magic eye doctor

Chapter 3308 Complaint

Chapter 3308 Complaint

Le Yun is not a native of the Divine Tree Realm, but she saw the secrets that others could not see on the Ten Thousand Realms Qingshi Monument and wrote down the detailed map of the Divine Tree Realm.

Judging from the map, Baicao Garden is not the safe city farthest from Three Pagodas Garden. In terms of distance, Shuicheng and Ice City are the farthest from Three Pagodas Garden.

The distance between Shuicheng and Three Pagodas Garden is seven and a half times that of Baicao Garden and Three Pagodas Garden. The distance between Ice City and Three Pagodas Garden is five times that of Baicao Garden and Three Pagodas Garden.

Based on the teleportation time from Baicao Garden to Three Pagodas Garden, it would take about eight months to take the teleportation array from Baicao Garden to Shuicheng.

Her next destination was Shuicheng. Using the hourglass, she calculated how many days it would take to get to Shuicheng, and Le Yun felt a sense of urgency.

Water City is a safe city built on an island, and the purpose of her going there is to collect water.

The ocean in the star core world is too wide, and there are tens of thousands of lakes, large and small. It is impossible to revitalize the space only by collecting water in space bottles.

Le Yun planned to follow the practice in Dongchen Continent and go to the ocean to "lie down" directly and let the star core absorb water from the outside world.

It is not necessary to collect the water needed by the star core world at once. At least the largest lakes must be filled first and the water of several lakes must be stored before the initial conditions for slowly developing the star core world can be met.

With a sense of urgency, Le Yun did not care about the sequelae of the sad teleportation, let the Calabash Baby and the five dolls stay in her golden lotus magic weapon, put the golden lotus on her shoulder, and flew out of the Buddha's magic weapon.

With your feet touching the ground, the feeling of being grounded is reassuring.

Revisiting the old place, Le Yun first observed the Qi of the Three Pagodas Garden. There was not much change in the Wanzhen Pagoda. The Qi of the Calendar Tower and the Enlightenment Pagoda were very strong, indicating that there were many living beings in the two towers.

It can be seen from the Qi Watching Technique that Young Master Xuan and Brother Yan are on the seventh floor of the Perception Tower.

The two handsome guys have been in the Enlightenment Tower for more than forty years, climbing up three floors. On average, they climb one floor every fourteen years. Their speed is neither too fast nor too slow.

The seventh floor of the Enlightenment Tower corresponds to the level of the catastrophe-level monks. Yan Handsome Young Master Xuan can practice on the seventh floor, which means that they have not stayed in the Enlightenment Tower in vain.

Knowing that the two handsome guys had made progress, Le Yun was in a good mood. She was about to tell Buddha Xiu that she would go to the Enlightenment Pagoda to pick up her two friends. Buddha Xiu had already taken the lead in drifting towards the Enlightenment Tower.

Nanga walked gracefully: "My little fellow Taoist, this little monk also wants to go and have a look at the Enlightenment Pagoda, let's get going!"

"Let's go." Le Yun caught up with the Buddhist cultivator and walked side by side.

The gourd dolls, orchid dolls, medicine dolls, sunflower dolls, white jade dolls and golden dolls who stayed in the magic weapon were also very happy because they would soon see Brother Xuan, Brother Yan and their beast friends.

One big, five small, and six little ones looked around and saw people coming and going in the teleportation array. There were also many monks entering and leaving the Wanzhen Tower. They were worried that others would get the good stuff first.

There are many monks going to and from the Three Pagoda Garden, but no one goes to comprehend the tower. The rainbow bridge between the two peaks stretches quietly in the sky, and the mist of clouds formed by the vitality of heaven and earth gathers and separates, erratic.

When she sent the two handsome guys to retreat at the Enlightenment Pagoda, Le Yun was with the beast cultivator Xuerong. Now when she went to pick up the two handsome guys for retreat, the person next to her was replaced by a Buddhist cultivator. It was really fate.

