magic eye doctor

Chapter 3310 The Secret of the Tower Pillar

Chapter 3310 The Secret of the Tower Pillar

Fo Xiu's ears and eyesight are clear, and he noticed when monks Xuan and Yan were slightly delayed in their actions, because Fairy Xiyue had no intention of stopping. He only stopped his mouth, not his feet.

After skimming forward for more than a hundred feet, Le Yun stopped leisurely, turned around slowly, and watched from a distance the two handsome guys doing some standing exercises.

Nanga turned around and looked around. Xuan and Yan were walking rhythmically with their left and right feet, but they didn't move forward, and they didn't know what to say.

After a pause, he softly asked the person who could make the decision for the two monks: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, do you need the young monk to urge you?"

"No need. They still have a long way to go in the future. It's impossible to always have someone by their side to remind them or help them overcome difficulties. Let them wake up on their own."

There were two handsome guys holding them back and they couldn't go to Wanzhen Pagoda for the time being. Leyun put the golden lotus on her shoulder on the ground, jumped in, sat down on the spot, and took out some spiritual jade carvings.

The Calabash Baby and the five little ones also ran to the little fairy and sat down, staring at Brother Xuan and Brother Yan.

"Hey, my two brothers are actually in a hallucination."

"Poor unlucky guy, he was clearly not in a hallucination when he came here, but why did he get tricked this time?"

The five little dolls became more and more surprised as they watched.

Calabash Wa sympathizes with the two brothers very much. The two brothers are clearly walking within three feet of the little fairy, but they can still fall into the illusion. They will definitely take the lead after the secret realm is over.

"Their thoughts are too complicated and they can easily fall into illusions." Le Yun knew that the two handsome boys would fall into illusions. When they came, she did not conceal their presence. With her protection, the two young men were naturally safe.

This time before boarding Hongqiao, she used the law to completely seal herself off. Without the protection of her aura, the two handsome guys accidentally fell into a hallucination.

Nanjia also drifted into the little fairy's magic weapon, and sat down not far from the little Taoist friend. When she heard Fairy Xiyue said that the two monks were too distracted, the corners of her eyes twitched.

He felt that he had to argue for the two monks: "Little Taoist friend, Taoist friend Yan, you were in an illusion after listening to the young monk telling you about the experience of meeting you again to kill insects. They were confused because of their concern, and they were taken advantage of by the illusion." enter."

"They were taken advantage of by external forces because of their emotional instability. The root cause still lies within themselves." There is a certain truth in what Fu Xiu said, but the essence is still that the two handsome guys are weak-minded, and Le Yun has not been deceived.

The little fairy hit the nail on the head. Nanga had no reason to intercede with the two monks, and could only pray that the two monks would be blessed.

Calabash Baby and the five other dolls watched the two brothers walking in place for half an hour without waking up. They were quite bored and helped the little fairy carve jade products.

The monks traveling to and from the Three Pagodas through the teleportation array saw people on the Hongqiao leading to the Enlightenment Tower, but no one was too busy to mind their own business.

There were no idle people coming and going, so the two monks on Hongqiao were safe and sound.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan, who had no idea that he was trapped in an illusion, repeatedly did the step-and-step exercise in place, for one hour, two hours, three hours...

Time passes slowly, and the sun slowly moves to the west, and then disappears behind the mountain peaks in the west.

The light in nature changes from bright to dark, and then to nightfall.

When night enveloped the Five Pagoda Peak, Le Yun carved a jade jade, put away the jade, set up tables and chairs, took out three dishes and one soup, and invited the Buddhist monks to have dinner.

The soup is a three-delicacy soup that uses a whole pumpkin as a pot. There is a braised whole lamb, a roasted blue and white dolphin, and a steamed pork with venison as the main ingredient.

There is only one portion of soup, one bowl per person.

When the children, one big, five small and six small, saw the spiritual meal, they were so greedy that their mouths watered. After the banquet started, their faces almost buried themselves in the bowls.

Nanga ate slowly and elegantly, and his hand speed was only faster than the gourd baby and the little creatures.

Le Yun had a small appetite. She only ate a small bowl of rice, and she was full after eating about a pound of each meat dish.

Buddha Xiu and the six dolls divided up the braised whole lamb, blue and white dolphin, and steamed pork.

After eating and drinking, the table was cleared, and the Buddhist monk contributed a basket of wild spiritual fruits.

It is said to be a basket, but in fact it is just that the shape of the container is the same as that of the basket. It is actually larger than the basket used in Yunlan Spiritual World.

There are over a hundred spiritual fruits packed in large baskets.

The little fairy stopped eating after eating a few spiritual fruits. The little creatures were not polite. Not only did they eat, but they also put what they liked in their pockets. In the end, a dozen fruits were left at the bottom of the basket.

The little creatures were nowhere to be seen, and the Buddhist cultivator also smiled particularly brightly.

The gourd baby and the little creatures enjoyed their meal, played for a while, and then lay down on the ground to sleep.

