Chapter 331 A Patient Was Forced In

The professor sucks again!
As soon as the professor's words came out, Le Yun's intuition was fooled. Professor and Professor Zhai knew that "two lovers are in love".
The professor's family and the Tantai family are life friends. He should have long known that the Tantai family's children were born with poison from their mother's womb, and also knew the dangers of poisoning. Probably for some reason, he had some scruples and did not explicitly say that he only prescribed detoxification prescriptions to patients. Slowly digest toxins.

Thinking about it, it was because it was inconvenient to speak out, so I took her to see the doctor, and told her what was going on with the Tantai family's children and asked her to prescribe the medicine, which was equivalent to letting her take over the Tantai family's children's affairs. Make her famous in their circle.

The professor is determined to give herself a face, but Ke Leyun is not very good. She doesn't want to get involved in the disputes of a special family. The handsome guy in Tantai was born with drugs and was assassinated, which shows that Tantai is either an external trouble or an internal trouble. , let alone the little handsome guy is a thorn in the eyes of others, just imagine if the poisoner knew that she was helping the little handsome guy to detoxify, would he be able to stop?

She doesn't want to be a black pot man, she really doesn't want to give herself any more hatred, she just went to Shennong Mountain, and then inexplicably was hated by others, it's not over yet, and if she gets involved in a family dispute, it's pure Trouble yourself.

"Professor, your elementary school students can't help this patient." Reject, must refuse.

Tantai Mingguang embraced his little grandson with grief in his heart, and at first he heard the little girl say that love can't help, and he didn't even care about the grief. He looked nervously at his brother's younger brother. However, because Wan Chengxing chose to live freely and did not sit in Wan Cheng's house, they had little contact with each other. If there was anything, he and Wan Chenghe knew everything about it. Now in Wan Chengxing's husband and wife's house, he is not very good at insisting. They make arrangements for their grandsons.

Mrs. Wang is not good at medicine, and her husband's family affairs have always been in charge of her husband's family affairs. Therefore, when it comes to medical matters, she never gets involved. When her husband and elementary school students discuss the health of the Tantai family's children, she Without interrupting, she made tea for Tantai grandparents and elementary school herself and her husband, and she went to the kitchen to discuss dinner matters.

"Xiao Lele, the doctor's parents heart, don't be so eager to refuse, everything is easy to negotiate." Professor Wan Cheng moved his body, changed to a comfortable position, and smiled at the primary school student: "Xiao Ah Huan is the same as Xiao Chao. It has been treated by my family in the past, and our family can only maintain it to this extent, Xiao Lele, you are the teacher's student, at least you have to help the teacher to share his worries, right?"

"Professor, your primary school students are not omnipotent. If you want to talk about tinkering with medicinal foods, you are a student, and you can practice medicine to help the world. Your old family has accumulated valuable experience explored by countless predecessors. I eat a lot of salt, and I can't help you share your worries." Le Yun didn't want to go into the muddy waters of a family that was detached from the world, she just wanted to work hard to get a medical diploma, get a doctor's license to practice medicine, and practice medicine freely.

Professor Wan Cheng frowned, got up, walked around the sofa and coffee table, walked to his pupil and sat down, pressing his big hand on top of the pupil's head: "Xiao Lele, your tutor is heartbroken for this stinky boy from the Tantai family. , look, before [-], my hair is gray, and I'm going bald. It's true that I'm getting old before I get old. Your tutor and I often work all night for the children of the Tantai family to check the medicine book. Because of this, you can't sleep at night, you're so worried, you have crow's feet on the corners of your eyes, do you have the heart to watch your teacher work so hard, do you have the heart to watch your wife become increasingly haggard because of the teacher's worries?"

Tantai Mingguang: "..." Is that shameless person really the rigid brother of Wan Cheng and that guy?

Tantai Xunhuan blinked and stared at Uncle Wancheng's head. Uncle Xing said that his hair was about to fall out, but why didn't he see it?

Mrs. Wang, who cooks in the kitchen, lays a gun for her innocence and complains about her innocence. It is shameless for Old Wan Teng to use her as a guise to play favor cards.

The professor spoke in pain, Le Yun was stunned, this... this person is Professor Wan Cheng who is known for his rigidity?She had clearly heard that her mentor was known for being stern, so who is this person who is now pretending to be pitiful in order to kick the ball to her?
With a professor like this, she can't talk to him properly.

