magic eye doctor

Chapter 3309: Illusion

Chapter 3309: Illusion

The beast is his contracted beast, and it is impossible to scold him. Yan Xing accepted his fate and allowed the beast and little Loli to do whatever they wanted.

Le Yun put the golden lotus magic weapon on the ground, got back to business, and went straight to the topic: "Fellow Taoist Nanga is outside the tower. Let's make a long story short. Who bullied you? Did they steal your things or threaten you?"

The little fairy put down the magic weapon, Yuan Er, Long-eared Bear and Shui Dun quickly ran into the golden lotus to meet their friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

Mr. Xuan just jumped out of the magic weapon and heard the little Loli asking who bullied them. He immediately said bluntly: "We don't know who it is. We originally wanted to go to the next floor. When we were about to leave the hall, Mr. Yan had a bad premonition. We Back.

Afterwards, we observed that there were often cultivators' spiritual consciousness wandering outside our practice site, staring at us openly. We suspected that they did it on purpose, hoping to alert us, make us leave on our own, and then take the opportunity to kidnap us."

"It's okay, Handsome Yan. A monk's intuition and six senses are good. If you notice something is not going well, it's also a good strategy to retreat and stay the same to cope with the ever-changing situation. Keep this calm and calm style in the face of trouble, make steady progress, and practice in cultivation." Establishing a foothold in the fairy world is not a problem.”

Praise is due, Yan's reaction on the spot was good, Le Yun will naturally not dampen his confidence, Yan's qualifications are good, he is a genius who was delayed because he was born on earth.

Yan Xing, who was praised, felt his ears warm slightly, and expressed his position humbly: "We are too weak, and our consciousness dare not leave the beam area, and we cannot match the people with our consciousness who are blatantly watching outside."

"When I came in, I found that there were more than a dozen spiritual consciousnesses watching outside your cultivation point. I already know where the owner of the spiritual consciousness is. There are seven groups of people watching you. When I came over, four groups of people had already sent out, and another group of people had gone out. There is still no movement from three groups.”

Le Yun rubbed her little hands and said with regret: "Unfortunately, they didn't threaten you directly or steal your things. It's hard for me to come to your door to help you get justice, let alone take the opportunity to rob them and lose another one." Way to make money.”

"..." Diamond Ape, Long-eared Bear and Eagle Sound Baiyin Shuidun were so shocked that their eyes almost dropped to the ground. Oh my god, the little fairy turned out to be such a little fairy!

Xuan Shaoyan and Shao Yan were also choked. When they just wanted to protect themselves wisely, the little Lolita was already thinking about how to stop the villain from taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune!

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with little lolita, they are compared to scum.

Mr. Xuan touched his nose and bravely suggested: "How about we give those people a chance and let them hold us hostage, and then you go and seek justice for us?"

Yan Xing: "..." Although this suggestion is a bit unkind, you can give it a try.

"Pull him down. I don't have the time to spend time with those villains. I have two places to run and I don't have enough time." Le Yun turned to Master Xuan and said, "Master Xuan, congratulations on your inheritance!"

The little fairy's topic changed too quickly, suddenly switching to the topic of Brother Xuan's inheritance. Ape, Da, Bai, Yin, Yingsheng and the three informed beasts were dumbfounded.

"Ah?" Shui Dun, Yuan Er, and Long-eared Bear didn't react, looking stupid.

"Brother Xuan has obtained the inheritance in the Enlightenment Tower? Congratulations, this is a great thing!" Calabash Boy reacted and congratulated happily.

When the little Loli revealed the secret, Mr. Xuan scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, I'm lucky. I got a inheritance left by my predecessors. I originally wanted to tell you after the secret realm is over, but I didn't expect that the little beauty has the ability to predict the future. Yes, you discovered this too.”

"It's your chance to get the inheritance. You don't need to tell us." Yan Xing also expressed his attitude at the right time.

Calabash Baby and Kui Baby also seconded the proposal.

"I originally thought that Young Master Xuan's opportunity might be in the Heritage Valley. Now that Young Master Spend all the fairy points to avoid wasting the fairy points.

Big ape, little ape, little bear, you guys stay in Ruyi House or follow your brother? "

"Little fairy, let's go back to the spirit beast bag." The little fairy said not to go to the inheritance valley. The beasts had no objection. The three Mahayana beasts were very clever and immediately got back into the spirit beast bag of their friends.

Baiyin Yingsheng and Shui Dun didn't hesitate and got into the spirit beast bag. They only released their spiritual consciousness and stuck to the top of their brothers' heads to observe the outside.

"Little beauty, I'll stay with little beauty Jin Lian, so as not to be plotted by the villain and cause you trouble."

"Don't be lazy and walk on your own." Le Yun rolled her eyes angrily.

"Okay." After being lazy, Mr. Xuan walked out resignedly.

With Young Master Xuan here, Young Master Yan doesn't need to say anything. He will naturally walk at the end. When Little Loli and Young Master Xuan leave the Ruyi House, he will put away the Ruyi House.

Xuan Shao stood quietly on the right side of the little Loli and took up his position.

Young Master Yan could only go to the left hand side of Little Loli.

The two handsome guys were like two guardians, one on the left and one on the right, protecting the little Loli as she slowly walked out of the beam and walked towards the light door from the passage between the orderly beams.

Arriving at the light door at the entrance to the seventh floor, Le Yun stepped out of the hall first. As soon as she got out of the light door, several spiritual consciousness nets surrounded her from all directions.