The Buddhist monk did not meditate, but took out the spiritual jade he had collected and slowly carved it.

The little loli doesn't have any practice, so she carves jade products.

The gourd baby and the five little creatures fell asleep peacefully amidst the rhythmic carving sounds, and slept until three o'clock in the morning the next day.

The children who had slept well got up and saw that the two brothers were still walking in the same place, and they didn't know what to say.

The little ones were very discerning, and no one mentioned why the two brothers were still awake. They took out the spirit wood and neatly carved the spirit wood box.

The Buddhist cultivator worked all night long to carve jade products. When he saw little creatures making wooden boxes, he guessed that fellow Taoist Xiyue was short of wooden boxes to hold spiritual plants, so he became a carpenter instead.

Little Loli has been making jade products.

From sunrise to noon, no one passed Hongqiao. After half an afternoon, a few monks exchanged items from Wanzhen Pagoda and passed Hongqiao to Enlightenment Pagoda.

When crossing the Hongqiao, several monks were stunned by the scene on the Hongqiao. Their eyes wandered on the monk who was sitting in the magic weapon carving something and the two monks who were walking in place.

Several monks were sensible and did not stay curious for long. They watched from a distance for a while and then crossed the Hongqiao to the Enlightenment Tower.

Xuan Shaoyan exercised in place for a whole day, until it was approaching midnight, and the eyes of the two gradually became clear.

Suddenly coming back to their senses, the two young men stood still and looked around without knowing why. They were even more confused when they saw the little Lolita and the Buddhist cultivator sitting in the magic weapon in front of them.

Weren't they listening to Buddha tell stories while walking? Why did Buddha and little Loli run ahead?

Yan Shaoxuan, you looked at me and I looked at you, looked at each other for a few times, and then hurried forward.

When I started running, I felt my legs were sore and swollen. I felt like I had been working non-stop for several days, and my whole body was exhausted.

This time, Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were even more surprised. What had they done? How could they feel tired?

The two fellow Taoists finally woke up, and the Buddhist cultivator collected the wood, packed it up, and flew out the magic weapon.

Le Yun packed up her belongings and flew down to the Hong Bridge. She shrank the golden lotus and put it on her shoulders, waiting for the two handsome guys to come over.

Seeing the Buddhist cultivator and little Loli waiting in front, Young Master Yan Xuan became more and more unsure. He dragged his tired and weak legs and ran closer. After he stood still, he was at a loss.

Mr. Xuan was not afraid of embarrassment and asked, "Little beauty, what's wrong with me? I feel so tired."

"You two were walking and falling into an illusion. You were running on the same spot for almost two days and one night. Are you tired? You woke up unexpectedly and went to Wanzhen Tower to sleep again." Le Yun gritted her teeth. He lifted up the two handsome men with his spiritual consciousness and put them into the golden lotus magic weapon.

Calabash Baby and the little creatures slept soundly and did not wake up due to outside sounds.

"Why did we fall into the illusion?" Yan Xing was puzzled. Le Yun turned around and walked towards Wanzhen Pagoda, and explained by the way: "This Hongqiao is also called Lianxin Bridge, and it has the same purpose as the climbing ladder in the three levels. You two are not strong-willed, and are affected by the illusion formation here, and you fall into a trap. phantom."

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan covered his face in shame, what a fool! I don’t have the face to see anyone now!

The two young men were so embarrassed that they lay down on the spot, closed their eyes and pretended to be dead.

They pretended to be corpses because they had no face to see them, but they fell asleep soon after lying down.

The two monks fell asleep in an instant, and Nanga was envious. It was good to be Fairy Xiyue's friend. With her protecting them, they could sleep peacefully.

The two handsome boys had big hearts, but Leyun couldn't laugh or cry, so she simply let it go and practiced with the Buddha to fly to Wanzhen Pagoda.

The two walked side by side, flying out of Hongqiao like a gust of wind, without stopping all the way, flying straight to the Wanzhen Tower before slowing down and stepping into the tower.

The stewards in Wan Zhen Pagoda are still the same as before. There are very few monks stationed on the first floor and only a dozen magic treasure barriers.

Nanga and Leyun entered the tower, floated to the long table of the stewards, bowed, took the small baskets containing the items, and then went upstairs.

Leyun asked Nanjia which floor she wanted to go to. He was casual, and she made the decision and went straight to the eighth floor.

There are many monks in the hall on the eighth floor, all choosing things.

Le Yun and Nanga did not stop. They reached the invisible passage to the ninth floor from the passage, passed through the invisible light door, climbed up the stairs, and then entered the ninth floor.

There are also monks on the ninth floor, more than sixty in total, most of whom are mortals.

Le Yun glanced at it and found that there were not many light groups on the ninth floor. The number of light groups now was only one-third of the amount of light groups she saw when she first came.

The monks on the ninth floor were selected very seriously.