"Professor, can we have a serious discussion?"

"Hahaha, good boy, he is still the most considerate and distressed teacher of my elementary school students. At a young age, he knew that he would help the teacher to share his worries. Xiao Lele, Xiao Ah Huan will give it to you. I will give all the previous pulse cases in a few days. You, if you have any questions, you are welcome to ask at any time."

"Wait, Professor, when did I say I was going to take over? I meant to discuss, to discuss the disease. I didn't say that I wanted to see a doctor. Professor, you can't be so tough." Le Yun almost vomited blood, how could she be so strong patient's?Is the professor still unreasonable?

"Xiao Lele agrees to discuss the patient's condition, so I'll take it as you agree to take over. Anyway, it's up to you now, whether it's life or death is up to you, your mentor, I can finally sleep well tonight, Xiaole Le, let the Tantai family prepare what medicinal materials are needed, and ask the Tantai family to do anything, so you're welcome."

"Professor..." Le Yun still wanted to fight to the death, but Professor Wan Cheng rubbed the pupils' heads: "Little Lele, your wife really saw you right, you are a caring little padded jacket, good boy, work hard, Let me follow you when you are famous all over the world."

He successfully kicked the ball to the elementary school student. The old professor kneaded the elementary school student's short hair into a bird's nest. He bounced up contentedly, and rushed to the place where the Tantai family's grandparents and grandsons were sitting, and sat down with a smile. , holding up the teacup and drinking tea slowly, that happy appearance seems to have the whole world.

Wan Chengxing kicked his grandson to the little girl, Tantai Mingguang treated it as his own air, and didn't express any opinion. When someone came back, he secretly gave him a grateful look. The Wancheng brothers are so interesting!
Professor Wan Cheng smiled and said nothing. He is a primary school student with infinite potential. As long as she is given a platform, she can shine brightly. Such a good seedling cannot be wasted. He does not mind providing primary school students with experiments and display platforms. Help her travel thousands of miles.

Le Yun was so depressed that she wanted to hit the wall. What is this? Why is there another patient inexplicably?The professor forcibly stuffed the patient into her, but she still couldn't get angry, suffocated!

Feeling aggrieved, with a round face tangled into a bitter gourd, puffed cheeks, glaring at the professor resentfully: "Professor, your primary school student is only 14 and a half years old. If you oppress minors like this, you will be criticized by everyone."

"Don't be afraid, it's fine if my elementary school students don't spurn me." What is there to be afraid of?Whoever wants to point to him, just let the horse come.

"!" Le Yun was choked, and she was also very disgusted, okay?The corners of his mouth were shriveled, and he was old and weak: "Professor, everything is about first-come-first-served arrival. Your elementary school student has several clinics on hand, and you will spend most of the next year looking for medicines all over the world. Can your grandson, a friend of yours, afford to wait?"

Professor Wan Teng didn't care: "There's nothing to wait for. Xiao Huan has just turned 16, and there are still two years before he turns 16. You just need to detoxify him before he turns [-]."

"Little friend, you treat the patient at hand first. My grandson's matter can be temporarily slowed down. We can also list any medicinal materials needed by our family." Tantai Mingguang also hurriedly expressed his position. He did not hesitate to use his identity as a teacher to forcibly stuff his grandson into the little girl, he must be sure that the little girl could heal Ah Huan, and he must not hold back.

"Mr. Tantai, please forgive me for saying something unpleasant. I dare to prescribe a prescription for you. Can you guarantee that the news will not be leaked and that the poisoner will not hear the news? You dare to guarantee that it was given to the little handsome boy's mother at the beginning. Won't poisonous people play tricks on children again?"

"I can't guarantee this." Tantai Mingguang looked embarrassed.

"Listen to this, you know that you don't even know who is the culprit of the poisoning, and you don't even know who the real black hand is. How can you guarantee the safety of your grandson? How can you ensure that others are not in the medicinal materials after hearing the wind. Doing tricks? If that person is by your side, wouldn't you call someone to find medicinal herbs to startle the snake?"

"Little Fairy, do you mean that the person who harmed me might be one of our own?" Tantai Xunhuan rolled his eyes and asked innocently.

Tantai Mingguang's eyes slowly changed from dark to dark, and there was a hint of coldness faintly flashing.