The owner of the spiritual consciousness has already made a net and is waiting outside the door.

Two of the consciousness nets came from Immortal Daluo, and they reached their target in an instant.

However, several spiritual consciousness nets were suddenly immobilized by invisible forces at the moment they were about to touch the target, making it difficult to make any further progress. The owner of the Divine Consciousness Network sensed something was wrong and was about to abandon the Divine Consciousness Network and cut off all connections when suddenly a tyrannical force struck.

The two puppet incarnations of Da Luo Immortal that were hidden in the Ruyi House carried by different monks had their consciousness instantly destroyed and the puppet incarnations were cut into pieces.

At the same time, the brains of several other monks who had just been promoted to mortals were also attacked by invisible forces, and their sea of ​​consciousness was silently destroyed.

The eyes of the four new mortal immortals dimmed instantly, and they stood there motionless like wooden stakes.

Xuan Shaoyan, who was walking side by side with the little Lolita, suddenly took a step forward, so they were half a beat too slow when they got out of the light door.

Young Master Xuan, who was a little behind, got out of the light door and saw two and four handsome monks standing in front of the steps leading to the eighth floor and on the steps leading up from the sixth floor.

The two groups of people had expressionless faces and had no idea what they were doing.

Xuan Shaoyan suspected that the four groups of people standing at different positions were those with evil intentions who had been following them. They ran out in advance and waited for the chance to do something evil.

They couldn't tell whether those people were guilty of evil or not. They were smart enough not to ask or look at them. They glanced at them and looked away.

"It's time to go to Wanzhen Pagoda. If you still want to practice, come back after spending all your immortal energy." The two handsome guys came out, and Le Yun calmly turned sideways and walked towards the stairs going downstairs.

"Hey, I'm just curious about what it's like above the eighth floor." Young Master Xuan responded, and Young Master Yan quickly followed the pace of the little Lolita.

"The ninth floor is a training room prepared for mortal immortals. If you go in, this little body will turn into rubbish in an instant." Le Yun walked down the steps leisurely, holding her little hands behind her back.

"Didn't it say that immortals can't enter the secret realm?" Young Master Yan became a curious baby.

“Before entering the secret realm, all cultivators are small cultivators below the level of mortal immortals. Cultivators of all races can be promoted after entering the secret realm, and they will not be thrown out after being promoted to mortal immortals in the secret realm.

Currently, only nine floors of the Enlightenment Tower are open. The floors above the ninth floor are sealed and foreign creatures cannot enter. "

As soon as the little Loli finished speaking, a team of five people climbing up from the bottom listened, and one person answered: "How do fellow Taoists know that the Enlightenment Tower is only open to the ninth floor?"

"I, the fairy, have elders who have a deep connection with the sacred tree world, so I naturally know some common sense here." Le Yun did not feel unhappy at being questioned, and walked down calmly.

The monks who were climbing up stopped talking and continued to climb the steps step by step.

Xuan Shaoyan followed little Loli closely, and the three of them walked up a few steps, passing by the climbing team several feet away.

The team climbing up slowly climbed the stairs and climbed up the stairs. When they were approaching the seventh floor, they passed two groups of people who were standing still and walked to the eighth floor.

They ignored the two groups of people heading towards the eighth step, quietly walked around them, and then climbed up step by step.

The team climbing up walked faster, crossed the eighth floor, and entered the training hall of the ninth floor tower.

The training hall on the ninth floor of the tower is very large, and there are relatively few monks. Only about a hundred training points have owners.

Young Master Yan Shaoxuan accompanied little Loli all the way. Apart from meeting a group of teams at the beginning, he never saw the monks again. When he stepped towards the light door of the Sensation Tower, he came face to face with an oncoming team of three people.

The door of the Enlightenment Tower is very wide, and the two teams entering and exiting are separated by ten feet. Those entering the tower enter the tower, and those leaving the tower walk forward.

Nanga, who was waiting outside the tower, saw the little Taoist fellow Taoist coming out with her friends, and hurried forward to greet them.

Xuan Shaoyan put his hands together and greeted the Buddhist cultivator: "Fellow Taoist, it's been a while!"

"Long time no see, my fellow Taoists. Hello!" Nanjia sang the Buddha's name and walked to the left of the fellow Taoists.

"We have been enlightening at the Enlightenment Tower. It's very good. Thank you for your help. I heard that the Taoist friend is also here. We came out as soon as we saw the little beauty. We didn't even have time to ask where we met the little beauty again. The Taoist friend answered Where are you going when you come down?" Mr. Xuan smiled and chatted with the Buddhist cultivator.

The two fellow Taoists were curious about their experience of meeting Fairy Xiyue again. The Buddhist cultivator told them everything. He then mentioned that after meeting the little Taoist fellow in Qiangu Garden, they collaborated to kill insects. The four of them had already walked to the Hongqiao. The Buddhist cultivator paused. After a pause, because Fairy Xiyue interrupted, he continued.

The four of them walked slowly onto the mist-covered Hongqiao Bridge.

The Calabash Baby, the Kui Baby, the Yao Baby, the Orchid Baby, the White Jade Baby, and the Jin Baby were thinking about Hongqiao being the Lianxin Bridge, so they remained silent and secretly observed the two brothers.

The uninformed Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan listened with great interest to the Buddhist cultivator's talk about the insect infestation in Qian Ji Gu.

As they walked, the two young masters just stayed in place.

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