Fairy Xiyue is like the Buddhist sacred tree Bodhi tree. Being with her makes people feel free from worry and anger. Side by side with Nanga and her little fellow Taoist, one feels peaceful and calm, which is extremely comfortable.

Surrounded by the misty clouds of Hongqiao, the scenery becomes dreamlike.

One Buddha practices another practice and walks side by side. In fact, each step spans hundreds of feet.

Crossing the Hongqiao, Nanga looked slightly sideways and asked sincerely: "It is said that the four Hongqiaos here each have their own secrets. The Hongqiao between the Lord and the Enlightenment Tower is also called the Lianxin Bridge. Did you see any illusions when you passed the Hongqiao?"

"Yeah, does this bridge have a bright hall?"

"Ah, ah, this bridge is actually very elegant?"

"It's obviously just a road bridge, why is it called Lianxin Bridge?"

Five little dolls exploded.

"I didn't see any illusions when I passed the Hongqiao. Could it be that I have reached a state where heaven and man are one and transcend the world?" Le Yun smiled, revealing her silver teeth.

The Hongqiao on the Five Pagoda Peak does contain mysteries. The Hongqiao between the main peak and the Enlightenment Tower is called the Lianxin Bridge, which tests people's will.

If a scheming monk is distracted and malicious when crossing the bridge, he may find that he is stepping on a single-plank bridge or a suspension cable.

Or you may find yourself walking on a bridge between a deep valley and a ravine, with no end in sight.

Or he may have other hallucinations, or see the magnificent scenery of the Immortal Palace that makes people forget to leave, or see the training in the human world that is frightening, or he may enter some kind of scene that he cannot face or is the most unforgettable, etc.

The Heart-Lianning Bridge has the same function as the Ladder to Heaven. It mainly tests the Taoist heart of the monks.

The Buddhist cultivator knows that there are secrets in the Hongqiao of Five Pagoda Peak, which only proves that he has an extraordinary origin, or that he has an extraordinary master/disciple and knows many unknown secrets in the sacred tree world.

"My little Taoist friend did not see any illusions. It must be because my little Taoist friend's body is as clear as glass, and his heart is as transparent as crystal. It is not stained by cause and effect, and is not stained by dust."

Nanga realized that Xiyue Fairy had unparalleled merits and virtues. She did not commit any evil deeds and had no negative consequences. The bridges she passed were naturally bridges and the roads were roads. In her eyes, all phenomena in the world could only see their essence.

With her protection, the little creatures around her can't see any confusing illusions.

"Fellow Taoist Nanga thinks highly of me. I just keep a normal mind." The Buddhist cultivator's evaluation is too high, and he has the charm of a blind eye, which makes him a little cautious.

"A normal mind is the rarest thing." As a monk, who doesn't want to go higher? Once you have a goal, you have a desire, and naturally it is difficult to truly maintain a normal mind.

Buddhism is profound, and everything a Buddha sees is a Buddha. Le Yun cannot cultivate that knowledge, so she does not continue to discuss the mystery of the rainbow with the Buddha. She tells the little creatures: "When you meet the two brothers and the little beasts and beasts, don't mention the Hongqiao." Let them walk through Hongqiao again."

"Why?" The little creatures didn't want to waste their brain cells and curiously asked a hundred thousand whys.

"Let the two brothers walk the Hongqiao again by themselves to test the results of their retreat at the Enlightenment Tower. If they make progress, they will be able to cross the bridge easily. If they do not practice well and have an unstable mentality, it will take some time to cross the bridge. ”

"Understood." The little fairy explained the reason, and the little creatures understood.

Nanga smiled slightly and sympathized with the two friends of the little fairy. It would be fine if the two Taoist friends successfully crossed the bridge. If they saw some illusion and delayed crossing the bridge, the fairy would definitely think that they were weak-minded.