Professor Wan Cheng has no wave on his face, but his heart is full of emotion, Xiao Lele is so sharp!The little guy not only has unpredictable medical skills, but also has amazing insight. He dares to say that others can't say it, and he is worthy of Hui Zhilan's heart.

"I can't rule out that possibility," Le Yun gave the little handsome guy an admiring look: "I said that your physique is very special, this special is not inborn, but because the red face and dry bones collide with another kind of poison, you are a blessing in disguise , the body has been transformed by the poison. The specific manifestation is that the body temperature is obviously higher than that of ordinary people, and it is not afraid of cold in winter. Another poison is about three months after birth. It is put on the body, and it takes about a year to complete the neutralization of the poison The process is also equivalent to the completion of the transformation of the body. When the withered bone poison in the bone and blood is removed and the damaged meridians are repaired, your physique will show an advantage. Not to mention the cultivation base, the speed of progress will be three times faster than ordinary people. double."

Tantai Mingguang turned his head awkwardly and looked at Wan Chengxing, his eyes were full of questions. Professor Wan Cheng nodded lightly to prove that his primary school student was right. Back then, when Wan Cheng's family tried their best to heal Xiao Ahuan, they discovered that For this reason, he and the Zhai family have been studying together for a long time before discussing an effective prescription to suppress the poison in Xiao Ahuan's body. He said that it is not for nothing that Xiao Ahuan's heart was broken. There is reason and evidence, and Zhai home testimony.

Tantai Mingguang closed his eyes. He was on guard against everything. He didn't guard against his own family. If he was really an insider of the Tantai family..., he didn't want to believe that kind of cruel facts, but he couldn't help but doubt that his eldest grandson, Mo Obviously paralyzed, the little grandson was poisoned, how could this be a coincidence.

Tantai Xunhuan's eyes were bright. If he practiced several times faster than others after detoxification, then even if he was behind others, as long as he worked hard, he could catch up and not fall behind.

"Professor, we have finished discussing the patient's situation. Your primary school student must first declare that he will not do free work, 1000 million, no second price. You always ask the Tantai family if you have any opinions." If you have any opinions, find another wise man.

"1000 million?" Professor Wan Teng didn't even move his eyebrows, and turned his eyes to look at Tantai's grandfather and grandson with a smile: "Brother Ming, my elementary school student said that I will charge 1000 million for your grandson's hard work, please show your opinion. "

"Agreed." Tantai Mingguang did not hesitate at all, 1000 million in exchange for one life, Tantai's family made a profit.

"The antidote must be prepared before the patient is 16 years old. Before I dispense the medicine, Tantai's family will protect the good people themselves. If there is an accident in the middle, you can't blame me. In addition, two sets of special medical needles are needed for detoxification. I will draw when I have time." Find someone to make the paper, it is estimated that it will cost at least 300 million yuan, and the Tantai family will also bear the money. If the Tantai family is not convenient to pay in cash, you can use gold or the ancients at home to pay the bill. Of course, if I like it I don’t care about those tasteless antiques.”

"At present, the Tantai family's money is really hard to use. If you don't need the money urgently, after my grandson detoxifies, I have no worries about the future, and I can pay cash at any time. My little friend needs the money urgently. I will go home in a few days. Send a few collectibles or gold as a down payment for your little friend."

"I have a patient who paid me [-] euros for medical expenses. At present, I am not in a hurry to use the money. The medical expenses of the Tantai family can be temporarily owed. When I dispense the medicine, I will first look at your family's collection before discussing. "

"Okay." Tantai Mingguang nodded happily, and at the end, a bright crystal light appeared in his eyes: "Excuse me to ask a question, dare to ask the little friend, but the teacher is a fairy doctor?"

Professor Wan Cheng's eyes twitched. The matter of the ancestors of the He family made many noble families in the ancient martial arts world come to Beijing one after another. All of them were moved when they heard the news. rivers and lakes.

Moreover, the Guwu family thought they were well-informed in the capital, and several families also went to visit his eldest son, in order to listen to the information about the suspected immortal doctor.

He guessed who the person who rescued the ancestors of the He family was, but he didn't say. As for whether Xiaolele is from the Immortal Doctor's family, um, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that Xiaolele is his student and his wife's favorite. The close-fitting padded jacket is enough.

Another misunderstanding.

