grandpa jumped up, Tantai Xunhuan was almost knocked off, and he reached out and grabbed Grandpa's sleeve and shook Chao.

"Huh-" Tantai Mingguang was shaken back by his little grandson's sleeve, took a deep breath, sat down slowly, suppressed the surging waves in his eyes, and asked shamelessly: "Little friend, I'm sorry, I'm rude. ,please continue."

His title is no longer a little girl, but he has raised people to the level of his own generation, and his attitude has changed dramatically from before. If he heard Professor Wan Cheng boast about how powerful his primary school students were, he just came out With courtesy, he is now a master of treating people as medical families.

"I'm done." Le Yun blinked, and she pointed out the location of her symptoms.

Mrs. Wang almost didn't laugh out loud, Xiao Lele is so funny!

"Uh!" Tantai Mingguang almost choked, that's it, finished?
"Xiao Lele, do you know what kind of poison Xiao Ahuan's mother brought in her womb?" Brother Tantai was stunned, so Professor Wan Cheng had no choice but to continue to ask, Wan Cheng's family is a family of medicine, and he treated Tantai Xunhuan back then, naturally Know about Xiao Ahuan's fetal poisoning.

"Red face withered bones."

"Red face withered bones?" Tantai Mingguang's complexion could no longer remain calm, cracking every inch.

The red-faced and withered bones are the poison that the Poison Sect once did not pass on, and it is not passed down to the descendants.

The red face is colorless and tasteless, and there is nothing unusual after being poisoned. Only the face will change, and it will become more and more beautiful. The face is like a peach blossom, gorgeous and unparalleled.

Red face withered bones, at the cost of burning life, in exchange for short-term beauty.

Tantai Mingguang clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his face bulged. Ah Huan's mother was really as beautiful as a peach and plum when she was pregnant with Ah Huan. Later, she unexpectedly gave birth prematurely, and then hemorrhaged heavily. She died of dystocia within a month. People, beautiful as life.

"Xiao Lele, are you sure it's a red face and withered bones?" Professor Wan Cheng couldn't help but change color.

"The little handsome guy brought the remnants of Hongyan's bones from his mother's womb. You should know that he was poisoned, and he kept taking antidote to him, digesting some of Hongyan's toxins. Growth is slower than others, and in special circumstances, the stiffness of the body and bones is more serious than ordinary people. It is still good now, when I turned sixteen, the poison of dead bones broke out, and the bones slowly shrank, and they would become shorter and shorter, and they could hold up. If you live, you can endure it for a year or two, but if you can’t hold it, you will grind people to death in a few months.”

"!" Tantai Mingguang opened his mouth, his throat was dry, and he didn't make a sound. He just turned to his side, hugged his little grandson in his arms, and gently touched his little grandson's head.

"Grandpa, I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Tantai Xunhuan reached out and touched his grandfather's face, comforting the old man so that he wouldn't be sad.

Tantai Mingguang's throat was uncomfortably blocked, and his eyes were sore. The Tantai family had very few direct descendants. The eldest grandson was paralyzed, and the younger one was poisoned. Who is so vicious and wants to kill the Tantai family's descendants?
"Xiao Lele, your unpredictable medical skills are beyond my reach as a tutor." Professor Wan Cheng is proud and admired, and he does not know where Xiao Lele's ancestor master came from. He is a master of ancient medical skills.

"Professor, our teachers and students have their own strengths. You are good at healing and medical research and education, and now you focus on the way of education. Because of my physical problems since I was a child, my only focus is to study pathological reactions, so I am more proficient in theory. Pulse diagnosis of poison. I can feel the pulse and see a doctor, but if you want me to impart knowledge to students, it would be better to kill me."

"Well said, each has its own strengths," Professor Wan Cheng patted his palm happily: "Xiao Lele, you have been diagnosed with dead bones and residual poison, and you are confident, so you can quickly prescribe the right medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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