With the little fairy's style, when she finds an opportunity, she will let Taoist friends Xuan and Yan go through the exercises to temper their Taoist heart.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, so Nanjia also decided not to remind the two Taoist friends and let the two Taoist friends experience it again on their own.

The two of them walked slowly and reached the gate of the Enlightenment Tower in less than half a stick of incense.

Nanga did not enter the pagoda, but moved to one side and stood quietly. Le Yun walked into the training tower, passed through the light door, glanced at the hall through the light door of the first floor hall, and climbed up the stairs calmly.

Instead of entering the training hall, just go up the stairs and soon reach the seventh floor.

The little Loli quietly passed through the light door of the training hall on the seventh floor. The huge training hall was almost full, and many seats were even shared by the team.

She glanced over and found the position of handsome young man Xuan Shao. She walked leisurely and headed straight for her destination along the empty path between the beams.

The gourd baby and the little creatures staying in the magic weapon were also quiet and there was no noise.

When the female cultivator entered the training hall, she did not attract any attention. When she shuttled between the training points, some wandering spiritual consciousness discovered her and immediately returned her spiritual consciousness.

The monks in the training group who were illuminated by several light beams quietly opened their eyes and stared at the female cultivator, or closed their eyes and stared at the female cultivator who suddenly arrived with their spiritual consciousness.

Several monks in the practice point stood up silently and left the seventh-floor practice hall.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao were both in a state of meditation, and their beasts were also practicing in Ruyi House, so they didn't notice that their little friends had arrived.

Classmate Le passed through the array of thousands of light beams lightly and landed outside the tuanpu where Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were practicing. He didn't even notice the sight of people or animals, and stepped into the place where Young Master Xuan was practicing.

The monk who was paying attention secretly saw the female cultivator walking into a certain beam of light without being ejected. His pupils suddenly shrank and his eyes were full of horror.

A training site without a master is visible to everyone, and once there are living beings in the training site, only companions with contracts can come and go, and living beings without contracts with the master cannot enter at all.

Anyone who wants to force his way in will be counterattacked by invisible forces.

That female cultivator is obviously a human cultivator, so why can she enter the cultivation place of another cultivator?

Leyun entered the area where the beam of light shone, but Master Xuan still didn't respond and floated into the Ruyi House.

In the Ruyi House, the practicing Diamond Ape sensed the change and suddenly jumped out of the state of trance. When he raised his eyes and saw a familiar person, he shouted in surprise: "Little Fairy! Little Fairy, are you back?!"

Yingsheng Baiyin reacted a little slower, and jumped up to the sky in surprise. It wasn't until he saw the little fairy in blue clothes and blue cape that he understood what was going on.

The next moment, the three beasts jumped up like crazy and rushed to the little fairy's side with a roar. Two humanoid beasts appeared in their beast form and each hugged one of the little fairy's arms.

"Little fairy, little fairy, you are back!"

The two beasts transformed into sticky insects in one second and hung on the little fairy's arms as pendants.

Calabash Baby and the five little ones did not compete with the three beasts for the little fairy, and watched the fun happily.

The King Kong Ape jumped up to the little fairy, and was touched on the head by the little fairy. He grinned shyly and happily, and turned his eyes to look for his brother.

Then, he belatedly remembered that his brother was still practicing outside.

The Vajra Ape turned into wind and whirled out of the Ruyi House, rushed into the tuanpu, wrapped Brother Xuan'er with Yuan Power, and ran into the Ruyi House like a gust of wind.

Mr. Xuan, who was touched by Yuan Li, came back from a state of trance. Before he could react, he was carried into the Ruyi Room. When he took a closer look, he saw an extremely familiar person.

"Aw, little beauty!"

As soon as Yuanda's power was withdrawn, Mr. Xuan jumped up like a cannon and rushed to the side of the petite little Lolita. He yelled: "Little beauty, you are so excited. We have been waiting for you so hard." I look forward to you so much that if you don’t come back, we will be bullied to death!”