The second time she was regarded as an immortal doctor, Le Yun touched her nose: "Mr Tantai, you are the second person to ask me if I am an immortal doctor, and I still have the same answer, half of my medical skills are half ancestral and half. Master Chuan, neither my parents nor the seniors who passed on my medical skills have clearly told me where my master came from, so I don't know which school my master is. Anyway, so far, the fairy doctor I told you is not. cooked."

Tantai Mingguang was about to ask if the little girl had anything to do with the person who rescued the ancestors of the He family, when he felt that his waist was bumped by Wan Chengxing, he immediately shut his mouth, stopped asking questions, and showed a rare smile: "Oh, heroes don't ask where they came from, teacher It doesn't matter where you come from, what matters is that the little friend has the benevolent heart of hanging the pot to help the world, which is the blessing of all living beings."

Le Yun twitched the corners of her mouth secretly, don't hold her up so high, saying that the blessings of all beings are the achievements that only benefit one party, she is not that great, she will heal when it is time to heal people, and she will do the same when it is time to see death. Stand by.

Professor Wan Cheng successfully kicked the ball to the primary school students, everything was fine, and he chatted happily with Tantai Mingguang.

Tantai Xunhuan sat for a while and couldn't stand it. He quietly moved to the little girl, pulled her sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Little fairy, can you help my brother see a doctor?"

Although Tantai Mingguang and Professor Wan Cheng were talking about the mountains, they had been keeping an eye on the two children in secret, and when they found out that Tantai Xunhuan had slipped by the little girl, they didn't see him. The voice softened a little.

The little handsome boy looked like a cute little deer with wet eyes, and Le Yun couldn't bear to kill him, so she lengthened the ending in surprise: "Your brother?"

"Well, my brother, my brother is very beautiful, but he fell while climbing a mountain in the spring outing at school. He didn't wake up after that. Everyone said that my brother was in a vegetative state." Tantai Xunhuan's bright eyes filled with sadness: "Little fairy, Can you help my brother take a look? I have no money, I will give you my little jade horse as medical expenses."

Tantai Mingguang quietly raised his hand and covered his eyes, hiding the sadness in his heart. The two male descendants of the Tantai family were paralyzed into a vegetative state in an accident. It's not that I don't want to ask the little girl to see my eldest grandson, but I'm afraid of being rejected, so I can only wait for another time.

Le Yun's always smiling face is about to crack, is Tantai's house a Longtan Tiger's Den?So one becomes a vegetative person, the other is poisoned, and she takes a small one to get a big one, and others buy one get one free, is she trying to save the rhythm of one belt one?
"I'm not a god, and I may not be able to cure your brother. I only promise to check on your brother when I go to your house to see if there is any hope."

"Thank you little fairy." Tantai Xunhuan's brows dispersed, and he showed a relaxed smile.

Le Yun always has a feeling of being kidnapped. She doesn't have sex or face control, but she doesn't have much resistance to children, especially children who take the initiative to stick to her. The handsome guy has clean eyes and is sincere. It was revealed that she couldn't bear to see him sad, so she couldn't help but agree to his request.

She felt that it was necessary to strengthen her defenses. If she was found to be soft-hearted towards children and used her weakness to deal with her, she would easily fall into the trap.

Soft-hearted is a disease that needs to be cured.

Knowing that she has a weakness and not paying attention to it is stupid. Le Yun didn't want to be stupid, so she decided to stay away from the handsome guy in Tantai and run to the kitchen to help.

The kitchen of the old professor's house is about 1.2 square meters. Although the sparrow is small and complete, there are storage cabinets, and various things have their own place, and they will not be messed up.

Mrs. Wang was busy cooking in the kitchen, and when she saw the little girl running to help, her happy eyes had crow's feet, and her hands and feet became more agile.

Le Yun is just joining in the fun, helping to pass dishes and get a bowl or something, mainly to accompany the wife and play a psychological comfort role.

Mrs. Wang went up to the hall and went down to the kitchen. She prepared nine dishes, which were mixed with meat and vegetables. Although she was a little reluctant, she reluctantly gave up and took some flower rolls to entertain Tantai grandparents and grandchildren, one for each person.

Mrs. Wang's craftsmanship is excellent, and everyone sweats profusely after eating. Tantai Mingguang almost didn't express her jealousy after eating the amazing flower rolls. Another delicious pancake.

That night, Le Yun did not stay overnight at the professor's house, and returned to her dormitory at 10:30.

(End of this chapter)

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