In order not to disturb others, Classmate Le and Fu Xiu bypassed other monks, arrived at the invisible light door to the tenth floor, and stepped into the light door.

The two of them climbed up the stairs without stopping and entered the tenth floor.

The tenth floor was quiet. Looking around, there was only a ball of light but no one.

Leyun walked to the hall, put the golden lotus on her shoulder on the ground, and went straight to the eleventh floor.

The Buddhist cultivator didn't go to the eleventh floor with his little Taoist friend. He just sat down and entered the state of cultivation. He tried it the first time he entered Wanzhen Pagoda. He reached the limit when he reached the tenth floor.

Even if you don’t have the chance to get to the next level, there is no need to worry about it.

Nanga sees things thoroughly and accepts the reality calmly.

Because Nanga was there, Leyun felt relieved and passed through the invisible light door and entered the eleventh floor.

There are two more light groups on the eleventh floor.

There are only two light groups in the huge space, which makes the eleventh floor even more deserted.

Le Yun flew to the central sky control pillar, flew around it, and compared the data collected with the data she saw when she climbed the tower for the first time.

The central column in the tower is still the same column, but the magic circle has moved in some places.

There are changes in the Tianzhu array, which also proves that my deduction is correct. Some of the arrays in the center pillar are not fixed at the same position, but will change according to the seasons and years.

Knowing the secret of the changes in the tower pillar array, Le Yun flew into the air and stopped at the height of the tower pillar near the ceiling. She adjusted her standing position and made hand seals to an area.

Her hands kept making hand seals, and one seal after another fell on the cylinder, and the cylinder continued to flash layers of light.

After a thousand hand seals, a complex array diagram appeared on the cylinder.

Le Yun solved the seals one by one according to the magic circle diagram.

Time passes, from midnight to dawn, as if in the blink of an eye.

At dawn, the gourd baby and the five little creatures woke up after a good sleep. The six babies were surprised to find Brother Yan and Brother Xuan lying dead.

However, when they found out that they had entered the tenth floor of Wanzhen Tower, they didn't care about the two brothers and ran to find if there was any magic light group that resonated with them.

Yan Shaoxuan slept until noon and woke up. After getting enough sleep, he was resurrected with full blood.

The two young men, who were full of energy, also joined the treasure hunt.

The little Lolita on the eleventh floor had no time to care about anything else. She was busy solving complicated magic circles. Her hand speed was getting faster and faster, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

The three ancestral treasures staying in the sea of ​​consciousness are "watching" the little guy deciphering the seals.

"Is this array too much?" Void Bottle almost wanted to curse.

The Taikoo Shijiu was silent, slowly turning over a page in the history book, and calmly said: "It's not too much, if it were simpler, the Immortal Lord and God could also solve it, and the secrets here would not be preserved until now. "

"Time, did you tell the little guy that there is a secret in the pillar?" Void Bottle said directly.

"Do you think I am such a talkative person?" The Artifact Spirit of the Time History Book rolled his eyes: "You have forgotten the magic of Xiao Xiyue. She can also discover secrets without me telling her."

"If Xiao Xiyue doesn't find out, will you tell her?"

"You also know the secret of the pillars, can you tell me?"

"No." The weapon spirit of the Void Bottle shook his head. Xiao Xiyue's strength was too low, so she knew some secrets. She couldn't help but be curious and tried to unlock the seal. It would be bad if there was a backlash.

Shi Shishu snorted with dissatisfaction. Po Ping Ping was worried about Xiao Xiyue's safety and would not tell her some secrets when she was not strong enough. Could it be that he would reveal unknown secrets regardless of the little one's safety?

Taikoo Shijiu ignored the two chattering people and quietly watched the little contractor undo the seal.

Xiao Xiyue is indeed his chosen contractor. She interprets the seals without thinking. Look how skillful she is in forming the seals! How fast your hands are!

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, Le Yun solved more and more seals, became more and more familiar with the techniques, and his hand speed continued to exceed the limit.

Time flies by minute by second.

The sun rises and sets, the moon rises and sets, and another day and night passes in the blink of an eye.

When the sun rose on a new day and the light shone on the Wanzhen Pagoda, Le Yun also unlocked the last serial seal of the magic circle diagram.

As the last layer of seals was released, a large golden vortex emerged on the surface of the pillar.

"Finally finished!" The teleportation array appeared, Le Yun let out a long breath, her hands gently kneaded each other's wrists, the seals were so tight that they almost broke, they were so tired!

Do you know how many magic circles she has solved?

A total of 360,000!

Most of the magic formations in the magic formation diagram composed of 360,000 magic formations are formations within formations. You cannot pause when unraveling the seals. If you make a mistake when unraveling the chain of magic formations, you will make a wrong mudra, or make a wrong mudra. If there is no time to achieve success, all previous efforts will inevitably be wasted.

In order to understand the seal of the pillar, Le Yun worked hard and exhausted hundreds of millions of brain cells. As soon as she relaxed, she suddenly felt dizzy and exhausted.

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