Calabash Baby and the five little ones were shocked. Brother Xuan, he, he... He was obviously a human race, when did he become a complainer?

The complainant, Jingxuan Shao, didn't care about his image or not. He let out a scream without caring about it, and then tidied up his appearance.

While checking whether there was anything wrong with him, he asked happily: "Little beauty, are you done with your work? We entered here and couldn't contact the outside world. We don't know whether you are going well outside, so we are worried about you."

"I'm very good, and your little cotton-padded jacket is also very good. Let's talk about who bullied you later. I'll take you to visit the handsome pot next door."

How could Le Yun not know what Young Master Xuan wanted to hear the most? She told him with a smile that the cotton doll was fine. She pulled off the two beasts stuck on her arms and put them into the Golden Lotus magic weapon, then floated out of Ruyi House.

She easily lifted Xuan Shao's wishful house and put it into her golden lotus magic weapon. She then floated out of the beam and turned directly into the training point illuminated by another beam of light.

As soon as the person floated into the beam of light, Young Master Yan, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes. A fierce light appeared in his eyes. When his eyes touched someone, his fierce eyes turned into shock.

The next second, Yan Xing flicked his legs like a frog and jumped to the side of the little Loli. His eyes were so excited that his eyes sparkled and his voice was as soft as water: "You're back!"

The handsome guy's voice was as mellow and intoxicating as aged wine. Le Yun's skin trembled when she heard it, and the hairs on her back stood up: "It's normal for a grown man like you to learn how to pronounce a clip."

"..." A basin of cold water was poured over, extinguishing Yan Xing's gentle flame.

Feeling cold is not a problem, but depression is definitely inevitable.

Depressed Yan Xing glanced at Little Loli with faint eyes, saw Mr. Xuan in the magic weapon on her shoulder, and felt sour in his heart.

The little Loli came back, and the first person she met was not him!

His status in little Loli's heart is not as good as Mr. Xuan!

Young Master Yan was extremely depressed and unhappy.

A certain handsome guy looked like a golden retriever who had been wronged. Le Yun jumped up angrily and slapped someone on the top of his head: "Young Master Xuan complained when he came and said you were being bullied. Why didn't you say anything?" ? When did you, a good and upright man, turn into a coward when you were bullied?

"I want to file a complaint, but I'm afraid you'll beat me up." Yan Xing was scratched on the head by a chicken claw, and the depression in Yan Xing's heart was swept away. The little Lolita had a good relationship with Mr. Xuan, but the little Lolita couldn't pat Mr. Xuan on the head.

The fact that a little loli can beat someone up means that she regards him as one of her own, and only her own people will not worry too much and will do whatever they want.

If you had to choose between yourself and your friends, Yan Xing would choose first.

The golden ape, the eagle, and the white sound were thrown into the magic weapon. Before he could say hello to the Calabash Baby and the five little dolls, he was taken into Brother Yan's training point by the little fairy. Then he saw the little fairy beating Brother Yan, and a group of beasts laughed with bared teeth. Grinning.

Handsome Yan Yan sometimes didn't have a clear mind, so Le Yun didn't want to pay attention to him. She sent the handsome old man into the wishful house with a flick of her hand, and she followed closely behind.

Yan Xing, who was sent to Ruyi House, made a noise and alarmed the three beasts in cultivation.

Two Mahayana beasts and one humanoid beast opened their eyes and saw the little fairy. They were so excited that they flew up and rushed over to cling to the little fairy without even looking at Brother Yan.

Young Master Yan, who was ignored, raised his head and asked the sky silently. When the little Loli didn't come back, the beasts and beasts loved each other and depended on each other. As soon as the little Loli appeared, the beasts became the mobile pendants beside the little Loli!

If this beast was not his, he would definitely call it a scumbag!

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